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1、语音基础知识语音基础知识音素:即每一个独立的国际音标。(*见表1) study学习s-t-d-i(含5个音素) ; country国家k-n-tr-i(含5个音素) car小汽车k-a:(含2个音素) ; dictionary字典d-i-k-n-r-i(含含9个音素)国际音标中共有20个元音音素和28个辅音音素。 音标:即每一个单词的完整的注音记录。 study学习st-di ; country国家kn-tri car小汽车ka: ; dictionary字典dik-n-ri每一个音标分为几段(音节段),如上。每一个音节段只含有一个元音音素和一个或一个以上的辅音音素构成。如何划分音节段:(1)

2、 有多少个元音音素,就有多少个音节段 study学习st-di(2个音节段) ; country国家kn-tri(2个音节段) car小汽车ka: (1个音节段) ; dictionary字典dik-n-ri(4个音节段)(2) 两个元音音素之间若只有一个辅音音素,那这个辅音归属为后一个音节段 study学习st- d i ; tiger老虎t ai- g China中国t ai- n ; ruler尺 r u:- l 即简单点就是:元音-(辅音+元音)(3) 两个元音音素之间若有两个辅音音素,则这两个辅音分属前后的音节段(即前后各一个) country国家 kn-tri ;goodness善

3、良g u d- n i s ;dictionary字典d i k- -n-ri 既简单点就是:(元音+辅音)-(辅音+元音) 注意:诸如这些-ee,oo,ch,sh,wh,tch,wr,rh,qu,tion,gr,等等都视作一个音素单位,如上的country等。 音节(段):每个单词的音标都分有几段音节段(至少一个),如上各例。 含有几个元音音素,就有几个音节(段)。 study学习st-di(2个音节段) ; country国家kn-tri(2个音节段) car小汽车ka: (1个音节段) ; dictionary字典dik-n-ri(4个音节段) *当每一段音节(段)末尾是“辅音+ l m

4、或n”时,就构成了成音节,也算一个音节(段) trouble麻烦tr -bl season季节s i:- z n table桌子t ei- b l含有一个音节的单词(单音节词);含有两个音节的单词(双音节词);含有三个或三个以上音节的单词(多音节词)study学习s t -di 双音节词; car小汽车k a: 单音节词 ; country国家 k n-tri 双音节词 ;trouble麻烦tr - b l 双音节词;season季节s i:- z n 双音节词 ; table桌子t ei- b l 双音节词; dictionary字典d i k- - n - r i 多音节词(4个音节);T

5、V电视(机)t i:-v i: 双音节词;magazine杂志,m - g - z i: n 多音节词(3个音节); 重音: 当双音节或多音节时,有些音节段中的元音要重读(即发音响亮清楚),必须在该音节段的左上角或左下角标上重音符号即:(强)重音符号 -左上角; 和 次重音符号 ,-左下角 China中国tai-n 第一音节段中的ai重读Chinese中国的taini: z第二音节段中的i:重读information信息,in-f-mei-n第一音节段中的i次重读 ;第三音节段中的ei (强)重读重音规则:(一般情况)1. 单音节词 本生元音就重读,所以不必标重音符号。如farmfa: m表示

6、a:重读2. 双音节词 大多数双音节词,重音在第一个音节段上season季节si:- zn zero零zi-ru trouble麻烦tr-bl country国家kn-tri father父亲fa:- window窗win-du 但某些以a-, re-, be-, ab-, ac-, ad-, af-, al-, an-,等开头的词,重音在第二个音节段上about关于-baut again又,再-gen begin开始bi-gin already已经: l-re-di return回,归ri-t: n repair修理ri-p3. 多音节词 一般重音在倒数第三个音节段上(多为短音)family

7、家庭f-mi-li 重音在倒数第三个音节段上f difficult困难di-fi-klt 重音在倒数第三个音节段上d ipolitical政治p-li-ti-kl 重音在倒数第三个音节段上li economy经济i- k-n-mi重音在倒数第三个音节段上k当含有5个音节(段)或以上,就有次重音. 次重音在强重音向左第二个音节(段)上。即: ,音节段1音节段2音节段3音节段4音节段5次重音强重音agricultural农业的 ,g-ri-kl-t-rl 即: ,- *根据发音时声音的轻弱来排序(由强到弱),为: 强重音次重音非重音辅音 开音节和闭音节首先我们来了解如何划分单词字母组合(具体方法和

