1、长沙旅游导游词3篇最新篇长沙旅游导游词3篇长沙旅游导游词3篇长沙,简称长,别称 星城 、 楚汉名城 ,国家首批历史文化名城,国家级综合配套改革试验区之一,国家级两化融合试验区之一,国家十二五规划确定的重点开发区域,南中国综合性交通枢纽。下面是为大家带来的长沙旅游导游词,希望大家喜欢。篇1:长沙旅游导游词欢迎大家来到长沙!我是你们的导游,我姓x,大家可以叫我小x。为了便于大家参观游玩,下面我首先大家介绍一下长沙名字的由来。长沙 之名最早见于3000多年以前的西周。此后历朝历代,长沙均为湖湘首邑和南方重镇,新中国成立后,长沙作为湖南省省会,成为国务院首批颁布的24座历史文化名城之一。长沙一名是怎么
2、得来的,历来众说纷纭,史籍记载各异,概括起来主要有以下几说:一,得名于长沙星 史记 天官书云:天则有列宿,地则有州域。 二十八宿中 轸宿有一附星名为 长沙 ,古人按星象分野的理论,将长沙之地以应 长沙星,认为长沙地名源于星名,故长沙又有 星沙 之称。二,得名于万里沙祠万里沙祠一说最早见于晋 阚马因所著 十三州志:汉 有万里沙祠,而西自湘州,至东莱万里,故曰长沙。 此后,唐代 李吉甫的 元和郡县志援引东方朔记云:南郡有万里沙祠,自湘州至 东莱可万里,故曰长沙。 唐 杜佑 通典中潭洲 秦为长沙郡 的自注亦云:有万里沙祠,故曰长沙。 于是以后的各代地方志,多引此说作长沙得名之源,并加以阐发考释,认为
3、长沙在古代有祭礼沙土之神的活动。三,得名于 沙土之地 长沙的地质结构为以 石英砂岩、 砂砾岩、 粉砂岩及页岩等为基础,经过长年的外力作用,地层崩塌的岩石,经风化和水流的冲刷,使大量的砂、石都聚积于地表,特别是现长沙市区所在的 湘江河谷地带,分布着大片的沙滩,沙洲等,每当枯水时节,这些洲、滩露出,向人们展现出成片的砂土,尤其是沙粒长大, 白沙如霜雪 ,这种景象很是引人注目,故古籍中多有称长沙为沙乡或沙土之地。如唐大历间长沙太守 张谓著长沙土风碑铭引遁甲记云:沙土之地,云阳之墟。 又路史曰:沙,为长沙;云阳,为茶陵。 又元和郡县志云:禹贡荆州之域,春秋为黔中地,楚之南境。秦并天下,分黔中以南之沙乡
4、为长沙郡,以统湘川。 四,得名于长形的沙洲长沙湘江中的 水陆洲,长约5000米,宽约100米,是一较有特色的地理景观。五,得名于 蛮越 语 祭礼女神的地方 在 楚国 南平蛮越 之前,长沙居民属 蛮越 族。在蛮越语中, 长 是 祭坛 的意思, 沙 是 女神 的意思,而不是 沙土之神 。 长沙 在蛮越中的含义就是 祭祀女神的地方 。至今, 壮、 侗诸民族聚居区还有女神崇拜的风俗,他们的成语中有 未立村塞,先立长沙 之语。结论后经过各时代文人学者的研讨,第一、二种说法逐渐被否定。而第三说和第四说的依据基本相同,都是突出长沙的地物特征,相对较为可信。长沙地名,应是先民们根据长沙古代的自然环境特征而逐步
5、确认,最后约定俗成,流传后世;理应 始于洪荒之世 ,至 西周时被确认。至于第五说,虽无定论,但亦可作为一家之言。篇2:长沙旅游导游词欢迎大家来到!我是你们的导游,我姓x,大家可以叫我小x。为了便于大家参观游玩,下面我首先大家介绍一下。长沙市位于湖南省东部偏北, 湘江下游和长浏盆地西缘。其地域范围为东经111 53 -114 15 ,北纬27 51 -28 41 。东邻江西省宜春地区和萍乡市,南接株洲、湘潭两市,西连娄底、益阳两市,北抵岳阳、益阳两市。东西长约230公里,南北宽约88公里。全市土地面积11819.5平方公里,其中城区面积556平方公里。 长沙是一座有201X余年悠久文化历史的古城
6、,早在春秋时期,就是楚国雄踞南方的战略要地之一。汉朝的刘邦立国之后,于公元前206年改临江为长沙,并设立汉朝的属国-长沙国,自此之后,长沙开始筑建城墙,并逐渐成为兵家必争之地。 长沙属亚热带季风性湿润气候。气候特征是:气候温和,降水充沛,雨热同期,四季分明。长沙市区年平均气温17.2,各县18-17.3,年积温为5457,市区年均降水量1361.6毫米。 景观:岳麓山、桔子洲、天心阁、烈士公园、月亮岛等。今天我的讲解就到此结束了,下面是大家自由参观的时间,我们大概在30分钟后在门口集合,希望这次参观能给大家留下一个深刻的印象,预祝大家能玩的开心,谢谢篇3:长沙旅游导游词欢迎大家来到!我是你们的
7、导游,我姓x,大家可以叫我小x。为了便于大家参观游玩,下面我首先大家介绍一下。长沙,古时称为 潭州 ,是著名的楚汉名城、山水洲城和快乐之都。长沙作为我国首批历史文化名城,具有三千年灿烂的古城文明史,是楚汉文明和湖湘文化的始源地,世界考古奇迹 马王堆西汉陵墓 出土于此。长沙现为湖南省省会,是湖南省的政治、经济、文化、交通和科教中心,亦是环长株潭城市群龙头城市。风景名胜长沙国家5A级旅游区:岳麓山 橘子洲旅游区。国家4A级旅游区:长沙世界之窗、湖南省石燕湖生态旅游公园、大围山国家森林公园、湖南省博物馆、雷锋纪念馆和天心阁。国家重点风景名胜区:岳麓山风景名胜区。国家森林公园:天际岭国家森林公园和 大
9、麻石街仅存4条。近几年开始关注对古城区的抢救,设立了五个 历史文化街区 进行保护性抢救,这些街区为:太平街、潮宗街、化龙池、小西门、天心阁历史文化街区。附送:长沙旅游英文版导游词3篇长沙旅游英文版导游词3篇长沙 之名最早见于3000多年以前的西周。此后历朝历代,长沙均为湖湘首邑和南方重镇,新中国成立后,长沙作为湖南省省会,成为国务院首批颁布的24座历史文化名城之一。下面是为大家带来的长沙旅游英文导游词,希望大家喜欢。篇1:长沙旅游英文导游词Wele to hangsha! I am our tour guide, m name is x, ou an all me little x. In o
10、rder to failitate everone to visit, let me first introdue the origin of the name, hangsha people.Changsha in the name of the first in the estern zhou dnast, 3000 ears ago. Later dnasties, hangsha of hunan it and southern ton, after the founding of ne China, as the apital of hunan provine, hangsha be
11、e one of the state ounil promulgated the first 24 historial and ultural it.Changsha is a ho of, opinions var, different histor reords, basiall has the folloing a fe said:One, named star in hangshaShi-ji da GuanShu loud: das have lodge, to have the state domain. Tent BaSu Chiu lodge a star alled hang
12、sha , the anients aording to astrolog eset s theor, the land of hangsha to hangsha star, think hangsha plae-names from star name, so the hangsha star sand, said.Seond, named Yu Wanli sand shrineWan Lisha shrine said toda in jin at the earliest Kan horse beause of the thirteen states: han has Wan Lis
