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1、天津高等教育自学考试课程考试大纲天津市高等教育自学考试课程考试大纲 课程名称:商务谈判案例分析与实践 课程代码: 3308 第一部分 课程性质与设置目标一、 课程性质与特点 商务谈判案例分析与实践是高等教育自学考试国际贸易专业本科段必考课,共4学分。 这是一门英语语言知识与商务知识、谈判知识并重的课程。本课程采用国际上流行的案例教学模式,从谈判产生的原因、谈判结构、影响谈判结果的诸多因素、谈判者个人心理和文化背景等诸方面进行全面系统的分析讲解;同时结合国内外经典谈判理论与案例,从谈判动因、结构、利益、谈判力、信任、心理、文化和谈判类型等方面对影响谈判全过程的主要因素进行比较全面的分析。本课程还

2、将采取学生直接参与、分角色训练的模拟谈判方式以适应课堂教学与训练的需要。 本课程的重点是谈判理论和谈判策略及相应的案例研究。二、 课程设置的目的和要求 通过本课程的学习,使学生了解国际商务谈判的普遍规律、掌握谈判的策略和相关的国际商务基础理论知识和国际商务谈判的基本技能;同时注重培养学生对这些知识的实际运用能力。通过课堂上的实际操练使学生体会谈判理论的指导意义,并获得比较接近实际的真实体验。本课程同时还注重培养与增强学生的翻译和口语表达能力,以培养既有谈判理论基础又懂得谈判实践的高素质人才。三、 与本专业其它课程的关系本课程与其它英语课程的总体培养目标是一致的。各种基础英语课程以及外贸专业课程

3、是本课程的先修课程。考生需首先通过基础英语等课程,较好地掌握英语语音、语法,具备一定的词汇量及翻译和口语交际能力,才能比较顺利有效地进行本课程的学习和考试。考生在先修英语课程中学到的英语技能和知识在本课程中会得到进一步的实践运用和巩固提高。本课程同其它专业经贸英语课程一起,从不同角度和层次使考生对英语在对外贸易领域的运用有一个更加全面的了解。考生通过对这门课程的学习能够初步掌握用英语从事有关对外经贸工作的相关知识和能力。第二部分 考核内容与考核目标Chapter 1 Negotiation Motives and Key Terminology (谈判动机与关键词语)一、学习的目的和要求了解冲

4、突产生的原因和人们对冲突不同的态度可能导致的不同结果;成功谈判案例必须满足的条件以及谈判者谈判时所应注重的问题。掌握相关词汇及术语;阅读课后案例。二、考核知识点(一)谈判知识1) The definition of negotiation and the conditions that must be satisfied for a successful negotiation. (一般)2) The nature of conflicts; the relation between conflicts and negotiation; peoples attitudes toward con

5、flicts as a decisive factor in all affairs. (次重点)3) The definition of stakes; the relation between stakes and conflicts; tips for negotiation. (重点)(二)生词与短语finite, appetite, scarce, trigger, complexity, provoke, stir up, induce, devastating consequence, globalization, integration, conceive, lawsuit,

6、arise, offshore, avert, transit, counterpart, spouse, dictate, expound, facilitate, coexist, innovation, disclose, hinder, inhibit, escalation, amplify, terrain, incur, status quo, pertinent, gauge, terminology, unfold(三)相关术语 negotiation motive, manage conflict, clash of stakes, confrontation, dispu

7、te, contradiction, chief concern, typical issue, approach, conflict settlement, coordination through negotiation, argument, bargain, back-and-forth communication, reach an agreement, mutual giving and taking, one-sided concession, compromise, collaboration, participant, veto, equal right, unfair res

8、ult, unbalanced negotiating power, revocation, interrelated interests and concerns, possible benefits, bring under effective control, discord, conflict resolution skill, tension and pressure, relevant parties, balance the relation, current/long term interest Chapter 2 Negotiation Procedure and Struc

