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1、走向高考英语一轮复习阶段性测试高二912单元高二册912单元阶段测试.语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)(2009河南省重点中学第二次联考)1peopleA. possibility B. police C. clinic D. stupid2campus A. study B. universe C. upon D. structure3defeat A. breakfast B. feather C. deadly D. speak4campaign A. telegraph B. tongue C. altogether D. technology5wrestling A. fa

2、sten B. witness C. student D. interrupt答案15 BCDBA.单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)6What does Mr. White think of Tom?He _ Tom a top student.A. recognizes B. believesC. considers D. agrees7Now you see how serious the situation is!Yes, we _ something before it got too bad.A. ought to have done B. must doC. must

3、 have done D. had to do8We called the FirstAid Center _ the traffic accident happened.A. soon B. the moment whenC. the instance D. immediately9I need a new dress but I cant _ to buy one now.A. afford B. spendC. spare D. pay10There were lots of people standing watching, yet none of them _.A. was offe

4、red to help B. offered helpingC. offered to help D. was offering help11What you are taught cant have the same effects _ you have learned by yourself.A. what B. asC. as what D. like12The students expected _ to be more reviewing classes before the final exams.A. there B. itC. that D. one13Professor Sm

5、ith, many students want to see you. _ they wait here or outside?A. Do B. ShallC. Will D. Would14With everything she needed _, the lady went back home.A. to but B. boughtC. buying D. buy15My study of biology has _ much of my spare time, but it has given me a great deal of enjoyment.A. taken in B. tak

6、en downC. taken up D. taken away16As we all know, avian flu _ infects birds but _ affects humans.A. mainly; occasionally B. occasionally; mainlyC. surely; hardly D. hardly; surely17Im very proud of my daughter. She has quite a good memory.Thats very good. Whom does she _? You or your wife?A. take af

7、ter B. look afterC. look for D. take care of18Under good treatment, Linda is beginning to _ and will soon recover.A. wake up B. grow upC. pick up D. show up19The badly wounded soldier slowly opened his lips as if _ something.A. to say B. saidC. he had said D. was saying20_ a cold worries his mother.

8、A. He easily catches B. His easy catchingC. His easily catching D. His easily caught答案 6C。A、D明显不正确,B项believe可用于believe sb./sth.(to be)adj.,故最佳答案为C。7A。ought to have done表责备,表示本应该做某事,而实际上没有做。8D。immediately用作连词等于as soon as“一就”。9A。afford为“目的”有足够的钱、时间等,“付得起(钱),抽得出(时间)”,多与can/could等连用,接名词或不定式。10C。选用offer作

9、谓语动词,B项错,应说offer to do sth.。11C。have the same effects“与有同样的效果”。what you are taught与what you have learned相比较。12A。expect there to be“希望有”。13B。Shall they.?表示说话人请求对方应允或同意。14B。题干为with的复合结构,withn.(everything)过去分词,因为everything与“buy”为动宾关系,故buy宜用bought。15C。take in“欺骗”;take up“占去”;take away“拿走”;take down“写下,拆

10、卸”。16A。考查副词的意义理解,同时结合科学知识可知,禽流感主要感染鸟类,偶尔也影响人类。17A。考查动词短语辨析。take after“长得像”。look after和take care of都有“照顾,照料”之意。look for是“寻找”。题中讲的是女儿长得像谁,故选A。18C。pick up“恢复健康(活力)”。19A。as if后可接非谓语动词,to do表“要做某事”,doing表示与句子的谓语动词同时发生。20C。主要考查了动名词的复合结构用作主语。.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)(2009西安八校联考)An old man who lived in a s

11、mall back street of my hometown had to tolerate the nuisance of boys playing football and making a lot of noise outside his house at night.One evening when the boys were particularly _21_, he went out to talk to them. He explained that he had just retired and was _22_ when he could see or hear boys

12、playing his _23_ game, football. He would _24_ give them ¥25 each week to play in the street at night. The boys got _25_, for they could hardly believe _26_ they were being paid to do something they _27_.The first two weeks had passed, the boys came to the old mans house, and went away _28_ with the

13、ir 25 yuan. The third week when they came back, _29_, the old man said he hadnt had much money _30_ himself and sent them away with only 15 yuan. The fourth week, the man said he had not yet received his _31_ from the government and gave them only 10 yuan. The boys were very disappointed, but there

14、was _32_ much that they could do about it.At the _33_ of the fifth week, the boys came back and _34_ at the old mans door, waiting for their _35_. Slowly, the door opened and the old man appeared. He _36_ that he could not afford to pay them 25 yuan _37_ he had promised, but said he would give them

15、five yuan each week without _38_.This was really too much for the boys. “You expect us to play seven days a week for merely five yuan!” they yelled. “_39_!”They _40_ away and never played on the street again.21A. hot B. noisyC. troublesome D. naughty22A. happiest B. excitedC. encouraged D. bored23A.

