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1、老虎泰格伍兹忏悔英语演讲稿老虎泰格伍兹“忏悔”英语演讲稿Good morning, and thank you for joining me. Many of you in this room are my friends. Many of you in this room know me. Many of you have cheered for me or youve worked with me or youve supported me。早上好,感谢大家光临。在这里的各位很多都是我的朋友,你们中的许多人了解我、或为我欢呼或与我一共工作,又或支持我。Now every one of yo

2、u has good reason to be critical of me. I want to say to each of you, simply and directly, I am deeply sorry for my irresponsible and selfish behavior. I engaged in。现在你们每一个人都有充分的理由来谴责我。我想毫不避讳的对你们每一个人说,对我曾作出的自私和不负责任的行为我感到非常抱歉。I know people want to find out how I could be so selfish and so foolish. Pe

3、ople want to know how I could have done these things to my wife Elin and to my children. And while I have always tried to be a private person, there are some things I want to say。我知道人们都想知道为何我会如此自私和愚蠢。人们想知道我怎么能对我的妻子艾琳和孩子们作出这样的事情。我一直努力将此视为私人问题,在这里我有一些事情需要说明。Elin and I have started the process of discu

4、ssing the damage caused by my behavior. As Elin pointed out to me, my real apology to her will not come in the form. of words; it will come from my behavior. over time. We have a lot to discuss; however, what we say to each other will remain between the two of us。艾琳和我已开始讨论因我的行为所造成的破坏。正如艾琳向我指出的,我真正的忏

5、悔不在于语言,而在于我今后的行动。我们有很多讨论,但我们说的话讲仅限于彼此知晓。I am also aware of the pain my behavior. has caused to those of you in this room. I have let you down, and I have let down my fans. For many of you, especially my friends, my behavior. has been a personal disappointment. To those of you who work for me, I have

6、 let you down personally and professionally. My behavior. has caused considerable worry to my business partners。同时我也意识到了我的行为给在座的各位带来了伤害。我让你们失望了,我辜负了我的球迷。对于很多人,特别是我的朋友们,我的行为是个人的伤害。对那些为我工作的人,在个人和工作上都受到了伤害。我的行为给我的商业伙伴造成了相当大的麻烦。To everyone involved in my foundation, including my staff, board of director

7、s, sponsors, and most importantly, the young students we reach, our work is more important than ever. Thirteen years ago, my dad and I envisioned helping young people achieve their dreams through education. This work remains unchanged and will continue to grow. From the Learning Center students in S

8、outhern California to the Earl Woods scholars in Washington, D.C., millions of kids have changed their lives, and I am dedicated to making sure that continues。对我基金会的每个人而言,包括工作人员,董事,赞助商,特别是我们教育的青年学生,我们的工作比以往更加重要。2019年前,我父亲和我期望可以帮助青少年通过教育实现他们的梦想。这项工作不会改变并会发展壮大。从在南加利福尼亚州学习中心的学生到华盛顿厄尔-伍兹学校的学生,数以百万计的孩子们通

9、过教育改变了他们的生活,我将继续致力于这一事业。But still, I know I have bitterly disappointed all of you. I have made you question who I am and how I could have done the things I did. I am embarrassed that I have put you in this position。不过,我仍然知道我让大家心寒。我让你们对我这个人和我所作的事情都产生了疑问。为你们带来这样的困扰我感到尴尬。For all that I have done, I am

10、so sorry。对我所做的一切我感到深深的抱歉。I have a lot to atone for, but there is one issue I really want to discuss. Some people have speculated that Elin somehow hurt or attacked me on Thanksgiving night. It angers me that people would fabricate a story like that. Elin never hit me that night or any other night. T

11、here has never been an episode of domestic violence in our marriage, ever. Elin has shown enormous grace and poise throughout this ordeal. Elin deserves praise, not blame。我在很多方面需要赎罪,在这里有一个问题我很想说一下。有些人猜测说艾琳在感恩节的那个晚上伤害和攻击了我。人们编造这样的谎话让我感到愤怒。艾琳在那晚或任何一晚都没有追打过我。在我们的婚姻中从未出现过家庭暴力事件。面对这个磨难,艾琳已经表明了她的魅力和风度。艾琳值