13、ha shrine, and sine hunan state, to a surname anli, ue hangsha. Sine then, the tang dnast Li Jifu uanhe ount, iting DongFangShuoJi loud: the south ount have Wan Lisha shrine, from hunan state to a surname an li, ue, hangsha. Tang tu u tong Canon tam states qin , hangsha ount, sine the note also loud
14、: have Wan Lisha temple, ue hangsha. So after the generation of loal Chroniles, more sa as the soure of hangsha is named, and best.i exposition, think of god, the god of hangsha in the anient ult sand ativities.Three, gets its name from the land of sand Changsha for geologial struture b quartz sands
15、tone and glutenite, siltstone and shale as the foundation, after ears of external fore, formation ollapse rok and the eathering and ater erosion, make a lot of sand and stone are aumulated in the surfae, espeiall in donton hangsha xiangjiang river valle, ith large areas of beah, sand, et., hen lo at
16、er season, exposing the hau, beah, and to sho people a piee of sand, espeiall gre up the sand, hite sands, suh as frost and sno, the sene is ver onspiuous, so man of anient books alled hangsha tonship sand or sand land. Like hangsha satrap of da tang Zhang Wei the hangsha folk daning insriptions lea
17、d dun armour loud: sand land, YunYang market. Road histor again ue: sand, for hangsha; YunYang, ling for tea. Yuanhe ount loud: ugong domain of jingzhou, the spring and autumn for released, qian hu south of the border. The qin dnast and the orld, points in guizhou sands of tonship, hangsha ount, sou
18、th of to tong xiang huan. Four, gets its name from the long barSurfae states of hangsha xiangjiang river, about 5000 meters long, 100 meters ide, is a relativel distintive geographial landsape.Five, takes its name from the language ult goddess Before nanping prett more hu, hangsha residents prett th
19、e lan. In the language of the long is the meaning of altar , sand is the meaning of goddess , not god of sand. Changsha in quite the meaning is loal sarifie to the goddess. , zhuang and dong ethni munities have the ustom of orship of the goddess, in their idioms adulthood village, hangsha first.onlu
20、sionAfter the age of literati sholar s disussion, the first and seond kind of laims being negative. While the third and fourth on the basis of basi same, is a prominent feature harateristis of hangsha, relativel believable. Changsha plaenames, should be the natural environmental harateristis of the
21、anient anestors aording to hangsha and gradual onfirmation, finall established, posterit; Should be began in the oneptions of the orld , to the estern zhou dnast as onfirmed. As for the fifth said, is not determined, but also as a ra.篇2:长沙旅游英文导游词Wele to! I am our tour guide, m name is x, ou an all m
22、e little x. For a fun filled visit to in order to failitate everone, let me first introdue ou.Changsha it in hunan provine in the east, north basin est margin of donstream of the xiangjiang river and lear. The geographial sope for 53 - east longitude 15 , north latitude 27 51 - 28 41 . East of jiang
