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1、英语专业毕业论文影响第二语言习得的主要因素Main Factors Influencing Second Language Acquisition题 目影响第二语言习得的主要因素AcknowledgementsThanks for giving me this chance to achieve this paper and to make the conclusion for my four years education. Through writing this paper, I have gained more knowledge than I supposed.My sincere

2、thanks are due to my supervisor, Mis. Hu Xiaorong for helping me to clarify my thought and sharpen my thinking.Here, I also want to give my thanks to other teachers and my classments who gave me much help. Thank you!AbstractWith the development of language, people gradually pay more attention to the

3、 second language acquisition. This paper mainly makes analysis of the factors that affect the second language acquisition and illustrates the individual differences and social environment and ananlyzes problems and developing trends. The factors play a crucial role in the second language acquisition

4、 learning, and become an integral in the second language acquisition. Key Words: Second Language Acquisition; Factors; Age; Social Environment 摘 要随着语言的发展,第二语言的习得逐渐被人们所重视和研究。本文在对影响第二语习得的因素的主要研究成果进行分析和比较之余,着重从学习者个体差异中的年龄和外在因素的社会环境两个方面进行分析。浅要分析了其中的问题或发展趋势。由于他们在第二语习得的学习中起着至关重要的作用,并已成为第二语习得模式不可或缺的一部分,因此本

5、文的分析对第二语习得的学习有着实际的指导意义。关键词: 二语习得; 影响因素; 年龄; 社会环境Contents1. Introduction 11.1 Background of Second Language Acquisition 11.2 The Importance of the Study Second Language Acquisition 22. The Main Factors on the Second Language Acquisition 22.1 Age 22.2 Social Factors 52.2.1 Seond Language Proficiency a

6、nd Parental Occupation 72.2.2 Second Language Proficiency and Parental Economic Status 73. Conclusion 10Bibliography 12Main Factors Influencing Second Language Acquisition1. IntroductionWith the development of globalization, todays intercultural encounters are becoming more and more abundant and sig

7、nificant. We can now go anywhere in the world no matter of hours, and the reality of a global economy makes todays contacts far more commonplace than in any other time of the worlds history. But whatever we do, language is at the center of the encounter. When we do intercultural communication, a sec

8、ond or foreign language is usually necessary. In China, like elsewhere in the world, knowing anther language, English in most cases, may mean: getting a decent job; a chance to get better education; the ability to take a fuller part of life or the opportunity to go abroad; an expansion of ones horiz

9、ons in literature, culture, science or technology. It affects peoples careers and possible futures. Indeed, what he demands is to learn English that there are now far more students of English in China than there are native speakers of English across the world. English learning and teaching is, in sh

10、ort, one of Chinas greatest growth industries. There are many research on Second Language Acquisition.1.1 Background of Second Language Acquisition Chinese students who learn English usually spend, from primary school to university, more than ten years learning the language. Such a long time endeavo

11、r drastically affects their exposure to other courses in academic fields, even affecting their all-round development. What is worse, after such a long time, it is hard to say that a lot of students have acquired the English skills effectively, especially those of litening and speaking. Consuming too

12、 much while achieving so little” is a true picture of learning English in most areas of the country. As statistics show, 72,6% of college graduates cannot speak English in their daily conversation after 8 to 10 years study of language. There are many factors affect second language acquisition, such

13、as ones mother tongue, culture, age, individual variable, social factor and provincial key institutions of higher education and so on. Hence much concern from the educational administrations, the school authorities and English language teachers, linguists and researches has been given. It is argued

14、that its because of the lack of English learning. The negative influence of the traditional education system tends to produce examination-oriented learners who are of “high grades, but low abilities”. And due to the traditional teacher-centered approaches, the students, accustomed to being spoon-fed

15、, are often treated as the passive recipients of linguistic knowledge. Recent years, however, there has being the most fundamental change in L2 acquisition researchers, which has been a shift from concern with the teacher, the textbook and method to an interest in the learner and the acquisition pro

