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1、动词与介词搭配44 动词词组1动词与表示根源和来源的介词连用(1)fromcome from(起源于、出生于、来自),rise from(起源于),derive from(起源于),arise from(发生于、由而产生),spring from(来自于、崛起于),emerge from(出现于),result from(产生于、起源于),stem from(发生于、滋长于),emanate from(流出于、出生于),grow from(由而生),originate from(起源于),proceed from (发生于、由发出),be derived from(临摹、出身于),be des

2、cended from(为之后裔、系出),copy from(抄录自),translate from (翻译自),quote from(引用自),adapt from(改编自)。aI have risen from the ranks to a majorbHer money came from a rich unclecSerious damage may arise from carelessnessdThese spring from tiny seedseHe is sprung from royal blood他出身皇家。fSomething has resulted from my

3、 effortsgAccording to the Bible,we are all descended from AdamhThis picture is a copy from RaphaeliThousands of English words are derived from/derive from Latinquote from the classics(引自古文),draw water from a well(从井里汲水),drink from a river(临河而饮),draw conclusions from the evideuce(由证据中取得结论)。originate(

4、来自),当来源是事物时,用from或in皆可;当来源为人时,用from或with皆可。come from有两个含义:一是表示“籍贯(出生于何处)”=come of;一是表示“来自何处”。其区别在于动词时态的不同。当表示“籍贯”时,动时用现在时,因籍贯是永远不变的。当表示“来自何处”时为叙述过去的事情,故用过去时或现在完成时。试比较:aWhere do you come from?你籍贯何处?(以现在时构成问句)I come from Beijing我是北京出生的。bWhere did/have you come from?你来自何处?I came/have come from Beijing我

5、从北京来。(不一定是北京人)(2)ofask(要求、请求、询问)ask的对象为人时,可用ask sb或 ask of sb;ask sthof sb表示“请求某人做某事、或询问某人某事”。aMay I ask a favour of you?bMay I ask a question of you?cHe asked his way of a hunterbeg(请求、要求)aHe begged a favour of mebHe begged money of charitable peopleinquire(询问、探询)inquire的宾语为人时,不能直接接人,须接介词of再接人,成为in

6、quire of sb。如欲表示“询问某事”时,须用介词about:inquire of sbabout sth,意为“询问某人某事”。inquire的宾语为地方时,接at:Ill inquire at the office and then tell you我去办公室打听一下再告诉你。aI inquired of him the way to townbHe inquired of me the best way to gocI inquired of him about the matterdShe inquires of him about her younger brothers co

7、nductrequire(要求)如仅表示“向某人要求”时,require后接of再接人,成“require of sb”的形式。如欲表示“要求某人做某事、向某人要求某物”时,用require sthof sb句型。aI have done everything that was required of mebWhat do you require of me?cShe required an apology of me她要我道歉。demand(要求)demand必须加of再加被要求的人,demand of sb表示“向某人要求”。demand sthof sb表示“向某人要求某物(做某事)”。

8、试比较:a我要求他答复。I demand him of an answerI demand an answer of himbHe demands too high a price of mecome of(出身、出自),be born of(出生)aHe comes of ancient familybShe was born of good parents她出身良家。a)from与of皆可用以表示“起源、出处”,但何时用from,何时用of,须视动词而定。因此对于from和of所跟的动词必须加以区别熟记。b)of,from皆可用以表示“种族、门第”,但何时用from,何时用of,亦决定于动

9、词的不同。一般spring,be derived,be descended 接from,come,be born接of。c)某些动词之后可接from或of,意义相同,但接from居多。此类动词大多表示“获得、期望”之意,如buy,borrow,hire,receive,learn,have(得到),expect,want等。aShe learned her English of /from an AmericanbAll these books may be had of/from any booksellerscEveryone expected great things of/from h

10、imd)come from表示“籍贯”或“来自何处”。come of则表示“出身、家庭”。试比较:aHe comes from Tianjin他籍贯是天津。bHe came from beyond the seas yesterday他昨天从海外来。cHe comes of good family他出身良家。dHe came of a poor peasant family他出身于贫穷农家。(3)out ofask out of(由而发问),pick out of(由挑选),write out of ones own head(创作),pay out of ones own pocket(自己

