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1、中种畜秸秆粉碎台合同中种畜秸秆粉碎台合同 作者: 日期: 黑龙江省优质粮食生产基地建设项目农业机械装备The Construction Project of Purchasing Agricultural Machinery and Equipment for High-quality Grain Yield Demonstration Bases采 购 合 同PURCHASING CONTRACT合同号No.:HNJ-VTP-101215设备名称Goods Name: Grifone470秸秆粉碎机Grifone470 Shredder买 方:黑龙江省农业机械有限责任公司Purchaser:

2、 Heilongjiang Province Agricultural Machinery Co., Ltd.卖 方:视野集团有限公司Supplier: VIEW TOP LIMITED二一年十二月Dec. 2010目录 Table of Content 1.定义Definitions 2.合同价格和供货范围 Price and Scope of Supply 3.原产地 Country of Origin 4.标准 Standards 5.合同文件和资料的使用 Use of Contract Document and Information 6.知识产权 Intellectual Prope

3、rty Rights 7.包装 Packing 8.装运标记 Marking for Shipment 9.装运条款及交货 Terms of Shipment and Delivery 10.装运通知 Shipping Advice 11.保险 Insurance 12.运输 Transportation 13.检验和测试 Inspections and Tests 14.伴随服务Incidental Service 15.备件Spare Parts 16.技术资料Technical Documents 17.付款 Payment 18.保证 Warranty19.索赔 Claims20. 合

4、同修改 Contract Amendments21. 转让 Assignment22. 卖方履约延误Delays in the Suppliers Performance23. 误期赔偿费 Liquidated Damages24. 违约终止合同 Termination for Default25. 不可抗力 Force Majeure26. 因破产而终止合同 Termination for Insolvency27. 争端的解决 Resolution of Disputes38. 合同语言 Governing Language29. 适用法律 Applicable Law30. 通知 Not

5、ices31. 税和关税 Taxes and Duties32合同生效及其它 Effectiveness of the Contract and MiscellaneousTable Contents of Appendixes 附件内容目录附件1 供货范围Appendix 1 Scope of Supply附件2 技术规格Appendix 2 Specification附件3 技术培训Appendix 3 Technical Training附件4 技术文件Appendix 4 Technical Documentation附件5 备件和工具Appendix 5 Spare parts &

6、Tools附件6 保证条款Appendix 6 Warranty附件7-1 马斯奇奥机具客户交接记录及确认Appendix 7-1 MASCHIO Machinery Receipt and Acceptance Record 附件7-2 关于“用箱时间”及“提单数量”的备忘录Appendix 7-2 Memo for Container Time and Quantity of B/L 本合同于2010年12月15日由中华人民共和国的黑龙江省农业机械有限责任公司(以下简称“买方”)为一方,和由视野集团有限公司(以下简称“卖方”)按下述条款和条件签署。THIS CONTRACT is sign

7、ed by and between Heilongjiang Province Agricultural Machinery Co., Ltd. (P.R.China) (hereinafter called “the Purchaser”) of the one part, VIEW TOP LIMITED (hereinafter called “the Supplier”) of second part on 15th Dec. 2010 subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated hereinafter: 买卖双方经过友好协商,本

8、着互惠互利、诚实守信的原则达成如下合同,双方愿共同遵守:中华人民共和国对外贸易法和中华人民共和国合同法等法律、规之规定。若有未尽事宜需签订补充协议,补充协议与本合同具有同等法律效力。This Contract is made by and between the Purchaser and the Supplier through friendly consultations and under the principle of mutual benefit and joint development,Both parties willing to abide by: Foreign trad

9、e law of the Peoples Republic of China”and Contract law of the Peoples Republic of China” laws and regulations and so on. If there is any amendment agreement, the amendment has the same legal effect as this contract.1.定义Definitions1.1本合同下列术语应解释为:In this Contract, the following terms shall be interpr

10、eted as indicated:1)“合同”系指买卖双方签署的、双方所达成的协议,包括所有的附件、附录和上述文件所提到的构成合同的所有文件。“The Contract” means the agreement entered into between the Purchaser and Supplier, signed by the parties, including all attachments and appendices thereto and all documents incorporated by reference therein.2)“合同价”系指根据本合同规定卖方在正

