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1、bec写作写作的段与段之间记得要空行趋势描述1.Vienams This report aims to describe and compare the annual percentage increase of three types of industries in Vietnams industrial output over the three year period from 2000 to 2002.The non-state industry showed the strongest growth in industrial output. It started at 18% i

2、n 2000, reaching the peak of 22% in the next year. However, in 2002, it fell gradually and stayed just below its original level.In spite of the slight fall in 2001, the annual increase in industrial output of foreign-invested industry underwent a dramatic rise to 18%, equaling to the level of 2000 f

3、or non-state industry.In contrast to the high percentage of increase in industrial output in the other two sectors, the state-owned industry experienced slight change from 2000 to 2002. Its annual percentage started at approximate 12% in 2000, followed by a marginal increase to 13%. It leveled off i

4、n 2002.2.This report aims to describe the average monthly sales of a magazine and changes of the percentage of purchases in three different age form 2004 to 2007.Average monthly sales rose sharply in 2005 from 250,000 copies of the previous year to 380,000, followed by a further increase to over 40,

5、000 in 2006. In 2007, however, there was a dramatic drop to just 30,000. The percentage of purchases in three different age ranges shows a more complicated changing pattern. 42% of purchasers aged 25-50 bought the magazine in 2004, rising to 46% in 2007 after a slight drop. The percentage of purchas

6、ers under 25 experienced a steady growth from 18% to 32% in the first three years despite a slight drop to 30% in 2007. In contrast, there was a general downward trend in the percentage of purchasers over 50. It fell from 39% to 24% through the period.3.This report aims to describe and compare the p

7、assenger revenue and percentage of trains arriving on time in Cruiseline for each quarter during 2005 to 2006.The passenger revenue in the second quarter in 2005 enjoyed a slight rise from 280 million pounds in the first quarter to 285 million pounds, while the corresponding period in 2006 reached t

8、he record of 325 million pounds. The third quarter in 2005 witnessed its peak of 300 million pounds throughout the year. However, the same period in 2006 suffered a sharp fell to about 225 million pound.The percentage of trains arriving on time performed satisfactorily in 2005. It started at approxi

9、mate 87% in the first two quarters, while the figures of the same period in 2006 experienced a steady decline to 85%, equaling to the level of the third quarter in 2005. Unfortunately, the third quarter in 2006 hit its trough below 70% and it revered to 75% in the last quarter.4(V4T4Q1)This report s

10、ets out to describe and compare the change of reliability, punctuality and complaints in Supertrains in 12 weeks, which was divided further into three sub-periods: December 13th to January 9th, January 10th to February 6th and February 7th to March 6th. The score of reliability is encouraging. It st

11、arted at 98% in the first four weeks, reaching its best performance of a full percentage and leveled off the next two months. In contrast, the figure of punctuality was not so satisfactory, showing a downward trend. It declined steadily from 95% in the first period to 91% in the two subsequent perio

12、ds.Number of complaints per 100,000 passenger journeys had reached the level of 200 passengers, followed by a slight decrease to less than 200 in the following month. However, the number of complaints in the last period rose sharply to approximate 230. 5.This report sets out to describe the changes

13、in the annual turnover from 2000 to 2002 and compare performances in three different retail outlets/sectors: Supermarkets, Department stores and Small shops. The supermarkets turnover was the highest over the three years. It rose gradually from 64 million pounds to 80 million with the total amount o

14、f about 214 million. The second biggest amount of turnover was achieved by department stores. It stood at 50 million in 2000 but dropped sharply to 35 million in 2001 and it didnt recover the following year. The performance of small shops was not so encouraging with the overall turnover of only 75 m

15、illion, approximately one third of supermarkets. There was a dramatic fall in 2001 and 2002 experienced a rise of 5 million but it was still below the level of 2000比较描述 (V4T1Q1)This report sets out to describe the sales forecasts for the four quarters of next year and compare the predicted performan

16、ces of the three kinds of Toller Electrical products: Fridges, TVs and Cookers.TVs will achieve the best sales volume. In the first quarter, 10,000 units will be sold, followed by a sharp rise to 15,000 units in the next two quarters and a record number of 20,000 units in the last quarter.However, t

