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1、春季武警学院考研英语词汇写作串讲2010年春季海天英语四级辅导系列讲义词汇写作篇理论篇一、词汇对改革后四级考试的重要性The importance of vocabulary cannot be too emphasized .“词汇是基石,词汇是基础”“得词汇者得阅读,得阅读者得四级”二、四级词汇备考中的误区:1、对词汇书的机械背诵2、不重视词汇的运用3、词汇考点把握不准4、对往年词汇考题重视不够三、改革后四级词汇考查重点与命题趋势(两个维度:考点+题型)综合+深度“词汇考查贯穿于每个题型之中,但考查重点不尽相同”,只有深度剖析和明确每个题型对词汇的考点后,考生才能有针对性的进行词汇的复习和

2、备考。维度一:考点层面六大考点,逐个突破NO.1 搭配NO 2 句型NO 3 熟词生义NO 4 精确性NO 5 形象化NO 6 多样性维度二:题型层面1.听力短对话与长对话:听力考试中的短对话部分历来是整个四六级试卷中对词汇要求最低的一部分,短对话中出现的词汇和短语往往是通俗易懂的日常交际语言,而非句式复杂、难词、偏词较多的书面语,考生还要特别注意一点,听力中常常出现带有文化背景的词汇以及短语以及固定搭配,在平时备考中应该多加总结。 首先,听力考查的难词、生词多是日常生活中可能用到的词汇,比如2002年1月的考题中出现了power plug(电源插座)。另外,一些与考生的学习、生活、就业密切相

3、关的词汇近年来也是频繁出现,比如2003年9月的考题中出现的registration(入学注册)一词,2005年6月的考题中出现了campus、lawn、architecture等描述校园环境的词,2005年12月的考题中出现了求职常用词汇recruit和resume。 2006年6月的考题中出现了工作场景常用词汇market research section(市场调查部)和 advertising section (广告部)其次,还要适当注意词汇的一词多义,如“due”,这些内容都给听力造成了一定的难度。新增的长对话题型无非是短对话的加长版,或者说是一种叠加,词汇考查的重点几乎一样,在此不再



6、的正面特征进行展开,比如efficient,informative等;而对于反对观点则可以从年轻人的不成熟性immaturity入手,就能想到其表现主要有curious,vulnerable,ignorant,amoral等,考试的时候文章结构框架岂不是能信手拈来?而有些考生忽略了这一方法,到了考试的时候即使能想到这些方面,也闹出诸如用fast来形容电脑速度这样的笑话。 其次,同义词辨析在写作的词汇积累中也异常重要。许多考生在写作中辞藻贫乏,大量重复good一类的低端词汇,这是写作中的大忌。建议考生在复习时加强对同义词、近义词的了解和辨析,增加写作词汇的多样性和正确性,从而提高作文质量。以go


8、借助上下文推测进行现场学习。 四级考试中的文章一般都有其特定的题材分类,比如:人文类、科技类、自然类、经济类等等。所以应对四六级客观篇章类考题中的词汇时,最好方法是按照历年考过文章的题材进行分类,然后根据历年真题的文章进行适当的词汇超链接。比如经济类而言,仅2003年6月的四级词汇题就连续考查了两道与经济相关的词汇题,分别是43题中的economyrecession(经济衰退)及第68题中的businessdepression(经济萧条)。这无疑统一了阅读与词汇的战线,希望考生高度重视。在这里,特别强调四级新题型中的篇章结构题,这个题型重点考查考生对词汇的词性、搭配的掌握,这是该题型能否取得高

9、分的关键。5.翻译、完形、改错考查重点趋于一致,就不再一一论述。六大考点,逐个突破NO.1 搭配NO 2 句型NO 3 熟词生义NO 4 精确性NO 5 形象化NO 6 多样性强化实践篇一、词汇运用之单选题与完型填空、翻译直接相关近形词与近义词辨析:1、A completely new situation will _ when the examination system comes into existence A) arise B) rise C) raise D)arouse 2、These goods are _ for export , though a few of them m

10、ay be sold on the home market A) essentially B) completely C) necessarily D) remarkably 3、Some people would like to do shopping on Sundays since they expect to pick up wonderful _ in the market A) batteries B)bargains C) baskets D) barrels 4、The European Union countries were once worried that they w

11、ould not have _ supplies of petroleum .A) proficient B) efficient C) potential D) sufficient 5、The twentieth century has witnessed an enormous world world-wide political , economic and cultural _A) tradition B) transportation C) transmission D) transformation 6、It is our _ policy that we will achiev

12、e unity through peaceful means A) consistent B) continuous C) considerate D) continual 7、Although they plant trees in this area every year , the tops of some hills are still _A) blank B) hollow C) vacant D)bare 8、Urban crowdedness would be greatly relieved if only the _ charged on public transport w

13、ere more reasonable A) fees B) fares C) payments D) costs 9、Without proper lessons , you could _ a lot of bad habits when playing piano A) keep up B) pick up C) draw up D) catch up 10、In the course of social reform , peoples state of mind tends to keep _ with the rapid changes of society A) step B)

14、progress C) pace D) touch 上下文衔接:1、He _ to his customers and halved the price A) leaked B) drew C) quoted D) yielded 2、Britain has the highest _ of road traffic in the worldover 60 cars for every mile of road . A) popularity B) density C) intensity D) proserity 3、The manager spoke highly of such _ as

15、 loyalty , courage and truthfulness shown by his employees A) virtues B) features C) properties D) characteristics 4、The clothes a person wears may express his _ or social position A) curiosity B) status C) determination D) significance 5、He did not have time to read the report word by word , he jus