11、确地完全履行合同义务后买方应支付给卖方的价款。“The Contract Price” means the price payable to the Supplier under the Contract for the full and proper performance of its contractual obligations.3) 买方按照本合同的要求对外付汇。 The Purchaser shall make the payment according to the Contract terms;4)“货物”系指卖方根据本合同规定须向买方提供的一切设备、机械和/或其它材料。“Th

12、e Goods” means all of the equipment, machinery, and/or other materials which the Supplier is required to supply to the Purchaser under the Contract. 5) “伴随服务”系指根据本合同规定卖方承担与供货有关的辅助服务,比如运输、保险以及其它的伴随服务,比如安装、调试、提供技术援助、培训和合同中规定卖方应承担的其它义务。“The incidental service” means that service ancillary to the supply

13、 of the Goods, such as transportation and insurance, and any other incidental services ,such as installation, commissioning, provision of technical assistance, training , and other such obligations of the Supplier covered under the Contract. 6)“合同条款”是指本合同条款。“TCC” means the Terms and Conditions of Co

14、ntract contained in this section. 7)“项目地点”系指本合同项下货物安装、运行的地点,为买方指定地点。“The Project Site” means the location where the Goods are to be installed and operated, the places pointed by the Purchaser.8)“日”指日历日。“Day” means calendar day.2.合同价格和供货范围 Price and Scope of Supply 2.1合同总价款EURO 1,211,240.00 ONLY (1,2

15、11,240.00欧元整),按CIF大连港条件交货,备品备件、专用工具、安装、调试、检验、技术培训、技术资料和技术服务费用及包装、运输、质保期内的维修费用等全部费用包含在合同总价内。具体供货范围及分项价格详见附件1的规定。The total contract price amounts to EURO 1,211,240.00 ONLY . (Say EURO One Million Two Hundred and Eleven Thousand Two Hundred and Forty ONLY) in the case of CIF Dalian Seaport .The charges

16、 of spare parts, special tools, installation , debugging ,inspections ,technical training, technical documents and technical service , packing and transportation are included in the contract price. Scope of Supply and Subentry Quotation are described in the Appendix 1.2.2 CIF用于说明各方责任的贸易术语应按照2000年国际贸

17、易术语解释通则来解释。CIF trade terms used to describe the obligations of the parties shall have the meanings assigned to them byINCOTERMS 2000.3. 原产地和制造厂家Country of Origin And Manufacturer 3.1本合同项下提供的货物及服务的原产地见附件1。The origin of all Goods and Service supplied under the Contract are specified in Appendix 1. 3.2

18、本款所述的“原产地”是指货物生产或提供有关服务的来源地。所述的货物是指通过制造、加工或用重要的和主要元部件装配成的,其基本特性、功能或效用应是商业上公认与元部件有实质性区别的产品。 For purposes of this Clause,” origin” means the place where the Goods were mined, grown, or produced, or from which the Services are supplied .Goods are produced when, through manufacturing, processing, or sub

19、stantial and major assembly of components, a commercially recognized new product results that is substantially different in basic characteristics or in purpose or utility from its components.3.3 本合同项下提供的货物生产国别和制造厂家详见附件1:The country of origin and manufacturer of all goods under the contract are speci

20、fied in Appendix 1.3.4 本合同项下提供的货物均为原产地。 Under the contract to provide goods are their country of origin.4.标准 Standards4.1本合同下交付的货物应符合技术规格(见附件2)所述的标准。The Goods supplied under this Contract shall conform to the standards mentioned (Appendix 2)in the technical specifications.4.2除非技术规格中另有规定,计量单位均采用中华人民共

21、和国法定计量单位。All measurements shall be the measuring unit officially published by the government of the PRC, unless otherwise specified in the technical specifications.5.合同文件和资料的使用 Use of Contract Document and Information 5.1没有对方事先书面同意,另一方不得将由对方或对方代表提供的有关合同或任何合同条文、规格、计划、图纸、模型、样品或资料提供给与履行本合同无关的任何其它人。即使向与

