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1、小升初英语语法大全1汇编一、some,any的用法some用于肯定句;any用于否定句和一般疑问句。请注意看例句后扩号中说明的用法。例:There is some water in the glass. (肯定句) There are some flowers in the garden. (肯定句)There arent any lamps in the study.(否定句) Are there any maps on the wall?(一般疑问句)Would you like some orange juice? (希望得到肯定回答)Do you want to take any ph

2、otos at the party? (一般疑问句)练一练:选用some或any填空。1) There isnt_milk in the fridge. 2) I can see_cars, but I cant see_buses.3) He has_ friends in England. 4) Were there_fruit trees on the farm?5) Here are_presents for you. 6) Does Tom want to take _ photos?7) Is there_rice in the kitchen? 8) There are_new

3、buildings in our school. 9)-Would you like_ cakes? -No, Id not like_cakes, but Id like_coffee.10) -Are there_pictures on the wall? -No, there arent_pictures.二、时间和日期的表达1、有两种时间表达法:A)直接读写数词。如:9:15 nine fifteen 10:30 ten thirty 11:45 eleven forty-five 7:05 seven o five 2:25 two twenty-five 5:55 five fif

4、ty-fiveB)借助past和to来表达。past一般用于30分钟以内(含30分钟)的时间表达;to一般用于超过30分钟的时间表达。一刻钟可以用a quarter表示,半小时可以用half表示。如:9:15 a quarter past nine 10:30 half past ten 11:45 a quarter to twelve 7:05 five past seven 2:25 twenty-five past two 5:55 five to six注意:询问时间可用句型“Whats the time?”或者“What time is it?”。2、日期的表达:the+序数词+o

5、f+月份。如:the third of June六月三日 注意:询问日期可用句型“What date is it today?”或者“Whats the date today?”。练一练:1、用两种方法表达下列时间。6:45 1:58 9:05 3:22 5:50 8:30 2、用英语表达下列日期。五月一日 九月十日 三月八日 四月五日 七月九日 八月三日 一月十五日 六月二日 十二月二十五日 3、同义句转换,每空一词。1) -Whats the time? -Its eleven forty-five. -_is it? -Its_ .2) Its seven o five. Its tim

6、e for breakfast. Its_ _. Its time_.3) -Whats the date today? -Its 1st October. -_is it today? -Its_三、名词所有格1、有生命的名词所有格:A)单数后加“ s ”,如:Su Hais twin sister苏海的双胞胎妹妹 Jims family吉姆的一家B)以“ s ”结尾的复数名词,只需加“ ”,如:Teachers Day教师节 the twins parentsC)不以“ s ”结尾的复数名词,则仍需加“ s ”,如:Childrens Day儿童节 注意:表示两人或几人共有的物品,只需在最

7、后一人名后加“ s ”,如:Ben and Jims book2、无生命的名词所有格,一般与“ of ”构成短语。如:a photo of his family 他家的一张照片 the colour of her skirt 她的短裙的颜色练一练:翻译下列词组:大卫的叔叔 我妹妹的邮票妇女节 老师们的办公室 他笔友的信 这本书的名字 双胞胎的书房 孩子们的爱好邮局的大门 四、句子的种类类别例句用法标点陈述句肯定This is a bag. I like spring.描述一件事情或者说明说话人的看法.类别例句用法标点陈述句否定I cant see a bag over there. I don

8、t know.描述一件事情或者说明说话人的看法.疑问句一般Are you a student? Do you like puppets?Can you speak English?用于提出问题?特殊when什么时间;who谁;whose谁的;where在哪里;which哪一个;why为什么;what什么;what time什么时间;what colour什么颜色;what about怎么样;what day星期几;what date什么日期;what for为何目的;how怎样;how old多大岁数;how many数量多少;how much多少钱;how about怎么样;how far多

