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1、高二英语下学期小组竞赛试题2021年高二英语下学期小组竞赛试题一、听力(共两节,共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)1. What did the man do last night?A. Prepare his speech. B. Play puter games. C. Sleep.2. Where are the speakers?A. In a store. B. In a classroom. C. In a hotel.3. When will the man move into his new house?A. This mo

2、nth. B. Next month. C. In two months.4. How did the man feel when he was called to speak?A. Worried. B. Relaxed. C. Excited.5. How many people may attend tomorrows meeting?A. 7. B. 19. C. 10.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What have the speakers planned to do?A. Go to the movies. B. Prep

3、are for the exams.C. Finish the homework.7. What does the woman ask the man to do?A. Contact Alice and Bill. B. Help her with her maths. C. Recall his school life.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?A. Wife and husband. B. Colleagues. C. Classmates.9. What did

4、the man do on New Years Eve?A. Acpany his family. B. Go to a party. C. Dance in a club.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What are the speakers talking about?A. Playing a hockey game. B. Having a dinner together. C. Watching a hockey game.11. Why do the speakers get there earlier?A. To get a better seat. B. To wa

5、tch the warm-up. C. To avoid the bad traffic.12. When will the speakers get there?A. At 6:00. B. At 6:30. C. At 5:30.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What is the mans job?A. A singer. B. A host. C. A film star.14. When did they meet last time?A. Two years ago. B. Three years ago. C. Five years ago.15. Where did

6、 the man learn music?A. In Italy. B. In America. C. In France.16. What is the man doing these days?A. Going for a trip. B. Preparing for a new album. C. Relaxing at home.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What is ESF Sports proud of?A. A large amount of participants.B. Its magical introduction.C. Its safe and se

7、cure environment.18. What does the speaker think is important?A. That children develop an interest in sport.B. That children improve their confidence.C. That children learn at an appropriate pace.19. What can children do in ESF Sports?A. Shape their minds and concentration.B. Act in their own athlet

8、ic pathways.C. Present programs of activities.20. Which number should you call if you are interested in ESF Sports?A. 88555114. B. 88551514. C. 88555141.二、单项填空(共20小题; 每小题1分,满分20分)21. The concert will begin in ten minutes. Do you mind going with me?_, but I am busy now.A. Of course not B. Take it eas

9、y C. Never mind D. See you22. When he went into _ office where he worked, the man found _ ring lying on his desk.A. a; a B. a; the C. the; the D. the; a23. Once the suggestion is _, people in the field will benefit from it.A. absorbed B. adopted C. admitted D. received 24. Before the dinner, the chi

10、ld still hadnt e back, which made his parents very _.A. anxious B. casual C. unfortable D. disappointed 25. I _ the article written by Lu Xun the whole day but I still havent finished it yet, and it will take me another day.A. have translated B. had translated C. have been translating D. am translat

11、ing26. If you _me at the time, I _laughed at by our teachers.A. have reminded; wouldnt be B. had reminded; wouldnt have been C. reminded; wouldnt have been D. had reminded; wouldnt be 27._ in front of his house relaxing at night, he suddenly saw the sky _ with meteors (流星).A. Seat; covering B. Seati

12、ng; covered C. To seat; to cover D. Seated; covered28._ the Internet a few minutes ago, he learned the _ news that a tiger had eaten a little boy.A. To surf; excited B. Surfing; frightened C. Surfing; frightening D. Surf; exciting29._was in the high building we went to yesterday that I had my puter

13、stolen.A. This B. What C. That D. It 30. Only when you have finished your homework _ the chance to play basketball outside.A. you can get B. can you get C. you will get D. need you get31. _the news that his grandfather had gotten seriously ill, the boy couldnt concentrate on his study.A. Due to B. A

14、part from C. As for D. After all 32. He is a dutiful man. Therefore, he _ spares some time to visit his parents in the countryside.A. constantly B. actually C. absolutely D. pletely 33. To be honest, I _what you said at the meeting, though many members are against you.A. appeal to B. subscribe to C.

15、 contribute to D. attend to 34. I met one of my old friends who had married his girlfriend when I did business in Shanghai. What a _?A. purpose B. coincidence C. decision D. preference35. _ the professor did all he could to help, the question couldnt be solved eventually.A. Since B. When C. While D.

