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1、口语独立题机经重点标准答案完成口语独立题机经重点答案(完成) 作者: 日期: 重点题目TASK1Describe a performer, an actor or a musician, etc. that you think in great. Please give specific reasons why you think he/she is a great performer.Well, I am an amateur for classic music. I like many musicians: Beethoven, Mozart, and so on. But my favo

2、rite musician is no doubt Paganini. The Italian violinist is more famous for his devil characteristics. However I admire him because of his perfect violin performance. People say that he can play a whole song with merely one string. And thats real, not a legend! Besides, other musicians such as Lisz

3、t have also composed their music based on artworks of Paganini. Obviously Paganini is one of the greatest violinist and composer throughout the music history. Describe one of your friends. Explain how you met and became friends.Cherry is definitely one of my best friends. She was my high school clas

4、smate. At that time, we were friends, but not very close ones. Then she went to another city to continue her college study. We seldom keep in touch in those four years. However life is always full of unexpected surprises. After her graduation, she returned to Shanghai and we had a chance to have a l

5、unch together. We really talked a lotabout many thingsand we were amazing to find out that we are so alike in many aspects. And in particular the common faith of studying abroad makes us to get even closer in our friendship. Since then, we hang out very often.Do you agree or disagree with the follow

6、ing statement? It is good for students to attend a university or college in a foreign country. Explain why.It is good for students to attend a university in a foreign country, because it provides students with international experiences. International experiences can cultivate students intercultural

7、communication skills. Take myself as an example. In college, I attended an exchange program in Italy. At first, I found it difficult to communicate with my Italian classmates and then I realized that the problem was due to the cultural differences, not the linguistic problem as I previously thought.

8、 So I tried to learn more about Italian culture. Guess what? Now if I met someone from Italy, he will think that Im an Italian-born Chinese after we communicate.What do you think is the most important quality of a working environment: good leaders, good colleagues or flexible time?Well, its true tha

9、t good leaders and flexible time are vital to a well-balanced working environment. However, in my personal case, having good colleagues is a much more important factor, because my work needs cooperation. I cannot finish the task without my colleagues. In this sense, having friendly co-workers matter

10、s. Once we needed to confirm all the arrangements for a multiple inter-governmental event before the following day. Honestly, it was an impossible mission for any individual to complete by himself. Fortunately, I had my nice colleagues who worked with me together to carry it out before the deadline.

11、Where do you like to go shopping? Explain why.I like to go shopping in online stores. One main reason is that online stores are very convenient. There is a kind of online supermarkets where you can buy almost all daily supplies. You just simply make an order of your shopping list and wait at home fo

12、r the delivery the next day. You see, no more need to drag a full shopping bag back from a distant Wal-Mart! Another reason is that we may find anything we want in online stores. Once I searched for a book in all bookstores nearby my home but without result. Then when I was back home I went on E-bay

13、 and surprisingly found that several E-bay shops were selling that book. Talk about a memorable experience you had in a restaurant or cafe. Explain what happened and why it was memorable.I like the nearby Starbucks very much, not only for grabbing a Frappuccino, but especially because I had my first

14、 intern interview there. And here is how my interview went on: I needed to finish a writing task first and then my ex-boss started to chat with me, about my resume and my personality. Well, even if it was a chat, I had to say that I was nervousreally nervousI barely drank my favorite Frappuccino and

15、 eventually when I finished the interview, the Frappucino remained almost intact. Fortunately, I got the intern later and this Starbucks becomes very important to me. I would say that its my lucky Starbucks.Among the following three types of books, which do you like the least? Mystery novel, science

16、 fiction, biography.I like to read books, different kinds of books, such as mystery novel, science fiction, however I wont read biography. The main reason is that some biographies are misleading. The author of the biography tends to create some events for the character that actually did not happen.