22、履行本合同有关的人员提供,也应注意保密并限于履行合同必须的范围。The one Party shall not, without the other Partys prior written consent, disclose the Contract, or any provision thereof, or any specification, plan, drawing, pattern, sample, or information furnished by or on behalf of the Purchaser in connection therewith, to any pe

23、rson other than a person employed by the Supplier in the performance of the Contract. Disclosure to any such employed person shall be made in confidence and shall extend only so far as may be necessary for purposes of such performance. 5.2没有对方事先书面同意,除了因履行本合同所需之外,另一方不应使用合同条款第5.1条所列举的任何文件和资料。The suppl

24、ier shall not, without the Purchasers prior written consent, make use of any document or information enumerated in TCC Clause 5.1 except for purposes of performing the Contract. 5.3 除了合同本身以外,合同条款5.1条列举的任何文件是买方或卖方的财产。如果对方有要求,另一方在完成合同后应将这些文件及全部复印件还给对方。 Any document ,other than the Contract itself, enu

25、merated in TCC Clause 5.1 shall remain the property of the Purchaser/Supplier and shall be returned (including all copies )to the other side on completion of the Suppliers performance under the Contract if so required by the other side.6.知识产权 Intellectual Property Rights6.1卖方应保证,买方在中华人民共和国使用该货物或货物的任

26、何一部分时,免受第三方提出的侵犯其专利权、商标权、著作权或其它知识产权的起诉。The Supplier shall indemnify the Purchaser against all third-party claims of infringement of patent, trademark, copyright or other intellectual property rights arising from use of the Goods or any part thereof in the P.R. China.7.包装 Packing 7.1卖方应提供合适的货物装箱方式, 这

27、种方式应在海运中防震动,从而保护货物能够无损坏地安全到达。卖方应承担由于不充分或不适当装箱而引起货物损坏和损失的责任。如有木质装箱材料,卖方应按照进行熏蒸处理,并加盖IPPC标识。为最大程度地利用装箱容积,卖方应对部分设备进行部分拆卸。The Supplier shall have the contract Goods adequately loaded in the containers to protect them from shocks during transport by sea to ensure safe arrival of the Goods at the Contract

28、 site without any damage . The Supplier shall be liable for damages and loss caused by inadequate or improper goods stuffing in the container. In case wooden material is used for goods stuffing in the container such wood will be heat treated and marked IPPC. In order to maximize container capacity S

29、upplier shall knock down partially some of the goods. 8.装运标记 Marking for Shipment8.1 卖方应在每一包装箱用不可擦除的油漆和明显的英语字样做出以下标记: The Supplier shall mark each goods with indelible paint in conspicuous English printed words: 1)收货人CONSIGNEE 2)合同号CONTRACT NUMBER 3)发货标记(唛头) SHIPPING MARK 4)目的港PORT OF DESTINATION 5)

30、货物名称、品目号和箱号NAME OF GOODS AND ITEM NO., CASE NO. 6)毛重或净重(公斤或用kg表示) GROSS/NET WEIGHT (KG) 7)尺寸(长宽高厘米或用cm表示) MEASUREMENT (LENGTHWIDTHHEIGHT IN CM)8.2如果单件包装箱的重量在2吨(t)或2吨(t)以上,卖方应在包装箱两侧用英语和国际贸易通用的运输标记标注“重心”和“起吊点”以便装卸和搬运。根据货物的特点和运输的不同要求,卖方应在包装箱上清楚地标注“小心轻放”、“此端朝上,请勿倒置”、 “保持干燥”等字样和其它国际贸易中使用的适当的标记。 If any pa

31、ckage weighs two (2) tons or more, the Supplier shall mark on two sides of each package in English and with appropriate transportation marks common in international trade, the “center of gravity” and “points of slinging” in order to facilitate loading, discharging and handling. According to the characteristics of the Goods and the different requirements in transportation, packages shall be marked legibly by the Supplier with words “Handle with Care”, “Right side Up”, “Keep Dry”, etc. and with other terms appropri

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