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1、六年级小学英语外研版版阅读理解复习题附答案一、英语阅读理解训练1阅读理解读短文,选择正确的答案 There are many mice in a house. The man of the house gets a cat. The cat kills many of the mice. The oldest mouse says, All the mice must come to my room and we will think what we can do about this cat.All the mice come. Many mice speak, but none knows

2、 what to do. At last a young mouse stands up and says, We must put a bell on that cat. Then the cat will not catch any more mice. Then the old mouse asks, Who will put the bell on the cat? No mouse answers. At last he says, It is easy to say things, but it is hard to do them.(1)In the house there ar

3、e many _. A.catsB.dogsC.mice(2)One day all the mice come to _. A.the oldest mouses roomB.the young mouse s roomC.the cats room(3)They will think _ . to make friends with this catB.what they can do about this to eat the cat(4)The young mouse wants to put a _ on the cat. A.flowerB.hatC.

4、bell(5)It is easy to say things, but it is hard to do them. means _. A.只说不做B.说到做到C.说起来容易做起来难【答案】 (1)C(2)A(3)B(4)C(5)C 【考点】阅读理解 【解析】【分析】这是一篇关于老鼠的寓言故事。 (1)根据短文句子 There are many mice in a house.(房间里有许多老鼠。)可知是老鼠。C选项正确。故答案为: C。 (2)根据短文句子 The oldest mouse says, All the mice must come to my room (最老的老鼠说:所有

5、的老鼠都来到我的房间。)可知是到最老的老鼠房间。A选项正确。故答案为:A。 (3)根据短文句子 we will think what we can do about this cat.(我们将想出我们可以对这只猫做什么。)可知是如何对付猫。B选项正确。故答案为:B。 (4)根据短文句子 At last a young mouse stands up and says, We must put a bell on that cat. (最后一只年轻的老鼠站起来说“我们必须给猫戴个铃铛。”)可知戴铃铛。故答案为:C。 (5) It is easy to say things, but it is

6、hard to do them. 意思是“说起来容易做起来难。”可知C选项正确。故答案为:C。 【点评】这是考查阅读理解的题目。仔细阅读短文,然后根据短文叙述来选择合适的选项。2阅读理解阅读短文,判断下列句子正误 Every kind of animals has their own way to live well in winter. In winter, the weather gets colder and colder. There is snow on the ground. Some animals sleep all the winter. These animals eat

7、plenty of food in autumn. They need little or no food when they sleep. Some birds fly to the south for winter. They go to a warmer place to look for food. Some animals get much food in autumn and keep it at home. They may grow new and thick fur in autumn, too. Then they can feel warmer. In winter so

8、me animals live in the trees or under the ground.(1)Every kind of animals has their own way to live well in winter. (2)In winter, the weather gets warmer and warmer. (3)Some animals eat plenty of food in autumn and sleep all the winter. (4)Some birds fly to the north for winter. (5)In winter some an

9、imals live in the trees or under the ground. 【答案】 (1)1(2)0(3)1(4)0(5)1 【考点】阅读理解 【解析】【分析】这是讲述动物如何过冬的短文。 (1)句意:每种动物都用自己的方法在冬季获得好。根据短文句子(每种动物都用自己的方法在冬季获得好。)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为:正确。 (2)句意:在冬季,天气变得越来越暖和。根据短文叙述 In winter, the weather gets colder and colder. (在冬季天气变得越来越冷。)可知题目叙述错误。故答案为:错误。 (3)句意:一些动物在秋季吃大量的食物,整个冬

10、季都在睡觉。根据短文叙述 Some animals sleep all the winter. These animals eat plenty of food in autumn. (一些动物整个冬季都在睡觉。这些动物在秋季吃大量的食物。)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为:正确。 (4)句意:一些鸟飞到北方过冬。根据短文叙述(一些鸟飞到南方过冬。)可知题目叙述错误。故答案为:错误。 (5)句意:在冬季一些动物住在树里或地下。根据短文叙述 In winter some animals live in the trees or under the ground. (在冬季一些动物住在树里或地下。)可知