8、如何划分音节段一致,参见上面)就以上这些单词,进行划分一下字母组合:study 学习 ; country 国家 ; car 小汽车 ; dictionary 字典;tiger虎 ; goodness善良 ;trouble 麻烦;season 季节 ; table 桌子 ; magazine 杂志 ;China中国 ; Chinese中国的 ;about 关于 ;again 又 ;begin 开始; already已经 ;return 回归; repair 修理 ;family 家庭;difficult 困难; economy经济 ; agricultural农业;一般根据单词字母组合,就可以基

9、本知道如何元音和辅音是如何发音的(规则情况下)开音节:分为绝对开音节和相对开音节1) 如果每一段字母组合结尾是“辅音字母+元音字母”,那就叫绝对开音节be ; me ; she ; China ; my ; no ; go ; student ;2) 如果字母组合段结尾“元音字母+辅音字母(r除外)+e”,那就叫相对开音节game; Pete; use ; name ; nine ; like ; lake ; nose ; time 如果辅音字母是r时,则变成了re音节了,后面将讲到。 开音节一般发字母本身音。3) 如果字母组合段结尾是“元音字母+辅音字母(r除外)”,那就叫做闭音节 man

10、 ; red ; pen; big; not; sun; son ; gun ; up ;begin ;summer 如果辅音字母是r时,则变成了r音节了,后面将讲到。闭音节一般发短音,基本发和字母外形相符的音。*当一个元音字母重读时,根据其与辅音字母之间的组合(段),是哪一类开音节,就发哪种音; 如果是闭音节,就发闭音节音,如office中的o就发闭音节音;如果元音字母是非重读,那就发非重读音。具体详见下表: 元音字母重读非重读绝对开音节相对开音节闭音节aeieiei:i:eiiaiaiiiouuu(j)u:(j)u:或u 一般基本上就是按照以上规则发音,当然也有不规则的地方,需要多记。r音

11、节和re音节就如以上所讲,元音字母分别和r或re构成的字母组合段,就叫r音节或re音节。r音节car;star;term;girl;nor;nursere音节hare;care;here;fire;more;sure具体规则的(r)e音节如下表:r音节re音节ara:areer:ereiir:ireaior:ore:ur:ure(j) u英语人称代词和物主代词一、人称代词人称单数复数主格宾格主格宾格第一人称Imeweus第二人称youyouyouyou第三人称hehimtheythemsheheritit人称代词主格:作主语,表示谁怎么样了、干什么了。I am a teacher.You ar

12、e student.He is a student, too.We/You/They are students.人称代词宾格作宾语,表示动作行为的对象。Give it to me.Lets go (lets =let us)二、物主代词数人称类别单数复数第一人称第二人称第三人称第一人称第二人称第三人称形容词性物主代词myyourhisheritsouryourtheir名词性物主代词mineyourshishersitsoursyourstheirs汉语我的你的他的她的它的我们的你们的他(她、它)们的形容词性物主代词(my/your/his/her/its/our/their)+名词而名词性物

13、主代词(mine/yours/his/hers/its/ours/theirs则相单于形容词性物主代词+名词,故其后不必加名词。如:Is this your book?No,,it isnt, its hers(her book)一、选出括号中正确的词,在正确的词上打勾。1. This is(my / I)mother. 2. Nice to meet (your / you).3. (He / His)name is Mark. 4. Whats(she / her)name?5. Excuse(me / my / I). 6. Are(your / you)Miss Li?7. (I/ M

14、y)am Ben. 8. (She / Her)is my sister.9. Fine , thank (your / you). 10. How old is (he / his)二、用所给代词的适当形式填空1. This is not _ kite. It is very small, but _ is very big. ( she )2. The dress is _. Give it to _, please. ( I ) 3. Is that _ watch? (you) No, its not _ . ( I )4. _ is my brother. _ name is Jac

15、k. Look! This dog is _. ( he )5. _ dresses are red. (we) What colour are _yours_? ( you )6. Here are many dolls, which one is _ ? ( she )7. I can find my toy, but wheres _? ( you )8. Show _how to draw a circle, OK? (we)9. The girl behind _ is our friend. (I )10. Are these _ tickets? No, _ are not. _

16、 arent here. ( they )11. Shall _have a look at the classroom? Its _classroom. ( we )12. _ is my aunt. Do you know _ job? _is a nurse. ( she )13. That is not _ camera. _is at home. ( our )14. Where are _? I cant find _.Lets call _ parents. ( they )15. Dont touch _. _is not a cat, _is a tiger! (it)16.

