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1、专八真题点评王长喜页眉写“2007真题点评”PART LISTENING COMPREHENSIONSECTION A MINI-LECTURE左栏What Can We Learn from Art?I. Introduction A. Differences between general history and art history Focusgeneral history:(1) politics, economics, war art history: political values, emotions, everyday life, etc.B. Significance of

2、 study More information and better understanding of human society and civilization.?Types of information A. Information in history book is (2) objective facts, but no opinions.B. Information in art history is subjective(3) personal emotions and opinions e.g. Spanish painters works: misuse of governm

3、ental power Mexican artists works : attitudes towards social problems. Art as a reflection of religious beliefsA. Europe: (4) biblical stories in pictures in churches B. Middle East: pictures of flowers and patterns in mosques, palaces Reason: human and (5) animal images are not seen as holy C. Afri

4、ca and the Pacific Islands: Masks, headdresses and costumes in special ceremonies Purpose: to seek the help of (6) Gods to protect crops, animals and people . Perceptions of Art How people see art is related to their cultural backgroundA. Europeans and Americans (7) decoration expression of ideas B.

5、 People in other placespart of everyday life(8) practical use . Art as a reflection of social changes A. Cause of changes: (9) influence/interaction of different cultures B. Changes tribal people: effects of (10) urbanization on art forms European artists: influence of African traditional art in the

6、ir works American and Canadian artists: study of Japanese painting.中间Good morning, todays lecture is the very first of a series of lectures on art history, so Id like to spend some time discussing with you the following topic: Why do we need to study art history? And what can we learn from it? First

7、 of all, Id say, if you study art history, this might be a good way to learn more about a culture than its possible to learn in general history classes. You know, (1)most typical history courses concentrate on politics, economics and war, but art history focuses on much more than this. Because art r

8、eflects not only the political values of a people, but also their religious beliefs, emotions etc. In addition, information about the daily activities of our ancestors can be provided by art, like what people did for a living, what kind of dress they wore, what ceremonies they held etc. In short, ar

9、t can express the essential qualities of a time and a place, and the study of it clearly offers us a deeper understanding than can be found in most history books and enables us to learn more things about human society and civilization. The second point Id like to make is about the type of informatio

10、n. (2)In history books, information is objective, that is, facts about political economic life of a country are given, but opinions are not expressed. Art, on the other hand, is subjective. (3)It reflects personal emotions and opinions. For example, Francisco Goya was a great Spanish painter and als

11、o perhaps the first truly political artist. In his famous painting, The Third of May 1808, he showed soldiers shooting a group of simple people. His description of soldiers and their victims has become a symbol of the enormous power or the misuse of this power that the government can have over its p

12、eople. Over 100 years later, on another continent, the powerful paintings of Mexican artists depicted their deep anger and sadness about social problems. In summary, through art you can find a personal and emotional view of history. Thirdly, art can reflect a cultures religious beliefs. For hundreds

13、 of years in Europe, religious art was almost the only type of art that existed. (4)Churches and other religious buildings were filled with paintings that showed people and stories from the Bible. (5)By contrast, one of the main characteristics of art in the Middle East was (and still is), its absen

14、ce of human and animal images. This reflects the Islamic belief that these images are unholy. Thus, on palaces, mosques and other buildings, Islamic artists have created unique decoration of great beauty with images of flowers of geometric forms, for example, circles, squares and triangles. The same

15、 is true of other places, like Africa and Pacific Islands. Art also reflects the religious beliefs of traditional cultures in these places. As a matter of fact, religion is the purpose for this art and its, therefore, absolutely essential to it. Traditional art in Africa and Pacific Islands is diffe

16、rent from Christian art. Christian art influences peoples religious feelings towards God. (6)But the goal of traditional art in Africa and Pacific Islands is the influence of spiritual powers, that is gods to enter peoples lives. Each tribe or village there had special ceremonies with songs and danc

17、es to make sure that crops, animals and people are healthy and increasing in number. The dancers in the ceremonies wear masks, head dresses and costumes that they believe are necessary to influence gods. So these masks, head dresses themselves, are revelry part of the art. As we said, art depends on

18、 culture, different forms of art result from different cultures. Similarly, the way that people view art also depends on their cultural background. This is my fourth point. (7)For most Europeans and Americans, art is mainly for decoration. It is something on a museum wall or in a glass case. It make

19、s their homes more attractive. People look at it and admire it: “Oh, what a beautiful painting!” Besides, ideas are expressed in this art. This is a wonderful statue, and admiring it, I might say: “It makes such a strong anti-war statement.” But in other places, art is not considered to be separated

20、 from everyday existence. (8)It has a function, it has a practical role to play in peoples lives. A person in a tribal society might look at a mask and say: “Oh, this is a good mask. It would keep my house safe.” In brief, the way in which people enjoy or appreciate art depends on their culture. To

