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本文(JG国际学校合作协议书中英对译版填补省府核心区国际教育空白.docx)为本站会员(b****7)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、JG国际学校合作协议书中英对译版填补省府核心区国际教育空白JG国际学校合作协议书Cooperation Agreement of Canadian International School 甲方:GZ市PY区教育局Party A : Education Bureau of PY District of GZ Municipality法人代表:JermainLegal representative: Jermain乙方:JG国际教育集团Party B : JG Education Consulting Co., Ltd法人代表:YWCLegal representative:YWC丙方:GZ市P

2、Y区教育基金会Party C: Education Foundation of PY District of GZ Municipality法人代表:LZMLegal representative: LZM甲、乙、丙三方现就在PY区XXXX教育用地建设和开办PY区XXX国际学校的合作事宜达成如下协议:The following agreement is made and entered into by and among Party A, Party B and Party C in respect of the cooperation in the construction and open

3、ing of Canadian International School in PY District on the land of education located at XXXX, Donghuan Street, PY District:一、推进该合作项目的意义 I. Significance of the Promotion of Such Cooperation(一)填补PY区没有国际学校的空白,满足PY区教育多元化要求。(I) It aims to fill the gap of no international schools in PY District so as to s

4、atisfy the requirements for education diversification in PY District.(二)促进PY区教育的国际交流与合作,尤其是与JG的教育、文化交流与合作,以提升PY区教育国际化水平。 (II) It aims to promote international exchange and cooperation in the education in PY District, especially exchange and cooperation in education and culture with Canada in order t

5、o enhance the standards of internationalization of education in XX.(三)吸引更多外资企业投资落户PY区,解决在我区投资的外企驻华人员子女受教育问题。 (III) It aims to attract more foreign-funded enterprises to base in Pany, and to solve the issues of education to be received by the children of personnel with capital investment in PY Distri

6、ct.二、合作方案 II. Cooperation Solutions甲方提供位于PY区FEL占地面积约29161.50平方米的教育用地建设用地规划许可证:XX规地证(2XXX)XX号,甲、乙双方对规划部门批准上述教育用地的用地项目、用地面积等具体情况均清楚了解。乙方在该教育用地上出资并实施建设 20000-23000平方米建筑面积的双轨制国际学校,即PY区外国语学校和XXX国际学校,提供幼儿园、小学至高中的教育,招生对象以审批部门的批复为准。国际学校由乙方自主办学,独立核算,自负盈亏。国际学校采用XXX省级教育部门认证的课程结合中文语言课程,培养的学生可报考全世界优质大学。1. Party

7、A provides the land for education construction land planning license: covering a land area of about 29161.50 square meters at XXXX, Donghuan Street, PY District, and both Party A and Party B have a good understanding of specific conditions such as land use project and land area for the foregoing edu

8、cation as approved by the planning authorities. Party B will make capital investment on such a land for education and carry out the construction of a double-track international school covering a floor area of 20000-23000 square meters, namely PY District Foreign Language School and Canadian Internat

9、ional School, which will offer education such as from kindergartens and primary schools to senior high schools, with the objects to be enrolled to be based on the approval by the reviewing and approving authorities. International School will be independently run by Party B on the basis of independen

10、t accounting and accountability for profit and loss. International School will adopt the courses certified by Canadian education authorities in combination with courses in the Chinese language. The students so educated can apply for admittance into the worlds top quality universities.2. 乙方负责兴建上述学校的全

11、部资金投入,包括学校的建筑(包括报建、设计、勘探、监理等前期费用,施工费用及办理验收、房产确权等后期费用)、装修、办学设备及筹办运营学校,共约投入资金为XXX亿 元。其中基建约XX万元,包括基建工程、设备工程、装修工程、户外活动场地工程;办学设备共约XX万元;启动资金约XX万元。学校建设分两期进行,第一期为 8000-11000 平方米,于甲方提交建设工程规划许可证两年内完成并开学,暂定于20XX年9月;第二期为12000平方米,于第一期工程投入使用后四年内完成。2. Party B shall be responsible for all capital investment in the

12、construction of the aforesaid school, including the construction of the School (including earlier stage costs and expenses to be incurred in the application for construction, design, exploration, supervision, etc and later stage costs and expenses such as construction costs and acceptance and confir

13、mation of real estate ownership, etc), renovation, education equipment and preparation for the building of the School, for which the proposed capital investment will account for RMB118 million, of which RMB70 million will be spent on the infrastructure, including infrastructure, equipment engineerin

14、g, decoration engineering, outdoor activity site engineering; and RMB40 million will be spent on school education equipment; and RMB8 million will be spent on the starting fund. The construction of the School will be divided into two phases. The first phase will be the construction of 8000 to 11000

15、square meters, which will be completed available for the start of school within two years after submission of construction engineering plan license. The opening of the School will be temporarily fixed on September 2014; the second phase will be the construction of 12000 square meters, which will be

16、completed to be put into operation within four years.3. 作为协议义务,乙方应当每年提取一定的资金用于PY区教育的国际交流与合作,即本条第(五)款。乙方除提取此项资金给甲方外,无需另行承担任何额外费用。甲方对此予以确认。3. As obligation under the agreement, Party B shall provide for a certain sum of capital to be used for international exchange and cooperation in the education in