9、远选择Is your friend a boy or a girl?反意Its a fine day, isnt it?祁使句肯定Put it here.表示命令、建议或请求.或!否定Dont look at the noticeboard.感叹句How smart the scarf is! What a smart scarf!How smart the scarves are! What smart scarves!表示惊讶、喜悦、赞美、厌恶或愤怒等强烈感情?练一练:1、填入适当的疑问词。1)_wallet is it? Its mine. 2) _is the Christmas Da

10、y? Its on the 25th of December.3)_is the diary? Its under the chair. 4) _ is the boy in blue? Hes Mike.5)_are the earphones? They are 25 yuan. 6)_is the hair dryer? Its blue.7)_is it today? Its Sunday. 8)_was it yesterday? It was the 13th of October.9)_this red one? Its beautiful. 10)_is it from her

11、e? Its about 2 kilometres away.11) A: Can I have some paper and some crayons? B:_ ? A: I want to make a kite.12) _is your cousin? Hes 15years old. 13)_ do you have dinner? At 6 oclock.14)_one is fatter, the blue one or the red one? The blue one.2、对划线部分提问。1) I can see eight rubbers in the box. _ can_

12、see in the box?2) My father is fine today._ _ your father today?3) Liu Tao is playing football in the playground._ _ Liu Tao _ in the playground?4) The films were on the ground._ _ the films?5) The girl with big eyes is my sisters friend._ _ _ sisters friend?6) My birthday is on the 9th of September

13、._ _ your birthday?7) Id like a nice cake for breakfast._ _ _ like for breakfast?8) Thats Nancys skirt._ _ is that?3、按要求改写句子。1) Its a book.(改为一般疑问句)_ it a_ ?2) My father is in the study.(对划线部分提问)_ is_ father?3) Do you watch TV every Sunday?(做肯定回答)_ , I_.4) This picture is beautiful.(改为以what引导的感叹句)Wh

14、at_ _picture!5) Open the door for him.(改为否定句)_ open_ _ for_ !6) I have a big present.(对划线部分提问)_ do you_?肯定句否定句一般疑问句及回答He is running now.He isnt running now.-Is he running now?-Yes, he is. / No, he isnt.They are making a puppet.They arent making a puppet.-Are they making a puppet?-Yes, they are. / No

15、, they arent.7) There are some orange trees.(改为单数句子)There_ _ orange_ .8) we are going to see a Beijing opera.(对划线部分提问)What_you_ _ do?9) He has some questions.(改为一般疑问句)我们长期呆在校园里,对社会缺乏了解,在与生意合作伙伴应酬方面往往会遇上困难,更不用说商业上所需经历的一系列繁琐手续。他们我们可能会在工商局、税务局等部门的手续中迷失方向。对具体的市场开拓缺乏经验与相关的知识,缺乏从职业角度整合资源、实行管理的能力;_ he_ que

16、stions?10) They visited their relatives and friends last Spring Festival.(改为一般疑问句)_ they_ their relatives and friendslast Spring Festival?图1-2 大学生购买手工艺品可接受价位分布送人 有实用价值 装饰大学生的消费是多种多样,丰富多彩的。除食品外,很大一部分开支都用于。服饰,娱乐,小饰品等。女生都比较偏爱小饰品之类的消费。女生天性爱美,对小饰品爱不释手,因为饰品所展现的魅力,女人因饰品而妩媚动人,亮丽。据美国商务部调查资料显示女人占据消费市场最大分额,随社会

17、越发展,物质越丰富,女性的时尚美丽消费也越来越激烈。因此也为饰品业创造了无限的商机。 据调查统计,有50% 的同学曾经购买过DIY饰品,有90% 的同学表示若在学校附近开设一家DIY手工艺制品,会去光顾。我们认为:我校区的女生就占了80%。相信开饰品店也是个不错的创业方针。中式饰品风格的饰品绝对不拒绝采用金属,而且珠子的种类也更加多样。 五光十色的水晶珠、仿古雅致的嵌丝珐琅珠、充满贵族气息的景泰蓝珠、粗糙前卫的金属字母珠片的材质也多种多样。五、时态1、一般现在时A、当谓语是be动词时,构成为:主语+be动词( am, is, are )+其他。如:I am a student.B、当谓语是行为

