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1、版高考英语一轮复习Unit1Laughterisgoodforyou练习牛津译林版选修六 Unit 1 Laughter is good for you检测评价A卷.单项填空1Forgotten something?I can keep an eye on your kids if you want to go and get it._ Thank you all the same.AIts very kind of you.BOh, how careless of me!CI might as well go and get it.DWell, I can do without it.解析:

2、选D句意:“忘东西了吗?如果你想回去取的话,我可以照看你的孩子。”“哦,没有也行。还是要谢谢你。”由“Thank you all the same.”可知,答话者不需要回去取东西,故选D项。2Maybe you could be an inventor maybe even good enough to _ an idea for the next iPhone or new medicine for cancer.Aput up with Bkeep up withCcatch up with Dcome up with解析:选D句意:也许你会成为一名发明家,甚至可能会很优秀能想出一个关于下

3、一代iPhone或治疗癌症的新药的主意。put up with“容忍”;keep up with“与齐步前进,跟上”;catch up with“追上,赶上”;come up with“想出,提出(主意、计划等)”。根据句意可知选D。3_, I have to put the storybook away to concentrate on my lessons.AHowever amusing it isBHowever it is amusingCNo matter how its amusingDNo matter how amusing is it解析:选A考查状语从句。however

4、为副词,修饰形容词或副词,所以however后跟amusing再接主语和动词(从句要用陈述语序)。也可改为No matter how amusing it is。4I had a strong desire to reach in and play with the toy, but _ thankfully by the shop window.Aam held back Bheld backChold back Dwas held back解析:选D考查时态和语态。句意:我有一种强烈的欲望,想伸手进去拿那个玩具玩,但幸亏我被商店橱窗阻挡了。句子的主语I与hold back之间是被动关系,需

5、用被动语态;再根据句中的had可知用一般过去时,故选D项。5Mum, I have finished my homework. Can I relax?Oh.If you _ not to disturb me, you can watch TV.Aoffer BsupportCguarantee Dwant解析:选C句意:“妈妈,我已经完成了作业。我能放松一下吗?”“如果你保证不打扰我,你可以看电视。” guarantee“保证”,符合句意。6Of all the universities in the world, those in the EU are _ most attractive

6、 because they have _ variety of cultures and teaching methods.Athe; the Ba; theCthe; a Da; a解析:选C根据比较范围“Of all the universities in the world”可知,第一个空用定冠词the,表示最高级;第二个空考查固定短语a variety of“各种各样的”。7Hard work is no _ of an excellent school record.You have to adopt a flexible approach to your learning.Agua

7、rantee BconnectionCpermission Dconsequence解析:选A句意:努力并不能保证有一个好成绩。你必须采用灵活的学习方法。guarantee“保证;担保”,符合句意。connection“连接;联系”;permission“允许;批准”;consequence“结果;成果”。8Its necessary to be prepared for a job interview._ the answers ready will be of great help.ATo have had BHaving hadCHave DHaving解析:选D考查动名词作主语。句意:

8、为工作面试做好准备很有必要。把回答的内容准备好会大有帮助。A、B两项表示已完成的动作,而句意只是强调一般性的动作,因此排除A、B两项;又因动词原形只构成祈使句,不能作句子的主语,因此排除C项。9Some English idioms are difficult to understand.Exactly, _ you know the meaning of each word.Aif only Beven ifCas if Dnow that解析:选B根据语境可知,应该是“即使你知道了每个词的含义,一些英语习语还是很难理解的”。even if/though“即使;尽管”,引导让步状语从句。10

9、Although _ about her fatness, the girl showed great confidence on the stage.Ateasing Bbeing teasedCteased Dto be teased解析:选C句中逻辑主语she与tease之间为被动关系,故用过去分词作状语。故选C。11Mary worked here as a _ secretary and ended up getting a fulltime job in the company.Apessimistic BtemporaryCprevious Dcautious解析:选B句意:玛丽

10、在这里做临时秘书,最后得到了公司一份全职的工作。pessimistic“悲观的”;temporary“临时的”;previous“先前的,以前的”;cautious“谨慎的,小心翼翼的”。根据句意可知选B。12(2019江苏常熟高三质检)She has a gift for creating an atmosphere for her students _ allows them to communicate freely with each other. Awhich BwhereCwhat Dwho解析:选A句意:她具有给学生创造一种允许他们自由交流的氛围的天赋。分析句子结构可知,定语从句

11、“_allows them to communicate freely with each other”修饰先行词atmosphere,将先行词代入后为:the atmosphere allows them to communicate freely with each other。由此可知先行词在定语从句中作主语,而且指代物,所以需用关系代词which,故选A项。13(2020届高三无锡质检)Personally, its his thrill for success in the beginning that resulted in his final failure.You bet. J