9、ture (谈判程序与结构)一、学习的目的和要求了解谈判的程序,具体包括:介绍谈判组成员;安排谈判日程;进行实质性谈判;对谈判进行总结。掌握谈判结构即谈判所要经历的具体过程。掌握相关词汇和术语;阅读课后案例。 二、考核知识点 (一)谈判知识1) Negotiation Procedure (一般)A. Introduction of team membersB. Discussion of agendaC. Formal negotiationD. Wrapping up2) Structure of Business Negotiations (次重点)Inquiry, offer, cou

10、nter offer and acceptance3) General Structure of Negotiation (重点)A Determine interests and issuesB Design and offer optionsC Introduce criteria to evaluate optionsD Estimate reservation pointsE Explore alternatives to agreementF Reach an agreement (二)生词与短语format, specialty, courtesy, indispensable,

11、expertise, relaxation, trivial, mentality, foresee, induce, overlap, perspective, identical, embody, articulate, perception, disparity, incite, gauge, initiative, comprise, skip, jargon, enforceable, forthcoming, lapse, unequivocal, aforementioned(三)相关术语negotiation procedure, discussion of agenda, w

12、rapping up, guest team, counter party, strategic consideration, key issue, initial tension of relations, gain of benefit, deadline, discrepancy, schedule, interests, substantive talk, phase, ambiguity, reservation point, gap, alternative, inquiry, offer, counter offer, acceptance, price, quality, vo

13、lume, packing, shipment, insurance, terms of payment, inspection, arbitration, binding effect, deal, mutual understanding, offeror, offeree, contract, revoke, modification, bargaining stage, honor, legal document Chapter 3 Negotiation Lubrication (谈判润滑剂)一、学习的目的和要求了解谈判前的准备工作对于谈判的重要性,以及谈判有关的调研准备工作所包括的

14、四个方面。掌握相关词汇和术语;阅读课后案例。 二、考核知识点(一)谈判知识1) Staffing Negotiation Teams (一般) Team leaders, professionals, interpreters.2) Choice of Negotiation Venues (一般)Host venue, guest venue, third-partys venue.3) Target Decision (次重点)Preference of interests, target levels.4) Collecting Information (重点)A. What is in

15、formationB. Where to collect informationInternational Organization, Government, Service Organizations, Directories and Newsletters, On-line Service.C. Local laws and regulationsD. Information on financial creditE. Market survey(二)生词与短语ad hoc, integral, comprehend, framework, stem, facilitate, illust

16、rate, attainable, safeguard, unpredictable, attainability, strategically, psychologically, secure, esteem, application, uncover, undetected, costly, assess, shift, anticipate, overemphasize, underestimation, incur, boundless, preliminary, sensitivity, substitute, substructure, embassy, consulate, fo

17、rwarder, regulatory, directory, sift, periodical, pertinent, acquisition, substantial, subsidy, upgrade, subconsciously, constraint, integrity, bureau, merchandise, self-liquidate, batch, lease, warehouse, bilateral, blur, obscure, prevalent, tedious, steadfast, perseverant, withdrawal, hostile, ant

18、agonistic, impasse, neutrality(三)相关术语 negotiation lubrication, financial credit, market situation, information channel, choice of strategy, preference of interest, target level, preparatory stage, focus of negotiation, repayment risk, interest rate, maturity of loan, balancing point, desirable targe

19、t, acceptable target, bottom target, walk away point, possible outcome, strategic planning, market share, import restriction, heavy losses, market demands, labor rules, distribution system, availability of media, advertising regulation, data source, non-tariff measures, government trade policy, macr

20、o/micro information, size of market, specification, competitive activity, secondary data, growth trend, trade flows, growth prospect, level of capitalization, international payment flows, countervailing duty, antimonopoly laws, antidumping trade restriction, antitrust legislation, negotiation draft

21、plan, market penetration ratio, distribution network, sales channel, wholesales condition, retails condition, storehouseChapter 4 Win-win Concept (双赢理念)一、学习的目的和要求了解传统理念与双赢理念的不同指导思想,以及两种理念可能给谈判活动带来的不同结果。掌握相关词汇和术语;阅读课后案例。二、考核知识点(一)谈判知识1) Traditional Concept - Win-lose model (次重点)2) Win-win Concept - W