18、动词时,构成有两种: (1)主语(非第三人称单数)+动词原形+其他。如:We often watch TV at the weekends. (2)主语(第三人称单数)+动词第三人称单数形式+其他。1、购买“女性化”如:Jim usually goes to the park on Sundays.C、句型变换:肯定句否定句一般疑问句及回答They watch TV at six everyday.They dont watch TV at six everyday.经常光顾 偶尔会去 不会去-Do they watch TV at six everyday. -Yes, they do. /

19、 No, they dont.She watches TV at six everyday.She doesnt watch TV at six everyday.(四)DIY手工艺品的“个性化”-Does she watch TV at six everyday.-Yes, she does. / No, she doesnt.中式饰品风格的饰品绝对不拒绝采用金属,而且珠子的种类也更加多样。 五光十色的水晶珠、仿古雅致的嵌丝珐琅珠、充满贵族气息的景泰蓝珠、粗糙前卫的金属字母珠片的材质也多种多样。肯定句根本不知道否定句一般疑问句及回答They watch TV at six everyday.

20、They dont watch TV at six everyday.-Do they watch TV at six everyday. -Yes, they do. / No, they dont.She watches TV at six everyday.She doesnt watch TV at six everyday.-Does she watch TV at six everyday.-Yes, she does. / No, she doesnt.练一练:A、用括号内动词的适当形式填空。 1) He often_( have ) dinner at home. 2) Dan

21、iel and Tommy_ ( be ) in Class One. 3) We_ ( not watch ) TV on Monday. 4) Nick_ ( not go ) to the zoo on Sunday. 5)_they_ ( like ) the World Cup? 6) There ( be ) some water in the bottle. 7) _your parents_( read ) newspapers every day? 8) Mike_ ( like ) cooking. 9) You always_ ( do ) your homework w

22、ell. 10) They_ ( have ) the same hobby.11) My aunt_ ( look ) after her baby carefully. 12) Liu Tao_ ( do ) not like PE. 13) She and I_ ( take ) a walk together every evening. B、按要求转换句子,每空一词。1) Tom likes playing basketball with his friends. (改成否定句) Tom_ _ playing basketball with his friends.2) Davids

23、 parents often take a walk after supper. (改为一般疑问句并作出否定回答) -_Davids parents often_ a walk after supper? - No,_ _.3) They usually watch TV. (对划线部分提问)_ _ they usually_?4) She is always a good student. (改为一般疑问句并作出肯定回答) -_ _ always a_ student? -_ ,_ _ .5) Simon and Daniel like going skating. (改为否定句) Simo

24、n and Daniel_ _ going_.2、现在进行时A、构成形式:主语+be动词+动词的ing形式+其他。B、判断依据:句中往往有now、look、listen等词。注意:千万不要忘了一定得有be动词。C、句型变换:练一练:A、用所给的动词的正确形式填空。 1) The boy_ _ ( draw ) a picture now. 2) What_you_ ( do ) now? 3) Listen. Some girls_ _ ( sing ) in the classroom. 4) My mother_ _ ( cook ) some nice food now. 5) Look

25、. They_ _ ( have ) an English lesson. 6) They_ _ ( not water ) the flowers now. 7) Look! the girls_ _ ( dance )in the classroom . 8) What is our granddaughter doing? She_ _ ( listen ) to music. 9)_ Helen_ ( wash )clothes? Yes, she is . B、根据中文,完成句子,每空一词。1) 刘涛的父亲正在浇花。Liu Taos father is_ _.2) 看,孩子们正在操场上踢足球。Look! The children_ _ _ in the playground.3) 她正在公园里散步吗?是的。-_ she_a walk in the park? -Yes, she_.4) Jack正在哪读书?在他书房。 -_ _ Jack_ the book now? -He is_ _ _ _.3、一般过去时A

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