11、出钱)。aHe asked out of curiousitybYou will have to pay out of your own pocket2动词和表示推断的介词连用(1)fromjudge from/by(由判定、由判断),conclude from(由判定),infer from(由推论、由推断),deduce from(由推论、由推断),judge from/by appearance(以貌取人),speak from experience (经验之谈),paint from nature(模仿自然作画、写生)。aJudging from what you say,he oug

12、ht to succeedbJudging from/by his appearance,he seems to be a man of good conduct(2)byjudge by,know by(由知),call by(据而叫),tell by(由知),recognize a person by the voice(依声音辨别某人)。aA man is usually judged by what he doesbHe is called by the name of his fathercA man is known by the company he keeps观其所交,而知其人

13、。3动词和表示比较的介词连用(1)tocompare to(把比作),liken to(与相象),preferto(较喜欢而不喜欢),其中to为介词。aLife is compared to a voyage人生好比航海。bLife is likened to an act of the stage人生好比舞台上一幕戏。cI prefer death to dishonourdI prefer working to doing nothing(2)withcompare with(与比较),contrast with(对照、对比),increase with(随而增加),vary with(随

14、而变化)。aHis English cannot compare with minebThat will show a great increase compared with todaycI contrast this picture with thatdYou may contrast this book with another oneeAn armys power increases with its sizefThe size varies with the temperature4动词和表示原因及动机的介词连用(1)fromsuffer from(受之苦),act from(由而行

15、动),die from被用做表示死亡之原因时,其含意是由于外界添加的刺激或影响而致死的,而不是出于本人自身的原因。常见的还有:die from some unknowncause,die from a blow,die from fatigue,die from a wound,die from over- work,die from drinking too much wine,die from hunger,die from the memory of the world(为世人所忘),die from/of apoplexy,die from weakness,die from the

16、effects of overexposure to the sun。aHe suffers from a great loss in businessbHe is now suffering from influenzacHe acked from a sense of duty责任感使他采取了行动。dThe baby died from lack of careeHe died from a blowfThe little child died from eating to excessgShe died from some unknown cause(2)ofdie of用于表死亡的原因

17、时,最常用的是“因疾病而死亡”,of在此用法中常用:die of a disease,die of(an)illness,die of sorrow/love,die of diphtheria,die of/from apoplexy,die of a decline,die of disappoint- ment,die of hunger,die of thirst,die of a broken heart,die of/with grief,die of old age,die of exhaustion,die of a fall,die of fever(consumption,

18、cold,smallpox,typhoid fever,congestion of the brain)。aHe died of a heart attackbShe died of high fever(3)atat常和表示情绪或感情的动词连用,如wonder,marvel,tremble,shudder,rejoice,cry,blush,weep,grieve,hesitate,laugh等。die at 亦表示死亡的原因,常用如下情形:die at the stake(焚死、受火刑而死),die at ones post(殉职)。aPeople wonder at his learni

19、ngbThey rejoiced at the news of his safe returncShe trembled at the sound of burstingdHe shuddered at the sight of bloodeHe hesitated at the difficultyfShe always laughed at a good Joke(4)fordie for表死亡原因时,有指“为某一目的、事业而死”的意义:die for ones country,die for ones faith,die for some cause(为了某种事业而死),die for

20、a crime(因罪而死)。aThey died for their motherlandbHe died for his country(5)withwith表示原因时,是指由于外界的某种变化而影响到体内或内心的某种变化的心理原因。常与如下动词连用:chatter,tremble,quiv- er,shiver,shake,shudder,totter,burst,foil,burn,kindle,seethe (激动),simmer(激动),cry,exclaim,weep。die with表示死亡原因时,多用于由于某种感情、情绪而导致的死亡。如die with horror,die wi

21、th/for joy(由于病极而死),die with laughing。aHis voice trembled with angry他的声音因愤怒而颤抖。bShe shook with laughter她笑得全身抖动。cThe people seethed with discontent人们因不平而骚动。dHe almost burst with laughter他几乎放声大笑起来。eShe died with horror她吓死了。fShe died with/for/from overjoy(6)overover指由于某原因或事件而产生的心理活动或感情冲动,常和如下动词连用:cry,we

