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1、上海七级英语第一学期学习笔记及错题实用文档 Unit 1 单词及词组: 1.invite v. 邀请 invite-invitation- 短语及用法(知识要点) 1,收到某人的来信(三种形式): get a letter from receive a letter from hear from 2,invited sb. to do sth.邀请某人去做某事 3,send sth. to sb. / send sb. sth. 4,before出现在句尾时用现在完成时 ago 用一般过去时 5,nephew(侄子) niece(侄女) 6,more, a bit 含义及用法 7,perhap

2、s = possibly = may be (在通常情况下) 8,Lets = shall we Let us = will you (除Lets外所有祈使句都用will you提问。 Let sb. do sth. eg: Let him go home. Lets go home and do sth. 以Let us开头的祈使句之后用will you反问,而以Lets开头的祈 实用文档 使句之后却用shall we反问。不过意思有所不同,Let us表示“征求对方的意见,让我们,你同意吗?(不包括对方)”;而Lets则表示“让咱们(一块),好吗?(包括对方)”。如: Let us gat

3、her at the school gate,will you?我们在校门口集合,你同意吗?你本人不去 Lets gather at the school gate,shall we?咱们在校门口集合,好吗?你本人也要去 9,had better do sth. 10,How long does it take to It takes sb. st. to do sth. 11,cost 常用物做主语。多指花金钱、时间、劳力等。如:sth.+cost +sb. money (time, life ) spend 句子的主语是人,可指花时间、金钱、精力。如: spend sth. (money,

4、 time ) (in) doing sth. spend sth. (money, time ) on sth. take 句子的主语常用it 做形式主语,真正的主语是不定式或动句词,多指花时间。如:it takes sb. time to do (doing) sth.(一般不用在花钱上) pay 句子的主语是人,常与for连用,指买东西付款。如: money for sth. 12,get to , reach , arrive at , arrive in *arrive*是不及物动词,表示“到达、抵达某地(尤指行程的 实用文档 终点),后常接介词at 或in,一般in接

5、大地方,at接小地方,若是地点副词,则不需用介词。例如: Do you know what time the plane *arrive* in Moscow? They arrived at the station at 8 this morning. Her mother saw her when she arrived home *reach*是及物动词,直接接宾语,无须介词,和*arrive*一样,属正式用语。例如: When she reached home,her mother asked,“Have you got everything?” 和*arrive*一样,*get*也是

6、不及物动词,只是它多用于口语,其后接的介词是to,后面如接副词,则不用介词to。例如: Have we got to the zoo yet? The visitors got there last night. 这几个词的区别不是太大,主要是别用混了介词。例如 “格林先生昨晚抵达武汉”可以说:Mr Green arrived in /got to/reached Wuhan last night. 13,句型:see sb. doing sth. 14,more than的用法 15,最简单的虚拟语气 if从句(一般现在时)+主句(一般将来时,情态动词),如:If you are tired

7、, we will go straight home 实用文档 16,take sb. to. sp. 带某有去某地 bring, take, carry都有“拿、带、运送”的意思,它们的区别主要是动作的方向不同。bring表示“拿来、带来”,指把人或物从别处带到说话人所在的地方,take表示“拿走、带走”,指把人或物从说话人所在的地方带到别处去。carry不表示动作的方向,一般指随身携带,如“抱、扛、提、运”等。get则指“去拿、去取”。 17,表示日子和日期时用on,表示月份、年份时用in。如: The ceremony takes place on 15 May in the morni

8、ng. The ceremony takes place on the morning of 15 May. 18, exciting 与excited的区别 例:Its - for Jim to play. (A;excited B;exciting答案选哪一个) 选B,因为excited是指(人)感到兴奋的,exciting指(事物)令人兴奋的,本题中对于jim来说play是令人兴奋的(it是形式主语,真正的主语是to play是事物,而不是人)。如果题目改成jim is-to play的话,主语是jim 是人,那么就要选A了。 19,what 与how的感叹句 What bright s

9、unshine it is! How bright the sunshine is! 例句中what+adj+n(后面跟名词) how+adj(后面不跟名 实用文档 词) 20,other, the other, others, another other作形容词后接单复数均可,other one或other two students。意思是“别的,另外的”。 the others也只能作代词,意思与others相近,但常用来特指。 any other 后接复数名词,表示“一些其他”;any other后接单数名词时,表示“其他任何一个”。 词组搭配: one the other 只有两个 s

