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1、7天攻克大学四六级英语精心总结Unit 1 同形异义词辨析(10天)Day 1 1. Critics believe that the control of television by mass advertising has the quality of the programs. (2004.06) A) lessened B) declined C) affected D) effected 2. Some plants are very to light; they prefer the shade. (2003.12) A) sensible B) flexible C) objec

2、tive D) sensitive 3. The author was required to submit an of about 200 words together with his research paper. (2003.12) A) edition B) editorial C) article D) abstract 4. It is too early to say whether IBMs competitors will be able to their products to the new hardware at an affordable cost. (2003.0

3、9) A) adapt B) stick C) yield D) adopt 5. The football game comes to you from New York. (2002.01) A) live B) lively C) alive D) living 解题小贴士 1. 【C】 选项中有affect,effect,出题者正是看中了我们对这两个单词的认知度不够。affect意为“影响”(verb);effect意为“结果,作用,影响”(noun);lessen意为“减少,减轻”;decline意为“下倾,下降”。正确答案为C,题目译文为:“评论家们认为被大量广告控制的电视已经影响

4、了节目的质量。” 2. 【D】 在英语中一个单词的形容词形式有很多变形,稍不注意,我们就很容易被它们搞糊涂,千万别掉进陷阱了哟!sense意为“见识,感觉”,加-tive表示具感觉性质的,意为“敏感的”,引申意为“灵敏的,感光的”;加-able后意为“能够感到的,有意识的,明智的,有判断力的”;flexible意为“灵活的,柔软的”;objective意为“客观的,公正的”。所以正确答案为D,题目译文为:“有些植物对光特别敏感,它们喜欢荫凉处。” 3. 【D】 edition表“版本”,paper covered edition平装本,hard copy edition精装本;editoria

5、l表“编辑的”;article表“文章,论文”;abstract表“摘要”。按题目意思来看,只有“摘要”才会是200字的。所以正确答案为D,题目译文为:“作者不得不随他的研究论文交一份200字的摘要。” 4. 【A】 这一题的考点在adapt和adopt上,有些考生很难在短时间内区分出其意思,尤其是放在一起时。前者意为“适应,改编”,adapt to new conditions适应新环境;后者中间为“o”,让我们想到son,boy,所以意为“收养,采用”,adopt skills采用技巧,adopt children收养孩子;stick表“粘住,粘贴”;yield表“出产,(to)屈服”。正

6、确答案为A,题目译文为:“IBM的竞争对手是否能够以合适的成本使他们的产品去适应新的硬件,这件事情现在说还为时尚早。” 5. 【A】 这几个单词都是live的形容词,A中live是我们经常在电视的右上角看到的,表示“实况转播”。B中的lively虽以-ly结尾,但不是副词,而是形容词,表示“活泼的,真实的”,这一点提示了我们并不是所有以-ly结尾的单词都是副词,英语中有很多例外,如我们较熟悉的friendly“和蔼可亲的”,weekly“每周一次的”。C选项中alive,也表示“活着的,活泼的”,但通常情况下,以a-开头的形容词做表语的居多。以-ing结尾的形容词有正在进行着之意,所以livi

7、ng意为“活着的,有生命的”。所以正确答案为A,题目译文为:“你观看的足球赛来自纽约实况转播。” 以上的五道真题不过是茫茫词海中的一粟。这些单词的典型特点就是极其相似,一不留神,就会中了出题人的招。不过换个思维来说,我们也可以将这些形似词做一个归纳,放在一起类比,这样还会帮助我们记单词。既破了出题人的招,又扩展了自己的词汇。 形容词构词规律: 形容词的后缀有很多,不同的后缀会有不同的含义,以下是后缀的基本含义,记住他们,再根据词根本身来猜测其引申含义: -tive,表性质,与有关,具有性质的:talkative爱说话的,active积极的,decisive果断的 -ful,接名词后,表“充满的

8、,有倾向的”:powerful强有力的,peaceful爱好和平的,doubtful令人生疑的 -able,接动词后,表“可的,能的”:eatable可吃的,bearable可忍受的 -ed,接在动词后,表被动含义:preserved受保护的 常考形容词系列单词: sensible 有感觉的,明智的,有判断力的 considerate 考虑周到的 sensitive 敏感的,灵敏的,感光的 considerable 相当大(或多)的,值得考虑的 respectable 可敬的,有名望的 imaginative有想像力的 respected 受尊敬的,受尊重的 imaginable 可想像的,可