12、得赞扬而不是被指责。The issue involved here was my repeated irresponsible behavior. I was unfaithful. I had affairs. I cheated. What I did is not acceptable, and I am the only person to blame。这里涉及的问题是我多次不负责任的行为。我的不忠、欺骗,我所做的这些让人无法接受,我是唯一一个需要被谴责的人。I stopped living by the core values that I was taught to believe

13、 in. I knew my actions were wrong, but I convinced myself that normal rules didnt apply. I never thought about who I was hurting. Instead, I thought only about myself. I ran straight through the boundaries that a married couple should live by. I thought I could get away with whatever I wanted to. I

14、felt that I had worked hard my entire life and deserved to enjoy all the temptations around me. I felt I was entitled. Thanks to money and fame, I didnt have to go far to find them。我违背了所信仰的核心价值观。我知道我的行为是错误的,但是我说服自己说,可以不计常理。我没有想到被我伤害的人而是只想到了自己。我超越了已婚人士应该遵守的界限。我以为不论做了什么都可以逃脱。我感到自己一生都在努力工作,理应享受周围的一切诱惑。

15、金钱和名利让我感到自己有权利这样。I was wrong. I was foolish. I dont get to play by different rules. The same boundaries that apply to everyone apply to me. I brought this shame on myself. I hurt my wife, my kids, my mother, my wifes family, my friends, my foundation, and kids all around the world who admired me。我错了

16、,我很愚蠢。我没有权利按不同的规矩行事。适用于大家的准则也适用于我。我自取其辱。我伤害了我的妻子、孩子、我母亲、我妻子的家人、我的朋友、同事和以我为榜样的所有孩子。Ive had a lot of time to think about what Ive done. My failures have made me look at myself in a way I never wanted to before. Its now up to me to make amends, and that starts by never repeating the mistakes Ive made.

17、Its up to me to start living a life of integrity。我花了很多时间思考自己的所作所为。我的错误使我以一种不同以往的方式重新审视自己。现在是做出弥补的时候了,首先要做的就是不再重复错误。是时候开始一个全新的生活了。I once heard, and I believe its true, its not what you achieve in life that matters; its what you overcome. Achievements on the golf course are only part of setting an exa

18、mple. Character and decency are what really count。我曾听说,生命中重要的不是你获得了什么而是你克服了什么,我坚信这一点。我在球场上获得的成就只是生活的一部分。人品和风度才是真正重要的。Parents used to point to me as a role model for their kids. I owe all those families a special apology. I want to say to them that I am truly sorry。很多父母曾将我作为孩子的榜样。对这些家庭我要致以特别的歉意。我想对他们

19、说,我真的错了。Its hard to admit that I need help, but I do. For 45 days from the end of December to early February, I was in inpatient therapy receiving guidance for the issues Im facing. I have a long way to go. But Ive taken my first steps in the right direction。我需要帮助,虽然自己承认这点很难。从12月底到2月初的45天里,我在住院接受指导治

20、疗。我有很长的路要走。但是我已经迈出了正确的第一步。As I proceed, I understand people have questions. I understand the press wants to ask me for the details and the times I was unfaithful. I understand people want to know whether Elin and I will remain together. Please know that as far as Im concerned, every one of these que

21、stions and answers is a matter between Elin and me. These are issues between a husband and a wife。我知道人们有很多疑问。我知道媒体想问我不忠的细节和次数。我理解人们想知道艾琳和我还能不能在一起。但是请理解就我而言,这所有的问题都是艾琳和我之间的私事。是一个丈夫和一个妻子之间的事情。Some people have made up things that never happened. They said I used performance-enhancing drugs. This is com

22、pletely and utterly false. Some have written things about my family. Despite the damage I have done, I still believe it is right to shield my family from the public spotlight. They did not do these things; I did。某些人捏造了一些事实。他们说我使用违禁药物。这完全是错误的。有些人还写了关于我家庭的东西。尽管我的行为带来了伤害,但是我仍相信让我的家人避开公众视线是正确的。这些人做不到这一点

