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1、浙江省苍南县勤奋高级中学高考英语复习教案11下高二英语复习教案(11)(SB2-units21-22)一、单元考点提示1.词汇memory, marry, single, square, otherwise, perform, wedding, musical, generation, nowadays, passer-by, pattern, thought, gay, be familiar with, learn by heart, in praise of, earn ones living, pass down, in praise of, pass on, at a time, c

2、ruel, eager, disturb, mental, fortune, arrival, prisoner, attend, in public, sentenceto death, a good deed, in peace, fall in love with, make sure of, suffer from, light a fire, letin, call for help, be pleased at ,for no good reason2.句型 (1)They usually write exact instructions on how the music is t

3、o be played.(2)On festivals they used to act and sing in praise of heroes who lived long ago.(3)This was at a time when there was no radio, TV or cinema.(4)Dr Manette had been put into prison so that he could keep silent over this matter.(5)Although Lucy married Charles, Sydney promised her that he

4、would always do anything he could for her to make sure of her happiness.3.语法(1)v.-ing形式作表语、定语和宾语补足语(2)v.-ing形式作定语和状语4.交际用语(1)I think at the beginning wed rather have(2)Id rather haveto start.(3)You must have been(4)She cant have been(5)She may/might have done二、考点精析与拓展1.whisperwhisper可用作名词或动词,意为“低语,私

5、语”。如:whisper to sb.对某人耳语;whisper about sth./sb.小声议论某事/人;whisper sth. to sb.低声告诉某人某事;in a whisper低声地;Its whishpered that私下说。对比:say to sb.对某人说;speak to sb.和某人说话;talk to sb.和某人说话;explain to sb.对某人解释说;lie to sb.对某人撒谎说。应用完成句子老师低声给孩子们讲了个故事。The teacher_ a story to the children./The teacher told the childre

6、n a story _ _ _.有人私下说史密斯先生的生意在衰败。_ _ _ that Mr Smiths business is falling.Key:Whispered/in,a, whisperIt,is, whispered2.pass 短语归纳pass sth.down把某物一代一代传下去;pass sth.on将某物传、交给某人;pass away逝世; pass by路过,忽视;pass sb. sth./pass sb.把某物递给某人;pass the exam/test/law通过考试/测验/法律注意:past是介词“过,经过”或名词“过去”;passed是p

7、ass的过去式和过去分词。如:half past six六点半;in the past few years在过去的几年里;Two weeks passed.两周的时间过去了。He walked past the gate.他从大门口走过。应用完成句子去年他母亲去世了。His mother _ _ last year.这戒指是我家传来来的。This ring_ _ _ _in my family.那本书你看完了给我。_the book_ _me when youve finished it.那个年轻人听到这个消息,由于震惊昏了过去。When the young man heard the new

8、s. he_ _with the shock.Key:passed, away has, been, passed, downPass, on, to passed, out3.perform, performanceperform 是动词“履行,表演”,而performance是名词“表演,演出”。如:perform a task/an operation/ones duties/a play/a part做工作/做手术/尽责任/上演一出戏/演一个角色;perform to sb.对某人表演;give a performance演出;对比:act/play a part扮演角色;put on

9、 a play上演一出戏应用完成句子他们总是很耐心地做实验They always_their experiments_great patience.今晚演出什么戏?What play_ _ _tonight?这位歌唱家以前从未在北京演唱过。The singer has never_in Beijing_.Key:perform,withwill,be,performedperformed, familiar with,be familiar tobe familiar with的主语是有生命的事,意为“某人对人、事熟悉”;be familiar to 的主语是无生命的事物,

10、意为“某人/事为某人所熟悉”,对比:He is very familiar with the names of plants in English.他很熟悉植物的英语名称。Suzhou and Hangzhou are familiar to many foreigners.苏州和杭州为许多外国人所熟悉。Im not familiar with European history./European history is not familiar to me.我对欧洲历史不太熟悉。注意:be familiar with/to 还表示“精通、通晓”如:French is as familiar t

