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1、八年级上英语Unit8测试题有答案2016年八年级上英语Unit8测试题(有答案) Unit 8 姓名_ 学号_ 班级_ 得分_一、听力理解 (略)二、单项选择 (每小题1分,共1分) ( )31 D u lie _ nins in _ sandih? N, I dntA an; the B the; an /; aD the; /( )32 hen is hildrens Da? _ une 1st _ eah earA In; /B n; / In; nD n; in( )33 D u need se _? h, es The ffee is t strngA sugar B lettue

2、 salt D gurt( )34 h did u ae this birthda ae? _ tda is ur birthda!A IfB hen ThughD Beause( )3 First he ashed his lthes, and then leaned the huse _ he ed lunhA Finall B Quil learlD Ludl( )36 The eeend is ing And its tie _A relaxB relaxing t relaxingD t relax( )37 The _ fd fr hinese t eat n the Dragn

3、Bat Festival is zng ziA expensive B ipssible traditinalD priar( )38 _ hne d e need? T upsA H uh B H an H far D H lng( )39 H ill u _ the hlida? e ill have partiesA shaeB elebrate verD disuss( )40 Please _ the puter fr e I ant t he e-ails A turn nB ut up turn ffD ut dn( )41 There _ an eat Lets bu seA

4、isnt B arent is D are( )42 uld u lie sething t eat? ust _ breadA a bttle fB a up f a spn fD a piee f( )43 _ the table _ a lth, r it ill get dirtA Fill; ithB Send; t ver; ithD Give; t( )44 ie frgt _ the ind befre leaving h, there is rain ater everhere in the rA t lsing B t lse lseD lsed( )4 Lets g fr

5、 a al ell, I dnt lie t g aling _A I dnt thin s B Gd idea It sunds bringD Dnt rr三、完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分) There as a speial burger(汉堡包) She had an lives and uld never 46 Eah da she e up, and aited her turn t be ed b the 47 After sene ate her, she seeed t be sleeping The next da, it uld 48 againBut ne da, s

6、he heard a uster (顾客) alled her “un fd” Then she understd h st f her favrite usters ere unhealth She deided t d 49 t hange (改变) itThe next da, a b pied her and pened his 0 t eat her After he finished eating, he said, “This burger desnt taste as 1 as befre”That as 2 plan hen sene alas ate the, she as

7、ed ther burgers nt t be deliius 3 the usters ae ne during a lng tie, the uld bee re deliiusIn this a, the began t see 4 fat usters At the sae tie, these burgers beae uh re , beause its re enable (令人愉快的) t taste sething re deliius after se tie( )46 A aeB appear dieD tal( )47 A B driver dtrD pilt( )48

8、 A stpB end fall D happen ( )49 A everthingB sething anthingD nthing( )0 A arB heart uth D hand( )1 A gd B bad ld D ld( )2 A B its herD his( )3 A AndB r Beause D If( )4 A lessB feer rseD harder( ) A ppularB serius eaninglessD siilar四、阅读理解(一) (每小题2分,共30分)A H t ae Ie rea in a Baghat u ill Need:1 spn f

9、 sugar, 1/2 up f half and half (牛奶和奶油的混合物), 1/4 spn f vanilla extrat (香草精), ie, salt, a big bag, a sall bagH e ae it: First, put the sugar, half and half and vanilla extrat int the sall bagNext, put three glasses f ie int the big bag Then, pur abut 1/2 up f salt in the big bag hen its read, plae the

10、 sall bag in the big bag and seal tightl (系紧) u need t shae the bag fr abut five inutesFinall, tae the sall bag ut After iping ff (擦去) the salt n the bag, u an pen it and en ur ie rea u an finish all f the r in less than ten inutes ( )6 hen aing the ie rea, hat d u need? A A spn f sugar B A up f hal

11、f and half A glass f ie D A spn f salt( )7 H an inds f things shuld u put int the sall bag? A ne B T Three D Fur ( )8 hat shuld u put int the big bag at last? A Ie B The sall bag Salt D The vanilla extrat( )9 hat shuld u d befre u pen the sall bag? A Put it int the fridgeB ait ten inutes ipe ff the

12、salt D Shae the sall bag ( )60 H lng ill it tae u t ae an ie rea? A re than five inutes B Less than five inutes re than ten inutes D Less than ten inutes B I Ti, a 1-ear-ld shl b n I traveled thrugh a it seven ears aghen I as a hild, I learnt fr a b that a 16-ear-ld girl had traveled thrugh Eurpe, s

13、 I hped I uld travel thrugh anther it ne da parents finall agreed ith e After that, I began t plan tripThat Saturda rning, I t a train t ill it, Nrth Data It is a sall it The ain street has t bars, ne pst ffie, three bans, a lthes stre, an ld inea and t superaretsIn Ne r if e are ut, its nt ften tha

14、t e see anne e n Here, its ust the ppsite (相反的) The an even tell u h is the ner f a ar Everbd h lives here thins this sall it is quiet and safe N I plan t visit untr b self, and I ill als rite travel diaries after traveling ever it( )61 H ld as Ti hen he traveled thrugh ill it?A 6B 7 8 D 9( )62 hat

15、an u see n the ain street f ill it? A T superarets B T pst ffies Three lthes stres D Three bars ( )63 h did Ti ant t travel thrugh the it?A Beause his parents ade hi d thatB Beause he anted t be faus Beause he anted t learn re abut the rldD Beause a girls urne t Eurpe inspired (激励) hi ( )64 hih f th

