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1、14级财务管理专业英语习题14级专业英语复习资料考试题型:一、短语中英互译(20x1=20分)二、从下列选项中选出最佳答案(20x1=20分)三、计算题(25分)四、段落中英互译(35分)同学们:考试的时候请带上没有存储功能的计算器,试卷上只要是涉及到计算的题里面的数字可能与复习资料上的数字不完全一样,但是计算方法是相似的,所以大家要掌握计算方法,考试的时候要自己计算。预祝同学们取得好成绩。Part terminologytranslation (120 points)Directions: interpret the following terminology in English or C

2、hinese.(范围课后核心词汇)e。g。:1。 financial management译成汉语 2.普通股-译成英语Part I Choice questions (120 points) (Please write your answer in the following table) 1. Financial statement does not include ()A。 balance sheet B. income statement C。 cash flow statement D。 working sheet2. An increase in which one of the

3、following will increase the operating cash flow?A.employee salaries B. office rentC. building maintenance D。 equipment depreciation3。 The process of planning and managing a firms longterm investments is called: A。working capital management。B. financial depreciation。C。 capital budgeting。D. capital st

4、ructure.4。 Cash equivalents include ( )A. time deposits B。 inventoriesC. accounts receivable D。 prepaid expenses5。 The internal rate of return for a project will increase if: A. the initial cost of the project can be reduced. B. the total amount of the cash inflows is reduced.C. the required rate of

5、 return is reduced. D。 the salvage value of the project is omitted from the analysis.6。 Which of the following belongs to current liabilities?()A。 mortgages payable B。 prepaid expensesC。 notes payable D。 bonds payable 7. You spent 500 last week fixing the transmission in your car。 Now, the brakes ar

6、e acting up and you are trying to decide whether to fix them or trade the car in for a newer model. In analyzing the brake situation, the $500 you spent fixing the transmission is a(n) _ cost.A. opportunity B. sunk C。 incremental D。 fixed8. Which of the following statements are correct concerning di

7、versifiable risks? I. Diversifiable risks can be essentially eliminated by investing in several securities。II。 The market rewards investors for diversifiable risk by paying a risk premium.III. Diversifiable risks are generally associated with an individual firm or industry。IV。 Beta measures diversif

8、iable risk.A。 I and III only B. II and IV onlyC. I and IV only D。 II and III only9. Which of the following is a liability account?()A。 prepaid insurance B. additional paid-in capitalC. salaries payable D. accumulated depreciation 10。 Accountants employed by large corporations may work in the areas o

9、f the following except ( )A. product costing and pricing B。 budgeting C. internal auditing D。 product producing11。 A corporations first sale of equity made available to the public is called a(n):()A. share repurchase program。B。 private placement。C。 initial public offering (IPO)。D。seasoned equity off

10、ering (SEO).12. Standard deviation measures _ risk。A. total B. nondiversifiable C。 unsystematic D. systematic13。 () is the value at some future time of a present amount of money, or a series of payments, evaluated at a given interest rate.A。 future value B. present value C. intrinsic value D。 market

11、 value14。 Ellesmere Corporation issues 1 million 1 par value bonds。 The stated interest rate is 8% per year and the interest is paid twice a year。 What is the real interest rate of the bond? ()A。 6% B。4 C. 10% D。 (1+8/2)21 15。 Your firm purchased a warehouse for $335,000 six years ago。 Four years ag

12、o, repairs were made to the building which cost $60,000。 The annual taxes on the property are 20,000。 The warehouse has a current book value of 268,000 and a market value of $295,000. The warehouse is totally paid for and solely owned by your firm. If the company decides to assign this warehouse to

13、a new project, what value, if any, should be included in the initial cash flow of the project for this building? ()A. 268,000 B. $295,000 C。 395,000 D。 $515,00016。Which one of the following will decrease the operating cycle? A. paying accounts payable fasterB。 discontinuing the discount given for ea

14、rly payment of an accounts receivableC. decreasing the inventory turnover rateD。 collecting accounts receivable faster17。 Assume that dividends of a common stock will be maintained at D forever, and the required return of the stockholder is r, the par value of the stock is m, the value of the stock

15、is ( )A。 m B. m+D C. m+D/r D. D/r18. Which of the following items has the most risk? ( )A。 treasury bill B。 corporate bond C。 preferred stock D. common stock19. ( ) equals the gross profit divided by net sales of a firm.A。 gross profit margin B. net profit margin C. return on investment D。 return on

16、 equity20。 ( ) is the ratios that measure a firms ability to meet shortterm obligationsA。 liquidity ratios B。 leverage ratios C. coverage ratios D。 activity ratios21。Sensitivity analysis helps you determine the:A。 range of possible outcomes given possible ranges for every variable.B. degree to which

