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1、精编九年级英语上册Unit1Unit4重点知识整理汇编词汇短语句型人教新目标(RJ)九年级英语上册Unit1知识点汇总9A Unit 1 单词知识点讲义1. eat up 吃完It is selfish of you to eat up the whole birthday cake.Dont waste food. You should eat it up.President Xi Jingping calls on Chinese to all the food each meal.A. eat up B. use up C. pick up D. cut up2.creative kri

2、eitiv (can produce sth new or work of art)He is creative enough to come up with new ideas.他有足够的创造力 去想出新的主意。3. curious kjris (wants to know about everything)be curious about 对-好奇The little boy is curious about everything. What happened to her that cold winter evening?-I dont know, and Im also curious

3、 it.A. /, of B. in, about C. on, about D. on. For4. energetic 精力充沛的adj. endetik (be full of energy)He can run for three hours without getting tired. He is an energetic (不可数名词,精力, 能量) (power to do sth)be full of energy 充满精力Young people usually have more energy than the old. 年轻人通常比老年人更有活力。W

4、e can save energy by turning off lights.5.modest mdst (does not talk much about his/her abilities)谦虚的He is a top student in our class, but he is modest. He never shows off.6. organized :gnazd有条理的,有效率的She is organized. She keeps all her things in good order.她做事有条理。她总是让她的东西井然有序。7. order n. 顺序Put these

5、 words in the correct order.把这些词按正确顺序排列。keep-in order 使-井然有序She is organized. She keeps all her things in good order.她做事有条理。她总是让她的东西井然有序。out of order凌乱不堪,杂乱无序The books on the shelf are out of order.架子上的书杂乱无序命令give orders 发出指令订单v. 订购order a book on line 在网上订购一本书点菜He ordered a pizza and some fruit.他点了

6、一个披萨和一些水果。命令v. oder sb to do sth命令-做The teacher ordered us to keep quiet in the oder to do sth/in order not to do sth为了-He got up early in order to catch the bus.=He got up early so that /in order that he could catch the bus.In order not to miss the film, he set off early.为了不错过电影,他早早出发了。8.

7、 show off炫耀,卖弄(能力、财力、智力等)她从不炫耀。She never shows off.他想炫耀他英语讲得有多好。He wants to show off how well he speaks English.get off/on上下车turn off/on 打开show off 炫耀take off 脱掉,起飞put off 推迟- Who is the most modest boy in your class? - Daniel. He never _ in public.A. gets off B. takes off C. shows off D. turns offs

8、how sb. sth = show sth. to sb.Please show me your new watch.=Please show your new watch to sb around / round sp.(地点)The visitors were shown around our school by Mr. Wang. show up 出现,露面 on show 展览9. grammar grm(r) English grammars grammar rules10. come up with come up with (ways, ideas)想出(主意)

9、, 提出(主意或计划) She came up with a new idea to work out this problem. Scientists are trying their best to _ ways to treat the terrible disease called H7N9.A. come up with B. look forward to C. talk about D. give upIt is too noisy here. I cant stand it.Me too. We have to new ways to solve the problem.A.

10、catch up with B. keep up with C. come up D. come up with11. both 两者都放于be动词情态动词,助动词之后,行为动词之前。His parents are both doctors. =Both of his parents are doctors.他的父母亲都是医生。They both like English.他们两个都喜欢英语。Helen and Sandy both have gone to Japan. Both of his parents are not teachers. 他的父母并非都是老师。(部分否定)Both可与

11、and构成并列连词,连接两个性质相同并在句中作相同成分的并行结构。Both he and his brother are good at English.(连接两个主语)She can both dance and sing.(连接两个谓语动词)Mary is both kind and beautiful(连接两个表语)玛丽既友善又漂亮。neither 两者都不Both of my parents are teachers.(改为否定句)Neither of my parents is a teacher. -Excuse me , how can I get to Nanshan Moun

12、tain.-Oh, of these two buses will take you there. You must go and take No. 3 bus.A. neither B. all C. both D. none-Which would you like, tea or coffee?- . I prefer water.A. Neither B. All C. Both D. None两个女孩都来自美国。Both girls are/come from England. =Both of the girls are/come from England.科学和数学二门都很难学。

13、Both science and maths are difficult to learn.我技既能说英语也能说法语。I can speak both English and French. 含both的句子变为否定时,是将both改为neither。Both of the boys are clever.两个男孩都聪明。Both of the boys are not clever不完全否定并不是两个男孩都聪明(一个聪明一个愚笨)。Neither of the boys is clever.两个男孩都不聪明。含bothand的句子变为否定句时,将bothand改为neithernor.,Bo

14、th Helen and Mary come from Japan.Neither Helen nor Mary comes from Japan.-Tell me sth about Canada, OK?-Im sorry. Jack I have been there.A. Either, or B. Both, and C. Neither, nor D. Not only, but also12. accountant kantnt 会计 an accountantIm careless sometimes . Neither my parents nor I think I can

15、 make a good accountant.我有时粗心。我和我的父母亲都认为我不能成为一个好的会计。13. born adj. 天生的;问世的;诞生的(a natural ability to do sth) He is a born artist. 他是一个天生的艺术家。be born with blindness.天生失明14. impress (impresses) impres给-留下印象 给-极深的印象, 使-感动Sth impresses sb/sb be impressed by sth-打动-This story impressed me. =I was impressed

16、 by this story.impress sb with sth 以-给某某留下深刻的印象。The young artist has impressed the whole country with his creative work.那个年轻的艺术家以他的富有创造力的作品给全国人民留下了深刻的印象。Im veryimpressed with the new airport. 新机场给我留下了很深的印象15. praise preiz名词“赞扬,表扬”不可数win high praise 获得极高的赞扬 His sculptures for Sunshine Town Square hav

