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本文(当代大学生马克思主义理论教育存在的问题与对策硕士学位论文.docx)为本站会员(b****9)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、当代大学生马克思主义理论教育存在的问题与对策硕士学位论文硕 士 学 位 论 文论文题目:当代大学生马克思主义理论教育存在的问题与对策 摘 要胡锦涛总书记2005年在全国加强和改进大学生思想政治教育工作会议上指出,高校是培养人才的重要基地,必须把培养中国特色社会主义事业的建设者和接班人作为根本任务。办好高校,首先要解决好培养什么人、如何培养人这个根本问题。大学生是国家宝贵的人才资源,是民族的希望、祖国的未来。要使大学生成长为中国特色社会主义事业的合格建设者和可靠接班人,不仅要大力提高他们的科学文化素质,更要大力提高他们的思想政治素质。马克思主义是我们立党立国的根本指导思想,是全党全国人民团结奋斗




5、多矛盾,调适马克思主义理论教育各要素关系,优化马克思主义理论教育环境,创新马克思主义理论教育方式方法,提高大学生马克思主义理论教育教学质量,最大限度地发挥好大学生马克思主义理论教育的作用。关键词:当代大学生 马克思主义理论教育 问题 对策 AbstractGeneral Secretary Hu Jintao at the National in 2005 to strengthen and improve ideological and political education work conference pointed out that colleges and universities

6、 are an important base for cultivating talent, we must cultivate the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, builders and successors as a fundamental mission. Good colleges and universities, first of all want to solve what people cultivate, how to cultivate people of this fundamental issue.

7、 National University Students are valuable human resources is the hope of the nation, the future of the motherland. University Students to grow into the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, qualified builders and reliable successors, not only to vigorously improve their scientific and cu

8、ltural qualities, but also want to vigorously improve their ideological and political quality. Marxism is the foundation of our nations fundamental guiding ideology, the whole party and country are the people strive United common basic idea. Armed with Marxist theory-minded college students, and gui

9、de university students to establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values, the ideological and political education are the essential requirement of the ideological and political education is the core content. To enter the 21st century higher education in the face of the new situation a

10、nd challenges, the world multi-polarization and economic globalization amid twists and turns in the development of scientific and technological revolution with each passing day, the comprehensive national strength is becoming increasingly fierce. All kinds of thoughts and cultures, the Western hosti

11、le forces have stepped up to me to westernize and divide the political conspiracy has never changed. Chinas reform and opening up further in-depth socio-economic composition, forms of organization, means of employment, interests, and modes of distribution are becoming increasingly diversified. Faced

12、 with this new situation, how to guide college students to correctly understand the complex situation in todays world, and grasp the development of the international situation changes and trends in the development of human society; how to guide college students to correctly understand the national c

13、onditions and the objective laws of socialist construction, and enhance the Communist Party of China Under the leadership of building a well-off society and accelerating the socialist modernization drive the consciousness and firmness; how to guide college students to correctly understand the histor

14、ic mission Physical beauty and moral intelligence strive to become all-round development of socialism with Chinese characteristics builders and successors is the need to seriously study and solve a major and urgent issue. University Students In view of the Marxist theory of education status and impo

15、rtant historical role, this article in order to Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics as a guide, to explore the use of theoretical and empirical analysis of a combination of research methods, focusing on an analysis of contemporary co

16、llege students of Marxist theory Education Problems and causes of the problem and put forward corresponding countermeasures. Aimed at this problem through research, promoting the College to further strengthen and improve the college education in Marxist theory, Marxist theory exert University Studen

17、ts at the value of growth-oriented role in promoting the full and harmonious development of University Students. Full text is divided into three parts: the first part: from the theory of Marxism of contemporary China as a leading theoretical weapon for social development, Chinas ideological and poli

18、tical theory of education in the theoretical basis and all-round development of contemporary college students thought the Guide briefly described three levels of contemporary college students Marxism theory of education. Part II: In the analysis, summarize, sum up the current college education in Ma

19、rxist theory and the results achieved on the basis of the General Theory of use of the general to the specific research methods and empirical analysis in the observation, investigation, experience of law, literature and other research methods, from the main object of the perspective of University St

20、udents-depth study of Marxist theory of education and the existence problem of the appearance of deep-seated underlying causes, trying to reveal the college education in Marxist theory of the inherent laws. Part III: the corresponding strengthening of University Students of Marxist theory in educati

21、on measures to resolve the college education in Marxist theory of the many contradictions in the Marxist theory of education to adapt elements of the relationship between Marxist theory to optimize the educational environment, innovation and education in Marxist theory the ways and means , Universit

22、y Students improve education in Marxist theory the quality of teaching and to maximize the good college education in Marxist theory of the role.Keywords: contemporary college students; education in Marxist theory; question; Countermeasures 目 录中文摘要英文摘要目 录引 言1一、当代大学生进行马克思主义理论教育的必要性分析21、马克思主义理论是引领当代中国社


24、价观念和评价方式30结束语32参考文献33致 谢36引 言随着经济全球化的深入发展和30年来我国改革开放事业的不断推进,当代中国社会正迅速经历着一个趋向现代化的全面转型。这一社会转型给中国不断带来活力、繁荣、富强和民主的同时,也对大学生思想政治教育特别是马克思主义理论教育带来严峻挑战。如何改进和提高新形势下的马克思主义理论教育教学水平,成为一个期待解决重要课题。马克思主义理论教育是政治性的,同时也是面向社会和旨向未来的。新形势下马克思主义理论教育只有与当代中国全面推进现代化的发展趋势和现实要求相吻合、相统一,才能真正提高马克思主义理论教育的实效性和体现其作为思想政治理论教育的积极能动的社会作用



27、在我国意识形态领域中的指导地位,是我们党的根本方针和一贯要求。马克思主义理论是我们立党立国的根本指导思想,是社会主义意识形态的旗帜和灵魂。毛泽东在系统总结我们党革命和建设基本经验的基础上,鲜明地提出“领导我们事业的核心力量是中国共产党。指导我们思想的理论基础是马克思列宁主义。” 胡锦涛总书记在科学总结改革开放30年的宝贵经验时明确指出:“30年的历史经验归结到一点,就是把马克思主义基本原理同中国具体实际相结合,走自己的路,建设中国特色社会主义。”一种理论要成为一个党、一个国家的根本指导思想,其作用决不能局限于某一个具体部门或具体领域,而应对整个党和国家发挥根本指导作用。这就决定了并非所有的科学


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