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1、法律翻译笔记法律翻译笔记一房屋租赁 property tenancy预租 pre-leasing法定代表人 legal representative股权 equity interestpurpose and business scope 宗旨及经营范围contribution 认缴资本non-compete(non-competition) 不竞争协议条款deadlock/impasse 僵局条款interim meeting 临时会议early termination 提前终止协议等fair market value 公平市价without regard to its conflict of

2、 laws provisions(OR without reference to conflicts of law principles)但排除冲突法的适用waiver 弃权headings 标题subject to PRC laws 受中国法律约束二Agreement for Acquiring Increased Registered Capital 认购增资协议Conditions Precedent 交易等的先决条件without cause 无理由to the best knowledge of 就所知encumber (property, etc.) 对财产等设定他方权利time

3、is of the essence 时间是关键要素意向书 letter of intent多功能地产 multi-purpose综合性物业等 complex土地使用权 land use right合作经营公司 Contractual/Cooperative Joint Venture CJV合资经营公司 Equity Joint Venture (EJV)尽力 use its best efforts促使预租 pre-completion (NOT pre-leasing)许可证 permit (NOT approval)可以对抗第三人 be good against an

4、y claims made by any third party商品房 commercial/condominium (NOT commodity house)尾款 final payment业主 owner法律翻译Tips# 法律文件中列举项目的最后一项前的or或and表示充分或必要的逻辑关系,不可略译。三in consideration of. 作为的对价e.g. In consideration of the performance of its obligations hereunder, the Contractor shall be entitled to receive from

5、 the Project Price;作为发行其在本合同项下义务的对价,承包商应有权向收取工程款;in form and substance 形式和内容上losses and damages 灭失与损害notwithstanding the foregoing 尽管有前述规定without limiting the generality of. 在不限制普遍性的情况下create a mortgage or charge over. 在上设立抵押或质押call an interim Board meeting 召集董事会临时会议withhold ones consent 不给予同意优于“保留其

6、同意”qualified 有资质的评估师、会计师等to appraise the company as a going concern 按继续经营的状况评估公司set forth 列明Miscellaneous 合同条款其他事项subject matter 所议事项非“标的”non-disclosure 不披露any other matters not expressly stated herein 本合同未尽事宜expatriates (expats) 外籍职工从外国来本国工作,而非从本国去外国工作claim 1)一般意义:索赔;2在专利或许可合同以及很多其他法律文件中,意为“权利主张”pa

7、rent 在法律文件中如无特指,均指“母公司”,千万不可译为“父母”曾经犯过一次糊涂subject to Article * hereof 受本合同第条约束四premises 场地facilities 场地;工厂credit note 贷记通知单in substantially the same form as. 格式与实质一致substantially the same in all material respects 在所有重大方面实质相同create.obligation 设立义务this Section 14 本第14条“本”字勿省略compensatory damages 损害性赔偿

8、金caused their duly authorized representatives to 促使其正式授权代表offer/counter-offer 要约/反要约见于Agency Agreement(NOT 发盘/还盘)closing 交割多见于股权转让、资产购买合同中e.g. closing day 交割日 pre-closing matters 交割前事项The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank 本页以下无正文签字页见下页jointly and severally as 一并和单独作为NOT 连带责任e.g. 在股权

9、转让协议中的一方:jointly and severally as Transferees一并和单独作为“受让方”imposed changes 被迫变更in good faith 善意NOT 诚信costs and expenses 成本和费用amendment to amended and restated. 修订及重述本controlling, controlled by or under common control with. 控制,受控制或与共同受另一实体控制的yyunjust enrichment 不当得利This contract shall be governed by an

10、d interpreted in accordance with PRC law. 本合同受中国法律管辖,并依中国法律解释。五subject to. 在遵守的前提下不建议译为“根据”upon termination of.一旦终止优于“在终止时”changing of the shareholdings 股权结构变更(非“持股比例变化”)beneficially owned 实益拥有beneficial owner 实益拥有人officers现译高级职员原译“管理人员”diminution of goodwill 商誉下降 (非“善意减少”)on the face of this Agreem