17、 _ sister is ill. Please go and get _. ( she )17. _ dont know her name. Would you please tell _. ( we )18. So many beautiful masks! Lets count _. ( they )19. I have a brother. _ is only 3. I like _ very much. ( he )20. There re many books on my chair. May I sit beside _? ( you )三、单项选择。( ) 1. My uncl

18、e gave a new bike to _. A. theirs B. they C. me D. I( ) 2. This is a photo of _family. May I have one of _?A. yours; my B. my; yours C. your; my D. yours; mine( ) 3. Heres a postcard for you, Jim! Oh, _is from Mary. A. he B. it C. she D. its( ) 4. They asked _some questions _ English.A. me; about B.

19、 I; about C. I; with D. me; with( ) 5. Help_ answer the questions.A. I B. my C. me D. mine( ) 6. These are my books. Where are _?A. their B. theirs C. my D. your四、改错 1.Mine wallet is on the bed. 2.This isnt Mikes watch , its her. 3.Is this your teapot? No, its theirs teapot. 4.Whose comb is it? Its

20、our. 五、用适当的物主代词填空 1. This is _(my)book. _(your)is in the bag. 2.The classroom is (our) . 3.Are these watches _(her)? No. _(her)watches are at home. 4.They arent _(his)teapots. They are _(their). 5.The big mirror is (his) . 6.That is not _(my) comb.Its _(her). 7.Is this calculator _(your)?8. This hai

21、rdryer isnt my sisters.Its _(my). 六、根据中文提示,用代词的适当形式填空。 1、There is a new dress for _ (他的)sister. 2、This is _ (我的 ) wallet. _ ( 我的) is red. 3、_( 谁的) calculators are these? _(他们) are _ (我们的). 4、Give _(她 ) a toy, please. 5、_(你们的) eyes are black. _ (你们) come from Japan.6、Tim and Bill are twins. _ (他们)are

22、 from England. Show _ (他们)around _ (我们的)school. 7、Give the book to _(我 ). 8、These books are _(他的)._( 他的) books are new.一、用适当的人称代词填空:1. _ is my aunt. We often visit _. 2. China is a developing country. _ lies in the east of Asia. 3. Professor Wang sets _ a good example. We must learn from _. 4. What

23、day is _ today? _ is Thursday. 5. How far is the thunder ? _ is three kilometers away. 6. I own a blue bike. The red one doesnt belong to _. 7. These new houses are so nice. _ are very expensive. 8. _ say that those old houses will be rebuilt. 9. Is _ the milkman at the door? Yes, thats _. 10. The f

24、ishermen caught a lot of fish, didnt _? 11. Ling Ling is a girl. _ studies in a primary school. Her brother lives with _ and helps _ to prepare the lessons. 12. The ship is lying at anchor (停泊) . _ comes from Shanghai. 13. This photo of your mother is very much like her. I like _. 14. Mike is my cla

25、ssmate. _ is good at physics . 15. Kate wants a glass of milk. Will you pass it to _ ? 16. Whats the weather like today ? _ is cloudy. 二、用形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词填空1. I ate all _ sandwiches yesterday. Can I have one of _ ? 2. Tell Tom not to forget _ book. And you mustnt forget _ . 3. George has lost _ pen.

26、 Ask Mary if(是否)she will lend him _ . 4. Jack has a dog and so have I. _ dog and _ had a fight (打架). 5. The teacher wants you to return that book of _ 6. Mr. and Mrs. Green and a friend of _ are coming to see us. 7. Mary wants to know if(是否) youve seen a pair of gloves of _ . 8. We are going to Paris to stay with a French friend of _ . 三、用适当的人称代词和物主代词填空1. Your football clothes are on the desk. Please put _ (they,them,their,theirs) away. 2. (We,Us,Our,Ours)_ English teacher is Mrs. Green. We all like _(she,her,hers). 3. (I,Me,My,Mine)_ cant get my kite. Could you

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