9、能的 respective 分别的,各自的 imaginary 想像的,虚构的 respectful 恭敬的,尊敬的 雅典奥运会究竟花了多少钱?又给雅典带来了些什么? Latest estimates of the costs of hosting the Athens Olympics put them at up to $10bn a huge amount for a small country like Greece, once the poorest in the EU. The nation has pinned hopes of a successful future on th

10、e events being a showcase for a “transformed” country, attracting new investors and tourists alike. Mr Doukas admitted that total spending on the Olympics was certain to rise to more than 7bn euros (4.6bn) from an original estimate of 4.6 bn euros. 1. estimate: n. & v. 估计,估价 My estimate of his abili

11、ties was wrong. 我对他的能力估计错了。 2. transform: v. 转化,变化 political and economic transformation(n.)政治与经济变革 3. original: a. 起初的,原来的,独创的,新颖的 an original invention新的发明 【单词变形】origin(n. 起源)originality(n. 创意,新奇)original(a. 起初的,原来的)originally(adv. 最初地,原先) 1. We are interested in the weather because it us so direc

12、tlywhat we wear, what we do, and even how we feel. A) benefits B) affects C) guides D) effects 2. Some diseases are by certain water animals. (2000.01) A) transplanted B) transformed C) transported D) transmitted 3. Visibility was poor owing to the thick fog, and our plane had to make a landing. A)

13、forced B) forcing C) forceful D) forcible 4. These problems are very , because I dont know what to do. A) worry B) worrisome C) worriless D) worried 5. The house in which passed was the smallest in that large city. A) imaginary B) imagined C) imaginative D) imaginable 6. At the top of the hill we we

14、re able to see the full of the city. A) expand B) extent C) expense D) extend 7. Many of the earliest into the United States established large plantations. A) emigrants B) emigration C) immigrants D) migrants 8. Many years ago, a lot of factories were from big cities to the mountainous areas in case

15、 of war. A) transferred B) transformed C) transmitted D) transported 9. Petrol is refined from the oil we take out of the ground. (2001.06) A) fresh B) original C) rude D) crude 10. The old couple decided to a boy and a girl, though they had three of their own. A) adapt B) bring C) receive D) adopt

16、What kind of room has no windows or doors? unit 1 同形异义词辨析(10天)Day 2 1. The countryside is in fresh air and green plants. A) abandoned B) appeared C) abundant D) abused 2. Your is requested at the Wednesdays meeting. A) absence B) presence C) ability D) present 3. The citizens have free to the collec

17、tions of the public library. A) access B) accuse C) assess D) absence 4. Many adults nowadays go back to college to a higher degree. A) acquire B) inquire C) require D) access 5. To drive a vehicle backwards you have to put it in gear. A) adverse B) diverse C) reverse D) traverse 解题小贴士 1. 【C】 这一题要考核

18、我们对这几个词意思的辨析,abandoned意为“被抛弃的”,appeared意为“出现”,是动词的过去分词形式,abundant意为“丰富的”;abused意为“滥用,辱骂”,也是动词过去分词形式。这里显然是要填入一个形容词性的单词,根据上下文,正确答案为C,题目译文为:乡村有着丰富的新鲜空气和绿色植物。 2. 【B】 这一题是对absence和presence的词义辨析,absence意为“缺席”;而presence意为“出席”;ability意为“能力”;present是“出席”的动词和形容词形式。根据题意,正确答案为B,题目译文为:你必须在星期三的会议中出席。 3. 【A】 这一题中的

19、几个单词看起来很容易混淆,那么对其意思的掌握就很重要了。access意为“接近,进入,出入权”,常与介词to搭配,此单词在历届考试中出现频率较高,请大家重视这个单词;accuse意为“控告,谴责”;assess意为“评估,评定”。所以正确答案是A,题目译文为:市民有免费借阅公共图书馆藏书的权利。 4. 【A】 这一题主要考查词根为quire的几个词。acquire意为“获得,学到”;inquire意为“询问,问明”;require意为“需要,要求”。acquire a degree是一个固定的搭配,意为获得学位。所以正确答案是A,题目译文为:现在很多成年人又重新回到学校来攻读更高的学位。 5.