11、ent 在本协议首页work product 工作成果severance pay upon termination (of employment contract) 劳动合同终止时的经济补偿post-employment离职/卸任后非“雇用后” release. to. (account)解付到指定账户等sibling 兄弟姐妹brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law配偶的兄弟姐妹和兄弟姐妹的配偶credit facility(ies) 信贷融通e.g. short-term credit moderate Hong Kong Dolla

12、r eight-figure range金额在八位数港元范围内的短期信贷融通Provincial Bureau of Commerce省商务厅注意这里的bureau应根据上下文译成“厅”,而非通常意义的“局”a highly-valued customer 极为重要的客户信函中的Re:现译为事由,原译为“关于”subject matter 现译为标的,原译“所议事项”writ of attachment or possesseion 扣押令或管有令full cashless exercise method (in stock option incentive) 无现金全部行权方式期权奖励und

13、erlying 相关的e.g. underlying shares 相关股份encumbrances 现译产权负担,原译“权利障碍”六writ of attachment or possession 扣押令或管有令full cashless exercise method (in stock option incentive program) 无现金全部行权方式underlying 相关的 e.g. underlying shares 相关股份unless. 除非否则为说明逻辑关系,否则不可省land parcel 地块owned property 自有不动产outstanding amoun

14、ts 未偿款项outstanding guarantees 未偿担保系列产品 product linese.g. 系列产品 product lines covering.on-sale 转售法律英语中的特定用法,不能译为“促销”completion 交割;成交 e.g. completion date 成交日fully discharged 全部清偿for the avoidance of doubt 为防止疑义representation and warranty 声明和保证 原译“陈述和保证”ancillary contract 配套合同contemplated 拟议的原译“预期的”e.g

15、. the transaction contemplated by this contract 本合同拟议的交易deed of non-compete undertakings 不竞争承诺契据in respect of 就而言remedies 补救或译“救济措施”in ones capacity as 以身份e.g. in his capacity as the Vendor *以卖方身份so far as practicable 在实际可行的范围内without affecting the generality of the foregoing. 在不影响上述一般性规定的前提下原译“普遍性”

16、then in effect 届时有效不译为“当时”prevailing 届时的不译为“通行的”at the time 届时不译为“目前”financial instrument 金融工具不可误译为“财务报表”sub-licensee 被分许可人不译为“分被许可人”七pursuant to 除常用的“依据”之意外,还可根据上下文作“在之后”解。innure to the benefit of 对有利 or 有利于优于“及于的利益”hereby 特此原译“在此”net of 扣除有时译“不含” e.g. net of returns 扣除退货NOT “净收入”represent XXX comp

17、any in XXX (matter) 就XXX事项担任XXX公司的律师代表advise XXX company on XXX 就XXX事项为XXX公司提供法律咨询服务entirely independent of the forum in which this Agreement or any part hereof may come up for construction, interpretation or enforcement无论本协议或其任何部分在哪一管辖地进行诠释、解释或执行 关于carbon creditcarbon credit 碳排放额度Clean Development

18、Mechanism (CDM) 清洁发展机制Certified Emissions Reduction (CERs) 核证减排量Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement (ERPA) 减排量购买协议prepayment 在贷款协议中译“提前还款”,而不是“预付款”advances 放款NOT “预支款”the next item of business before the meeting 会议上讨论的下一事项 此处before=at,不可译“之前”promissory fraud 票据欺诈NOT “约定欺诈”necessary or desirable 必需

19、或可取的incidental or consequential damages 附带或后果性的损害赔偿indirec, special, punitive or exemplary damages 间接、特别、惩罚性或惩戒性的损害赔偿predictated on = based on 基于,依据factual predicate 事实认定fail of their essential purpose 未实现其基本目的service mark 服务标志trade name 商号 NOT “商品名称”publicity 宣传press release 新闻稿reportable transacti

20、on 应申报交易 优于“可报告交易”Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference 附件A经此处提及并纳入本协议free and clear of any encumbrances, charges, liens or other rights or claims 不含有任何产权负担、抵押、留置权或其他权利或权利要求validity, construction and performance of this Contract 本合同的效力、释义和履行all the paid-in registerred c