16、e flling is NT true?A Ti ent t ill it b trainB Ti ent t ill it n a Saturda Peple in Ne r usuall n eah therD Peple in ill it live a quiet life ( )6 hat an e learn fr the last paragraph(最后自然段)?A Ti lies t rite travel diaries B Ti ill travel t re ities b hiself Ti ill travel t anther untr D Ti ill rite

17、 travel diaries ever da Street ball is a it gae Peple pla it n plagrunds (操场) r in gs (体育馆) arund the rldThe nuber f plaers in a gae a be nl 2 plaers, and it is alled ne-t-ne Seties there are als t teas, and eah tea has five plaers It is eas fr u t in a street ball gae Usuall nl ne side f the urt is

18、 used in the street ball, s this gae desnt need uh plae But the rules f the gae are alst the sae as ther basetball gaes Street ball is a ver ppular gae in the rld, and it is ver ppular ith the ung Se ities in the United States even have street ball prgras n TV It is said that this is a gd a fr ung p

19、eple t eep aa fr trubles suh as rie and drugs (毒品)( )66 H an plaers are there in a tea?A T B Three Five D Ten ( )67 Its _ fr anne t in a street ball gaeA eas B diffiult bring D different( )68 hat des the underlined rd “urt” ean in hinese?A 计分器 B 场地 价值 D 运动员 ( )69 h d peple sa the street ball gae is

20、gd fr the ung?A Its ppular B It an be plaed b t peple It an ae the strngD It an eep the fr se trubles( )70 hat an u learn fr the passage?A The street ball gae is different fr the basetball gae in rulesB The street ball gae is nl fr gd plaers The street ball is ver ppular ith ung pepleD an prgras are

21、 ade n TV t sh the street ball gae all ver the rld五、单词拼写(每小题1分,共10分) 71 Please a_ re salt int the sup 72 the eat at a ver high t_ fr ten inuets73 The tried t ae pprn ith the _ at he74 The an anted t d_ a hle in the grund t plant the tree7 r Green plant a lt f _ n his far 76 I need a bx f _ (黄油) t ad

22、e the birthda ae 77 This _ (西瓜) is bigger than that ne 78 hen _ (秋天) es, u need t put n re lthes 79 The stre serves _ (奶酪) and il 80 There as nl ne _ (游客) in the par H strange (奇怪)!六、选词填空,每词只限用一次(每小题1分,共分) fur inside ix piee plateThansgiving Da is iprtant fr st Aerians Its alas n the 81 _ Thursda in

23、 Nveber The traditinal fd fr it is alas ture D u n h t ae a ture dinner? First, ut up the bread and nins and 82 _ the tgether ith salt and pepperNext, put the ix 83 _ the tureThen, the ture in a ht ven fr a lng tiehen it is , plae the ture n a large 84 _ and ver it ith grav(肉汁)Finall, ut it int 8 _

24、and serve it t ur fail r friends七、阅读理解(二) (每小题2分,共10分) ne da, 7-ear-ld Sarah athed her ther rasting (烤) a piee f beef sirlin (里脊) She ut ff the ends, rapped (捆) it, ed it and finall it as Then she vered it ith grav hen served it t Sarah, Sarah ased, “h did u ut ff the ends f the rast, ? Is it a trad

25、itinal a f ing?” ansered, after thining fr a inute, that it as the a that her ther ed it That night Granda ae t dinner Sarah and her ther ased h she ut the end ff f the rast befre ing After thining, Granda said she ed the eat the a as her ther did Great-granda as quite ld and lived in a residential

26、nursing he (养老院) in England ne da, Sarah, her and granda ent t visit her and again ased the sae questin Great-granda as a little surprised She led at the and said, “S it uld fit in (适合) the rasting plate, f urse”86 H uh beef sirlin did Sarahs ther rast? _87 hat did Sarahs ther put n the beef sirlin

27、at last? _88 h taught Sarahs ther t the beef sirlin in this a? _89 Did Sarahs granda n h she ut the ends f the beef sirlin ff befre ing? _90 hih untr des Sarahs great-granda live? _八、书面表达 (共10分)中国的饮食化远流长,在你的家乡有什么特色美食吗?你知道如何制作它吗?请把你最擅长烹饪的食物,及其制作过程向你的外籍同学马克(ar)描述一下。 提示:1 here is ur hetn? 2 hat is the

28、speial fd there? 3 H t ae it? 要求:1 语句通顺、符合逻辑,可适当发挥;2 不少于70词。_ _Unit 8参考答案 二、31-3 BADA 36-40 DABA 41-4 ADB三、46-0 ADB 1- ADBA四、6-60 ABD 61-6 ADB 66-70 ABD五、71 add 72 teperature 73 ahine 74 dig 7 rn 76 butter 77 atereln 78 autun 79 heese 80 traveler 六、81 furth 82 ix 83 inside 84 plate 8 piees 七、86 A pi

29、ee 87 Se grav 88 Her ther 89 N, she didnt 90 England八、I e fr Sihuan, a prvine hih is faus fr its spi and deliius ht pt I ver happ t tell u h t ae a ht pt at he T ae the ht pt, u need t bu the ht pt sup, se uttn and beef piees, se vegetables and ther fds u lie fr the superaret First, bil the ht pt sup Next, ash the vegetable

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