16、 As36. Only when he apologizes to me for his impoliteness _ to him again.A. I will speak B. will I speak C. do I speak D. I speak 37. It was not until the mother agreed to take her to KFC _ the spoiled girl stopped crying.A. when B. which C. what D. that 38. The manager was worried to hear that one

17、of his trusted workers _.A. will leave B. is leaving C. has left D. was leaving 39. One of the rules in our school is that every student _ wear school uniform while at school.A. might B. could C. shall D. will40. Thank you for the flowers. _. I am glad you love them.A. Thats right B. All right C. Im

18、 all right D. Its all right三、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)A man wanted to bee wealthyHe was told a story one day that there was a 41 pebble (鹅卵石) among the pebbles on the beach of the Black SeaIt could turn everything it touched into 42 This pebble could be 43 only by touching it: unlike the other pebbles

19、 it was 44 when touchedThe man rushed to the beach of the Black Sea and began to 45_ the pebble 46 he picked up a pebble that felt cold, he threw it into the seaHe _47_ this practice day after dayEach pebble that felt cold was 48 thrown into the seaOne morning, he 49 to take hold of a pebble that fe

20、lt warm, unlike the other 50 The man threw the pebble into the seaHe hadnt 51 _to, but he had formed a habitHabits can be hard to 52_In fact, if we repeat any behaviour 53_ enough, it bees a habitBut some habits can work in our favour, such as 54 attitudes and healthy ways of lifeOur habitual attitu

21、des and behaviour can either 55 us or hinder (阻碍) usIs there behaviour or an attitude you would like to make into a 56 ? Then reinforce (强化) it by 57_ it at every opportunityWhen it es to habits, 58 may not make perfectBut practice will certainly form 59_ behaviourYour habits will form who you areSo

22、 form the habits that are 60_ to you and let them mold (塑造) you into the person you want to be41Acarved Blarge Cmagical Dheavy42Agold Bwater Csand Dstone43Acreated Bsaved Ctransformed Drecognized44Asmooth Bshining Cwarm Dhard45Asearch for Blook into Cmake Dstudy46AUnless BWhen CAlthough DUntil47Acon

23、tinued Bdeveloped Ctested Danalysed48Aluckily Bcarelessly Csuddenly Dimmediately49Aattempted Bbegan Cdecided Dhappened50Ahands Btrees Cpebbles Dballs51Aasked Bmeant Cremembered Doffered52Aoverlook Bbreak Clearn Dforget53Aoften Bcarefully Cfast Dcalmly54Arelated Bpositive Cpublic Dconservative55Ahelp

24、 Btrouble Cexpose Ddefeat56Ahabit Bcustom Crule Dplan57Achanging Bretelling Crepeating Dconsidering58Aattitude Battempt Cguidance Dpractice59Aviolent Bbored Cpermanent Dstrange60Adevoted Btrue Cfamiliar Dbeneficial四、阅读理解(共20小题,毎小题2分,满分40分)AHigh school students are some of the busiest people in the w

25、orld. To get the most from all you do, you must be in control of your time. Your success in high school depends on your use of time. Here are some important things to remember. * Begin each term by filling in a master plan. First fill in things you must do (classes, work, practice, etc. That you can

26、t change). Then find the most effective use for these times. * Set a regular time and place for study. This will save you time in the long run. If you have a study hall in your school, use it! * Use daylight hours to study whenever possible. For most people for every hour of study done in daylight h

27、ours, it will take them one and a half hours to do the same task at night. *Take breaks. Dont plan marathon study time. Have a short rest before you study again. *By using flash cards or summary sheets, you can use odd times to study-while youre waiting for class to start or for a friend to pick you

28、 up. * If possible, plan study time with a partner. Choose your partner wisely however. Make sure you study, not socialize yourself. * Do the most difficult tasks when you are active. (Take math for example: when youre energetic, it will bee easier to solve; when youre tired, it will be impossible !

29、 ) *Make a daily checklist. Do the most important tasks first.61. According to the passage, your success in high school mainly lies in_. A. making full use of your time B. your hard work C. your brain power D. how well you play the game62. We should use daylight hours to study whenever possible beca

30、use _. A. school study halls are open to students only in the daytime B. most people can spare more time to study in the daytime C. its more difficult to study effectively at night D. we have more important things to do than study at night63. On how to use our time, we should follow the following suggestions EXCEPT _ . A. working out a plan for the whole term B. keeping a good balance between study and rest C. putting the most important tasks first D. trying to study alone instead of wo

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