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1、庞巴迪JIT流程DOCEQUALITY ASSURANCE SYSTEM PROCEDURE通用质量保证体系程序BST JIT Logistics ProcedureBST JIT物流程序NAME/FUNCTION姓名/职务SIGNATURES/DATE签字/日期Prepared by编制Zhang Feng/ INV analyst张峰/库存分析Reviewed by审核Wang Xinghua/Rong Jing/Liu Xin/Yue yaojun/Yan ye/Song XiaoqingProd / App / Inv / Store / QA QC / Pln manager王兴华

2、/ 荣憬 / 刘昕 / 岳耀军 / 严野 / 宋晓庆生产 / 采购 / 库存 / 仓库 / 质保 / 计划 经理Approved by批准Lin Yongjun/Song Li/Yao GuominMMGT / Prod / Met Director林永俊 / 宋立 / 姚国民物资管理部/生产部/方法部 部长Managed by: MMGT管理:物资管理部Document number:文件号MM-P-020ISSUE: A版This document is property of the Bombardier-Sifang (Qingdao) Transportation Ltd and c

3、an not be used, reproduced, transmitted and/or disclosed without their prior authorization.此文件属庞巴迪-四方铁路运输设备有限公司所有,无事先授权不得使用、复制、传播和/或泄露。2010-6-18Date日期ISSUE版DATE日期DESCRIPTION内容AFFECTED PAGES影响页码2010-6-18FIRST ISSUE 第一版ALL 所有页码1. Scope范围2. Purpose目的3. Define 定义4. Responsibility 职责5. Preparation 准备工作6.

4、 Process 流程7. Special problems 特殊问题8. Flow chart 流程图9. Appendix 附表1.Scope 范围本程序适用于BST公司优化物流,实现JIT交货方式所涉及的所有部门和供货商。This procedure shall apply to all the JIT delivery related departments in BST and suppliers to achieve optimization in logistics.2.Purpose 目的优化物流流程,实现JIT操作,以提高周转率,减少资金占用和重复劳动。To expedite

5、 the turnover rate and reduce the amount of funds used by optimizing logistics process and manipulation of JIT.3.Define 定义3-1 JIT:准时制交货方式,按照生产需求配送,仓库零库存;JIT: Just In Time, Distribution as per Prod demand, and zero stock.3-2 JIT软件:为实现JIT操作而专门设计,支持信息的网络共享、扫码录入等;JIT software: A software designed for JI

6、T process, to support the network information sharing, scaning etc.3-3 JIT交货方式包括:JIT delivery mode of JIT includes:3-3-1供货商JIT交货;JIT deliver by suppliers3-3-2供货商委托四机物流或者其他三方物流公司给BST提供配送;The Suppliers consigned a 3rd party carrier for delivery to BST.3-3-3 BST委托物流公司去供货商提货(milk round);BST consigned a

7、carrier to pick up the goods from the supplier.3-3-4多家外地供货商集中交至物流公司,然后配送至BST。Focus materials to the 3rd logistics and distribute to BST. 4. Responsibility 职责4-1 APP:负责供货商的管理,确保所有JIT件的供货商按照BST的JIT程序要求执行交货;APPis responsible to manage suppliers and make sure that all of the JIT suppliers take action ac

8、cording pre-defined JIT procedure.4-2 QA/QC:对JIT件进行有效的质量控制,以及JIT不合格件的处理;QA/QC is responsible to control the quality of JIT parts, and deal with unqualified ones.4-3 Store:支持JIT件的收货、发货以及确保物料单据信息的准确及时录入;Store is responsible to support the receiving and issuing, and make sure the information of materia

9、l is recorded timely and accurately.4-4 Prod: 支持JIT件的现场清点,以及现场物料的保管;Prod shall count checking and keep them safe on site.4-5 PLN:编制并维护有效的生产计划信息;PLN shall prepare and maintain effective information for production plan.4-6 INV:总体牵头JIT物流的工作进程,对BST内部进行有效的JIT物料相关信息的发布和完善流程,对供货商方面,制定并维护交货计划,跟踪具体交货的执行。INV

10、shall take a leading role on the whole JIT logistics process, internally to release JIT material information and improve procedure; externally to make and maintain delivery plan with suppliers and follow-up the implementation of delivery works.5. Preparation 准备工作为了实现JIT交货,以下工作必须提前按照要求准备To achieve JI

