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1、英语专业四级听力conversation场景词汇及练习对话部分的场景设置大致可分为8种(以2005-2012年专业四级考试为分析对象):场景一:面试招聘此类场景在对话听力考试中共出现过3次,由于该场景的词汇简单,且招聘与面试是几乎每个学生都要接触到的事件,所以该场景在专四听力对话试题中出现的频率较大。场景常用词汇及表达:A.校园与专业:major in专业(动), major主修, minor辅修, courses课程, courses taken所学课程, recreational activities娱乐活动, interest兴趣, academic activities学术活动, pr

2、esident校长, dean院长, professor教授, degree学位, post doctorate博士后 , doctor博士, master硕士, bachelor学士, university大学, educational background教育背景, curriculum课程, scholarship奖学金, subject科目, specialization专业, specialized专业的, specialize in专业(动), social practice社会实践B.工作与经历:objective目标, career objective职业目标, positio

3、n wanted希望的职位, due to (close-down of company, expiry of employment)由于(公司倒闭,雇佣期满), work experience工作经历, occupational history工作经历, link with与.有关, employment雇佣, achievements成就, accomplish完成, appointed被任命, adept in善于, assistant助理, break the record打破纪录, be promoted to被提升为, be proposed as被提名为C.个人品质:adapta

4、ble适应性强的, ambitious雄心壮志的, amiable和蔼的, analytical善于分析的, apprehensive有理解力的, capable有能力的, careful小心谨慎的, competent有能力的, constructive建设性的, cooperative合作的, creative创造性的, dedicated奉献的, disciplined守纪律的, well-educated受过良好教育的, efficient有效率的, energetic精力充沛的, enthusiastic充满热情的, expressive善于表达的, generous慷慨大方的, g

5、enteel有教养的, independent独立的, intelligent聪明的, modest谦虚的, precise精确的, responsible负责的, strict严格的, temperate温和的试题演练:Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. (TEM4-2007)Now, listen to the conversation.1.

6、 At the university Mr. Robinson specialized inA. maths.B. physics.C. water management.D. geography.2. Mr. Robinson worked for the Indian Government because ofA. university links.B. government agreements.C. company projects.D. degree requirements.3. After Mr. Robinson returned from India, heA. change

7、d jobs several times.B. went to live in Manchester.C. did similar work as in India. D. became head of a research team.Questions 4 to 6 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. (TEM-2011)Now, listen to the conversat

8、ion.4. John has worked in all the following places EXCEPTA. a book shop. B. a paper factory.C. a school. D. a fastfood restaurant.5. From the conversation, we learn that JohnA. has no interest. B. has only one interest.C. has two interests. D. has quite a few interests.6. Sue Green seems to be more

9、interested in Johns experience of A. working in a paper factory B. working in a youth club.C. looking after his brother and sister D. looking after his young friends.解析:1. M: I went to the Manchester University and got an engineering degree, with water management as my specialization. 由划线部分可知Mr. Rob

10、inson的专业是water management,因此第一题选择C. 2. M: No, no. My university had links with an Indian Engineering University. So it was organized at that level. Mr. Robinson为印度政府工作是因为他的大学和印度的一所工程大学有联系,固第二题选择A. 3. M: No. It was a three-year water irrigation project. M: Ah, I m working in water irrigation again, t

11、his time as a project researcher assistant. 听到again和this time, 可推断出第三题选C. 4. M: Yes, I had a job in a paper factory for a few months after I left school. Then I worked in the summer holidays in the university, first in a fastfood restaurant, then in a book shop. 只有学校没有被提到,因此第四题选择C. 5. M: Interests?

12、Well, I like traveling. I play a lot of sports and I play the piano. 由划线部分可知他的兴趣爱好不少,第五题选择D. 6. W: A youth club? 此处疑问语气,表示感兴趣,好奇。第六题选择B. 场景二:校园此类场景在对话听力考试中共出现过4次,校园场景的试题在考试中较为常见,内容和常用的词汇及表达往往是学生所熟悉的,可出题的范围也比较广,例如新生报道,课余生活,学习和住宿问题等等。场景常用词汇及表达(部分词汇参见场景一的校园与专业):A.新生报道: facilities设施, departments系, campu

13、s校园,Common Room/House公共休息室, corridor走廊, the ground floor一楼,canteen食堂, dining hall食堂, cafeteria自助餐厅, accommodation住宿, dorm/dormitory宿舍, laboratory/lab实验室, auditorium会堂, gymnasium/gym体育馆, Recreation Center娱乐中心, attendance出勤, homesickness想家, financial财务的, too high expectations期望值太高B.选课: course课程, lectu

14、res大课,讲座, selective/elective/optional选修的, prerequisite/required/compulsory必修的, fundamental/elementary/basic/Level 1/beginning/primary基础的, intermediate/secondary中级的, advanced高级的, semester/term学期C.论文及考试: paper论文,score/points/marks/grades分数, supervise监督,revise/rewrite修改,summary总结, research研究,deadline最后

15、期限, theoretical理论的D.图书馆: catalog/catalogue目录, deadline/date of expiry最后期限,due到期,overdue and pay a fine过期并交罚款, available可以借到的, on shelves在书架上,newspapers报纸,journals(学术性的)杂志, periodical期刊, librarian图书馆员, information desk咨询处E.住宿: fridge/ refrigerator/freezer冰箱, microwave oven微波炉, washing machine洗衣机, air

16、 conditioning空调, facilities设施, fireplace壁炉, curtain窗帘, furniture家具, not near the center, not near the railway station, far from the bus stop, noisy, have no privacy没有隐私, rent租金, laundry/washing charges洗衣费, non-smoker不吸烟的人, non-drinker不饮酒的人, no pets allowed不准养宠物,allergies过敏,be allergic to对过敏, landlor