10、ome the others 有三个以上 some others,others(有的有的)也可以这样写:some,some,others(other的意思是”有些”) others = other people/things the others = the rest 剩余的全部 another作形容词时,是指在原有的基础上再加一(些),表示“再一(些)”或“另外一个(些)”的意思,在心理上至少有三个。 another还可作代词,意思与作形容词时一样。它前面不能加任何冠词,后面也不能加s 总结: 泛指另一个用another。 一定范围内两人(物),一个用one,另一个用the other。 实

11、用文档 一定范围内三者,一个用one,另一个用one (another),第三个可用the other,a third。 一定范围内,除去一部分人/物,剩余的全部用the others。 泛指别的人或物时,用others当在一定范围内,除去一部分后,剩余部分但不是全部时,也用others。 Notes (1) at (in) the Summer Palace 在颐和园 at Tian anmen Square 在天安门广场 on the Great Wall 在长城 in the Palace Museum 在故宫博物院 (2) It is in the north-west of Beij

12、ing. 它在北京的西北部(north-west作名词) It is north of Beijing. 它在北京的北面(north作副词) (3) It can hold more than one million people. 它可容纳一百多万人. (4) places of interest 名胜 实用文档 Unit 2 单词及词组: forget-forfot-forgotten leave-left-left give-gave-given eat-ate-eaten lose-lost-lost careless a. 粗心的,疏忽的/ n. 不关心的,粗心的 carefulne

13、ss n. 小心,仔细,慎重 短语及用法(知识要点) 1, cruel kru?l a. 残酷的,残忍的. cruelty n. 2, 大部分形容词加-ly可构成副词。但 friendly,deadly,lovely,lonely,likely,lively, ugly,brotherly,仍为形容词。 有些以-ly 结尾既为形容词,也为副词。 daily,weekly,monthly,yearly,early 3, find强调结果,表“找到了”,后面直接跟名词; search更侧重“搜寻、搜索”的意思,范围较广,一般可用search 实用文档 for sth.或in the search

14、of sth. ; look for“寻找”,强调“找”的这个动作,后面直接跟名词; find out有“找出”的意思,更经常表示“发现、调查.”,后面也是直接跟名词或find sth. out(当sth.不是人称代词的时候)。 4, keepas 保留作为。Let it ride=let it be意思是就让它那样吧。Keep it as it is,意思是就保持它原来的状态吧,言外之意也是let it be的意思。(keep是热词,组成的短语非常多,与have,take等属于同一级别) 区别以下例句: I borrowed this book one week ago. I have ke

15、pt the book for a week. (在这里borrow=keep) keep组成的短语: keepsomeone(sth.) apart 使与他人或他物分开 keep away from sb. (sth.) 离开,避开 keepfrom doing sth. 阻止做某事 keepon doing sth. 继续做某事 keepon with sth. 继续 keep out of sth. 保持在之外 keep sth.down 轻声;把置于控制之下 5, prefer 实用文档 prefer之后用动名词结构表示一般性偏爱,强调一种事实或一件事。如:l like swimmin

16、g,but I prefer sailing 当prefer之后带两个动词不定式表示“偏爱胜过”时,用rather than连接。Rather than之后可以有两种结构:省略to的动词不定式和动词的ing形式。如:I would prefer to spend the weekend at home rather than drive out 当prefer之后带两个名词或动名词结构表示“偏爱胜过”时,常用介词to连接两个部分,也可以用rather than连接。如:I prefer watching TV to reading books 6, would you like to= do

17、you want to 7, leave sth. at/in sp. 8, give sb. sth. give sth. to sb. 9, sometimes 有时候(提问时用How often) some time 一段时间 some times 几次了 sometime 将来某个时候 10, be kind to 对友好 be unkind to 对不友好 be cruel to 对残忍(cruelty.n) 11, save sth. from danger拯救,营救,挽救 keep from保护 实用文档 protectfrom保护 12, also 放在句首表示“也”= too

18、放句末 13,,but=though两者不可同时出现在句中 14, promise to do sth.答应或承诺做某事 15,come back =return = go back 16,在let, make, see, feel, watch, hear, had better后跟不带to 的动词不定式作宾语补足语。 17,across ad. 横过。prep穿过,横过 cross v. 交叉,横过,越过 18, take care of =care for =look after 19, in many different ways 不同的方式。 on ones way to sb. 去

