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1、上海沪教版9A单元词汇梳理ReViSi On for Unit 11234567891011走下楼梯 走上楼梯一次性及时准时立刻时常不再向下看空旷的平原仰望天空在字典里查单词超出PreP 无法形容占领城市航离木马装有轮子打断某人 打扰某人遵守命令命令某人去做点菜,下订单按顺序come/go dow n the StairS come/go UP the StairScome/go dow nstairs come/go UPStairSat a time in timeOn timein no timeat times=sometimesno Ion ger = no t. any Ion g

2、erlook dow n at the empty pla in look UP at the Skylook UP the word in the dicti Onary look it UPbey Ond bey Ond descripti OnCaPtUre the Citysail awaythe woode n horseOn WheeISin terrupt sb. disturb sb.obey OrderS/comma ndsorder sb. to do sth.order some foodin Order为了(目的)in Order to do Sth in Order

3、that .从句12 拖拽 Vdrag sth. into the City With ropes(pull hard)13 市民,公民CitiZe n14 庆祝 V. n.CeIebrate CeIebrati On15 开。玩笑make jokes about sth.Are you jok in g/kiddi ng?16 确保。make SUre = be SUre17 安全上锁 advbe SeCUreIy locked安全的 aSeCUre安全 nSeCUrity CheCk18 除了(例外的)except除了 (美中不足、瑕疵)except for除了。还有( =i ncludi

4、 ng )besides19 再,还Wait for ano ther hourWe n eed ano ther five people20 在黑暗中in the dark ness在午夜at midni ght21 进入。en ter the city/room报名参加en ter for the COmPetiti On22 抓住SeiZe the CaPta in SeiZe the Cha nce23 成功地做到SUCCeed in doing sth. = be SUCCeSSfUI in doing sth.=ma nage to do = be able to do242526

5、2728293031323334没有做到、失败fail to do sth.希腊人,希腊的the GreekS =the Greek people希腊语SPeak Greek希腊The story happe ned in an Cie nt GreeCe通过玩笑through a trick通过打仗CaPtUre the City by fighti ng铺床make the bed清除,去除get rid of the rats忙于be busy doing sth. =be busy With sth.做到man age to do sth.搞定man age sth.管理man age

6、me nt让我帮你一把let me give you a hand. No tha nks,I am OK.拒绝(婉言拒绝)reject Sb S offer接受accept sth.拒绝refuse sth.他怀疑皇冠不是纯金打造He SUSPeCted that the crow n WaS not en tirely made ofgold.代替,体积大的物体排除水量大A big ObjeCt will displace a lot of water.睡眠v n. 睡着sleep go to sleepfall asleep困发的,昏昏欲睡的be SIeePy适合 Vfit sb./st

7、h.适合adjbe fit for= be SUitabIe for健康的adjkeep fit包含,包括 Vtin clude sth.包含PrePin cludi ng独立的adjin depe ndent依靠ndepe nd On sth.独立ndependence历史nhistory历史的adjhistorical现在完成时的特征词already, just, ever, never yet,before,lately ,recen tly in the past/IaSt years/m On ths by no w/so far/till no w/up to nowIt is t

8、he first time that sb. have done sth.ThiS is the biggest . that I have See n.ope nCatCh a cold- have a cold have gone to have bee n tohave bee n inReViSi On for Unit 21河边2中等身高平均而言,3上了年纪的人4足够强壮,能撑竹筏5鸬鹚捕鱼是中国传统技能6呆在水下长达两分钟7需要网或者鱼竿捕鱼需要某人去做某事满足某人的需求8以便于 目的状语这么。以至于 结果状语the Side of the river/Street/roadbot

9、h SideS of .either/each Side ofof average height/WeightOn averagean elderly man an aged man the elderly/theoldold-elder-elderbe Strong eno Ugh to Con trol his raftcormora nt fishi ng is a traditi OnalChin ese skillStay Un derwater for UP to two minu tesrequire nets or a fishing rod to CatCh fish req