21、conclude my lecture, we can say that art is a reflection of various cultures. (9)But at the same time, we have to remember that art also reflects the changes in society that take place when different cultures influence one another. (10)As people from tribal societies move to urban areas, their value

22、s and beliefs change accordingly and their traditional art forms begin to lose their function. At the same time, urban artists begin to learn a lot from traditional art. For example, African masks and figures had a great influence on Picassos works. And many American and Canadian artists study the s

23、implicity of Japanese painting. The result is that as the world gets smaller, the art of each culture becomes more international. OK, this brings us to the end of our lecture. I hope that after todays lecture, youll understand better the significance of the study of art history. Art enables us to kn

24、ow more about human history, for example, peoples views and opinions about certain historical events, and whats more important, about different cultures, their religious beliefs, perception of art etc.右栏1.信息辨认【解析】本题涉及普通历史与艺术史在主要内容上的区别,这在讲座一开始就被提到。原文提到普通历史主要涉及politics, economics and war,而艺术史涉及的内容不止于此

25、。根据要求,填入的单词不能超过3个,故答案为politics, economics, war。原句中的most typical history courses 即指general history。2.信息辨认【解析】文章在讲了普通历史与艺术史在主要内容上的差异之后,接着介绍两者所提供信息的不同。根据Information in art history is subjective可推测本空填objective。录音中的In history books, information is objective印证了推测。3.信息辨认【解析】演讲者在阐述艺术史信息是主观的(Art, on the othe

26、r hand, is subjective.)时,用了这句话It reflects personal emotions and opinions.来说明。因此空白处应填personal emotions。4. 信息转述【解析】本题所在处针对艺术反映宗教信仰进行具体说明。讲座中首先提到欧洲几百年来唯一存在的一种艺术是宗教艺术,教堂和其他宗教建筑物里挂满了来自圣经的人物和故事的图画。根据考题不多于3个字的要求,将原句中的people and stories from the Bible转化为biblical stories。5.信息辨认【解析】讲座接着谈到在中东,艺术是如何反映宗教信仰的:中东地区

27、艺术的主要特征之一是艺术作品中没有人类和动物形象,这是因为伊斯兰教认为这些图像是亵渎神明的。“这些图像”即指人类和动物形象,因此空缺处应填入animal images。6. 信息推断【解析】在提及中东的艺术之后,演讲者又提到非洲和太平洋群岛地区传统艺术的目的:让众神进入人们的生活(the goal of traditional artis gods to enter peoples lives),随后对该点进行说明:每个部落或村落都有一些特殊仪式,在这些仪式上,人们穿着特殊服装载歌载舞以感化众神,确保庄稼、动物和人类健康、壮大。综合而言答案为Gods。7. 信息辨认【解析】演讲者第四点内容说的

28、是人们对待艺术的方式取决于人们的文化背景。演讲者首先提到“对于大多数欧洲人和美国人来说,艺术主要用于装饰。再者艺术用于表达思想。”故本空应填decoration。8.信息辨认【解析】演讲者接下来提到“在其他地区,艺术与日常生活不可分割。艺术在人们的生活中有实用功能(has a practical role to play)。”因此答案为practical。9. 信息转述【解析】演讲者最后总结出艺术是不同文化的体现。紧接着又指出艺术也反映了社会变化,这种变化是随着不同文化之间相互影响而发生的。因而空缺处填influence或interaction。10. 信息推断【解析】文章在阐释不同文化相互影

29、响带来变化时给出具体例证:部落人搬到都市之后,他们的价值观和信仰随之改变,传统的艺术形式失去作用,由此推断,都市化进程对原始部落的艺术形式有影响,因此空白处应填urbanization。SECTION B INTERVIEW【听前预测】由题干中的Nigel,problems,air travel,suggest,business travelers,inexperienced travelers,mistakes可以推测,该对话中Nigel向另一位人士谈到了旅客乘飞机旅行碰到的一些问题,并针对商务旅行给出了一些建议,还指出了没有经验的旅客常犯的几个错误等。W: Nigel Linge is e

30、ditor of Business Travel Weekly. Nigel, thanks for being on the show. Now, what kind of problems do airline passengers face nowadays?M: Well, 1most of the problems are caused by the heavy volume of traffic. You know, all airports have a limit to the number of take-offs and landings they can handle.W

31、: So what seems to be the problem?M: All flights from a busy airport arrive and leave at more or less the same time. If 60 aircraft are scheduled to take off between 5 p. m. and 5:15, and the airport can only handle 120 an hour, that means some will always be late landing or taking-off. And if the w

32、eather is bad, oh, you can imagine what the situation is like. So passengers have to be loaded into each plane, and then the planes have to line up to take off.W: So waiting at the lounge or on the plane is quite common.M: Certainly. And another problem thats very common is over-booking. Quite often you hear an announcement on the airport loudspeakers: “We have oversold on this flight and would like volunteers to go on the next flight out.” 2If you decide to volunteer, you may get a cash

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