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仁爱版初二英语下Unit 6Topic 2Section D1.docx

1、仁爱版初二英语下Unit 6Topic 2Section D1Unit 6 Enjoying Cycling Topic Two How about exploring Tiananmen Square?教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本话题围绕孩子们游览天安门广场而展开。主要内容包含:Michael邀请Darren来中国度假、孩子们游览天安门广场、描述游览过程及发生的事情。通过描述游览过程和写游览日记来引入时间状语从句。通过介绍天安门广场来学习方位的表达。学生通过学习本话题可以更好地了解天安门广场并培养他们的爱国主义精神。本话题建议用5个课时来完成:第一课时:Section A-1a, 1b,

2、1c,2,4第二课时:Section A-3,Section B-3a,3b,1a,1b,2第三课时:Section C-1a,1b,1c第四课时:Section B-4a, 4b, Section C-2,3第五课时:Section D-Grammar and Functions, 1a, 1b, 1c, 2, Project 第五课时 (Section D-Grammar and Functions, 1a, 1b, 1c, 2, Project)教学设计思路:本课主要是复习归纳时间状语从句和方位词的用法。首先通过完成Grammar和 Functions,既检查学生的家庭作业完成情况,又复

3、习本话题的语法和功能句。掌握英语日记的写法也是本课的重点,首先让学生读1a的短文,学习Michaels的旅游日记并让学生留意英文日记的格式,接着完成1b和 1c 。最后让学生先看图讨论,编故事,展示故事完成Project. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims: 复习时间状语从句。 复习方位词。2. Skill aims:(1)能够正确理解含有时间状语从句的句子。(3)掌握英文日记的写法。3. Emotional aims: 培养学生处理类似问题的能力。(如:迷路)4. Culture awareness: . The key points and difficult

4、points1. Key points:(1)Words and expressions : everywhere, Thank goodness, in the center of , have fun doing sth., be worried about , ask sb. for help . (2)Sentences: After we checked our bikes and bags, we rode to Tiananmen Square. While we were having fun exploring , I found that Darren was lost.

5、We were so excited and happy when we met again. What a special trip ! 2.Difficult points: 理解1a中出现的过去时的被动语态。 理解1a中出现的宾语从句。 正确使用when , while , as 引导时间状语从句。 . Learning strategies坚持写英文日记是一种练习英文写作的好方法。. Teaching aids 多媒体/图片V. Teaching proceduresStage 1(3mins): Revision StepTeacher activityStudent activit

6、yDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Check the Ss homework to revise adverbial clause of time .T: Hi, class! How are you feeling today ?T:Me, too. Lets begin our class with a good spirit, OK?T: First, lets check the homework. Have you finished yet?T: Great! Mmm, xxx, please show us your answer to No.1

7、.T:.Revise adverbial clause of time and finish Grammar and Function on page 41.Ss: Fine . Ss: OK!Ss: Yes.S1: While,S2:.通过检查学生的家庭作业,完成Grammar 和 Functions 部分。Remark:Grammar 和Functions 部分既是本课时的一项任务,又是对时间状语从句的复习。对学习出现的错误,要及时予以纠正。Stage 2(2mins):Lead-inStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose

8、1(Class activity)Let the Ss learn how to write an English diary. T: After revising the grammar, we will learn something new. First, Id like to ask you a question “Do you know how to write a diary?”.T: Xxx, could you please tell me the form of a diary in Chinese?T:Do you want to know how to write a d

9、iary in English?T: The form of an English diary is different from that of a Chinese one .Learn how to write an English diary. Ss: Sure.S1: Of course. First,.Ss: Yes.让学生学习英语日记的格式。Remark:教师要学生区分汉语和英语日记格式的不同。Stage 3(8mins):ReadingStep Teacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Group work)Let th

10、e Ss read Michaels diary and find out difficult points and the sentences with adverbial clause of time.T: We know Michael and his friends explored Tiananmen Square. He wrote a diary about his exploring experience. Lets share his diary. As you are reading, try to find out the sentences with adverbial

11、 clause of time and the words or expressions you cant understand. First, discuss with your group members, if necessary, you can ask for help from other groups. Are you clear?T: Stop reading, please. Which group would like to speak out the sentences with adverbial clause of time. Group 1?.T: Now, let

12、s deal with the difficult points . T: Its .T: Anymore?T:Its .Read Michaels diary and find out difficult points and the sentences with adverbial clause of time.Ss: Yes.Group One:After we checked ., we rode . Square.After we visited., we came . Heroes.Group 4:What does “the first national flag was rai