11、题目叙述正确。故答案为:正确。 【点评】这是考查阅读理解的题目。仔细阅读短文,然后根据短文的细节叙述来判断正误。3阅读理解阅读理解 What do you like eating for dinner? Do you like meat? Do you like vegetables? Do you like fruit or dessert(甜点)after dinner? We ask 55 students these questions. They are from a school in,Xiamen. Here are the results(结果). (1)There are b

12、oys answering the questions. A.55B.30C.25(2)All the students cat for dinner. A.meatB.vegelablesC.fruit(3)Who likes dessert more? A.Boys.B.Girls.C.Teachers.(4)How many boys like eating fruit? A.Five.B.Ten.C.Fifteen.(5)Which one is TRCE? A.All the girls like fruit and dessert very much.B.Most boys lov

13、e vegetables and fruit.C.The boys have the same eating habits as the girls.【答案】 (1)B(2)A(3)B(4)C(5)A 【考点】阅读理解 【解析】【分析】大意:短文和表格是,来自厦门的一所学校55名学生对的晚餐的肉,蔬菜,水果和饭后甜点的调查结果。 (1)句意:有男生回答问题。根据表格可知有30个男生回答问题,故答案为B. (2)句意:所有学生都在吃饭。根据表格可知所有学生都在吃饭,故答案为A. (3)句意:谁更喜欢甜点?根据表格可知女孩更喜欢甜点,故答案为B. (4)句意:有多少男孩喜欢吃水果?根据表格可知15

14、个男孩喜欢吃水果,故答案为C. (5)句意:哪一个是正确的?根据表格可知所有的女孩都非常喜欢肉,水果和甜点,故答案为A. 【点评】本题考查了阅读理解,首先通读短文,理解大意;其次阅读题干,根据题干信息找出相关句进行选择。 4阅读理解根据短文内容判断正误。 I get up at six thirty in the morning. Then I wash my face and brush my teeth. I go to school at seven thirty. I go to school by bus. Classes begin at eight. We have six le

15、ssons every day. We have four lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. Classes are over at four thirty. After school, we clean our classroom. Then we go home. I get home at five. We have dinner at six thirty. After dinner, I do my homework. I go to bed at nine or ten.(1)I go to school by bus

16、. (2)We have seven lessons every day. (3)After school, we play games. (4)We have dinner at 5:30. (5)I go to bed at nine or ten. 【答案】 (1)1(2)0(3)0(4)0(5)1 【考点】阅读理解 【解析】【分析】大意:短文讲述了我一天是日常生活。 (1)句意:我乘公共汽车上学。根据 I go to school by bus. 可知我乘公共汽车上学,故答案为正确。 (2)句意:我们每天有七节课。根据 We have six lessons every day. 可知

17、我们每天有六节课,故答案为错误。 (3)句意:放学后,我们玩游戏。根据 After school, we clean our classroom. Then we go home. 可知放学后我们打扫教室,然后回家,故答案为错误。 (4)句意:我们5:30吃饭。根据 We have dinner at six thirty. 可知我们6:30吃饭,故答案为错误。 (5)句意:我九点或十点睡觉。根据 I go to bed at nine or ten. 可知我九点或十点睡觉,故答案为正确。 【点评】本题考查了阅读理解,先翻译短文,然后根据短文内容,判断句子正确或错误。 5阅读理解阅读短文,选择

18、正确答案 Mother Kangaroo and a little white rabbit are neighbours. One day, they are going to the zoo together. But the zoo is far away from their homes. So they have to wait for the bus. A gust of wind(阵风) blows and the little white rabbit feels very cold. And he says to Mother Kangaroo, Mother Kangaro

19、o, Im very cold. May I go into your pocket? Sure. Mother Kangaroo agrees. After getting on the bus, the little white rabbit doesnt come out. So Mother Kangaroo buys two tickets(票). Getting off the bus, the rabbit comes out from the pocket. Mother Kangaroo says to him, Here is your ticket. The rabbit

