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1、初中七年级英语下词汇练习Unit 11. Can you sing_(或者) dance ?2. I love the small_(小的) hat .3. _(那些) are my two brothers .4. Please_(拿走) these things to your sister .5. _(今天) I want to go to a movie . 6 .Wheres your pen _(好朋友) from .7 .Jodie is from _ (加拿大).8 .Is the girl from _ (日本). 9 .Paul and Sam are not from_(

2、澳大利亚).10.The United States is a _(国家).11.Where does Lucy _(居住).12.What _(语言)do Sarah and Lisa speak?13.Andrew can speak_(日语)14.Our_(世界) in English .15.Whats Marias_(最喜欢) subject?Unit 21. Wheres the _(邮递) office ?2. Is there a _( 图书馆) next to your school.3. The_(银行) isnt big.4. You can buy them in th

3、e_(超级市场).5. There is a_(公园) in our city.6. There is a car in the _(街道).7. Julie is in the _(中心)of the city.8. Look! Here is a _(桥)?9. A man is near the_(付钱) phone. 10. I_(希望)you have a good trip.11. Turn_(向左).12. This is the beginning of the garden _(旅行).13. If youre _(饥饿的),you can buy some food in

4、it .14. The _(餐馆)is next to the river.15. This is the _(开始).Unit 3 1 Lets see the_(老虎) first.2 Why do you want to see the_(大象)?3 That_(熊猫) is very cure.4 You know ,_(狮子)are very smart.5 Is there a_(动物园)in your city.6 Look at the _(地图).7 How many_(动物)do you know .8 Use(用) the words in the_(方格).9 Juli

5、a and Molly are from_(南方的) Africa.10 The dolphins are very_(聪明的).11 He _(睡觉)all day.12 _(在.期间)the day he likes to play with her friends.13 At night he gets up and eat _(树叶).14 Larry is_(懒惰的).15 He eats _(肉) every day.Unit41. M y aunt is a_(商店) assistant .2. Henry is a _(医生).3. Is Victor a _(男警察)?4.

6、Does Nancy work in a _(医院)?5. Susan is a student_(现在).6. Betty is a _(女警察).7. Jenny is a _(护士).8. I work with people and_(钱).9. Please _(给)me a pen .10. You can_(获得) some food from me .11. I_(穿) a white uniform.12. _(有时) I work on Sunday .13. _(在期间) the day I am very busy .14. My work is interesting

7、 but kind of _(危险的) .15. Alan works _(晚). Unit 51. Look! Mr King is_(打扫)his room.2. Sam is _(阅读).3. Jodie and Andrew are talking _(通过)the phone.4. _(当然).When do you want to go?5. Whats Maria _(等待) for?6. Lucy and Paul are playing with _(玩具).7. You can get them in _(西方) Mall.8. Write the _(活动) you he

8、ar(听) . 9. Oh, is she _(买东西)?10. Look! Dave is swimming in the _(游泳池).11. Take a _(的士).12. He usually _(放松) 4 hours every day .13. Her _(技能) in piano is very good .14. Yes ,_(先生).15. May I help you ,_(女士)?Unit 61. Its _(下雨).2. Is it _(有风的) ?3. It isnt _(阴天的).4. Its _(阳光充足的)5. Its _(下雪).6. Hows the _

9、(天气)?7. Joe is _(烹调).8. Tina and Scott are _(学习).9. Hows it going? Not _(坏的)!10. Its _(很糟的)! 11. Lisa buys a _(照相机) in that shop.12. I like _(鸟).13. Is it _(寒冷的)?14. Its _(凉爽的).15. It isnt _(温暖的). Unit 1-61. I found unit 1 to be the _(最) interesting.2. I hope to _(改进) my English . 3. Its _(相当) good

10、!4. Its _(热的).5. David and Steve can play volleyball in this _(热度).6. Tina and Scott are really very _(放松的).7. Its _(冬季) in France.8. Jeff is wearing a _(围巾).9. _(每个人) is having a good time.10. One _(男人) is taking photos.11. Many people are _(平卧) there.12. Some people are taking photos on the _(海滩).

11、 13. Look at this _(团体).14. They look _(绝妙的)!15. I am _(感到惊讶的) they can come.Unit 71. Johnny has short_(头发).2. Peter is _(高的).3. Mr Dean is medium_(高度).4. Is Tina _(瘦的)?5. Mrs King is not _(重的).6. Jackson is medium _(体形).7. What does your friend look _(像)?8. She _(总是) wears a red sweater.9. Wang Lin

12、 is the _(首领)of our class.10. Pete is in the basketball _(队).11. Cathy has _(褐色的) hair.12. This _(人) is Gloria.13. Jeff wears_(眼镜).14. This is Johnnys new _(外表).15. Frank is a pop _(歌手) with funny glasses.Unit 81. Annie _(将) like some tomatoes .2. What kind of _(面条) do you like?3. Mr Dean likes to e

13、at _(牛肉).4. Does Jackson like to eat _(洋白菜)?5. Alan does not like _(马铃薯).6. Johnny likes _(特色菜) 1.7. What kind of _(饮料) do you like ?8. Give _(理由) for your menu.9. What_(尺寸)?10. This is Peters _(碗)?11. Give me a glass of orange _(果汁).12. Mrs King doesnt like to eat _(饺子).13. My favorite food is _(稀饭

