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1、高二英语上册选修六课时综合检测题18英语选修6(人教版)第二单元过关检测卷A卷基础知识检测一、用所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子1The handicapped (残疾的) lady decided on a career as a _ and has _ hundreds of books from English into Chinese so far.Her _ of some great works is popular among young people.(translate)答案:translator;been translating;translation2The custome

2、r rushed into the managers office _ and required a refund.To his great _,the manager not only refused to do so but also called the security guards.(anger)答案:angrily;anger3Is now a(n) _ time to call on Professor Simpson?I think so.But jeans and Tshirt are quite _ for such a visit and I suggest you pu

3、t on something formal.(appropriate)答案:appropriate;inappropriate4The politicians actions _ his declared principles and his statement was _ to the one he had made last week.(contradiction)答案:contradicted;contradictory5The company has been_from a family business to a multimillionpound operation.It has

4、undergone (经历) a complete _in the past decade.(transform)答案:transformed;transformation6How did the story _?Just like most romantic stories,it had a happy _.The prince killed the monster and saved the princess in the _ and they lived happily ever after.(ending)答案:end;ending;end二、翻译下列短语1尤其,特别_答案:in pa

5、rticular2从容,不紧张 _答案:take it easy3用完 _答案:run out of/run out4由构成 _答案:be made up of/consist of5把译成 _答案:translate.into6测试,试验 _答案:try out7发出,放走 _答案:let out8使悲伤的是 _答案:to ones sorrow9表达感情 _答案:convey emotions10(把)转化成 _答案:transform into三、选用上述短语完成下列句子1The United Kingdom _ four countries,which are England,Scot

6、land,Wales and Northern Ireland.答案:is made up of/consists of2Wed better find a gas station before we get on the high way,in case we may _ oil.答案:run out of3My mind had several plans,and one _ seemed good and feasible.答案:in particular4The painter tried hard to _ his feelings _viewers in a strange way

7、,which was not appreciated by everyone.答案:convey.to5_,he has lost all his family in the 5.12 Earthquake.答案:To his sorrow6He _ the old kitchen _a beautiful sittingroom.答案:transformed.into7If we hadnt _,we would have won the game.答案:taken it easy8When she saw the snake,she immediately _ a scream.答案:le

8、t out四、 语法填空Older people who follow healthy diets may live longer,1._ study suggests.Research in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association found those who ate a lowfat diet 2._ contained lots of fruit and vegetables lowered their risk of dying over 10 years.The study 3._ (main)focused on the

9、diets of 2,500 US adults aged 70 to 79.Those who ate a highfat diet rich 4._ ice cream,cheese,and whole milk,had the highest risk of death.The study showed that 12 extra people in every hundred survived over the ten years,if 5._ ate healthily.Participants 6._ (divide) into six different groups,accor

10、ding to how often they ate certain foods.The groups were:healthy foods;highfat dairy products;meat,fried foods and alcohol;breakfast cereal;refined grains;sweets and desserts.Those who had a “healthy foods”diet ate more lowfat dairy products,fruit,whole grains,poultry,fish,7._ vegetables.They also a

11、te lower amounts 8._ meat,fried foods,sweets,highcalorie drinks,and added fat.9._(smoke) less and being more active than other participants,people in this group had healthier lifestyles,too.Researchers found that those who followed a “highfat dairy products”diet had a 10._(high) death risk than thos

12、e in the “healthy food”group.语篇解读:一项研究表明,那些有健康饮食习惯的老年人通常会更长寿。1解析:考查冠词。此处用不定冠词泛指“一项研究”。答案:a2解析:考查定语从句。关系代词引导的定语从句修饰先行词lowfat diet,且关系代词在从句中作主语,此处用that或which。答案:that/which3解析:考查形容词变副词。此处用副词修饰后面的动词focused。答案:mainly4解析:考查介词。rich in意为“富含”。答案:in5解析:考查代词。此处用代词they指代上文提到的12 extra people。答案:they6解析:考查被动语态。此处

13、意为“参与者被分成六组”。答案:were divided7解析:考查连词。前后是并列关系。答案:and8解析:考查介词。lower amounts of意为“少量的”。答案:of9解析:考查现在分词。主语people in this group和smoke是主动关系,故此处用现在分词,与being more active并列。答案:Smoking10解析:考查形容词比较级。根据后面的“than those in the healthy foods group”可知此处要用比较级。答案:higherB卷综合检测(测试时间:120分钟评价分值:135分)第一部分语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分)

14、第一节:完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,从各题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案。Here is a story about friendship.Once upon a time,there was a little boy who became very.He had to spend all day in bed,unable to.Because the other children werent allowed to come near him,he greatly,and spent his days feeling sad and lonely

15、.Time passed,and his feeling of despair(绝望)just until one day outside his window he saw a penguin eating a sandwich.The penguin said “good afternoon” to him,turned around and.Of course,the boy was very.He was still trying to what had happened. Outside his window he saw a monkey busy blowing up a bal

16、loon.At first the boy asked himself what that could possibly be.But after a while,as more and more crazylooking characters appeared outside the window,he burst out and found it hard to stop.In the following days,he saw some otheroutside his window.The little boy didnt tell anyone about this because

17、he knew nobody wouldhim.But those strange characters ended up putting joy back in his heart, and in his body.Before long,his had improved so much that he was able to back to again.There he got to talk to his friends,and tell them all the strange things he had seen.While he was to his best friend,he