19、某地的路上 on ones way home (也可以on ones way to ones home)回家的路上 by the way 顺便 20, sheep, fish,Chinese, Japanese, person单复数同形 Notes (1) Im an SPCA officer. “S”发元音,所以用”an” (2) savefrom 意为”挽救以免于” keepfrom意为”保护;使免受” 实用文档 unit 3 单词及词组: 1,read-read-read 2, send-sent-sent 短语及用法(知识要点): 1, over = more than 2, six

20、million people (注意million不加s) millions of people 3, most of the students are most of the water is half of the apples are half of the apple is (注意区别) 4,区别(以下几句意思相同) There are also people from There are also people who come from Tare are also people coming from 实用文档 5,Englishman Englishwoman British a

21、,英国的。 n,英国人。Britisher n,英国人。Britishers英国人复数 The British英国人的总称 6,can also 也能 7,in other countries in another country 8, write a letter to sb. 写一封信给某人。 9,send sb. sth =send sth. to sb./sp. Notes (1) Over six million people live in Garden City. over = more than (2) the USA = America =美国; the UK = Brita

22、in = 英国 (3) read a book / newspaper 阅读书刊、报纸 read about 阅读与有关的 (4) Sex(M/F), M(male男性),(female女性) (5) What would Kitty like to know about her penfriend? know about 了解有关情况 know somebody/something 认识某人/知道某事,某物 实用文档 unit 4 单词及词组: 1,plans of building 建筑图纸 2, a uniforms 一件制服 3,at work 在工作中 4,put out fire

23、来火 5,answer the phone 接电话 6,take notes 记笔记 7,enjoy working 享受工作 8, find out the answer 找出答案,发现答案 9, knock sb. down 击倒某人,撞倒某人 10,catch fire 着火 11,arrive at 12,immediately = at once 13,drive-drove-driven 14,sell-sold-sold 实用文档 15, a piece of news 一则新闻 16,keep ones eyes open/closed 便某人睁眼或闭眼 短语及用法(知识要点)

24、: 1,问某人的职业 What (job) do you do ? Whats your job? What are you?(泛指关系) 2,the same +n.+as 与一样 make sb./sth. better 和以前相比更好 3,move sth. to sp. 把移到某地方 4, This person helps make Garden City a safe place.注意help后面没有to 6, bothand are, 两个都 not onlybut also+单数 is 不仅还有都, not onlybut also+复数are 这两句意思基本相同 7,be a

25、fraid of sth. = be frightened 8, get on/off bus; get in/(out of) car,taxi 9, see sb. doing 10, a large/great number of 11,every day 强调每个一天(一般作主语或宾语) everyday 强调每一天(一般作时间状语) 实用文档 buy sth. for sb.给某人买东西12,从某人那里买东西 buy sth. from sb.Notes (1) plans of buildings 建筑设计图;建筑平面图 (2) take notes 记笔记 (3) They al

26、so empty the rubbish bins. empty 倒空;腾空。 unit 5 单词及词组: 1,think-thought-thought 短语及用法(知识要点): 1,think about 考虑 think over 仔细考虑 这两个词意思上接近 2,tooto与not enoughto 的用法 Im too young to go to school. Im not old enough to go to school. 3, 注意例句:Ben and I are much bigger. 4, perhaps, possibly, may be这三个词语意思相近 5,注

27、意例句: This room is Tom and Kittys. These rooms are Toms and Kittys. 实用文档 6, would rather do sth. 宁愿做某事 had better do sth. 最好做某事 7,next to = near = close to Notes (1) Ben and I are much bigger now. 本和我长大了不少。 much作副词,意为“多;更”,常用于形容词和副词的比较级前,表示程度。 (2) 句型:What kind of flat would you like? (3) the Lis 表示“李

28、家”=the Li family. the Lis意为“李家的” (4) 句型:The new flat has more rooms than the old one. 实用文档 unit 6 单词及词组: 1, tell-told-told 2, swim-swam-swum 短语及用法(知识要点): 1,Where提问的句子回答时一定要加介词 2,get to = arrive at/in = reach 3, practice一般作为名词用,但在口语中也常作为动词使用. practise只能作动词 又如: advice, advise Notes (1) I take a bus to

29、= Igo to by bus (2) Thereisnt much traffic. 交通不繁忙 实用文档 unit 7 单词及词组:mean v. ;(meaning n.) 1, 2, direction sign 信息指示牌 warning sign 警告牌 说明信息 instructino sign won winwon3, :短语及用法(知识要点)) 反义1,different-same( different between be different from =be as adj as the same (age/weight/height) as 2,典型句子:(主语The player who rolls a six on the dice goes first. 从句)means. If you it say a sign,you land If you on must what 实用文档 dont k

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