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七年级下册英语Unit 2 Neighbours 教案牛津版.docx

1、七年级下册英语Unit 2 Neighbours 教案牛津版七年级下册英语Unit 2 Neighbours 教案(牛津版) 七年级下册英语Unit 2 Neighburs 教案(牛津版)Unit 2 Neighbursele t the unit 新导入通过反映邻里关系的图片入手,对学生进行提问。1 hat an u see in the 4 pitures?2 an u tell e sething abut eah piture?然后,导入本单元话题“neighbrs”。新讲授Step 1 Disussin1 hat an u see in the pitures? 2 an u tel

2、l e sething abut eah piture?Step 2 Ne rds教师出示生词及音标带领学生齐读,并解释单词的用法。Step 3 Part A here an u find these peple? ath the ith the plaes rite the rret letters in the bxesStep 4 As and anserA: hats his/her b?B: He/She is a/anStep Part B 1 A is asing Sin abut his neighbrhd hat are these questins abut? Please

3、 listen t the tape and rite dn 1 here d u live?2 H an buildings are there in ur neighbrhd?3 hat d u have arund ur neighbrhd?4 D u lie living there?2 Listen t the tape and fill in the blans Sin lives in a (1) _ in it Garden in Ninth Street There are abut (2) _ buildings in his (3) _ st f the have (4)

4、 _ flrs Its () _ fr Sin and his neighbrs t live there, beause there are se superarets, (6) _, a shl and a (7) _ es: flat, 20, neighbrhd, 14, gd, restaurant, hspital3 Listen t the tape again and anser the questins1 heres Siins flat?2 H an buildings are there in his neighbrhd? 3 H an flrs d the buildi

5、ngs have?4 hat des Sin have arund his neighbrhd? hat des Sin thin f his neighbrhd? es: Its in it Garden in Ninth Street Abut 20 building st f the have 14 flrs Superarets, restaurants, a shl and a hspital He thins its gd t live in a neighbrhd lie thatStep 6 Pair r and disussin 1 r in pairs and ae up

6、ur n nversatin abut ur neighbrhd2 r ith ur partner ae a dialgue lie this ne A: here d u live? B: I live in A: Are there an buildings arund ur neighbrhd? B: A: hat are the? B: The are A: D u lie live there? B: A: B the a, hats ur father?B: He is a/an He rs in A: hat abut ur ther?B: She A: D the have

7、an tie t pla ith u?B: Step 7 L at the flash1) Anser the questins arding t the vide2) ath the vide again and fill in the blansStep 8 Her一、翻译下面的句子。1 我准备去拜访我的好朋友。2 迈克不会喜欢像你这样的客人。3 在我们这个街区有两个超市和一所学校。4 住在像这样的街区非常好。 我住在城市花园的一个公寓里。二、熟读并背会漫画部分和B部分内容。Reading I新导入通过讨论下面问题导入新。1 here d u live?2 H an buildings a

8、re there in ur neighbrhd?3 hat d u have arund ur neighbrhd?4 D u lie living there? D u ften help ur neighbrs?6 hat are ur neighbrs lie?新讲授Step 1 Ne rds要求学生快速阅读对话部分,并找出对话中的生词。然后,教师进行讲解。helpful unit sill prble sething engineer he bren sene fix anne llegeStep 2 aring up 1) hs ur neighbr? hat des he/she

9、 d?hat d u thin f hi/her?D u ele hi/her t ur he?D u alas help eah ther? 2) L at unit entre psters, and then anser the questinshat happens hen Sin has prble?Step 3 Listen t the nversatin, and plete the table Prble Helpputer desnt r Bile is bren Her is diffiult ld peple need help Step 4 plete the Part

10、 B1 and B2Step Read the dialgue arefull and anser the questins 1 hat are Sins neighbrs lie?2 hats the nae f the lub? hen d the vlunteers have a eeting?3 Is there anthing rng ith Sins puter?4 hats rng ith Annie? H d the vlunteers help the ld peple? es: The are ind and helpful “Helping Hands” The usua