11、o him as English.他对法语就象对英语一样精通。应用 一句多译这些事实是每个学生都熟悉的。她精通4种语言。Key:These facts are familiar to every schoolboy./Every shoolboy is familiar with these facts.She is familiar with four languages./Four languages are familiar to her.5.表示“宁愿、想要某人做某事”下列句型均可表示“宁愿、想让某人作某事”:would like do sth.;would prefer

12、 do sth.;like do sth;want do sth.;would rather that sb.did sth.对比:would like/love to do sth.喜欢、宁愿做某事;prefer to do sth.宁愿做;would rather do sth.宁愿做;would like/love not to do sth.不想做;would rather not do sth.宁愿不做;prefer not to do sth.不想做;would rather do sth.than do sth.宁愿做某事而不做某事;p11ref

13、er to do sth.rather than do sth.宁愿做某事而不做某事。应用一句多译我想让我儿子学医。选择正确的答案Little Jim should love_to the theatre this evening. (MET92) be taken takeC.being taken D.takingKey:1 I would like my son to study medicine./Id love my son to study medicine,/ I would rather that my son studied medicine./ I lik

14、e my son to study medicine./I want my son to study medicine./I would rather that my son studied medicine.A6.earn, gain, win ,get四个词均有“得到”之意,但earn指经过艰苦努力所得到的报偿,意为“赚得”;gain指作出很大努力而“获得”,所得东西常有一定价值;get是普通词,指不一定需要努力就能“得到”;win意为“赢得”,含有取胜一方具有优越条件而能克服障碍之意。这四个词有时可通用。应用英译汉earn much money/a prize/ones livingga

15、in a victory/experience/the first prize/ten dollars/a living/success/the battle/a doctors degreeget ones help/full marksKey: 挣得很多钱/获奖/谋生获胜/取得经验/获得一等奖/赚10美元/谋生/获得成功/赢得战斗/获博士学位得到某人的帮助/得满分7.single, not a singlesingle是形容词,有“单一的,单个的,单身的,唯一的”意义;not a single表示“一个也没有”,起强调作用,位于句首时引起倒装。如:remain single尚未成婚;the

16、 single person唯一的人;a single bed/ticket/man/room单人床/单程票/独身男子/单人房间He didnt make a single mistake in the exam./Not a single mistake did he make in the exam.他在考试中没出一处错误。应用汉译英今天上午这个商店里一个人也没有。他是能帮助我们的唯一的人。Key: Not a single person has been in the shop this morning.Hes the single person that can help us.8.i

17、n+名词+ofin praise of为颂扬、歌颂;in honour of 为纪念,为了向某人表示敬意;in memory of为了怀念;in favour of赞同,支持;in place of 代替;in charge of负责;in search of寻找;in need of 需要。注意:上述短语多用作表语、状语或定语。应用完成句子,句意不变This is a book which sings high praise for pioneers.This is a book _ _ _ pioneers.They startd off at once to look for the m

18、issing girl.They started off at once_ _ _the missing girl.We all agree to your plan.We are all _ _ _your plan.We usr plastics instead of wood or metal.We use plastics_ _ _ wood or metal.Key:in, praise, of in, search, of in, favour, of in, place, of9.praise短语归纳praise可用作名词或动词,均表示“赞扬,表扬”。如:sing high pr

19、aise for高度赞扬;praise sb. for因而赞扬其人;receive praise from sb.得到某人的称赞;win high praise受到高度赞扬;give praise to sb.表扬某人。应用完成句子校长高度赞扬了他的勇敢行为。The headmaster_ _ _ _his brave deed.他经常帮助别人,因而得到同学们的赞扬。He often helps others, so he _ _ _his classmates.Key: sang, high, praise, for receives praise, from10.onethe other,

20、 someothersonethe other相当于oneone,表示两者中的“一个。另一个”;someothers表示许多中的“一些,另外一些”;somethe others表示“一些,其余所有的”。对比:He has two companise. One is in China and the other is in the States.他有两家公司,一家在中国,另一家在美国。In winter, some birds will fly away, and others wills stay here.冬天,一些鸟飞走了,另外一些留了下来。Some stamps are new, and