23、,我来做。I have always tried to maintain a private space for my wife and children. They have been kept separate from my sponsors, my commercial endorsements. When my children were born, we only released photographs so that the paparazzi could not chase them. However, my behavior. doesnt make it right fo

24、r the media to follow my two-and-a-half-year-old daughter to school and report the schools location. They staked out my wife and they pursued my mom. Whatever my wrongdoings, for the sake of my family, please leave my wife and kids alone。我一直试图保护我妻子和孩子的私人空间。他们一直与我的赞助商、我的商业代言等保持距离。当我的孩子出生时,我们只是公布了照片,因

25、此让狗仔队不能追逐他们。但是我的行为并没能阻止媒体跟踪我两岁半的女儿并报告了她学校的具体位置。他们追踪我的妻子和母亲。不论我做了什么错事,为了我的家人请远离我的妻子和孩子们吧。I recognize I have brought this on myself, and I know above all I am the one who needs to change. I owe it to my family to become a better person. I owe it to those closest to me to become a better man. Thats whe

26、re my focus will be。我知道是我自己导致了这一切,我也知道所有人中我是那个需要改变的人。我向家人承诺做一个更好的人,我向身边的人承诺做一个更好的男人。这是我近来的主要任务。I have a lot of work to do, and I intend to dedicate myself to doing it. Part of following this path for me is Buddhism, which my mother taught me at a young age. People probably dont realize it, but I was

27、 raised a Buddhist, and I actively practiced my faith from childhood until I drifted away from it in recent years. Buddhism teaches that a craving for things outside ourselves causes an unhappy and pointless search for security. It teaches me to stop following every impulse and to learn restraint. O

28、bviously I lost track of what I was taught。我有许多工作要做,并打算奉献自己的全力。我将重新皈依佛教,我很小的时候我母亲曾传授给我。或许许多人不了解佛教,但是我曾是一个佛教徒,从小就接受教义直到近几年才疏远了。佛教认为不应有的欲望导致了不幸的和毫无意义的追逐。这教育我停止追逐冲动并学会克制。很显然,过去我丢掉了这些。As I move forward, I will continue to receive help because Ive learned thats how people really do change. Starting tomor

29、row, I will leave for more treatment and more therapy. I would like to thank my friends at Accenture and the players in the field this week for understanding why Im making these remarks today。在我前进中,我将继续接受帮助,因为我学到了人们应如何做出改变。明天开始,我将离开去接受更多的治疗。我要感谢在埃森哲的朋友和本周参加比赛的球员理解我为什么选择在今天做这个发言。In therapy Ive learne

30、d the importance of looking at my spiritual life and keeping in balance with my professional life. I need to regain my balance and be centered so I can save the things that are most important to me, my marriage and my children。在治疗中,我学会了关注精神生活以及平衡生活、工作关系的重要性。我需要恢复平衡以便于挽救我的婚姻和孩子,这是我生命中最重要的事情。That also

31、 means relying on others for help. Ive learned to seek support from my peers in therapy, and I hope someday to return that support to others who are seeking help. I do plan to return to golf one day, I just dont know when that day will be。这也意味着依靠帮助,我学会了从同龄人中寻求支持,我希望有一天也能回报给寻求帮助的人以支持。我确实打算在某一天回到球场,但是

32、还不确定这一天何时到来。I dont rule out that it will be this year. When I do return, I need to make my behavior. more respectful of the game. In recent weeks I have received many thousands of e-mails, letters and phone calls from people expressing good wishes. To everyone who has reached out to me and my family, thank you. Your encouragement means the world to Elin and me。不排除我会在今年回到球场。当我回来,我需要让自己表现得更尊重比赛。这最近几周我收到了成千上万的电子邮件、信件和电话为我送上美好祝愿。谢谢关心我和我的家人的每一个人,你们的鼓励对我和艾琳而言就是整个世界。I

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