10、uire/need sb. to do One S requirements/needsso . that .SUCh . thattoo . to .e no Ugh to do sth.9上下跳动jump UP and dow n来回走go UP and dow n the Street10惊吓某人 被吓住frighte n sb. sb. be frighte ned by给某人一次惊吓give sb. a fright11使得某人有能力做en able sb. to do sth.= make it. POSSibIe for sb. to do st

11、h.有能力做be able to do = have the ability to do Sth做不到be Un able to do sth.残疾的disabled12吸引某人到某处 Vattract sb. to a place有魅力的a 景点 nattractive attractio n影响,使分心distract sb. from doing sth.13剩下的the rest + n. = the other + n.14被。分割be divided betwee n / amongbe divided into two PartS15n.种类this type of work=

12、this kind of workV.打字type a Ietter16保持健康 akeep fit适合。adjbe fit for Sth be fit to do sth.适合某人 Vfit sb.17出发,开始Set off = StartSet out18到达reach sp=get to=arrive in/at19202122232425262728293031在傍晚in the Iate after noon最新杂志the IateSt magaz ine几分钟后minu tes later最近lately解释 V nexpla in sth. to sb. expla nati

13、 Ondescribe descripti On被加工成红茶be PrOCeSSed into black tea被运输到很远be tran SPOrted Iong dista ncestravel a Iong dista nce to reach the UK世界大部分人喝绿茶the majority of the world drink green tea悬挂 绞死han g-h Un g-h Ung han g-ha nged-ha nged把鱼从鸟嘴里取出来remove the fish from the bird S mouth将可能不再有鸬鹚渔夫There will be no

14、 more corm Orant fisherma nThere will not be any more cormora nt fisherma n被用来做。be USed to do sth.=be USed for doing sth.习惯于be USed to doing sth.过去常USed to do sth.系,绑tie- tied -tied tying系领带Wear a tie对。感兴趣be in terested in= be kee n On= be fond of提起某事men ti On长的直发 adjIong Straight hair7J初学英g9A径直往前走

15、adv32在不同的场景33想象 V ngo Straight aheadin a difficult SitUati Onimagi ne imagi natio nReViSi On for Unit 31在我看来2关于某物给出看法3做某事是个好主意4某事的原因5做某事很棒6看见某人在做某事7看/观祭/注意到某人做某事8学习关于学习。向。学习学习、听说。9关爱10根据11变得更有责任心 adj.责任感12信心 n. adj. my opi niongive Sb S OPinion about Sthdoing Sth is a good idea(the ) reasOnS

16、for (doing) sth.It is nice/won derful to do sth.See sb. doing Sthlook at/watch /no tice sb. doing SthIearn about resp On Sibility/ life and deathIearn En glishlearn from sb./sthlearn that . (.宾语从句)Care for =look after=take Care Of= likeaccord ing tobecome more resp On siblethe/a SenSe of resp On Sib

17、iIity/dutylose faith a faithful reader love sb.faithfully13141516171819202122有创造力的CreatiVe do SOmeth ing more CreatiVe创作者CreatOr把。留在/落在。leave sth. On the floor/beds/sofas扌巴。丿忘在。O Oleave sth. at/in/on 需要做。n eed to do Sth n eed to be done = n eed doing需要被。eg. Pet dogs need to be WaShed ( need WaShing

18、)regularly对着。吠叫/笑/喊 指bark at / laugh at / smile at/ shout at / Point at着OOO毫无办法只能。O Ohave no ChOiCe but to do sth.= Can Only do sth.极端的adj.非常 adv.extreme extremely走极端 ngo to extremes把狗关在狭小的空间keep dogs in small SPaCeS在太空in SPaCe自由的 免费的 adjfree自由地advrun freely自由nfreedom训练做某事Vtrain n. to do sth.接受训练nac