12、ust as we all know, _.ANo pains, no gains BReadiness is allCPride goes before a fall DEvery little makes a mickle解析:选C句意:“就个人而言,是他一开始对成功的兴奋导致了他的失败。”“说得对。正如我们大家都知道的,骄兵必败。”no pains, no gains“没有付出就没有收获”;readiness is all“有备无患”;pride goes before a fall“骄兵必败”;every little makes a mickle“积少成多”。14The airpor

13、t _ next year will help promote tourism in this area.Abeing completed Bto be completedCcompleted Dhaving been completed解析:选B考查非谓语动词作定语。句意:明年将要竣工的机场将有助于促进这个地区旅游业的发展。分析句子结构可知,空处应填非谓语动词,排除C项;由next year可知机场将要竣工而不是正在竣工,也不是已竣工,故选B项。15Will you see to _ that the luggage is brought back?Ame ByourselfCit Dthe

14、m解析:选C句意:你会确保把行李带回来吗?此处see to后需接it作形式宾语,然后接宾语从句。.完形填空(2019徐州高三模拟)Manuela got up earlier and bought two bags of cat food. She began going to the _1_ barbershop on the corner, making her weekly visit to see Hussein, the old barber. Hussein was both _2_ and delighted to see Manuela and the bags of food

15、. The two hurried over to the tiny food dishes lined up in the alley. Several _3_ appeared soon.As the two _4_ and made their way back inside the shop, Husseins smile _5_ and he explained he was about to _6_ the barbershop. He had been told to leave within 7 days. His _7_ barbershop simply couldnt p

16、ay enough rent and the landlord had invited another roomer, one who wouldnt be _8_ animals outside.Manuelas eyes began to _9_ as Hussein expressed his _10_ about the homeless cats he cared for. But as fate (命运) would have it, there was something better _11_ for the barber and his cats. As Manuelas F

17、acebook supporters read her _12_ about Hussein, they, one after another, _13_ subscribing to him and his cats. Every day for the next week, Manuela went to Hussein with the _14_. And on the fourth day, something unbelievable happened when Hussein was able to _15_ a storefront in an old building near

18、 his shop. No electricity, _16_ there was potential. Manuela and other people _17_ to help paint and clear rubbish while electricians made all the necessary _18_.In less than two weeks, the barber was back in _19_ again. Through the kindness of strangers, _20_, his and his cats whole world was broug

19、ht back.语篇解读:本文属于记叙文。理发师Hussein因生意不太好,面临不得不搬离的困境,他很忧虑,因为他再也不能照顾那些流浪猫了。Manuela在Facebook上发了一条有关Hussein的事情的帖子,结果得到了很多网友的捐款。于是,Hussein得以继续他的理发生涯和照顾那些流浪猫。1A.independent BfamiliarCexpensive Dancient解析:选B本空后面的“making her weekly visit to see Hussein”显示,Manuela每周要去看望Hussein,说明她对理发店很熟悉,故选B。independent“独立的”,ex

20、pensive“昂贵的”,ancient“古老的”,文章没有相关信息,均不能入选。2A.grateful BpatientCcareful Dattractive解析:选A本段第一句谈到Manuela一大早就买了两袋猫粮,下文谈到Hussein在照顾流浪猫,所以当Hussein看到Manuela带来猫粮时,他当然很感激(grateful)和高兴。patient“耐心的”,careful“仔细的”,attractive“有吸引力的”,均与文章上下文内容不匹配。3A.neighbors BbarbersCcats Dcustomers解析:选C第三段中的“Hussein expressed his

21、 _ about the homeless cats he cared for”显示,Hussein在照顾流浪猫,且本句前的“the tiny food dishes lined up in the alley”显示小巷里排列着很小的食盘,故他们一到那里,几只猫很快就出现了,故选C。neighbor“邻居”,barber“理发师”,customer“顾客”,文章没有相关信息,均不能入选。4A.spoke out Bbacked offCset off Dfinished off解析:选D结合上文并根据本空后面的“made their way back inside the shop”可知,他们

22、喂完了流浪猫,准备回到理发店去,故选D。speak out“公开说出”,back off“退缩”,set off“出发”,均与上下文信息不符。5A.faded BfrozeCreappeared Daccumulated解析:选A第一段谈到Hussein很高兴;由空后的“he explained he was . 7 days”可知,Hussein被告知7天之内必须搬离理发店,他将失去(lose)这家理发店,因此他的微笑慢慢消失(faded)了,故选A。freeze“(因害怕等)不动,惊呆”,reappear“再现”,accumulate“聚集”,均与语境不符。6A.rebuild Bsell