17、e won high praise from the art community. 他为阳光广场而刻得雕塑获得了艺术社团的高度赞扬。receive praise 接受赞扬、 Li Ming often helps his classmates and teachers and he often gets from them.A. money B. prizes C. presents D. praiseThe engineer has won high from everyone because of his hard work. A. wisdom B. praise C. progress

18、 D. couragev. praise sb for sth因为-而表扬-、她的老师赞扬她的勇气Her teacher praised her for her courage.The boy was praised for winning the first place.那个小男孩因为获得第一名而被表扬。sales department dp:tmntHe worked for the sales department in a big company.他在一家大型公司的销售部工作。17. general denrl 总的,普遍的,首席的the general manager of a co

19、mpany 这个公司的总经理Give me a general idea of the work. 告诉我这项工作的大体情况in general 总体,总体而言People in general supported me. 总体上人们都支持我们。18. race 竞赛,赛跑He won the first place in the race yesterday.昨天在赛跑中他获得了第一名。Life is like race. 人生就像赛跑一样。I will take part in the 200-metre race.我将参加200赛跑。19. either -or 不是-就是, 或者-或者

20、either.or.意为或者或者;不是就是之意。表示两者之一,连接句子中两个并列的成分 You can either dance or sing at the party . 在晚会上你可以跳舞或者唱歌He is either a student or a teacher .他不是一个学生就是一个老师Either you or I am going to America next week.下周要么你去美国,要么我去。(连接两个主语时,谓语动词与它最近的主语在人称和数上保持一致)巩固(1) - you your brother can join us. We want one of you.-

21、What a pity! But let my brother join you . I think he is better than me.A. Both , and B. Neither, nor C. Either, or D. Not only, but also(2) If you dont go there, I will not go there, either.(也,否定句句末)(3) -Which do you like better, tea or coffee?- I dont care. is fine. A. Neither B. Either C. Both D.

22、 all (两者中的任何一个)20. lead n. 领先地位, 榜样,角色take the lead in sth/doing sth处于领先地位She alwaystakes the leadwhen we plan to do anything.我们打算做任何事时总由她来领头。他们带头做试验。 They took the lead in making the experiments. Japan has taken the lead in car production. 在汽车生产方面日本占首位。play the lead role of 扮演的主角She played the lead

23、 role of a young princess in this film. 她在这部电影中扮演一个年轻的公主的角色。v. 领导,引导,通向,过-的生活lead led led He led a blind man across the street. 他引导盲人过马路。She leads/lives a happy life. 她过着幸福的生活。lead to 导致Too much work and too little rest oftenleadto his illness.过量的工作和过少的休息引起了他的疾病。All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马leader

24、 领导Chairman Mao was a great leader.毛主席是一位伟大的领导。21. fall behind 落后He always falls behind when were climbing mountains 我们登山时他总是落在后面。I havefallen behindin my work since last week.自从上周我在工作中就掉队了。fall down 跌落,掉下 Hefell downthe stairs and hurt his leg. 他从楼梯摔下来并且伤了腿。fall off 从掉下来I was very sorry to hear tha

25、t he fell off the tree yesterday.听说他从树上掉下来我很难过。fall over 摔倒Be careful, or you will fall over.fall ill 病倒He suddenly fell ill last week .上周他突然病倒了。fall asleep He lay down on the sofa and soonfell asleep.她躺在沙发上很快就睡着了。22. challenge tlind n. 挑战This operation was really achallengeto us.这次手术对我们来说的确是个挑战。acc

26、ept/ take on the new challenge接受新的挑战We are ready to take on the new challenge any time. 我们准备随时接受新的挑战-Life is like a race. Im ready to new challenges any time.-You are right. Our life is full of challenges.A. take on B. make up C. break out D. pick up 23. chief 主要的the chief engineer of the high-speed

27、 railway 高铁的首席工程师thechiefaccountant总会计师24. connect knektconnect A to/ with BShe connected the mouse to the computer.There is a bridge connecting the two villagesThis high-speed railway connects Nanjing to Shanghai. 这条高铁把南京和上海连接起来Pleaseconnectme with Mr. Smith.请接史密斯先生。A new underground Wuxi Shanghai

28、will be built soon. A. connected, and B. connects, withC. connected, to D. connecting to 24. miss 名词 错误,过失To us , a miss is as good as a mile. 对我们而言,失之毫厘差以千里动词 想念miss sb very much错过miss sth/doing sth miss a chance 错过一次机会 miss the bus 错过那班车He missed watching the wonderful match.missing 丢失的My pen is m

29、issing/lost. 25. as good as几乎一样, 简直是Her cooking is as good as yours .她做饭的手艺与你几乎一样。和一样好He is as good as his sister. 26. attention tenn注意,专心不可数Give your whole attention to what you are doing.把全部注意力用于你所做的事。attract /catch ones attention吸引-的注意The loud noise attracted my attention.巨大的噪音吸引了我注意。pay attentio

30、n to sth/doing sth注意-(to 为介词)A good organizer should pay attentionto details.一个好的组织者应该考虑问题无微不至。They paid attention to watching the scene. 他们注意到了观察现场(接动词+ingpay more/ no/ little/much attention to sth/ doing sth.We should pay moreattentionto our health.The work we has paid attention to _( finish ) next Sunday.27. standard 标准 stndd(可数或不可数) work to high standards高标准地工作He always works to high standards. 他总是高标准地工作。28. pioneer. n. pan(r) 先锋;开拓者He is apioneerin modern medicine . 他是现代医学的开拓者。He is a pioneer heart surgeon. s:dn 他是心脏外科的先锋th

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