16、 interesting B. amusingC. acceptable D. favorite24A. more ever B. thereforeC. willingly D. forever25A. shouted B. criedC. thrilled D. smiled26A. how B. whenC. that D. what27A. expected B. enjoyedC. admired D. respected28A. happily B. thankfullyC. gratefully D. tearfully29A. but B. in additionC. howe

17、ver D. besides30A. earned B. savedC. remained D. left31A. paycheck B. insuranceC. food tickets D. salary32A. not B. noC. so D. very33A. final B. endC. start D. beginning34A. kicked B. hitC. beat D. knocked35A. rewards B. awardsC. checks D. wages36A. expressed B. apologizedC. stated D. expected37A. a

18、s B. likeC. when D. though38A. fail B. hesitationC. joke D. question39A. No way B. No possibleC. No problem D. No play40A. walked B. stormedC. broke D. backed答案一位老人不堪忍受一群孩子每晚在他家门口踢足球带来的喧闹,于是他想了一个绝招:他许诺孩子们只要每周晚上都在街上踢球,就会奖赏他们25元,但随后奖赏从25元减到15元,又减到10元,最后老人说每周只能支付5元时,孩子们断然拒绝,从此不再在此踢球。21B。考查对上文语境的理解。由第一段



21、退休了,故D不正确。32A。考查对上下文语境的理解。孩子们没有收到原先被承诺的25元,感到很失望,但他们也没有更多的(事)可以做(只能接受了)。33B。考查对上文语境的理解。由上文知每次发钱都是在周末。34D。考查固定搭配。knock at ones door“敲某人的门”。35A。考查对上文语境的理解。孩子们认为老人给的钱是他们踢球应该得到的报酬。注意reward与award的区别。reward“报酬,奖赏,回报”。如:he will expect some reward after working so hard.他工作这么努力,会得到报偿的。award“奖品,奖金”。如:an award

22、 earned by participation in a school sport“参与学校运动获得的奖励”。36B。考查对下文语境的理解。由下文可知,老人在为自己支付不起原先承诺的25元道歉。37A。考查对上文语境的理解。老人道歉说他支付不起他以前许诺的每周25元的报酬。as“像一样”,符合语境。38A。考查固定搭配。without fail“必定,一定”。如:I will give you a present on your birthday without fail.你生日时我一定送你一件礼物。39A。考查对上下文语境的理解。由上下文可知,孩子们对老人的不守信用感到极其愤怒,断然拒绝继

23、续在老人门前踢球。no way意为“不可能,没门儿,不行,休想”。40B。考查对上下文语境的理解及动词辨析。storm: move or walk in a very angry or violent manner in the direction specified闯入,怒气冲冲地或凶猛地向某方向移动或行走。在此指孩子们气冲冲地离去。.阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)A(2009湖南三十校联考)She was known to millions as the “Queen of Crime” or the “Duchess(女公爵) of Death”. But surpris

24、ingly, she hated violence and blood, and knew nothing of the weapons most often used in murder. “I dont think I dare look at a really horrible and damaged body,” Agatha Christie once said.But her pen dared to travel where her eyes would not. In her 50year writing career, Christies murder stories mad

25、e her the worlds bestknown mystery writer. Only the Bible and Shakespeare have sold more copies than her.Her novels have been turned into films and TV series. This month, British ITV announced they will remake eight Christie films. “Her works have enduring(持久的) appeal for viewers,” said director Lau

26、ra Mackie. “There is always an appetite for a really good whodunit(侦探小说)”Born in 1890 in England, Christie was educated at home and began her writing career while working as a nurse during World War . She went on to produce 79 novels and numberous short stories, dying at the age of 86. With her know

27、ledge of murder, Christie could have been a teacher at police academies.Her first novel, The Mysterious Affair at Styles, also introduced Hercule Poirot, a retired Belgian police officer who starred in 30 of her works. Among the most popular are Murder on the Orient Express (1934), and Death on the

28、Nile (1937)Poirot is a tidy little man with a funnylooking moustache, an eggshapped head, and a high opinion of himself. He draws conclusions from observing the behavior of those around him, always managing to spot patterns that others cannot see. Poirot has become so famous that someone has even wr

29、itten his biography, The Life and Times of Hercule Poirot.41Whats the main idea of the passage?A. It mainly tells readers how Agatha Christie took off on her way of writing.B. Its an introduction to main characters like Poirot in Agatha Christies books.C. It mainly presents readers a picture of Agat

30、ha Christies daily life in England.D. It is mainly an introduction of a famous British writer named Agatha Christie.42What can we learn about Agatha Christie according to the passage?A. She was a famous writer known as the “Queen of Crime” or the “Duchess of Horror”B. She wrote works about violence because she was treated violently at a young age.C. Her books sell so well that the sales are only next to the Bible and Shakespeare.D. She became a teacher at police academies because of her

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