17、For instance, writers often prefer arranging a heartbreaking love story for their character so that the biography can attract more female readers. So if you happen to read such a biography, and then you go on Wikipedia to search information about the character in the book, you will find a totally di

18、fferent story.Whats your favorite toy or game in your childhood?All girls like Barbie, Im not excluded. Having a Barbie is the biggest dream of all girls at that age. I got my first Barbie on my tenth birthday. My mother took me to a department store. I was very excited when I saw different types of

19、 Barbie presented on the shelf: Barbie in holiday, dancing Barbie and so on. It was such a pity that I could only take one of them back home. Finally I chose one Barbie with a long red dress. Since then every day I played with my Barbie, I combed her hair and bought her other dresses to change. This

20、 Barbie is my favorite toy in my childhood.If a foreign visitor comes to your country, what food will you introduce to him/her?Well, China is famous for its delicious food among which I will introduce a special food named Zongzi to foreign visitors, because you can find no food similar to Zongzi in

21、other places. Zongzi is a typical Chinese food and people only eat it on Dragon Festival. This festival is in memory of a famous poet Quyuan. How to make a Zongzi is a little difficult. People put rice in a kind of leaf, wrapped the leaf with string into a pyramid style and put it into boiled water.

22、 Welljust dont forget to throw away the leaf when you eat the Zongzi. Anyway, foreigners should not miss Zongzi when they come to China.Describe a special experience that has changed you in life.Every experience will have a butterfly effect on your future life. So among all the experience I had, bei

23、ng a volunteer for 2007 Special Olympic Games is a unique experience that greatly influenced my life. I served the San Marino track and field delegation. There were 8 athletes and all of them were really nice boys. Its true that they are mentally disabled, but they are kind and courageous. It was su

24、ch a memorable experience that after the Special Olympic Games I decided to be the long-term volunteer for a school of mentally disabled children. Describe one thing you didnt want to do but you were asked to do. Explain what the result of that thing was.When I was in high school, all students were

25、required to learn many Chinese ancient poetry. The Chinese literature teacher in high school set it as a daily homework and she would check it in her class. Honestly to say, these poetry are really difficult to study, for they contain many words that are no longer used today. Besides, you really nee

26、d to work hard to understand the implication of each sentence. However I finished the homework quite well and I even recite a lot many poetry since I was surprised to find it is kind of interesting and worthwhile to do so.Describe a piece of news or a story that you are interested in recently. Expla

27、in why you think it was interesting.Recently, a piece of news says that the Brazil National Soccer Team will come to Beijing in the beginning of August to have a friendly match with a local team. This piece of news caught my eyes. I am very exciting about it because finally I may see my favorite soc

28、cer player Kaka. Besides, since a lot of Kakas national teammates also come to China, I bet it will be a match worthwhile to see. Last time when Kaka came to China with Real Madrid football club, I wasnt able to ask for leave to see him. What a pity! I hope this time I would work it out. Describe a

29、historical event that youre interested in most. Explain why you are interested in it and want to know more about it.Personally, I consider Chinas entering the WTO as a significant milestone in modern history of China. This event definitely increased dramatically the Chinese economy and changed the C

30、hinese peoples life. Thats also the main reason why I am interested in this historical event. The event benefits people all over the nation. Buying global goods becomes easier and cheaper than ever before. Besides, it also provides a great opportunity for other countries to have a new and accurate e

31、xpression of our country. After this event, China has also successfully held the 27th Olympic Games and the EXPO which make China an emerging great country.Our society is now facing very serious environment problems. Choose one approach that you believe to be useful to save our planet.Just look up t

32、o the skies you will realize how serious the environment problems we are facing. Every one of us, including myself, has the obligation to take actions on saving our blue planet. Actually, there are simple ways that can make a big difference, such as reduction of gas emissions. To achieve this, we can do a lot, for example, we can take public transportation instead of private cars. In fact in big cities such as Shanghai, during peak hours, driving private cars only makes sure that your car is blocked on highways. I believe if ever

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