11、T operation, the following work should be prepared in advance5-1 供货方式:物资管理部提前与供货商进行沟通,使供货商同意以JIT方式交货;Delivery mode: MMGT connect with suppiler in advance, so that suppliers agree to JIT delivery mode.5-2 工装/包装要求:由库存分析和仓库向供货商提出并批准包装和工装要求,实现工装易搬运装卸,最好是可周转使用工装;包装要求简洁易清点,或者按照配台后的用量设计包装,便于拆箱;Tooling/pack

12、age: INV&store are responsible for proposing and approving the packing/tooling request to suppliers. the tooling should easy to move, turnover used tooling is preferable; package must be designed for easy checking and opening.5-3存料区/卸料区/车辆流转路线:实现JIT之前必须事先由仓库和生产分别定义来料后的卸料区和配台到生产线后现场的存料区;由仓库和库存分析设计合理的

13、运输车辆流转图示,明确哪类车可进出哪些场所,沿什么路线;Holding area on prod line/ discharge area/transport route: Before delivery, store and prod should define where to discharge and where to hold materials when the materials are delivered to prod line; Store and INV shall design a chart to define the transport route specifyi

14、ng which car to go where via which route.5-4供货商的供货水平:采购员监控供货商的供货能力,必须能够达到按照BST要求的连续性交货,采购员和分析员共同定义合理的供货商库存以保证货物的交付,并由分析员日常监控;Delivery capacity of supplier: Buyer shall monitor suppliers delivery capability, to ensure the delivery can continually satisfy BST requirement. Buyer & Inventory analyst sha

15、ll mutually define a reasonable stock for supplier, and inventory analysis will then take care of daily monitoring.5-5编排交货时间点:为避免每工作日内交货拥挤现象,由生产提出明细安排各工区各供货商所需的物料具体在哪个时间点(或段)来使用,将交货分散在不同的时间来进行,库存分析来结合生产的需求,评估交货量,协调后发布最终的交货时间分布表,如果白班时间无法保证收货,可安排中班收货;Define delivery time: In order to avoid the deliver

16、y conflict, prod shall specify when and where the delivered materials will be used, and these materials are delivered from which supplier, so that the delivery could be separately done. INV shall consider Prods demand, access delivered quantity, balance and issue the final schedule for delivery. Rec

17、eipt by mid-shift is also ok if the delivery cannot be arranged in day shift.5-6 质量控制:所有JIT物料按照货源检验程序进行质量控制,具体流程参照:程序QA-P-015;Quality control: All of the JIT parts must follow Source Inspection Procedure, refer to detailed procedure: QA-P-0155-7物料标识:物料上必须明确标明合同号、件号、上级件号。Mark on material: All of the

18、JIT material should marked on contract, part number, parent name.6. Process 流程6-1 信息收集及发布Information collection and release6-1-1INV负责将准备设为JIT的物料进行牵头作前期准备,参照5-15-7中提到的必须项,对于最终各项均能满足要求的,在Joss设为bulk。对于必须项中有任意一条无法实现者,皆不能设为bulk;INV is taking a leading role on preparation of setting material as JIT, refer

19、 to items from 5-1 to 5-7, if all of these items can be satisfied, the part can be set as bulk in Joss. Should any item is not satisfied, the part can not set as bulk.6-1-2 INV负责将设JIT的物料进行详细的信息统计,在公共盘上发布并负责更新,信息包括:合同号、件号、工装、交付台位、上级件、交付时间点、INV负责人等。INV is responsible for issuing and updating material

20、list on public disk, the information contains: contract, PA, tooling, PM, parent part, delivery time, analyst.6-2交货计划的制定Creating delivery schedule6-2-1 INV&IT负责将需要制定交货计划的基础数据集中维护在JIT软件中去,包括物料组装的提前期、MPS、PS_structure、CM_M_list、Supplier info、PA info、PO info、car no.(Pln VS Ing),这些数据均来自Joss系统,计划和生产均应按照既定

21、的原则安排工作,如果文件包下发安排跟Joss系统计算有变化,由计划将详细的变化信息发布在公共盘上供物资管理部查阅并调整后续交货计划,该明细不包含Movement和58,59,82工区的内容,(其中Movement下发时间按照catch up schedule执行)。该信息由计划维护并每日更新,存放在公共盘位置:bspfs2COMMONPressWork-Loadlaunch order information for CM.xls.INV&IT are responsible for maintaining basic data which can support creating deliv