19、cept training接受训练的人ntrai nee尊重vn.respect sb.= show respect to sb.创造、制造Create a Iot Of messrespectable 值得尊重的23结果n. 结果因为,作为。的结果result as a resultas a result Of sth.= due to= because Of24A允许B做某事、A allow B. to do sth.B被允许做某事B be allowed to do sth.25咬 nv.bite -bit- bitte n26捡起/抱起PiCk it/them UP驾车搭载PiCk y

20、ou UP at the StatiO n学习语言、获得知识PiCk UP the Ian guage by talk ing With local people27A使B做某事 B被迫去做某事A make B do Sth B be made to do sth.28某人为某事付给。款sb. Pay sb. money for Sth花钱做某事sb. SPe nd money on sth/do ing sth.某物花了某人一些钱Sth cost sb. money29阻止某人做某事stop sb. from doing sth. keep sb. from doing sth.PreVe

21、nt sb. from doing sth.30另外What S more= Besides=Moreover= FUrther more.31使咼兴;为加油vt.使某人振Cheer Cheer sb. UP奋,CheerfUI cheerfully愉快的adj高高兴兴地adv.32对顾客耐心be Patie nt With CUStOmerS耐心地做某事do Sth Patie ntly表现好 V n穿着整齐服加顾客很快针对。向。进行投诉对投诉做出反应 V.对。做出快速反应 n影评 n 复习功课v.非常抱歉坐落在v. n命令某人去做有的。 有的。主动提出做某事 给某人某物乞求某人去做某事要求

22、某人去做某事因为某事向某人道歉解释v. n.发现某人在做某事发现某事被做发现。behave Wellsb. be dressed n eatlybehaviorSerVe the CUStOmerS quite quicklyComPIa in to sb. about sth.make a compla int / complai nts about sth.resp Ond to compla intsgive a quick resp OnSe to sth/sb. n.films reviews review less OnSI am awfully/terribly/Very sor

23、ry for located in/on/at. loCati Ondema nd sb. to do sth.some. others.offer to do sth. Offer sb. sth.beg sb.( not) to do sth.ask sb. not to do sth.apologize to sb. for (do ing) Sth.=make an apology to sb. for sth.expla in to sb. about sth.expla nati Onfind Sb doing sth.find sth. done. eg. find

24、 his Wife dressed in beautifulclothesfind that . 从句333435363738394041424344454647I find it hard to do sth.48.回到 Viretur n to schoolreturn home归还Vtreturn sth. to sb.作为回报回报某人的。in returnin retur n for his kindn ess49立刻,马上right no w/rightaway/atOn ceimmediately in aminute50使。震惊,震惊的,令人。shock sb. be ShOCk

25、ed bysome shock ing n ews的51清干净clean OUt One S drawers52大声呼喊朗读shout loudlyread aloudReViSi On for Unit 41真的,adjtrue It S true that .真地,advtruly事实ntruth to tell the truth2变化V.Change变化的adj.Cha ngeable交换 Vexchange3工资SaIary4电视的大小the SiZe of televisi OnS5小到足够放进口袋They are small eno Ugh to PUt in your pock

26、et.6小得你可能意识不到他们的存在They are so tiny that you may be Un aware of them7我们需要电脑,比我们意识到的We depe nd On COmPUterS more tha n We realize.多8众所周知,It is Com mon kno WIedge that.共同拥有have . i n com mon普遍被称作be com monly called完全没有共冋点have nothing in com mon= be differe nt9more importa ntly更重要的是。10因为这些原因for these reas OnS= because of these11问题的答案the an SWer to this questi On。的入口the entrance to .方法、途径the Way to .钥匙、答案the key to解决问题的办法the soluti On to对。的态度the attitude to12意识到adj没有意识到 adjbe aware of be Un aware意、识 n.有。的意识aware ness have the of doing sth.13座位n 坐下VSeat Sit14真的a ,真地adv ,意识到Vreal really realize

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