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1、中外合作经营企业法【本法变迁史】中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法19880413全国人大常委会关于修改中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法的决定(2000)20001031中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法(2000修正)20001031Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Contractual Joint Ventures (Adopted at the First Session of the Seventh National Peoples Congress, and revised according to the

2、Decision on Modifying the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Contractual Joint Ventures adopted at the 18th Session of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National Peoples Congress on October 31, 2000, and promulgated by Order No.40 of the President of the Peoples Republic of Ch

3、ina on October 31, 2000) 中华人民共和国主席令(第四十号)(相关资料:法律1篇行政法规3篇部门规章56篇地方法规92篇案例1篇裁判文书77篇修订沿革相关论文74篇实务指南)全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于修改中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法的决定已由中华人民共和国第九届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十八次会议于年月日通过,现予公布,自公布之日起施行。中华人民共和国主席江泽民年月日中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法(年月日第七届全国人民代表大会第一次会议通过根据年月日第九届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十八次会议关于修改中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法的决定修正2000年10月3

4、1日中华人民共和国主席令第40号公布)Article 1. This Law is formulated to expand economic cooperation and technological exchange with foreign countries and to promote the joint establishment, on the principle of equality and mutual benefit, by foreign enterprises and other economic organizations or individuals (herei

5、nafter referred to as the foreign party) and Chinese enterprises or other economic organizations (hereinafter referred to as the Chinese party) of Chinese-foreign contractual joint ventures (hereinafter referred to as contractual joint ventures) within the territory of the Peoples Republic of China.

6、 第一条为了扩大对外经济合作和技术交流,促进外国的企业和其他经济组织或者个人(以下简称外国合作者)按照平等互利的原则,同中华人民共和国的企业或者其他经济组织(以下简称中国合作者)在中国境内共同举办中外合作经营企业(以下简称合作企业),特制定本法。(相关资料:裁判文书2篇修订沿革相关论文2篇实务指南)Article 2. In establishing a contractual joint venture, the Chinese and foreign parties shall, in accordance with the provisions of this Law, prescrib

7、e in their contractual joint venture contract such matters as the investment or conditions for cooperation, the distribution of earnings or products, the sharing of risks and losses, the manners of operation and management and the ownership of the property at the time of the termination of the contr

8、actual joint venture. A contractual joint venture which meets the conditions for being considered a legal person under Chinese law, shall acquire the status of a Chinese legal person in accordance with law. 第二条中外合作者举办合作企业,应当依照本法的规定,在合作企业合同中约定投资或者合作条件、收益或者产品的分配、风险和亏损的分担、经营管理的方式和合作企业终止时财产的归属等事项。合作企业符合

9、中国法律关于法人条件的规定的,依法取得中国法人资格。(相关资料:裁判文书7篇修订沿革相关论文5篇实务指南)Article 3. The state shall, according to law, protect the lawful rights and interests of the contractual joint ventures and of the Chinese and foreign parties. A contractual joint venture must abide by Chinese laws and regulations and must not inj

10、ure the public interests of China. The relevant state authorities shall exercise supervision over the contractual joint ventures according to law. 第三条国家依法保护合作企业和中外合作者的合法权益。合作企业必须遵守中国的法律、法规,不得损害中国的社会公共利益。国家有关机关依法对合作企业实行监督。(相关资料:裁判文书2篇修订沿革实务指南)Article 4. The state shall encourage the establishment of

11、productive contractual joint ventures that are export-oriented or technologically advanced. 第四条国家鼓励举办产品出口的或者技术先进的生产型合作企业。(相关资料:修订沿革相关论文2篇实务指南)Article 5. For the purpose of applying for the establishment of a contractual joint venture, such documents as the agreement, the contract and the articles of

12、 association signed by the Chinese and foreign parties shall be submitted for examination and approval to the department in charge of foreign economic relations and trade under the State Council or to the department or local government authorized by the State Council (hereinafter referred to as the

13、examination and approval authority). The examination and approval authority shall, within 45 days of receiving the application, decide whether or not to grant approval. 第五条申请设立合作企业,应当将中外合作者签订的协议、合同、章程等文件报国务院对外经济贸易主管部门或者国务院授权的部门和地方政府(以下简称审查批准机关)审查批准。审查批准机关应当自接到申请之日起四十五天内决定批准或者不批准。(相关资料:地方法规9篇裁判文书9篇修订

14、沿革实务指南)Article 6. When the application for the establishment of a contractual joint venture is approved, the parties shall, within 30 days of receiving the certificate of approval, apply to the administrative authorities for industry and commerce for registration and obtain a business license. The d

15、ate of issuance of the business license of a contractual joint venture shall be the date of its establishment. A contractual joint venture shall, within 30 days of its establishment, carry out tax registration with the tax authorities. 第六条设立合作企业的申请经批准后,应当自接到批准证书之日起三十天内向工商行政管理机关申请登记,领取营业执照。合作企业的营业执照签

16、发日期,为该企业的成立日期。合作企业应当自成立之日起三十天内向税务机关办理税务登记。(相关资料:地方法规7篇修订沿革实务指南)Article 7. If the Chinese and foreign parties, during the period of operation of their contractual joint venture, agree through consultation to make major modifications to the contractual joint venture contract, they shall report to the