11、ll have a eeting at the eeend es, there is Annies bie is bren The ften visit the ld peple and d se shpping fr theStep 6 Rle-plar in a grup f fur Suppse ne f student is Sin and the thers are vlunteers at Sins unit entreTell us ur sills and intrdue hat u an d t help ur neighbrSin: I live a big unit Th

12、ere are se vlunteers in it The have different sills and there ver helpfulS1: Hi, I a llege student I an I gd atI an help u ithS2: Hi, I a dtr I anSin: I ver lu t have a unit entre lie thatStep 7 Her翻译下列短语和句子。1 在社区中心见面 2 开会 3 有问题 4 一位电脑工程师 叫某人修某物 6 在学习方面帮助你7 乐于(愿意)做某事 8 为某人购物9 帮助老人打扫他们的公寓10 住在这个社区你很幸

13、运。 Reading II新导入Revisin plete the passageA: Hi, Sin (1) _ are ur neighbrs lie?Sin: There ind and (2) _ Se f the are (3) _ The ften eet at the (4) _ enter and share their different () _ The help us ith all inds f (6) _A: (7) _ d the eet?Sin: Usuall the have a “helping hands” eeting at the eeendA: Are

14、 the ging t have a eeting this eeend?Sin: es Theres sething rng ith (8) _ I ging t as a puter (9) _ t he it usin Annies (10) _ is bren, s shes ging t as sene t (11) _ itA: an u find (12) _ t help u ith ur her?Sin: es Se (13) _ students are read t helpA: Thats reall nie D the (14) _ help the ld peple

15、 t?Sin: es Se f the ften visit the ld peple and d se (1) _ fr the This eeend, the ill help the ld peple lean their (16) _A: Thats great! ure (17) _ t live in a neighbrhd lie that, Sin新讲授Step 1 plete the Part B3Sin is riting abut his neighbrs fr the shl nesletter Help hi plete his artile ith the rds

16、in the bxall inds f at the eeend bren he different sills fix her lu prbles read t help neighbrs are ind and helpful Se f the are vlunteers The have _ and ften help us ith _ prblesUsuall there is a “helping hands” eeting _ Peple g there hen the need help ith their _ puter engineers are ppular The hel

17、p peple _ their puters u an als find sene t _ things lie _ bilesStudents an get help ith their _ There are se llege students ang the vlunteers, and the are alas _, Vlunteers als help the ld peple e are _ t live in a neighbrhd lie that Peple here are lie a big fail es: different sills, all inds f, at

18、 the eeend, prbles, he, fix, bren, her, read t help, luStep 2 Language pints1 The are ind and helpful帮助学生归纳整理动词加后缀构成形容词的单词。(培养意识)The help us ith all inds f prbles重点讲解有关help的用法。3 There is sething rng ith puter(1)重点讲解there be sething rng ith 句型结构(2)介绍此结构的同义句的翻译。4 Shes ging t as sene t fix it重点讲解as的用法。

19、 Se llege students are read t help重点讲解be read t d用法。Step 3 Exerises I 用括号内所给单词适当形式填空。1 She is _ (help) She ften _ (help) us ith diffiult prbles2 an u help e _ (fix) the ar?3 There _ (be) sething ith alan an u he it?4 Dnt as T _ (g) shpping ith u He is ding his her The vlunteers are alas read _ (d) s

20、ething fr peple in need es: helpful, helps, fix, is, t g, t dII 单项选择。1 _ i lie? He is ind and friendl A H is B hat des hat is D H des 2 r Lee is a gd teaher He alas helps us _ English A in B ith at D fr3 Is _ anthing rng _ ur bile phne? es It ant send text essage A there; in B this; n there; ith D t