21、 the others are all ones.有些邮票是新的,其余全是用过的。应用选择正确答案。Some people like to stay at home on Sunday, but _like to go to the cinema.(NMET85)A.another B.other C.others D.other oneOf the three foreign guests, one is from London,_two are from New York.(80年高考)key:C B11.suffer 用作及物动词,意为“遭受,蒙受,受到,忍受”。如:suffer los

22、s/pain/punishment/defeat/wrong/hardship/discouragement/disappointment/unfair/treatment/hunger遭受损失/疼痛/遭到惩罚/遭到失败/受到冤枉/忍受艰难/失去勇气/灰心丧气/受到不公正对待/挨饿。用作不及物动词,意为“受痛苦、受损失,折磨,受惩罚”,与from搭配。如:suffer from headache/loss of memory/bad health患头疼/患有遗忘症/身体不好;suffer a lot from a strange illness因怪病吃了不少苦。应用汉译英那个城市因地震而遭到严

23、重破坏。他们在战争中遭受了巨大痛苦。Key: The city suffered serious damage from the earthquake.They suffered a great deal in the war.12.way(s)后的定语从句修饰way(s)(方法,方式)的定语从句其关系词可以用in which,that也可省略关系词,但不能直接使用which.如:I feel angry about the way(that)he has treated me./I feel angry about the way in which he has treated me.我对他

24、对待我的方式感到生气。对比:He found a way that/which led to success.(way在从句中作主语) 他找到了一条通往成功的路。应用单句改错I dont like the way which you laugh at her.They didnt to the experiment the way in that we do now.key:在which前加in或改which为that 改that为which或去掉in13.reasonfor this/that reason因为这个/那个原因:for no good reason没有正当的理由;for a s

25、imple reason因为一个很简单的原因;for some political reasons因为政治原因;for the reason of health由于健康原因;give a reason提供理由。注意:reason词后的表语从句用that引导,定语从句多用why引导,偶尔用which引导。应用用适当的连词填空His reason for being late was_he missed the bus.The reason_he didnt come to school was that he was ill.The doctor gave reason_ couldnt exp

26、lain the failure of the operation.Key :that why which/that14.disturb,interruptdisturb有“打扰,扰乱,使(人)心神不宁”之意。如:disturb the sleeping child/ones plan/the piblic peace 打扰睡觉的孩子/打乱计划/扰乱社会治安;be mentally disturbed精神上受到影响;be disturbed about 对感到不妥。对比:interrupt 有“打断,打扰”之意,侧重打断。如:Dont interrupt me while Im busy.我忙

27、的时候不要打扰我。应用完成句子她获悉母亲得急病后感到心神不安。She was_ _ her mothers sudden illness./She was_ _hear of her mothers sudden illness./She was_ _ the news of her mothers sudden illness.不要打断那位演讲者,他讲完再问你的问题。Dont _ the speaker;ask your question after the meeting.Key:disturbed, about/disturbed,to/disturbed, by interrupt15

28、.at, with, through表原因三个介词都可表示原因,at表示听到或看到的原因;with表示人体外部的原因;through 强调自身的原因。如:be sad at the news听了这个消息而悲伤;be frightened at the sight看了那个情景而害怕;jump up with joy高兴地跳了起来;turn red with anger气得脸红;shake with cold/fear冻得/害怕得发抖;with pleasure高兴地;with pride 骄傲地;with satisfaction满意地;make the mistake through his

29、carelessness由于粗心而出错;be put into prison through no fault of his own 没有任何罪过被关进监狱。应用汉译英听到这个消息,全国人民处于悲哀之中。孩子们高兴地跳了起来。由于大意他犯了这个错误。Key:At the news, the whole country was in deep sorrow.The children jumped up with joy.He made the mistake through his carelessness.16.take up, take down take up arms/guns/knives/Japanese/too much room/the whole day/the cry/the song拿起武器/拿起枪/拿起刀子/开始学日语/占太多的空间/占了整整一天的时间/喊起来/唱起来。take down the old picture /what he said取下旧画/记录下他说的话。应用完成句子他20岁时开始写作。He _ _ _at the age of twenty.会议占了整个上午的时间。The meeting_ _the whole morning.Key:took, up ,writing took, up 17.sentence

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