16、t _ it A) skimmed B) observed C) overlooked D) glanced 6、Since the matter was_ extremely , we dealt with it immediately A) tough B) tense C) urgent D) instant 7、I think she hurt my feelings _ rather than by accident as she claimed A) virtually B) deliberately C) literally D) appropriately 8、He soon

17、received promotion , for his superiors realized that he was a man of considerable _A) ability B) future C) possibility D) opportunity 9、My brothers plans are very _ ;he wants to master English , French and Spanish before he is sixteen A) arbitrary B) aggressive C) ambitious D) abundant 10、Their prod

18、uts are frequently overpriced and _ in quality A) influential B) inferior C) superior D) subordinate 固定搭配:1、 His wife is constantly finding _ with him , which makes him very angry A) errors B) shortcomings C) fault D) flaw 2、 Mr . Morgan can be very sad _ , though in public he is extremely cheerful

19、A) by himself B) in person C) in private D) as individual 3、 Her energies are _ upon her children and she seems to have little time for anything else A) guided B) aimed C) directed D) focused 4、 Owing to _ competition among the airlines , travel expenses have been reduced considerably . A) fierce B)

20、 strained C) eager D) critical 5、 During the process , great care has to be taken to protect the _ silk from damage A) sensitive B) tender C) delicate D) sensible 6、 Americans may have to _ the number of privately owned cars and depend more on public transportation systems A) break down B) cut down

21、C) get down D) drop down 7、 Who is going to _ all the damage that has been done ? A) apply for B) allow for C) answer for D) care for 8、 The police mateched the finger prints and found they were _ , so the man was arrested A) identical B) similar C) equal D) equivalent 9、 She likes the _ flower inst

22、ead of the natural one A) fake B) artificial C) false D) forgery 10、 Some children display an _ curiosity about every new thing they encounter A) independent B) inevitable C) indispensable D) incredible 重点句型翻译训练1、许多市民对经济改革持悲观态度。_2、Eye contact is important because _(错误的交流可能造成沟通障碍) (2002年)3、专业人员会出于不同的

23、原因寻求出国工作的经历_4、_-(兼职工作以及灵活的工作模式)allows more women to take advantage of employment opportunities. (2001年)5、When applying for a job , one usually has to _(提交简历)(2004年)submit a resume 6、_(下定决心参加志愿者服务)even though shes already in her 70s .7、The president of this university urged that _(全体教师不要错过这次良机)8、this

24、 company has _(掀起冰箱促销的大型广告活动)四级必背核心词汇四级高频常考词汇-科技类 vanish vi. 消失、突然间消失 【例】My fear varnished. 我的恐惧突然消失。 digital a. 数字的、数字显示的 【考】digital age 数码时代 electrical a.电的,与电有关的 【考】electrical appliance 电器设备 electronic a. 电子的 【考】electronic device 电子设备 optical a.光的、眼的 【例】optical instruments 光学仪器 universal a. 普遍的,全

25、体的;通用的,万能的 【派】universe n.宇宙 【例】universal truth 普遍真理 solar a.太阳能的 【例】solar energy 太阳能 solid a. 固体的、实心的、结实【例】solid fuel 固体燃料 solid evidence 可信的证据 【派】solidarity n. 团结 solidify v. 凝固 infinite a. 无限的、无边无际的 【例】infinite patience 无限的耐心 mechanical a. 机械的 【例】mechanical engineering 机械工程师 【派】mechanic a.机械的 prec

26、ise a. 精确的 【派】precision n. 精确 logical a. 逻辑的 【派】logic n. 逻辑 illogical a. 不合逻辑的 psychological a. 心理的、心理学的 【派】psychology n.心理 phenomenon n. 现象、迹象 【派】phenomenal a. 显著的 【考】a common phenomenon 普遍现象 bacteria n. 细菌 element n. 元素、成分、元件 【派】elemental a. 基本的、元素的 elementary a. 基本的、初步的 biology n. 生物学、生态学 evoluti

27、on n. 演变、进化 【例】the theory of evolution 进化论 mathematics n. 算术 【派】mathematical a. 数学上的 formula n. 原则、方案、公式 【例】peace formula 和平方案 statistic n. 统计数值、统计资料 【例】statistic data 统计数据 vitamin n. 维生素 protein n. 蛋白质 oxygen n. 氧、氧气 【记】oxy(氧的)+gen(产生)=氧气 carbon n. 碳 【考】carbon dioxide 二氧化碳 measurement n. 衡量、测量 【例】t

28、hree measurements 三围 【派】measure vt. 衡量,测量 intelligence n. 智力、智慧、情报 【派】intelligent a. 智慧的 【例】artificial intelligence 人工智能 graph n. 图表、图解 navigation n. 航行、导航 【派】navigate v. 导航 【例】navigation system 导航系统 dimension n. 方面、纬、长(或宽、厚)等 【派】dimensional a. 空间的 【例】three dimensional space 三纬空间四级高频常考词汇-社会类reform v

29、t./n.改革,改造 【考】welfare reform 福利改革 【例】They reformed the voting system 他们改革了投票制度 【派】reformer n.改革者 reformism n. 改革主义 demonstrate vt.展示,论证;vi.举行示威游行 【考】demonstrate against 游行反对 【派】demonstration n. 示威 inspect vt. 检查,视察 【考】inspect sth/sb for 检查,察看 【派】inspector n. 检查员 inspection n. 检查 interfere vi. 干涉,介入 【考】interfere in/with 干扰,妨碍 appease vt 平息 【例】There was a clever attempt to appease the people. 这是平息人们怒火的好方法. reconcile vt 使协调,使和解 【考】reconcile to 使顺从于 commit vt 犯(错误、罪行),使承诺,把托付 【考】commit suicide自杀 commit oneself 使承担义务 be committed to sth. 致力于

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