21、his; abut4 Helen is gd _ puters She is alas _ t help thers ith puters A at; read B fr; ind at; ind D fr; read H _ u are! u passed (测试) the gae and gt the big prize (奖) Than u A sad B helpful diffiult D lu es: , B, , A, DStep 4 Her翻译下列句子。1 汤姆既懂礼貌,又乐于助人。2 我的表哥经常帮助我解决电脑方面的问题。3 我很愿意成为一名志愿者。4 我能叫大卫和我一起去购

22、物吗? 我的笔坏了。你能借我一支吗?Graar 新导入Revisin Reading•here des Sin live?•hat d u thin f the unit entre in his neighburhd?•D u thin Sin is lu t live in suh a neighburhd? h?新讲授Step 1 L at the pitures and anser the questinshat are the ding?hat ill the d?hats the fail ding?hat ill the d?hat is th

23、e ld an ding?hat ill she d?Step 2 A Siple future tense ith ill and shall介绍“一般将时ill/shall+动词原形”的含义及各种句式Step 3 Asing fr help1 Sins puter is bren He is asing sene at the unit entre fr help plete their nversatin ith the siple future tense f the verbs in braets r Lin: Hell, Sin D u need an help?Sin: es,

24、r Lin Theres sething rng ith puterr Lin: e _ (as) an engineer t he it fr uSin: hen _ the engineer _ (be) free? r Lin: ell, e _ (all) hi first _ u _ (ait) fr us t all ba?Sin: All right I _ (ait) fr ur all, Thansr Lin: ure ele es: shall/ ill as, ill, be, ill all, ill, ait, ill/ shall ait2 PratieStep 4

25、 B Siple future tense ith be ging t介绍“be ging t d”的将时的各种句式Step Planning a da ut1 Sin is telling A abut his plan fr a da ut ith his unles fail Help hi use the rret frs f be ging t t tal abut his planSin: Hi, A parents and I are planning a da ut ith unles fail the da after trr A: Great! hat _ u _ (d)?

26、Sin: I _ (bu) se fd, and usin Annie _ se plates and frs A: hat _ ur parents _ (d)?Sin: The _ (bring) se aterA: H abut ur unle?Sin: He _ (ae) a fireA: And ur aunt? hat _ she _ d?Sin: She _ () se fd es: are, ging t d, a ging t bu, is ging t bu, are, ging t d, are ging t bring, is ging t ae, is, ging t

27、, is ging t 2 ExeriseStep 6 Pa attentin t these有些动词,如:e, g, leave 等,其现在进行时可表示将时。eg e are leaving n SundaLisa is ing ba fr Ne r trrIs ur father ging t the USA sn?Step 7 Her翻译下面句子并根据要求转换句型。1 一直往前走,你会发现你的左边有一个饭店。2 我明天到上海。 (否定句,一般疑问句,肯定/否定回答)3 明天我将去公园。(否定句,一般疑问句,肯定/否定回答)4 今天晚上我去购物。 (否定句,一般疑问句,肯定/否定回答) 下

28、个月他就16岁。 (否定句,一般疑问句,肯定/否定回答)6 明天有雨。 (否定句,一般疑问句,肯定/否定回答)7 我打算买一辆小汽车。 (否定句,一般疑问句,肯定/否定回答)8 这个星期天你去游泳吗?9 你长大以后打算干什么?Integrated sills新导入Guessing Gae从同学们熟悉的职业入手,导入新。新教学Step 1 As and anserillie ants t n re abut different bs L at the flling pitures Help her rite the rret naes under the pituresStep 2 Listen

29、ing1)Listen t tape and plete the table bel plete the Part A2end, illies penfriend, is taling abut her fail ebers bs Listen t her and plete the table belPersn b Plae ends dad ends u ends elder brther ends elder sister 2)Listen t the tape again and anser the questins abut end1 heres her fathers plie statin?2 heres her thers restaurant?3 Is her ther ver bus?4 H des her elder brther g t r? H des her elder sister g t r?es: Its near her shl Its in the tn entre es, she is He ften ges t r b bieShe ges t r b train3)Liste

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