17、 the net present value reacts to changes in a single variable.C。 net present value given the best and the worst possible situations。D. degree to which a project is reliant upon the fixed costs.22. According GAAP revenue is recognized as income when:()A。 a contract is signed to perform a service or d

18、eliver a good.B。 the transaction is complete and the goods or services delivered.C. payment is received。D. income taxes are paid。E. all of the above。23。 ( ) is the result of Net Profit Margin total asset turnover (total assets/shareholders equity)A。 Return on equity B. return on investment C. curren

19、t ratio D. quick ratio24. Government tax law adjustment is ( ) to a firm。A。 general economic risk B。 inflation and deflation risk C。 firm-specific risk 25.Which of the following statements concerning the income statement is not true? A. It measures performance over a specific period of time。B. It de

20、termines after-tax income of the firm。C. It includes deferred taxes.D。 It does not include depreciation.E. it treats interest as an expense.26。Which of the following is not a noncash deduction? A. Depreciation。 B。 Deferred taxes. C。 Interest. D。 Two of the above E。 All of the above.27.Sasha Corp had

21、 an ROA of 10。 Sashas profit margin was 6 on sales of 180. What are total assets? ()A.300 B.$108 C。48。D$162.28。 Calculate net income based on the following information ( )Sales = 200.00Cost of goods sold = 100。00Depreciation = $18.00Interest paid = 25。00Tax rate = 34%A. $16。50 B. $37。62 C. 34。60D。 $

22、4.6029。Which of the following is not true? ()A. Financial markets can be used to adjust consumption patterns over time。B. Corporate investment decisions have nothing to do with financial markets,C。 Financial markets deal with cash flows over time。D。 Investment decisions rely on the economic principl

23、es of financial markets。E. None of the above.30。 ( ) is concerned with the acquisition, financing, and management of assets with some overall goal in mind.A. Financial management B. Profit maximization C。 Agency theory D. Social responsibility31. A major disadvantage of the corporate form of organiz

24、ation is the ( )。A. double taxation of dividendsB。 inability of the firm to raise large sums of additional capitalC. limited liability of shareholdersD。 limited life of the corporate form。32。 Interest paid (earned) on both the original principal borrowed (lent) and previous interest earned is often

25、referred to as ( ).A. present value B. simple interest C. future value D. compound interest33。 If the intrinsic value of a share of common stock is less than its market value, which of the following is the most reasonable conclusion? ()A。 The stock has a low level of risk。B. The stock offers a high

26、dividend payout ratio.C. The market is undervaluing the stock.D. The market is overvaluing the stock。34. A 250 face value share of preferred stock, pays a 20 annual dividend and investors require a 7% return on this investment. If the security is currently selling for 276, what is the difference (ov

27、ervaluation) between its intrinsic and market value (rounded to the nearest whole dollar)? A。 approximately 26 B. approximately 10 C。 approximately 6 D. approximately 135. Felton Farm Supplies, Inc., has an 8 percent return on total assets of 480,000 and a net profit margin of 6percent. What are its

28、 sales? ( )A。 3,750,000 B。640,000C。 480,000 D。 1,500,00036。 A company can improve (lower) its debtto-total asset ratio by doing which of the following? A。 Borrow more。 B。 Shift shortterm to long-term debt。 C。 Shift long-term to short-term debt。 D. issue common stock。37. The DuPont Approach breaks do

29、wn the earning power on shareholders book value (ROE) as follows: ROE = ( ).A. Net profit margin Total asset turnover Equity multiplierB。 Total asset turnover Gross profit margin Debt ratioC。 Total asset turnover Net profit marginD. Total asset turnover Gross profit margin Equity multiplier38。 Which

30、 of the following items concerns financing decision? ( )A。 sales forecasting B。 bond issuing C。 receivables collection D。 investment project selection39. Which of the following items is the function of a treasurer? ( )A. cost accounting B. internal control C。 capital budgeting D。 general ledger40. F

31、or financial instruments, ( ) is judged in relation to the ability to sell a significant volume of securities in a short period of time without significant price concession。A。 maturity B。 marketability C. default D. inflation41. ( ) is the value at some future time of a present amount of money, or a

32、 series of payments, evaluated at a given interest rate。A。 future value B。 present value C。 intrinsic value D。 market valuePart III: Calculation Questions ( 210 points)(注意:要写出计算公式和计算过程,否则不得分;需要用文字描述的问题回答内容要详细,语句正确、完整.)1. Use the financial information for the ABC Corporation to answer problems。 ABC Corporation Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2005

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