23、xi ihun regions and pingxiang, zhuzhou, xiangtan, the to ities in the south, loudi, iang to ities in the est, and north to ueang, iang, the to ities. What about 230 km long, about 88 km ide north-south. The it s land area of19.5 square kilometers, of hih the it overs an area of 556 square kilometers
24、. Changsha is a it ith a histor of more than 201X ears long histor ulture, as earl as the spring and autumn period, is one of the strategi in south hu.Of the han dnast liu bang after the founding, in 206 BC to river, hangsha, and the establishment of the han dnast territories - hangsha, sine then, h
25、angsha began to build alls, and graduall bee a mohian. Changsha a humid subtropial monsoon limate. Climate harateristis: mild limate, abundant preipitation, rain heat over the same period, the four seasons. The it of hangsha annual average temperature 17.2 , ounties 18 to 17.3 , annual aumulated tem
26、perature of 5457 , the urban average annual rainfall of1.6 mm. Landsape: apital, as orange hau, pavilion, martrs park, and the moon island.Toda, I as over, the interpretation of the folloing is the time ou visit freel, e assembled in about 30 minutes at the door, hope that this visit ill give ou a d
27、eep impression, I ish everbod an have a good time, thank ou篇3:长沙旅游英文导游词Wele to! I am our tour guide, m name is x, ou an all me little x. For a fun filled visit to in order to failitate everone, let me first introdue ou.Changsha, the anient alled tam states , is a famous hu it, surrounded b it and ha
28、ppiness. Changsha as the first bath of historial and ultural ities in China, has three thousand ears of splendid anient ivilization, is the anestor of the hu ulture and hunan ulture, the arhaeologial onders of the orld mXXngdui han tomb unearthed here. Hunan hangsha no the apital of hunan provine, i
29、s the politial, eonomi, ultural, transportation and siene and eduation enter, is also the ring the leading ities of hangsha-zhuzhou-xiangtan urban agglomeration.Seni spotChangsha national 5 a-lass tourist area: apital - j tourist area. National 4 a level tourist area: hangsha indo of the orld, spiri
30、fer lake eo-tourism park in hunan provine, tai ai, mountain national forest park, hunan museum, lei feng memorial hall, and, as abinet. National ke seni spots: apital it seni area. National forest park, the sk ridge national forest park, and tai ai mountain national forest park. National ater onserv
31、an seni spot: hangsha xiangjiang river in hangsha it ater onservan seni spot and liuang, xingsha, ningxiang ount, a total of six distrit a liang ount.Histor and ultureDue to the eight ears ar of resistane, Wen Xi fire and broken apitalism, hangsha urban area anient relis of anient almost iped out. I
32、n78 the mainland sine the reform and opening up as arried out b the rapid development of urban onstrution, but there is no full onsideration of the historial blok protetion, does not et exist full of historial and ultural bloks, the remaining four plete granite street. Begin to pa lose attention to in reent ears, the anient it of resue, set up five protetive resue historial and ultural bloks, the bloks are: taiping street, tide of street, small
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