23、Close Ddecorate解析:选C参见上题解析。rebuild“重建”,sell“卖”,decorate“装饰”,均与上下文内容不符。7A.dull BclassicCremote Dwide解析:选A本句中的“simply couldnt pay enough rent”说明,这家理发店的生意不好。dull属于熟词生义,在本句中意为“萧条的,不景气的”,故选A。classic“第一流的”,remote“偏僻的”,wide“宽阔的”,均与本句句意不能匹配。8A.purchasing BfeedingCsheltering Dcollecting解析:选B由上文中Hussein在外面喂流浪

24、猫可推知,这个新的租户不愿意喂养(feeding)这些流浪猫,故选B。purchase“购买”,shelter“保护,掩蔽”,collect“收集”,均与文章内容不符。9A.glare BopenCshine Dflood解析:选D上文谈到Manuela每周都买猫粮给那些流浪猫,因此当她听说Hussein不得不搬走,而这些流浪猫没有人照顾时,她的眼睛含满泪水。flood意为“(使)灌满水,淹没”,在此可理解为“眼中含满泪水”,故选D。glare“怒目而视”,open“睁开”,shine“放光”,均与语境不符。10A.promises BadorationCanxiety Dcomments解析

25、:选C上文谈到Hussein一直在照顾流浪猫,但以后不能再照顾它们了,所以他表达了对这些猫的担心(anxiety)。promise“许诺”,adoration“热爱”,comment“评论”,均与上下文内容不符。 store Bby chanceCon purpose Dat present解析:选A本空前面有“as fate (命运) would have it”,故本空选A,表示“即将发生”。by chance“碰巧”,on purpose“故意”,at present“目前”,均与文章上下文意义不符。 BletterCpost Dinvitation解析:

26、选C本空前面的“Manuelas Facebook supporters read”说明,Manuela将这件事写成了帖子(post)发到了社交媒体Facebook上,故选C。review“评论”,letter“信”,invitation“请帖”,均与本句句意不符。13A.suggested BrememberedCreported Dbegan解析:选D上文谈到Manuela的Facebook支持者读到了她的帖子,下文谈到在接下去的一周,Manuela每天都带捐款(contributions)给Hussein,由此可知网友们一个接一个地开始(began)定期给Hussein和他的猫捐款,故选

27、D。suggest“建议”,remember“记住”,report“报道”,均与上下文内容不符。14A.congratulations BdecisionsCannouncements Dcontributions解析:选D参见上题解析。congratulation“祝贺”,decision“决定”,announcement“通告”,均与上下文内容不符。15A.return BsecureCprotect Dspot解析:选B本空前面谈到了在第四天,令人难以置信的事情发生了,由于有网友们的捐款,Hussein得以找到一间门面,故选B。注意,这里的secure是熟词生义,表示“(尤指经过努力)获

28、得,取得”。return“归还”,protect“保护”,spot“发现”,均与上下文内容不符。16A.when BandCbut Dso解析:选C上文中的“a storefront in an old building”和本空后的“there was potential”显示,这个门面很老旧,没有通电,但是(but)还是有潜力的,因此这里具有转折关系,故选C。17A.came by Bcheered upCbroke away Ddropped out解析:选A本空后面谈到人们帮助Hussein粉刷门面,清理垃圾,说明Manuela和其他人都过来(came by)一起帮忙,故选A。cheer

29、 up“高兴起来”,break away“离开,逃脱”,drop out“退出”,均与上下文内容不符。18A.appointments BconnectionsCassumptions Dbudgets解析:选B上文谈到这是一间很老旧的门面,没有通电,所以这里指电工将所有必要的接头(connections)弄好,故选B。19A.comparison BadvanceCcompany Dbusiness解析:选D上文谈到Hussein在人们的帮助下找到了新的门面,因此此处表示不到两周时间,他再次恢复营业(in business),符合上下文情节发展,故本空选D。in comparison“相比较

30、”,in advance“提前”,in company“一起”,均与文章内容不符。20A.normally BthankfullyCnaturally Ddirectly解析:选B上文谈到Hussein和他的流浪猫遇到了困难,Manuela和她的支持者们热心相助;再根据本空后提到的Hussein和他的流浪猫的天地又回来了,因此本空应用thankfully,表示“幸亏,幸好”,故选B。normally“正常地”,naturally“自然地”,directly“直接地”,均与文章内容不符。.任务型阅读(2019常州中学调研)Among the natural creatures that can

31、present a threat to people in rural areas of Mexico, one of the most productive is the scorpion (蝎子). These relatives of spiders kill dozens of people each year and injure thousands more. However, scorpions have become a part of the local culture and tradition. In the Durango city main market, scorpions are in evidence at ev

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