17、PY District, namely, as set forth in Clause (V) of this Article. Except for the provision for such sum of fund to Party A, Party B will not have to bear any additional costs and expenses, which is hereby confirmed by Party A.(二)办学规模(II) Scale of the School在完成一、二期建校工程后,国际学校的规模为:幼儿园共4个年级,每年级4个班,每班25人,

18、每年级100名学生,共400人。小学共6个年级,每年级4个班,每班25人,共600名学生。初中、高中即7至12年级共6个年级,每年级4个班,每班25人,共600名学生。由幼儿园到高中学生共1600人,教师及员工 113人,助教35人,以及其他管理人员(含后勤人员)共180人(不含校巴司机及跟车人员)。Upon completion of Phase 1 and Phase 2 construction of the School, the scale of International School shall be: a kindergarten with four grades consis

19、ting of 4 classes in each grade, and there will be 25 pupils in each class, or 100 pupils in each grade, altogether 400 pupils; a primary school with 6 grades consisting of 4 classes in each grade, and there will be 25 pupils in each class, or 600 pupils in all; a junior middle school and senior mid

20、dle school consisting of 6 grades from Grade 7 to Grade 12, and there will be 4 classes in each grade, with 25 students in each class, namely 600 students in all. There will be 1600 pupils and students from the kindergarten to the senior middle school. There will be 113 teachers and employees, 35 as

21、sistant teachers, and other administrative personnel (including personnel of logistics), altogether 180 persons (excluding school bus drivers and conductors).三、合作期限 (III) Term of cooperation双方约定的合作期限为 30+20 年,起始期暂定为20XX年9月(实际起始期以实际开学时间计起),前30年为不可撤销合作期,期间任何一方提出终止合作须承担违约责任;后20年为可撤销合作期,期间任何一方提出终止合作,只要在

22、终止期前2年提前通知对方,不须承担违约责任。50 年的合作期满后乙方有续约的优先权。The term of the cooperation as agreed upon by the parties shall be 30+20 years. The initial period will be for the time being fixed in September 2014 (with the actual initial period to be calculated from the actual time for the start of school). The first 30

23、 years of time shall be the term of irrevocable cooperation, during which either party that will advance the termination of cooperation must assume the liability for breach of contract; the subsequent 20 years of time shall be the term of period that can be withdrawn. In the period, either party may

24、 present the termination of cooperation. As long as either party gives a 2-years prior notice to the other party before the termination hereof, such party will not necessarily assume any liability for breach of contract. Upon expiration of the term of cooperation for 50 years, Party B will have the

25、option to renew the contract.四、成立PY区教育国际交流中心 (IV) Establishment of PY District Education International Exchange Center该国际学校加挂“PY区教育国际交流中心”牌子,由甲乙双方指派一定的人员共同参与该中心的工作,包括研究制定PY区与有关机构开展国际教育、文化交流与合作的方案,并组织实施。Such International School shall have “PY District Education International Exchange Center” as the

26、additional nameplate, and Party A and Party B will respectively appoint one person to jointly work for this center, including the study and preparation of solutions and proposals for the development of international education, cultural exchange and cooperation in PY District with relevant organizati

27、ons and organize the implementation thereof.五、提取资金用于PY区教育的国际交流与合作 (V) Provision for funds to be used for international exchange and cooperation in the education in PY District1. 合作第一年,无须提取该资金;1. In the first year of cooperation, there shall be no necessary provision for such a fund; 2. 合作第二年至第三年,每年在

28、学校收入提取人民币10万元;2. From the second year to the third year of cooperation, there shall be provision for RMB100000 out of the revenues of the School;3. 合作第四年至第十年,每年按学校收费总收入的1%提取;3. From the fourth year to the tenth year of cooperation, there shall be provision for 1% of the total income of the charges o

29、f the school per annum;4. 合作第十一年至第二十年,每年按学校收费总收入的1.5%提取;4. From the eleventh year to the twentieth year of cooperation, there shall be provision for 1.5% of the total income of the charges of the school per annum;5. 合作第二十一年至第三十年,每年按学校收费总收入的2%提取;5. From the twenty-first year to the thirtieth year of

30、cooperation, there shall be provision for 2% of the total income of the charges of the school per annum;6. 合作第三十一年至第四十年,每年按学校收费总收入的3.5%提取;6. From the thirty-first year to the fortieth year of cooperation, there shall be provision for 3.5% of the total income of the charges of the school per annum;7.

31、 合作第四十一年至第五十年,每年按学校收费总收入的5%提取。7. From the forty-first year to the fiftieth year, there shall be provision for 5% of the total income of the charges of the school per annum;提取的资金捐赠给甲方指定的PY区教育基金会(即丙方),并专项用于PY区教育的国际交流与合作,尤其是与XXX交流与合作。The fund so provided for shall be donated to Education Foundation of

32、PY District (i.e. Party C) as designated by Party A, and such shall be specifically used for international exchange and cooperation in the education in PY District, especially for the exchange and cooperation with Canada.六、双方权利和义务III. Rights and obligations of the parties(一)甲方的权利义务(I) Rights and obligations of Party A1. 提供合作之用的办学用地,负责办理学校的报建手续(包括但不限于建设手续及办学建筑物的规划审批,消防合格证,卫生许可证,建筑合格验收,环保验收等,其中建设工程规划许可证应在经甲乙双方及规划部门均认可的设计方案确定后1年内完成办理),负责向规划部门申请满足本协议约定国际学校建设规模所需的容积率,并配合乙方申办国际学校的办学许可证。1. To provide land for running the school for the purpose of cooperation, t

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