20、 says surprisedly, What? You bought a ticket for me? I am so small that the conductor cant see me. Mother Kangaroo says, Oh, no. We must be honest at any time. The rabbit feels very ashamed(羞愧的).(1)The Mother Kangaroo and the rabbit are going to the zoo . A.on bus(2)The rabbit goes

21、into the Mother Kangaroos . A.clothesB.pocketC.coat(3)The rabbit doesnt when they get on the bus. A.come outB.come inC.come up(4)The conductor see the rabbit. A.canB.cantC.dont(5)The rabbit is at last. A.beautifulB.honestC.ashamed【答案】 (1)C(2)B(3)A(4)B(5)C 【考点】阅读理解 【解析】【分析】大意:短文讲述了袋鼠妈妈和一只小白兔一起去动物园,他们

22、得等公共汽车,小白兔感到很冷,他进入袋鼠口袋里,上车后,小白兔没有出来,下了公共汽车,袋鼠妈妈说:“这是你的票。我们必须随时诚实。”兔子感到很羞愧。 (1)根据 Mother Kangaroo and a little white rabbit are neighbours. One day, they are going to the zoo together. 可知袋鼠妈妈和一只小白兔去动物园,故答案为C. (2)根据 And he says to Mother Kangaroo, Mother Kangaroo, Im very cold. May I go into your pock

23、et? Sure. Mother Kangaroo agrees. 可知兔子进了袋鼠妈妈的口袋,故答案为B. (3)根据 After getting on the bus, the little white rabbit doesnt come out. 可知兔子上公共汽车时没有出来,故答案为A. (4)根据 I am so small that the conductor cant see me.可知售票员看不见兔子,故答案为B. (5)根据 The rabbit feels very ashamed. 可知兔子感到很羞愧,故答案为C. 【点评】本题考查了阅读理解,首先通读短文,理解大意;其

24、次阅读题干,根据题干信息找出相关句进行选择。 6阅读理解根据材料内容判断下列说法的正误 Notice BoardFootball Club Do you like playing sports? Do you like playing football? Come to our football club. See you on the playground.DaleHiking! Hiking! What do you do on the weekends? Shall we go hiking? I need a partner.Call Eric: 3522987Shall we sin

25、g? Whats your hobby? Do you like singing? Join our singing club.TomLets cook together! There is a cook class on Saturdays at 9 am. Do you like cooking? Do you like delicious food? We can share.Call Cindy: 2353267(1)Dale is in the football club. (2)Eric needs a partner to go hiking together. (3)Tom l

26、ikes playing football. (4)There is a cook class on Saturdays at 9 am. (5)Cindys phone number is 3523267. 【答案】 (1)1(2)1(3)0(4)1(5)0 【考点】阅读理解 【解析】【分析】大意:布告牌,有关戴尔的足球俱乐部,埃里克去远足,汤姆唱歌俱乐部和辛迪烹饪课。 (1)句意:戴尔在足球俱乐部。根据Football Club,Dale.可知戴尔在足球俱乐部。故答案为正确。 (2)句意:埃里克需要一个伙伴一起去远足。根据Shall we go hiking? I need a partn

27、er.Call Eric: 3522987.可知埃里克需要一个伙伴一起去远足。故答案为正确。 (3)句意:汤姆喜欢踢足球。根据Do you like singing? Join our singing club. Tom 可知汤姆喜欢唱歌。故答案为错误。 (4)句意:星期六上午9点有一节烹饪课。根据There is a cook class on Saturdays at 9 am. 可知星期六上午9点有一节烹饪课。故答案为正确。 (5)句意:辛迪的电话号码是3523267。根据Call Cindy: 2353267.可知辛迪的电话号码是2353267。故答案为错误。 【点评】本题考查了阅读理

28、解,先翻译布告牌,然后根据布告牌内容,判断句子正确或错误。 7阅读理解阅读理解 Dear John, I saw your name in the newspaper. You asked for a pen friend in China. I would like to be your pen friend. I am twelve years old. I live in Shanghai. I am a student at Pudong Primary School. We study Chinese, English, maths, science, art, PE and some other subjects. My favourite su

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