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1、160句英语翻译练习分类翻译练习I. 强调1. 正是这场沙尘暴(dust storm)的后果才使人们充分认识到植树的重要性(It)It was the result of the dust storm that made people fully realize the importance of planting trees.2. 直到20 世纪后期,中国运动员才以他们在奥运会上的杰出表现让世界对他们刮目相看.(begin to surprise the world)It was not until the late twentieth century that Chinese athlet

2、es began to surprise the world with their excellent performances at the Olympics.3. 我做梦也没有想到会在这次化学竞赛中获一等奖。( Little) Little did I dream of winning the first prize in the chemistry contest this time.4. 我们只有从这件事中吸取教训才能避免再犯类似的错误。( Only) Only by learning from this matter can we avoid making similar mista

3、kes again.5 . 从来没有一个国家能在这样短的时间内取得这样大的进步( Never) Never has any country made such great progress in such a short time.6. 一个人不经历失败几乎体会不到成功的喜悦。( Hardly) Hardly can one feel the happiness of success without experiencing failure.7. 学生只有通过一起学习和玩耍,才能学会具有团队精神( team sprit)。( Only) Only by working and playing

4、together can students learn to have team spirit.8. 是那些在奥运会上为国争光的运动员为我们树立了学习的榜样。( It.) It was these athletes who have won honor for our country at the Olympics9 世界上再也没有这样美丽恬静的地方了。( Nowhere) Nowhere else in the world can there be such a quiet, beautiful place.10. 昨天发生的事完全应责怪我,而不能怪他。(blame) It was not

5、he but I that was to blame for what happened yesterday. .Be + P.P. + Prep. 11.千万别参加赌博,否则你迟早会陷入困境。(involve) Be sure not to get involved in gambling. Otherwise youll get into trouble sooner or later.12.我们的图书馆有20多万图书。( stock) Our school is stocked with over 200,000 books.13.我认为就能力而言,他完全有资格做这项工作。(qualif

6、y) In my opinion, as far as ability is concerned, he is qualified for the position.14.一切行动均以判断为基础。( base) All action is based on judgment.15.没有一个良好的管理,一家工厂即使装备了最先进的机器也不能赢利。( equip) Without good management, a factory cant make profit even if it is equipped with the most advanced machinery. 16.这次访问的目的

7、是发展两国的关系。( aim) This visit was aimed at expanding relations between the two countries.17.那家新造的宾馆位于河边。( locate) The newly-built hotel is located on the riverside.18.市长非常关心市民不遵守交通规则的问题。( concern) The mayor is much concerned about the problem of the citizens disobeying the traffic regulations.19据说一个人晚上

8、所做的梦与他白天想的和做的有关。( connect) Its said that what a person dreams of at night is connected with what he has thought and done in the day.20.普遍认为街头暴力的增加和电视恐怖片有密切的关系。( relate) Its generally believed that the growth of the street violence is closely related to horror films on TV.21.从那以后,他一直在从事探索英语学习的新方法。( e

9、ngage) Since then he has been engaged in exploring new approaches to English learning.22.全世界都对中国近年来取得的巨大成就极为惊讶。( amaze) The whole world is amazed at the great achievements that China has made in recent years.23. .邓小平同志被公认为世界上杰出的领导之一。 ( regard) Comrade Deng Xiao Ping was universally regarded as one o

10、f the outstanding leaders in the world.24. 一位教师的收入无法与一个商人的收入相比,但是这些学生还是愿意毕 去教书。(compare) A teachers income cannot be compared with a businessmans, but these students choose to teach after graduation. 25. 我的父母非常满意这学期我在各门学科上取得的进步。( please) My parents are very pleased with the progress I have made in a

11、ll my subjects this term. III.英语和汉语主语不同的句型 A: 被动语态26. 必须教育学生关心他人和周围的世界。(educate) The students must be educated to be concerned about others and the world around them.27. 希望所有的学生掌握一门外语。( expect) All the students are expected to have a good command of a foreign language.28.已采取一系列的行动来拯救濒临灭绝的动物,因为他们受到掠杀

12、的威胁.( start.campaign) A series of campaigns has been started to save the endangered animals because they are threatened with being hunted/being killed.29.只有在中国才有大熊猫 ( find) Pandas can be found only in China.30. 应当鼓励学生提出不同观点和用多种方法解决同一个问题。( put forward) Students should be encouraged to put forward dif

13、ferent opinions and solve the same problem in various ways. 31.宣布和平后,到处可以看到欢笑的脸。( declare)Smiling faces could be seen everywhere when peace was declared.B: It 32.控制人口的增长依然是艰巨的任务。( remain) It remains a hard job to have the growth of population under control.33.确保青少年的健康成长是全社会的职责。( ensure) Its the duty

14、 of the whole society to ensure young peoples healthy growth.34.这次会上做出的决定是否可行尚得证明。( remain) It remains to be proved whether the decision made at the meeting will be practical.35.用不了多久又一条新的遂道就要建成穿过浦江。( before) It wont be long before another new tunnel is built across the Huang pu River.36.谈到数学,他是门外汉。

15、( come) When it comes to maths, he is completely at a loss.37.我觉得她似乎总躲着我。( seem) It seems to me that he always avoids me.38.他说什么并没有关系,重要的是他怎样干。( matter) It doesnt matter what he says. What matters is how he works.39.我从没有想到我的粗心大意会使自己付出如此巨大的代价。( occur) It never occurred to me that my carelessness woul

16、d cost me so much.40.如果方便的话,请替我从邮局取回包裹。( convenient) If it is convenient, please fetch me the parcel from the post office.41.最好多化点时间读各种类型的书而不是把时间浪费在跳舞上。(better) It;s better to spend more time reading different kinds of books than to waste time dancing.42.对我们来说吃平衡的膳食和进行充分的锻炼是必要的。 Its necessary for us

17、 to eat a balanced diet and have plenty of exercise.43.王教授化了多少时间学这三门外语?( take) How long did it take Professor Wang to learn three foreign languages?44.很难想象这么小的光盘了包含了那么多的信息。( compact disk) Its hard to imagine such a small compact disk contains so much information.45.在西方国家里把五岁的孩子一个人留在家里是违法的。(against t

18、he law) In some western countries its against the law to leave a five-year-old child at home alone.46.过了好多年他才知道谁在他困难时帮助了他。( before) It was many years before he knew who had helped him when he was in trouble. 47.非常遗憾他做的和他说的不想符合。(agree)。 It was a pity that what he did didnt agree with what he said.48.