16、cesses, As is known, it is the learners who are internal factors that play the main role in the learning process rather than the teachers who are external factors. 1.2 The Important of the Study Second Language Acquisition On the basis of other researches, this paper will try to use a new and more p

17、rofessional method, to analyse the affect in second language acquisition from two aspects: age and social factors. In the first part, the paper express the background information and important of the study of the research. Then the paper mainly analyse the factor from two aspects: age and social fac

18、tors. In this part, the paper try to make a detail and specific explanation to the reason. 2. The Main Factor on the Second Language Acquisition 2.1 Age There are a good deal of comprehensive reviews of the SLA literature dealing with age. At first sight, the SL age results look chaotic, some studie

19、s appearing to show child superiority, some favouring adults. There is a prevailing belief that children are good at the second language (L2) learning. It is based on many peoples experience that children who immigrate to a foreign environment are able to learn the language more easily and quickly t

20、han their parents. It seems that children can achieve a native-like level easily, while adults study hard and diligently for years only to find that the results are unsatisfactory. It seems that children are intrainsically better learners. But this assumption has not been confirmed by all researcher

21、s in this field. On the contrary, a lot of evidences prove that the orlder children grow the more effectively they learn and that teenagers are probably the best learners(Ellis, 1994: 484-94). The only exception might be pronunciation, which is learned more easily by younger children. But there are

22、still some evidences to support the fact that adults can also learn native-like pronunciation. Some researchers have argued for the existence of a critical period in L2 learning. They deny that a learner will have much more difficulty in learning a foreign language if he/she has passed the optimum p

23、eriod. Oyama studied 60 Italian male immigrants whose arrival age is between 6 and 20, who live in American about 5 to 18 years. The research indicates that the children whose age is under 12 immigrant in the USA can have the same language ability as the native American. The length of residence of i

24、mmigrants learning English in American related less to the SLA, but the age of immigrants have an important fact on the SLA.Payne, Oyama, ect found that it can be explained by the critical period hypothesis, the critical perod hypothesis shows that there is a period hypothesis. The critical period h

25、ypothesis states that there is a period when language acquisition takes place naturaly and effortlessly. Penfield and Roberts(1959) argued that the perfect age for language acquisition is the first ten years of life. During this time the brain retains plastiity, but with the onset of puberty this pl

26、asticity begins to disappear. They think that this was the result of the lateralization of the language function of the left hemisphere in the brain. The neurological capacity of understanding and producing language that primaryly involves both hemispheres of the brain, is slowly concentrated in the

27、 left hemisphere for many people. The increased difficulty which older learners supposedly experence was seen as a direct result of this neurological change.A second generalization made by Krashen et al. is that older children acquire more faster than younger (agin in arly stages of morphological an

28、d synatactic development where time and exposure are held constant). Representative results are those by (Rosamn Mitchell et, al :1998,145-146). Ektrand studied 2,189 eight-to seventeen-year-olds learning Swedish as a SL over a two-year period. He found a linear improvement with age,and that older c

29、hildren performed better than younger children on measures of listening comprehension, reading, free writing, pronunciation and speaking. In an analogous ESL study, Fathman studied 200 children aged eight to fifteen, lived in the USA from one to three years, assessing their English morphology, synta

30、x and pronunciation using the SLOPE (a picture-cued sentence-completion test) and a picture-description task. Eleven-to fifteen-year-olds outperformed six to ten-year-olds on morphology the younger group did better on pronunciation. Similar findings regarding the superiority of older learners on rul

31、egoverned aspects of language are reported by Ervin-Tripp(1974), chun (1978), Snow and Hoefnagel-Hohle (1978), and Harley (19 86). Ann Fathman made a study in 1982 to examine the relationship between certain aspects of the second language acquisition process and age through on oral production test.

32、The subjects for this study were 200 children (aged 6 to 15) from diverse language backgrounds who were learning English as a second language in public schools. The results indicated that there is some relationship between age and rate learning. The older children performed better in the production of correct morphological and syntactic structures whereas the younger children were superior in the use of correct English pronunciation.Rate and success of SLA appar to be mainly influenced by the age of the learner. Here rate is concerned, there is evidence to suggest that older

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