17、he sales of fridges wouldnt be so encouraging. The sales volume will be 5,000 throughout the year.Fortunately, the performance of cookers will do some contribution to make up the turnover. It will start at 5,000 in the first quarter, undergoing a sharp increase to 10,000 in the next two quarters, de

18、spite a drop to its original sales volume of 5,000 in the last quarter.(V4T2Q1)In general, the total number of male executives in Star World almost equals that of their female counterparts. However, there are striking differences among the six groups.For employees under 30, they are least likely to

19、be promoted with only one male and three female executives. The same is true of employees over 70 with only four male executives.In contrast, the employees aged 30-60 are more likely to be promoted to be executives. In the age range 30-39, there are 39 female executives, 30 more than males. Then the

20、 gap is greatly narrowed in the age group 40-49; but for the age range 50-59, the gap is wide again with males far outnumbering/exceeding females for the first time and the total number of executives (58) is the biggest of all age groups. After 60 years old, there are still slightly over twice as ma

21、ny make executives as females.(In conclusion, in the three major groups: 30-39,40-49 and 50-59, the number of female executives keeps falling with the passage of time while that of male executives is on the rise).总体比较,内部比较,同类比较Apex LeisureThis report sets out to compare the performance of four clubs

22、 of Apex Leisure: a golf club, a gym, a sailing club and an indoor tennis club in 2006.The annual income of the golf club was the best of the four sectors, totaling $6.5 million with $2.5 million from member and the other $4 million equally contributed by non-members and sales of food and drink.Both

23、 the gym and sailing club earned $ 3million and the gym reported an income of $1.5 million form members, equaling that of the sailing club. However, income from non-members of the gym was twice as much as that of food and drink and the opposite is true for the sailing club.The income of the tennis c

24、lub amounted to only $2 million, almost one third of the income of the golf club, thus making it the worst performance.Report写作1V4T1Q2(226words)Introduction The number of staff having meals in the company canteen has been falling. This report sets out to summarize the result of a recent survey and m

25、ake recommendations to solve the problems.Findings We have conducted a survey, in which 50 employees from different departments took part in in-depth interviews. We have also sent questionnaires to 300 employees, asking them about the reasons for not using the company canteen. The findings are ident

26、ified as follows:1. The company canteen fails to provide a wide variety of delicious and nutritious food, resulting in more people refusing to use the canteen.2. 90% of our staffs report that inadequate air conditioners in the canteen, which make them feel uncomfortable in the hot weather.3. Feedbac

27、k from the respondents also shows that too many staff eating at the same period of the time results in long queues in the canteen. Consequently, a lot of time is wasted and our staffs feel bored and annoyed.RecommendationIt is suggested that the company canteen be expanded so that more windows are o

28、pen, thus reducing the time wasted in the long queue. Alternatively, it is advisable to extend the opening hours, which enables the employees to use the canteen at different times. Furthermore, the first-class cooks should be recruited to prepare food which is tasty and healthy for our staff. 2.(V4

29、T3 Q2) (209words) TRAININGIntroductionThis report aims to point out the necessary of the training program, evaluate the effectiveness and make recommendations as to what improvement can be made for the future training.Findings 1. we have organized the language and communication training program for

30、the staff from Marketing and Public Relations, which aims at building up our staffs ability to express themselves confidently and accurately. The course, Business Communication in the Global Workforce, is devoted to persuasion: persuading clients to buy products or services, accept our price, accept

31、 our terms etc.2. The course covers activities the trainees can do to develop their powers of persuasion in English, both when speaking and when writing.3. The feedback from the trainees indicates that two-day training course left them little time to communicate with each other because most of the t

32、ime was committed to listening to the lecturer.RecommendationsIt is recommended that similar training sessions in the future be extended to four or five days so that there will be more interaction between the trainer and trainees as well as among the trainees themselves. Furthermore, training programs would be more productive if the trainees can focus on the training course without being disturbed by business calls from their managers.3(218WORDS 未完)IntroductionThe work from home scheme in our company is in the experimental period. This report sets out to

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