17、d/landlady男/女房主, roommate室友试题演练:Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. (TEM-2006)Now, listen to the conversation.1. How did Mark get there?A. By train and by car. B. By plane and by coach.C. By t

18、rain and by bus. D. By bus and by plane.2. Mark used to wear all the following EXCEPTA. short hair. B. glasses.C. moustache. D. beard.3. Where is the meeting for new students to be held?A. In the third room on the right. B. In the Common Room.C. In a room at the other end. D. In Room 501.Questions 4

19、 to 7 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. (TEM-2012)Now, listen to the conversation.4. Which of the following statements is CORRECT about Mary? AShe is enjoying her language study BShe is enjoying her manageme

20、nt study CShe is not feeling very well at the moment DShe is not happy about her study pressure5. What does Mary think of the course initially? AIt is useful BIt is difficult CIt is challenging DIt is interesting6. What is Marys problem of living in a family house? AShe dislikes the food she eats BS

21、he is unable to sleep well CShe has no chance to make friends DShe finds the rent high7. Which of the following is Mr. Davies advice? ATo try to make more friends BTo try to change accommodation CTo spend more time on English DTo stop attending language classes解析:1. W: Oh, good! How did you get here

22、?M: My brother took me to the railway station, and I got a bus at this end. 因此第一题选择C. 2. W: Bern, Bern, ah, yes, oh, youve changed since this photo. What happened to your beard and moustache? And youre not wearing glasses, either. 只有short hair没有被提到,因此第二题选择A. 3. W: 5:30 in the Common Room on the grou

23、nd floor at the other end of the corridor. 信息点直接给出,第三题选择B.4. W: Well, its not going too well. Im not really enjoying the course and, well, Im not very happy. W: Oh, there is so much work. I thought that to do two languages with management studies will be very useful. But I find the management course

24、 very difficult sometimes and in the study of English and German, too. It means Im working all the time and I never have time to relax. 经过结合两处画线部分,可知Mary学习压力大,没有放松的时间,所以感觉不开心,因此第四题选择D. 5. W: Oh, there is so much work. I thought that to do two languages with management studies will be very useful. Ma

25、ry认为双语课程有用处,因此第五题选择A. 6. W: Not really. I mean the other students on my course are living in a student dormitory. So they see each other all the time. Im living in a rented room in a family house. I eat breakfast and dinner with the family, but I get lonely in the evening and at weekends.M: So makin

26、g friends is a problem, too.W: Yes. 由画线部分可推断出Mary没有机会去结交朋友,因此第六题选择C. 7. M: So Id like you to go and see your German tutor, and say that you are going to stop attending German classes for the moment.W: OK.M: Next, I think you should go to each of the five student dormitories. Choose the one you like

27、best and ask if you could move in there. Students are always moving in and out, so there shouldnt be a problem. 由第一个画线部分得知,Mr. Davies 只是建议暂停德语课程,而不是停止所有语言课程,所以D错误,A和C在对话中并未提及,可排除,第二个画线部分表示,Mr. Davies建议Mary住进学生宿舍,也就是换一个住宿环境,所以,选项B. To try to change accommodation正确。场景三:旅行或出行此类场景在听力对话考试中只出现过1次,但该类场景包含了

28、许多小场景,可围绕旅行社、机场与交通、旅游景点、娱乐、饮食等方面展开,出题的范围很广泛。场景常用词汇及表达:A.出行安排:travel agency旅行社, tour guide导游, guided tours带导游的旅行, reserve/reservation预定, book/booking预定,recreation/ entertainment/ leisure娱乐, package tour团队游, free tour自由行, scheme计划,方案, outdoors户外活动, hitch-hike搭便车旅行, hiking徒步旅行, camp野营, outing/excursion

29、短途旅行,远足, voyage航行, out trip郊游, expedition探险,远征B.机场:economy/tourist class经济舱, business class商务舱, first/VIP class头等舱, one-way ticket单程票, round-trip/return ticket往返票, layover/stopover中途停留, non-stop flight直达航班, connecting-flight转机, airport tax机场税, duty-free shop免税店, excess charge超重, vacant seat空座, desti

30、nation目的地, terminal终点站, notice board通知板, fare票价, extra charge/surcharge附加费, ground steward地勤, steward/stewardess男(女)乘务员, seat reservation/assignment/arrangement定座, lounge休息室,候机厅, traffic交通, traffic jam交通堵塞, boat/ship船, plane/aircraft飞机,飞行器, subway/underground/tube/Metro地铁, railway station火车站, coach长

31、途客车, ferry轮渡, caravan大篷车, river cruise游艇游览, helicopter直升飞机, airport limousine机场大巴, berth铺位(火车上), sleeping car卧铺车, express快车C.旅游景点:hot spot热闹的娱乐场所, scenic spot/view point景点, historical interest历史遗迹, sightseeing观光, landscape风景, seascape scenery海景, heritage遗迹, relics残迹, castle城堡, cathedral大教堂, mountain

32、 resort山林风景区, botanical garden植物园, art gallery画廊, concert音乐会, museum博物馆, ancient temple古寺, theme park主题公园, organic farm有机农场, harbor海港, beach沙滩, hot spring/spa温泉, cave/cavern大洞穴, club俱乐部, cinema电影院, theatre剧院, aquarium水族馆, orchard果园, rainforest雨林, swamp/marsh/wetland沼泽, desert沙漠, grassland草原, bush灌木丛, hilly area丘陵地带, waterfall 瀑布D.活动项目:cycling骑自行车, yoga瑜伽, rock climbing/cliff walks攀岩, bungee jumping蹦极跳, surf冲浪,sc

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