22、ery plan into JIT software, the data contains: lead days, MPS, PS_structure、CM_M_list、Supplier info、PA info、PO info、car no.(Pln VS Ing), all of these datas are from Joss, Pln&prod should take the work according the rule set in Joss, if the arrangement changed, Pln is resposible for issuing informati

23、on on public disk, MMGT adjust following delivery accordingly. The documents of Movement and WC58,59,82 are not included in this information list. (the issuing date of Movement can reach to catch up schedule)The information on public is maintained by Pln everyday, refer to the address: bspfs2COMMONP

24、ressWork-Loadlaunch order information for CM.xls.6-2-2INV根据生产所需,将生产提出的配台要求、包装要求、配送时间点等信息维护到JIT软件,软件根据以上预设要求生成交货计划;INV shall consider the Prod demand, and input the requirement of delivery batch, package and delivery time into JIT software, the software can creat delivery plan base on these informati

25、on.6-2-3软件生成的交货计划为配送单的格式,该配送单上带有条形码,被扫描枪扫描后,单据上所有信息尽可录入到JIT软件。配送单样式参照附表。交货计划生成后,库存分析将开通软件查询权限给供货商(开通权限的时候各供货商只能查询各自供货范围的件,对于物流公司,只给开通他所代理的供货商范围),供货商通过Internet即可登陆该软件,可以查询详细的交货计划。然后供货商根据配送单所指示明细进行准时配货;The software can creat delivery plan as distribution bill, there is barcode inserted on the bill, if

26、 it is scaned by the fixed equipment, all the information will be recorded into JIT software. See the distribution bill sample(annex 1). After delivery plan created, INV will approve the channels to supplier for loging on(for each supplier can only log on the delivery plan of themselves, for the 3rd

27、 logistics can only research the delivery plan that serviced by themselves), suppliers can log onto Internet to get delivery plan, and print distribution bill for preparing delivery.6-2-4对于AVMSnagProject等特殊用料需求,分析员可在该软件的指定窗口提交,提交后交货信息会跟正常计算的用料需求一样展现在配送单中。For the special requirment example as AVMSang

28、Project etc, analyst can submit by a fixed screen in the JIT software, all the information submitted can be shown on the distribution bill as regular material requirement.6-3 供货商执行交货以及BST的收货流程Deliverring by supplier and receiving by BST6-3-1供货商提前3天将COC发送BST货源检验或收货检验,必须取得发货授权或签字的COC才能往BST发货,具体流程参照:程序

29、QA-P-015 ;Supplier submit COC to BST QA/QA 3 days in advance, AFS signed COC or must be gotten before delivery, refer to the procedure. QA-P-015 ;6-3-2 供货商打印网络上查询到的最新版本的BST物料配送单,按照BST的包装要求集料;Supplier log on Internet to print the latest distribution bill, and prepare delivery as it required.6-3-3如果是交

30、货方式是Milk Round,由第三方物流公司打印配送单上门收取物料。收取时的物料交接由第三方物流公司跟供货商完成,BST不参与;For the delivery manner of milk round, the 3rd logistics print distribution bill and go to supplier to fetch goods. The handover between suppliers and the 3rd logistics should be done by themselves, BST wont participate in.6-3-4供货商(或物流

31、公司)将配送的物料以及一式三份配送单送至BST,首先到BST指定的收货区进行扫码,表示物料已经到达BST,此时JIT软件已经根据扫码接收到该批物料信息,将该信息暂时保留,并不认为已经完成交货,需确认后尚能完成交货,同时仓库收货工在配送单上签字确认,仅表示该配送单已经扫过码;Suppliers(or the 3rd logistics) deliver materials with 3 copies of distribution bill to BST, go to receiving area to scan barcode firstly, it show that the materia

32、l arrived, and the detailed information of distibution can be received by JIT software, the software will keep the information temporarily, the delivery havent finished now, it still waiting for finally confirming. And store receiver sign on bills to denote the bills have been scaned.6-3-5 扫码结束后,由供货商将物料送至使用工区卸货,生产和供货商一

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