21、apital 全部已缴付注册资本errors or omissions 错误或疏忽gross negligence 重大过失willful misconduct 故意不当行为 优于 “有意”successor and permitted assigns 继承人和获准受让人effect of termination 终止效力to the extent permitted by law 在法律允许的范围内inreparable harm 不可弥补的伤害organization chart 组织结构图八may be subject to 可能会发生in sbs sole reasonable dis

22、cretion XX自行合理认定不译“全权”act upon sth 依行事不译“行动”invoice date 账单日期不译“开票日期”(use the software) in a service bureau or time sharing arrangement 在外包服务机构或分时安排中使用软件identified 指明为不译“认定为”或“确定为”uses the same degree of care in safeguarding such information as it uses for its own information of like importance 对此等信

23、息加以审慎保护,如同保护其自身同等重要的信息一样applicable 相关的“适用法律”除外registration statement 注册说明书automatically renew for additional one year periods 逐年自动续期一年receiver 破产财产管理人不译“接收人”supporting documentation 辅助文档不译“证明文件”all jurisdictional and venue defences 所有管辖权及审判地抗辩overnight courier service 次日快递服务不译“隔夜快递”independent contr

24、actor 独立缔约方不译“承包商”couterparts 复本不译“副本”current income tax liabilities 当期所得税负债being an office or record 作为官方登记机构net of 扣除不译“不含”This Agreement shall be executed in English and Chinese 本协议签署中英文文本不译“本协议应以英文和中文签署”the presiding arbitrator shall not be a current or former national of either the USA or the P

25、RC 首席仲裁员目前和过去的国籍均不得为美国或中国国籍不译“首席仲裁员不得为美国或中国的现国民或前国民”damages 损害赔偿liquidated damages 预定违约金non-compete 竞业禁止/不竞争incorporated 注册成立不译“设立”as defined below 定义见下文不译“如下文定义”xxx percent of fully paid-in registered capital interest in the Company 目标公司全部实缴注册资本百分之XXX的权益operating company 运营公司use its (his/her, etc.)

26、 best efforts 尽其最大努力pay in lieu of notice 支付代通知金term sheet 条款书其他译法:原则性条款、主要条款等turnaround 重组vis-avis 面对 e.g. obligations vis-avis xxx 对XXX的义务xxx(e.g. rep office)operate under xxx (e.g. FICE)= operate under the name of 以名义从事经营right of attribution 署名权mutual termination contract/agreement 共同终止合同/协议manda

27、tory general offer 强制性全面要约公司收购technical expertise and know-how 专门技术知识和诀窍expertise and experience 专业知识和经验grossed up 返计复原insurance portfolios 保险业务provisions 规定 cf. terms 条款 conditions 条件on the account of 为on ones own account 为其自身absent from work without authorization or reasonable reason 擅自缺勤或无合理理由缺勤m

28、anaging director 常务董事不译“董事总经理”without prejudice 出现在律师函上内容不具约束力九housing loan interest subsidy 房贷利息补贴for cause 因故to apply mutatis mutandis (to) 在细节上做必要修改后适用于lock-up 禁售mandatory law 强行法in case of gaps in this Agreement 在本协议中如有漏洞As representation on the board of directors of B A向B董事会委派代表担任董事subject matt

29、er or diversity jurisdiction 美联邦诉讼标的或联邦法院管辖权personal jurisdiction 属人管辖权incorporated by reference 经在此提及而并入的duty of trust and confidence 忠实和保密义务earnings threshold所得税起征点Lower Earnings Limit (LEL) 英底限收入Upper Earnings Limit (UEL) 英上限收入on even date 于本协议同一日good, valid and marketable title to. 对拥有合法、有效和适销的所

30、有权like or similar 同类或类似cross default 交叉违约NOT 连带rights and remedies 权利和救济original issue 初原始发行股份e.g. countersign as or register as original issue, 作为原始股份进行确认或登记transfer agent 过户代理NOT 转让insolvency 资不抵债 cf. bankruptcy(破产)excusable delay 可免责的延迟without undue delay不得无故拖延any action taken or omitted to be taken 采取或未能采取的任何行动personal representatives and successors 遗产代理人和继承人NOT 个人代表free from all lien

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