22、in-win model (重点)(二)生词与短语trace, dawn, theoretical, empirical, bewilder, superficiality, behead, submit, overwhelm, disastrous, utmost, prevail, dimensional, bully, revolt, mingle, advocate, core, detrimental, jointly, attorney, effectiveness, entitle, designate, nonmilitary, formidable(三)相关术语 envoy,

23、 conspiracy, concession, stance, impasse, hegemony, equality, mutual benefit, international affairs, domestic affairs, mutual success, mutual sharing, sincere cooperation, mediator, flexibility, indisputable, sovereignty, temporary setback, Chapter 5 Collaborative Principled Negotiation (合作原则谈判法)一、学

24、习的目的和要求了解合作原则谈判法的核心和精神实质、它广泛的适用性及其对谈判取得双赢结果的积极意义。掌握相关词汇和术语;阅读课后案例。二、考核知识点(一)谈判知识1) Separate the People from the Problem (一般)2) Focus on Interest Not Positions (次重点)3) Invent Options for Mutual Gain (重点)4) Introduce an Objective Criterion (重点)(二)生词与短语arrogance, arrogant, superior, irritate, overreact

25、, outburst, berate, crucial, outwardly, comparatively, concrete, explicitly, overpass, reiterate, deteriorate, conducive, hinder, retard, laurel, nuisance, consolidate, diagnose, prematurely haggle, retrieve, parallel, randomly, per capita, nonproliferation, hijacker(三)相关术语 collaborative principled

26、negotiation, haggling process, fair standard, posture, contradictory, objective criterion, poor impression, misled interpretation, prejudice, misunderstanding, retaliation action, debate, creative option, alternative solution, complementary interest, down-payment, economic analysis, depreciation, in

27、ternational conventions, foreign reserve holdings, procedural standard, routine talks, prescribed ritual, all-purpose strategyChapter 6 Law of Interest Distribution (利益分配法则)一、 学习的目的和要求了解谈判过程中各种利益的多样性和复杂性,以及各种利益群体之间的关系,和这些关系如何影响谈判的进程和结果。掌握相关词汇和术语;阅读课后案例。二、考核知识点(一)谈判知识1) Personal Interests VS Organiza

28、tional Interests (一般)2) Personal Interests VS Organizational & National Interests (次重点)3) Law of Two Level Game (重点)(二)生词与短语exert, entity, linkage, convergence, monetary, petty, bribery, procurement, procure, junk, discard, binational, patriotism, undermine, eminently, arena, expound, empirical, dyn

29、amics, ratify, consensus, graph, lobby, cohesion, ratifier, hegemonic (三)相关术语 interest distribution, coordinate, outcome of negotiation, terminate, immediate interest, multilateral relations, variables, coalition, consolidated resolution, bargaining leverage, acceptability-sets, minor modification,

30、common ground, diversification, unitary-actor, negotiating lever, ultimatum, commonalty, ally, sanctionChapter 7 Negotiating Power and Related Factors (谈判力及相关因素)一、 学习的目的和要求了解什么是谈判力,谈判力在谈判中是如何发挥作用的,以及影响谈判力此消彼长的因素是什么;掌握相关词汇和术语;阅读课后案例。二、考核知识点(一)谈判知识1) Motivation (重点)A. Offering inducementsB. Demonstrat

31、ing attractivenessC. Getting external third parties backD. Placing a time limit2) Dependence (重点)A. Reducing, delaying or withholding services or resourcesB. Blocking the other partys ability to work on their ownC. Isolating the other partyD. Convincing the other party to give up3) Substitutes (重点)(

32、二)生词与短语endow, amplify, equation, formula, implication, provoke, miscellaneous, ailment, retard, resourceful, sustenance, dwindle, nonrenewable, simultaneously, alien, compassionate, precedent, crucial, belittle, prominence, augment, impel(三)相关术语 negotiating power, fundamental incentives, comparative power, inducement, cost of conflict, assertiveness, cooperativeness, Chapter 8 Law of Trust (信任法则)一、 学习的目的和要求了解信任对于谈判各方的

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