14、). Have a cup of _(茶) , please15. I can go shopping ,and _(没人) know me.Unit 91. How _(是) your weekend ?2. Emma _(做) her homework last weekend.3. Carol _(去) to the beach last Sunday .4. Gloria _(拜访) my uncle last Saturday.5. Last Wednesday Kelly studied for the math_(测验).6. Ruth _(留下) at home last Mo

15、nday.7. Cathy _(从事) a party last weekend .8. Scott _(练习,实践) English last Tuesday.9. I wrote s new _(歌曲)last night.10. The _(山) are near the river.11. Frank is a _(流行音乐) singer with funny glasses.12. Do you _(牢记) joe?13. Ruth _(说),“I dont think hes so great.”14. Frank doesnt have_(猫).15 Dave has _(级少

16、的) dog. Unit 101. Vera visited_(博物馆) on vacation.2. Did you study for _(检查)?3. Oh,_(真的,是吗)?Did you go to Central Park?4. It was hot and _(多雨的) .5. How _(是) the beaches yesterday?6. The food was _(美味的).7. The shoes are_(价高的).8. The shirt is _(廉价的).9. We had great fun playing in the _(水).10. I found a

17、 small boy _(哭泣) in the corner.11. Last Thursday Joe and Jeff studied _(地理学).12. How did kids _(度过) the weekend ?13. There are seven days in a _(星期).14. Yesterday we asked 10 students at No.3_(中等的)School.15. For_ kids, the weekend was fun .(几乎全部).Unit 111. What do you think of _(形势) comdy?2. Now Mis

18、s Rice has _(一个都没有).3. Mr Taylor cant _(忍受) them.4. Sandra doesnt _(介意).5. What do you think of Dumpling _(国王).6. In _(事实),Miss Jones doesnt like sitcoms.7. What do you think of _(文化) China.8. I _(赞成) with you .9. It was written(写)_(由,被) Maria Lee.10. He _(说), “Its for moms.”11. We _(下决心) to play te

19、nnis last Sunday .12. Last summer we went to the Great _(墙壁).13. The _(宫殿) Museum is in Beijing .14. Tian an Men _(广场) is very large .15. Talk with your _(同班同学). 词汇运用(综合)1. _(转弯) left.2. How many _(动物) do you know ?3. If youre_(饥饿的) ,you can buy some food in it .4. Alan works_(晚).5. Look! Mr King is

20、 _(打扫) his room.6. Hows it going ? Not_(坏的)!7.What does your friend look _(像)?8. Please _(停止) talking.9.How _(是) the beaches yesterday?10. Maria, do you have to go to bed _(不迟于)10:00?11.Larry is _(懒惰的).12.Just go straight, turn_(左边).13.Look,Lucy is _(画) a cat.14.In _(事实),I dont like sitcoms.15._(如果)

21、 he comes , Ill come, too .16.I want to _(乘) a bus to Hang zhou.17.How many _(盒子) are there on the desk?18.The small boy _(哭) at home yesterday morning.19. What _(其他的) animals do you like? I like dogs, too.20.Dave_(教) guitar ,piano and violin in an international school.Unit 1 (答案)1.or 2.small 3.Thos

22、e 4.take 5.Today 6.pal 7.Canada 8.Japan 9.Australia 12.language 15.favorite Unit 2(答案) 2.library 4.supermarket 5.park 6.street 8.bridge 10.hope 11.left 12.tour 13.hungry 15.beginningUnit 3(答案)1.tigers 2.elephants 3.pand

23、a 4.lions 5.zoo 7.animals 8.box9.South 11.sleeps 12.During 13.leaves 14.lazy 15.meatUnit4(答案) 3.policeman 5.now6.policewoman 7.nurse 9.give10.get 11.wear 12.Sometimes 13.During 14.dangerous 15.lateUnit5(答案)1. cleaning 2.reading 3.on 4.Sure 5.waiting 6

24、. toys 7.West 8.activity 9.shopping10. pool 12.relaxes 13.skill14. sir 15.madamUnit 6(答案)1. raining 2. windy 3. cloudy 4. sunny 5. snowing6. weather 7. cooking 8. studying 9.bad 10.terrible11. camera 12. birds 13. cold 14. cool 15.warm Unit 1-6(答案)1. most 2. improve 3. pretty 4. hot 5. heat

25、6.relaxed 7.winter 8. scary 9.Everyone 10.man11.lying 12.beach 15.surprisedUnit 7(答案)1. hair 2.tall 3.height 4.thin 8.always 9.captain 10.team11. brown 12.person 13.glasses 14.look 15.singerUnit 8 (答案)1. would 2. noodles 3.beef 4.cabbage 5.potatoes6. Special 7.

26、drinks 8.reason 9. size 10. bowl 11.juice 12.dumplings 13.porridge 14.tea 15.nobodyUnit 9(答案)1. was 2. did 3.went 4.visited 5.test6.stayed 7.had 8.practiced 10.mountains11.pop 12.remember 13.says 14.cats Unit Unit 10 (答案) 1.museums 2.exams 3.really 4.rainy 5.were6.delicious 7.expensive

27、 9.water 10.crying .11.geography 12.spend 13.week 14.Middle 15.mostUnit 111.situation 2.nothing 3.stand 4.mind 5.King 6.fact 7.Culture 8.agree 10.says11.decided 12.Wall 13.Palace 14.Square 15.classmates词汇运用(综合)1.Turn 2.animals 3.hungry 4.late 6.bad 8.stop 9.were 10.by11.lazy 12.left 13.drawing 14.fact 15.If 16.take 17.boxes 18.crying 19.other 20.teaches

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