18、saw something sticking out of his school bag.The boy asked again and again what it was and his friend had to show him the thing in the bag.There,inside,were all the suits and masks that his best friend had been using to try to cheer the boy up!And from that day on,the little boy did his best to make

19、 sure that no one felt sad or lonely.语篇解读:一个生病的小男孩,孤独而绝望地躺在床上,他最好的朋友想办法让他振作起来。1A.lonelyBdifferentCangryDill解析:根据“He had to spend all day in bed”,可知小男孩“病了”。答案:D2A.think Bmove Ccry Dlearn解析:小男孩病得很严重,只能“一动不能动”地躺在床上。答案:B3A.suffered Btired Creacted Dhesitated解析:小男孩病得厉害,别的小孩又不能靠近他,所以他应该很难受,故选A。答案:A4A.disa

20、ppeared Bchanged Crepeated Dgrew解析:根据Time passed,可知随着时间慢慢过去,小男孩心中的绝望也在“增长”。答案:D5A.screamed Bappeared Cleft Ddied解析:根据turned around,可知企鹅在说完下午好后就“离开”了。答案:C6A.brave Bsurprised Cupset Dbored解析:企鹅居然对他说下午好,小男孩应该很“惊讶”。答案:B7A.find out Bwrite down Cshow off Dlet out 解析:遇到这样的事,小男孩应该很疑惑,所以想“弄明白”是怎么回事。答案:A8A.wh

21、ispering Blaughing Cshaking Dshouting 解析:随着越来越多奇怪的角色出现,终于忍不住“笑了”。答案:B9A.animals Bstudent Cpeople Dplants解析:根据some other,可知小男孩在窗外还看到了一些别的“动物”。答案:A10A.see Bunderstand Chear Dbelieve解析:小男孩没有把这件事告诉别人,是因为他知道没有人会“相信”他所说的话的。答案:D11A.mood Bgrade Chealth Dperformance解析:小男孩变得开心快乐了起来,身体也好了起来,故选C。答案:C12A.hospita

22、l Boffice Cwork Dschool解析:根据后文小男孩在学校里跟别的小朋友说他看到那些动物的事的语境,可知他回到了“学校”。答案:D13A.talking Brunning Cwriting Dfalling解析:这里是指小男孩跟他最好的朋友“说”那些事的时候。答案:A14A.willingly Bsuddenly Camazingly Dfinally解析:根据“The boy asked again and again”,可知他的那个朋友经不住他反复地问,“最终”把东西给他看了。答案:D15A.never Bsometimes Calways Dhardly解析:小男孩被他朋友

23、的举动感动了,应该是“经常”尽他最大的努力不让别人感到难过和孤单。答案:C第二节:语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面的短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中的词的正确形式填空。One day, Nick invited his friends to supper. He was cooking some delicious food in the kitchen. Suddenly, he 16. (find) that he had run out of salt. So Nick called to his son, “G

24、o to the village and buy some salt, but pay a fair price for it: neither too much 17. too little. ”His son looked surprised.“I can understand why I shouldnt pay too much, Father, but if I can pay less, 18. not save a bit of money?”“That would be a very 19. (reason) thing to do in a big city, but it

25、could destroy a small village like ours,” Nick said.Nicks guests, 20. had heard their conversation, asked why they should not buy salt more cheaply if they could.Nick replied, “The only reason a man would sell salt 21. a lower price would be because he was desperate for money. And anyone who took ad

26、vantage of that situation would be showing a lack of respect 22. the sweat and struggle of the man who worked very hard to produce it.”“But such a small thing couldnt 23. (possible) destroy a village.”“In the beginning, there was only 24. very small amount of unfairness in the world, but everyone ad

27、ded a little, always 25. (think) that it was only small and not very important, and look where we have ended up today. ”语篇解读:本文通过Nick叫儿子去买盐要结合现价格的故事说明,一定要公平对待他人,尊重努力工作的人的汗水和努力。16解析:在主格人称代词he后应为谓语动词。根据“invited”用一般过去时,find与其时间一致,故用found。答案:found17解析:表示“既不.也不.”,故用“neither.nor.”。答案:nor18解析:why not do st

28、h.(何不做某事?)是固定句式。答案:why19解析:在名词前作定语要用形容词。答案:reasonable20解析:引导非限制性定语从句,并在从句中作主语,先行词是人,故填who。答案:who21解析:at a lower price是固定搭配。答案:at22解析:固定搭配show respect for表示“尊重”。答案:for23解析:修饰动词destroy用副词,故用possibly。答案:possibly24解析:a small amount of(少量的)是固定搭配。答案:a25解析:因everyone与think是主动关系,故用现在分词短语作added的伴随状语。答案:thinki

29、ng第二部分阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AAmerican GirlAmazon Price:$22.95For girls 8 and upAn ageappropriate magazine and a good alternative to teen magazines.Full of interesting stories,contests,advice,puzzles,games and giggles.Disney Princess Amazon Price:$38.99For girls 4 and up Full of stories about magical Disney princesses,with a princess in each issue.It also contains activities and projects for your little princess.DigAmazon Price:$33.95For kids 9 and up A magazine that makes archaeology (考古学)fun and interesting.Full of stories

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