22、ep,laugh,rejoice,mourn,grieve等。aWe laugh over his foolish operationbShe was crying over her misfortunescShe wept over her sad fatedWe all rejoice over the victoryeShe grieved over her misfortunesfHe is foolish as to cry over a novelgThey rejoiced over the glorious victory(7)indie in表示死亡原因时,用于下列情形:di

23、e in battle(战死),die in ones bed(老死),die in poverty,die in annoy,die in a ditch,die in childbed/child birth(因生产而死),die in ones boots(横死、死于非命),die in harness(殉职)。aHe died in his bedbHe died in his boots(8)ondie on表示死亡原因时,常指如下情形:die on the scaffold(死在刽子手之手),die on the battlefield(战死)。(9)bydie by表示死亡原因时

24、,常指如下情形:die by violence(死于非命、横死、惨死),die by the sword(死于刀剑之下),die by hanging (缢死),die by pestilence(死于流行的疾病),die by ones own hand (自杀),die by drowning(溺死)。5动词和表示理由的介词连用for常与dismiss,punish,blame,suffer,reward等动词连用,表示赏罚的理由,如win a medal for bravery,suffer for ones sins,sent to prison for stealing。aHeave

25、n has rewarded him for his honestybHe was rewarded for saving the girls lifecHe was punished for stealingdHe was dismissed for neglecting his workeYou will suffer for your wickedness some daysuffer for和suffer from有区别,suffer for后接的原因大都是主语做的坏事(如犯罪等),而suffer from后接不是原因,而是遭受的对象,意即给主语带来痛苦的东西(如贫穷、疾病等)。for

26、与apolo- gize,make up连用,表示“补偿”之意。fYou should apologize for your rudenessgWe must make up for lost time6动词和表示品质、材料、构成成份的介词连用(1)of表示“材料、由做成”,of后的材料与成品性质相同,只发生物理变化。(注意与from的区别),常用的有:make of,build of,form of,weave of,create of,常用作被动语态。表示“组成成分”,of常与下列动词构成成语:consist of(由组成),be composed of,be made up of,be

27、formed of。consist of中无be动词,以上几个成语可以互相换用。aBottles are made of glassbThis house is built of stonescThe cloth is woven of silk and golddMan consists of soul and bodyeWater made up of oxygen and hydrogenfJapan is formed of four large islands(2)from,out offrom表示“由制成”,是指成品与原材料之间发生了质的变化即化学变化,如:Wine is made

28、 from pineapple当材料变质与否不明时,可用of或from。若以材料为主语,而以成品为宾语,则用into,而不使用from或of,而out of表示“由做成的、什么材料被做成为什么成品”之意。aBread is made from/of flour and waterbFlour is made into breadcWe make paper into many thingsmake of原是make out of的省略形式,故make out of也指物理变化,当make和of分开时,用make out of,否则用make of。试比较:dMany useful things

29、 are made of paperWe make many things out of papereMany things are made of bambooWe make many things out of bamboo虽然把make和of分开,但表示“造就成、当成是”的意义时,则仍使用of而不用out of。fI will make a teacher of you我将使你成为教师。gShe will make a fool of him她将愚弄他。(3)in表示“用原料、用语言”意义,in常和write,speak,cast em- broider,paint,answer等动词连

30、用。aHe painted in oils,but I painted in water-colorsbYou must write letters in inkcCan you answer it in English?dThe design is embroidered in goldeThe statue was cast in bronzefHe did not write it in ink,but with a pencil在表示“材料”时,in常和with混用,须特别注意。in表示“材料”,而with表示“工具”,如“我将用墨水写封信”是:I shall write a lett

31、er in ink而不是用with ink,因为ink为原料而非工具,再如下例则更易混错:write in pencil/chalk;表示“工具”之意时,则须用write with a pencil/a piece of chalk。判别方法:物质名词:表示材料,此时一般用in。普通名同:可表示材料与工具,当该名词前无冠词也不是复数形式时,一般表示材料用in;如有冠词或用复数形式,一般表示工具,用with。in表示“穿戴衣服、鞋子”等时,常和be dressed,clothed,clad(穿衣),attired(穿着),arrayed(穿着)等连用。aWe usually write in blue inkWe usually

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