20、 【C】 这组题,我们要搞清楚词根verse的意思,verse做词根的时候意为“转向,转移”。adverse意为“敌对的,相反的”。diverse意为“变化多的,不同的”。reverse可以用做名词、动词和形容词,意为“相反,背面;相反的,倒转的”;做动词意为“倒转,颠倒”。traverse中tra-意为“穿越”,它也可以做名词、动词和形容词,意为“横贯,横断;横的”;做动词意为“横穿,横越,来回穿过”。reverse gear是固定搭配,意为“机动车中的倒车挡位”。所以正确答案为C,题目译文为:要把车往后开,就要置入倒车挡位。 上面的单词是不是又让你感到了绝望?记单词就是要经常把这些形似的单

21、词比一比。平时上课时提到某一单词的汉语释义时,同学们都会在同一时间内反应出几个单词,也是被同样的问题所困扰,所以我将常见常考的同形词进行了归纳总结。希望大家记单词的时候一定要比较地学习,今天只是一部分,后面还有呢! 1. aggressive a. 好斗的,敢做敢为的 progressive a. 前进的,(税收)累进的,进步的 2. altitude n.(尤指海拔)高度 attitude n. 姿势,态度 gratitude n. 感谢 multitude n. 多数,群众(the multitude) 3. assert v. 断言,声称 asset n. 财产;资产 4. blank

22、a. 空白的,空着的,失色的,没有表情的 blink v. 眨眼 brink n.(峭岸、崖的)边缘 5. bloom n. 花,旺盛,青春 v.(使)开花,(使)繁盛 broom n. 扫帚 gloom n. 阴暗,阴沉 loom n. 织布机,织机 v. 隐现,迫近 6. boast n. 自夸,值得夸耀的事物 v. 自夸,以有而自豪 boost v. 推进 roast v. 烤,烘,烘烤 7. brief a. 简短的,短暂的 n. 摘要,大纲 grief n. 悲痛,伤心事,不幸,忧伤 8. cease v. 停止,终了 ease n. 安逸,安心,不费力,悠闲 vt. 使悠闲,使安心

23、,减轻,放松 vi. 减弱,减轻,放松,灵活地移动 lease n. 租借,租约,租赁物,租期,延续的一段时间 vt. 出租,租出,租得 release n. & vt. 释放,解放,放弃 tease n. 揶揄,戏弄,逗惹 vt. 取笑,逗恼 9. clash v. 冲突,撞击声,抵触 crash v. 碰撞,坠落,坠毁 crush vt. 压碎,碾碎,压服 10. complement n. 补足物;语法补语;数余角 vt. 补助,补足 compliment n. & vt. 称赞,恭维 implement vt. 贯彻,实现 网络的发明给了我们一个了解世界的机会,它的发展速度超乎我们的想

24、像。 Then came e-mail a few years later, a core communications protocol(协议)called TCP/IP in the late 70s, the domain name system in the 80s and the World Wide Webnow the second most popular application behind e-mailin 1990. The Internet expanded beyond its initial military and educational domain into

25、businesses and homes around the world. 1. domain name: 域名 domain: 领土,领地 World Wide Web: full name of WWW 万维网 2. expand: v. 扩张,发展 expand operations 扩展业务 【单词变形】expansive(a. 广阔的,易扩张的)expansion(n. 扩充,开展,膨胀) 3. initial: a. 最初的;n. 词首大写字母 initial price最初成本 【单词变形】initiative(n. 主动)take the initiative带头,主动 1.

26、 We are in urgent need of a large number of salesmen so far. A) aggressive B) massive C) progressive D) possessive 2. She felt a deep sense of to the teacher who had encouraged her to go on to university. A) altitude B) gratitude C) attitude D) multitude 3. He that nuclear power was a safe and non-p

27、olluting energy source. A) asserted B) dessert C) deserted D) asset 4. In October 1962, the world seemed on the of nuclear war. A) blink B) brink C) blank D) branch 5. There was a sense of in the city after the teams loss. A) broom B) gloom C) bloom D) loom 6. Hank was that he could drink a case of

28、beer by himself. A) boosting B) boasting C) roasting D) toasting 7. The she felt over Helens death was almost unbearable. A) brief B) chief C) grief D thief 8. The rain and the sky cleared. A) released B) eased C) ceased D) teased 9. Coconuts have to be in order to extract their oil. A) crashed B) c

29、rushed C) clashed D) brushed 10. Rob always showered me with and made me feel special. A) complement B) compliment C) alignment D) implement What is the longest word in the English language? unit 1 同形异义词辨析(10天)Day 3 1. You have been the task of keeping the records up to date. A) signed B) assigned C

30、) resigned D) designed 2. Mary wouldnt do her homework until I her with ice cream. A) bride B) Bible C) bribed D) cribbed 3. The waiter brought the first , a simple leek and potato soup. A) course B) curse C) coarse D) cruise 4. He was a man of strong social , who actively campaigned against poverty in all its forms. A) conscious B) consciousness C) conscience D) conscienceless 5. I some of my time and energy to c

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