17、examination and approval authority for approval, if the modifications include items involving statutory industry and commerce registration or tax registration, they shall register the modifications with the administrative authorities for industry and commerce and with the tax authorities. 第七条中外合作者在合

18、作期限内协商同意对合作企业合同作重大变更的,应当报审查批准机关批准;变更内容涉及法定工商登记项目、税务登记项目的,应当向工商行政管理机关、税务机关办理变更登记手续。(相关资料:地方法规3篇裁判文书7篇修订沿革实务指南)Article 8. The investment or conditions for cooperation contributed by the Chinese and foreign parties may be provided in cash or in kind, or may include the right to the use of land, industr

19、ial property rights, non-patent technology or other property rights. 第八条中外合作者的投资或者提供的合作条件可以是现金、实物、土地使用权、工业产权、非专利技术和其他财产权利。(相关资料:地方法规1篇裁判文书2篇修订沿革相关论文7篇实务指南)Article 9. The Chinese and foreign parties shall, in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations and the agreements in the contrac

20、tual joint venture contract, duly fulfil their obligations of contributing full investment and providing the conditions for cooperation. In case of failure to do so within the prescribed time, the administrative authorities for industry and commerce shall set another time limit for the fulfilment of

21、 such obligations; if such obligations are still not fulfilled by the new time limit, the matter shall be handled by the examination and approval authority and the administrative authorities for industry and commerce according to relevant state provisions. The investments or conditions for cooperati

22、on provided by the Chinese and foreign parties shall be verified by an accountant registered in China or the relevant authorities, who shall provide a certificate after verification. 第九条中外合作者应当依照法律、法规的规定和合作企业合同的约定,如期履行缴足投资、提供合作条件的义务。逾期不履行的,由工商行政管理机关限期履行;限期届满仍未履行的,由审查批准机关和工商行政管理机关依照国家有关规定处理。中外合作者的投资或

23、者提供的合作条件,由中国注册会计师或者有关机构验证并出具证明。(相关资料:部门规章1篇地方法规1篇裁判文书7篇修订沿革相关论文1篇实务指南)Article 10. If a Chinese or foreign party wishes to make an assignment of all or part of its rights and obligations prescribed in the contractual joint venture contract, it must obtain the consent of the other party or parties and

24、 report to the examination and approval authority for approval. 第十条中外合作者的一方转让其在合作企业合同中的全部或者部分权利、义务的,必须经他方同意,并报审查批准机关批准。(相关资料:地方法规1篇案例1篇裁判文书12篇修订沿革实务指南)Article 11. A contractual joint venture shall conduct its operational and managerial activities in accordance with the approved contract and articles

25、 of association for the contractual joint venture. The right of a contractual joint venture to make its own operational and managerial decisions shall not be interfered with. 第十一条合作企业依照经批准的合作企业合同、章程进行经营管理活动。合作企业的经营管理自主权不受干涉。(相关资料:裁判文书4篇修订沿革实务指南)Article 12. A contractual joint venture shall establish

26、 a board of directors or a joint managerial institution which shall, according to the contract or the articles of association for the contractual joint venture, decide on the major issues concerning the venture. If the Chinese or foreign party assumes the chairmanship of the board of directors or th

27、e directorship of the joint managerial institution, the other party shall assume the vice-chairmanship of the board or the deputy directorship of the joint managerial institution. The board of directors or the joint managerial institution may decide on the appointment or employment of a general mana

28、ger, who shall take charge of the daily operation and management of the contractual joint venture. The general manager shall be accountable to the board of directors or the joint managerial institution. If a contractual joint venture, after its establishment, chooses to entrust a third party with it

29、s operation and management, it must obtain the unanimous consent of the board of directors or the joint managerial institution, report to the examination and approval authority for approval, and register the change with the administrative authorities for industry and commerce. 第十二条合作企业应当设立董事会或者联合管理机

30、构,依照合作企业合同或者章程的规定,决定合作企业的重大问题。中外合作者的一方担任董事会的董事长、联合管理机构的主任的,由他方担任副董事长、副主任。董事会或者联合管理机构可以决定任命或者聘请总经理负责合作企业的日常经营管理工作。总经理对董事会或者联合管理机构负责。合作企业成立后改为委托中外合作者以外的他人经营管理的,必须经董事会或者联合管理机构一致同意,报审查批准机关批准,并向工商行政管理机关办理变更登记手续。(相关资料:地方法规2篇裁判文书2篇修订沿革相关论文1篇实务指南)Article 13. The employment, dismissal, remuneration, welfare,

31、 labour protection and labour insurance, etc. of the staff members and workers of a contractual joint venture shall be specified in contracts concluded in accordance with law. 第十三条合作企业职工的录用、辞退、报酬、福利、劳动保护、劳动保险等事项,应当依法通过订立合同加以规定。(相关资料:修订沿革实务指南)Article 14. The staff and workers of a contractual joint venture shall, in accordance with law, establish their trade union organization to carry out trade union activities and protect their lawful rights and interests. A contractual joint venture shall provide the necessary conditions for the v

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