13、sed here,”Group Three:I found that .培养合作学习的能力,发现难点词、句并解决部分问题。2( Individual work)Let the Ss read 1a again and finish 1b.T: We have solved the problems. Next, please read 1a again and finish 1b.T:Its an easy task. I think we should check now. Volunteers!T: Good job! Then show me your order. Who?T: Yes

14、 or no?Read 1a again and finish 1b.S1: Darren was lostS2: Looked for. And found him.S3: .S4:4-2-5-1-3Ss: Yes.自主学习,完成1b的任务。Remark:学生找出难点词、句之后,先让学生在组内解决,然后组间合作,最后教师点拨。老师要把学生未能解决的问题展示出来,集中解决。对于被动语态和宾语从句只要了解意思即可。Stage 4(5mins): Retelling 1(Group work)Encourage the Ss to retell the story in groups accord

15、ing to the key information in 1b. T: We have almost finished Michaels diary. I think you know well about his exploring. Next, lets have a competition. Two members from each group will work together to retell Michaels story. For example, Member A says the first sentence, Member B says the second sent

16、ence, then change, A for the third one and B for the fourth one. Do you know what I mean? T:Prepare for one minute. T: Lets start! Which group begins?T: Excellent performance! Lets see if there are any mistakes in their speech.T: So the best group is . Retell the story according to the key informati

17、on in 1b. Ss: Yes .Group Four: Member A: After they rode one and a half hours, they .Member B: First, they explored Tiananmen Rostrum.Member A:.Member B:.Group One:.让学生复述课文,考查学生运用时间状语从句的能力,培养学生的口头表达能力。Remark:在学生复述时,让其他同学作记录:用了几个时间状语从句,有哪几个错误。老师可以把1b的表格用多媒体展示出来,供学生参考。Stage 5(22mins):Project1(Group wo

18、rk)Let the Ss talk about the pictures in groups.T:Just now we learned Michaels story. Do you want to write your own story?T: Great! Look at these pictures. Talk about them in groups. The questions may help you a lot.T: Now, stop talking, please. Do you understand each picture?T: Fine. Now, its your

19、turn to write your own story according to the pictures.Talk about the pictures in groups.Ss: Sure.Ss: Yes.看图讨论,为写故事作准备。2 (Individual work)Encourage the Ss to present their stories.T: Hey, time is up. We can share stories now. Which group wants to be the first volunteer?T: What a wonderful story! Gro

20、up 3, can we share your story?.T: What should you do if you get lost in a new place?T: You have given so much useful advice. Remember to keep safe when you are going out. Present their stories.Group 2 :It s a fine day. Wang Gang, Li Fang, Zhou Wei and Wu Bin went to West Hill for a picnic.Group 3:.S

21、1: We should ask somebody for help, such as police, students, old people.S2: We shouldnt be worried. We should stay there.展示小组成果,既可以检查语言运用情况,也可以让学生获得成就感。Remark:在写故事前,教师要作出适当的要求,如:尽量多使用时间状语从句和方位词。为了促使其他组的同学认真听故事,可以让每个组读完故事后,设计几个细节性的小问题,作为加分项目。Stage 6(5mins): Summarizing and assigning HMKStepTeacher a

22、ctivity Student activity Designing purpose1( Class activity )Summarize their writings.T: Hi, boys and girls! You did very well in writing the story. Next, we should start to summarize. What did you learn in this period?T:Yes, we reviewed adverbial clause of time and directions.T: Anything new?T: The

23、n do you know the form of writing it?T: Any important expressions?Learn how to improve their writing. Ss: We revised the grammar.Ss: Write an English diary.Ss: Yes.S1:have fun doing sth.S2: ask sb. for help.归纳总结本单元的知识点。2(Individual work)Assign the HMKT: In this topic, we learned how to write an Engl

24、ish diary. So, for todays diary, Id like you to write an English diary about something happened to you. Finish the HMK.学习了英语日记的写法,布置学生进行巩固性写作训练。Remark:布置写作英语日记,不一定都要写旅游经历,只要学生经历过的事情就行。但要求学生尽量用到本话题的语法:时间状语从句。V. Teaching proceduresVI . Blackboard design 第四课时(Section D-Grammar and Function, 1a, 1b, 1c, 2, Project)Words and expressions: Grammareverywhere 时间状语从句ask sb. For help when,while ,as ,as soon as , after, before,.have fun doing sth. 方位词= find great pleasure (in) in doing sth. on /in /to+ 方位词+ of +.

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