19、用电子邮件与国外朋友保持联系对我们来讲既快有方便。( keep) Its quick and convenient for us to keep in touch with foreign friends by E-mail.49红黄蓝是三种主要颜色这是常识。(common sense) Its common sense that red, yellow and blue are the three primary colors.50. 众所周知,李先生是个很难对付的艺术家。( deal) It is well known that Mr Li is a difficult artist to

20、 deal with.51懂不懂心理学对一个老师来说是至关重要的。( matter) It matters much/a lot to a teacher whether he or she has a good knowledge of psychology.C: There be52.人类的想象力 和创造力有无止境。( limit) There is no limit to human imagination and creativity.53.他有可能通过这次考试。( possibility) There is possibility of his passing the exam.54

21、.毫无疑问,心脏病已成为西方世界最大的杀手之一 ( doubt) There is no doubt that heart trouble has become one of the greatest killers in western countries.55.在我校有三个篮球场和两个乒乓房供使用。( available) In our school there are three baseball courts and two table tennis rooms available (to students).56.我不知是否有任何东西可以取代母爱和关怀。( replace) I wo

22、nder if there is anything that can replace a mothers love and care.57.商店里有许多计算机可供选择。( choose) There are many computers to choose from in the shop.58.周五的演出票子没有了。( available) There are no tickets available for Friday performance.59.我不再劝说他了,因为跟他争论毫无意义。( point) I have given up persuading him/I no longer

23、 persuade him because there is no point in arguing with him.60.缺乏实践经验的大学毕业生不太可能马上找到高薪的工作。(little chance) There is little chance that a university graduate without any practical experience can find a job with high salary. 61.有一条市场规律:当一个物品供大于求时,它的价格就会下降。( do down) There is a rule of the market that wh

24、en supply is greater than demand for something, its price will go down. 62.我们的花园里曾经有过他们种的许多美丽的花朵。( used) There used to be many beautiful flowers that they had grown in our garden.63.关注健康很重要,但是过分害怕疾病也是没有必要的。 ( need) Its very important to take care of your health, but there is no need to fear too much

25、 of diseases.64.不久的将来人们能够找到艾滋病的方法? ( possibility) Is there any possibility that people will find a way to cure Aids in the near future?65.似乎没有留下什么问题分析。(appear) There appeared to be no problems left to analyze. D. accessible and available66.所有的教师都可以得到这份教材。( accessible) The teaching material is access

26、ible/available to all the teachers.67.一般的游客均可以参观人民大会堂。( accessible) The Great Hall of People is accessible to ordinary visitors.68.先生,很抱歉,你要的尺寸没有。( available) Im sorry, sir. The size you ask for is not available.69.在这里人们24小时都能从收音机里听到音乐。( available) Music is available on the radio twenty-four hours a

27、 day here.70.公众看不到这些档案。( accessible) These documents/files are not available/accessible to the public.71.汽车是无法开到位于山边的一些房子去的。( accessible) Some of the houses on the hillside are inaccessible to cars.72. 学生可以借到图书馆里的任何一本书。( unavailable) No book in the library is unavailable to the students.73.药品不应该放在孩子

28、们容易拿得到的地方。( accessible) Medicine should not be kept where it is accessible to children.III.成语74.俗话说得好“ 读书长见识”. 因此我们应活到老学到老。 There is an old saying, “Enlarge ones view by reading”, for we should never be too old to learn. 75.对他们来说“失败乃成功之母”, 他们总是尽其所能在失败中找到机会。 To them, “failure is the mother of success

29、”, and they always try their best to find opportunity in failure. 76.名言“千里之行始于足下” 告诉我们成功取决于每天的努力。 The famous saying “Every journey begins with the first step” tells us that our success depends on our everyday hard work. 77.他们应该从这件事中吸取教训:玩火者必自焚。 They should learn a lesson from his incident: he who al

30、ways plays with fire will surely get hurt. 78.世界是你们的也是我们的,但归根到底是属于你们的。 The world belongs to us as well as to you. However it will belong to you in the end. 79.像“有志者,事竟成” 这样的谚语一定会代代相传。 Such a proverb as “Where there is a will, there is a way” is certain to be passed on from generation to generation.

31、80.你能领会“知识就是力量”这句名言吗? Can you realize the real meaning of the famous saying that knowledge is power? 81.英语中有一句古话,”勿以貌取人” There is an old saying: dont judge a book by its cover.IV. V. + O. + OC82.没通过期末考试使得他与父母的关系很长一段时间很糟糕。(make) That he failed his final exams made/cause him (to)have a difficult/poor relationship with his parents for a long time. 83.智力平平的学生会觉得完成这张卷子很困难。(find) Students of average intellect will find it difficult to finish/complete the test paper. 84.他们有一个规矩: 每年向希望工程捐一次款。( make) They have made it a rule to donate money to the Hope-Project once a year. 85.电视使我们不断获知世界上发生的事情。(

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