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1、论文正文sampleThe world today is a swiftly shrinking place.No country is completely self-sufficient.Markets and cultures have continued to converge,and this has resulted in increased foreign competition,the need to trade more effectively overseas has forced most corporations to become more culturally se

2、nsitive and globally minded. 1And as Turner asserts,” Businesses today are as likely to have partners on the other side of the globe as on the other side of town.” 2 In the normal conduct of business,most agreements are achieved through a course of negotiation.Success in international negotiation th

3、en lies in the successful exchange of both verbal and nonverbal messages that can become increasingly complex as both intended and unintended and perceived meanings vary.This holds true whether the goals are business arrangements or international diplomatic processes.So it is important,therefore,to

4、understand the impact protocol has on the negotiating styles brought to the bargaining table.1 The Basic Content of the Intercultural Business Negotiations Negotiation is a process in which two or more entities discuss common and conflicting interests in order to reach an agreement of mutual benefit

5、.International negotiation is a dynamic process.Outcomes develop from patterned exchanges between negotiation parties and their constituencies.It is important to understand that influence other international negotiators perceptions and behaviors in international meetings.Negotiation involves pacing,

6、negotiating styles,notions of what constitutes evidence and truth,and social trust.Perhaps the most difficult aspect of international negotiation is the style people use in negotiations.Negotiation styles are reflective of the negotiatorsculture.When these styles are significantly diverse,confusion,

7、feelings of being pushed around,and misunderstanding easily develop.However,protocol plays an important role on the style people use in negotiations.2 Protocol Differences Between the Chinese and Western and Their Impact On Intercultural Business Negotiations A popular bumper sticker in the United S

8、tates reads”Rules Are for Fools.”While this may be expressive of the high value Americans place on individualism and independence,we urge you not to follow that admonition when doing business with people from other cultures.In most parts of the world,culturally correct protocol is both expected and

9、reapected.To introduce you to some of the vartiations in protocol,we start with the elemens that help initiate business relationships:(1)initial contacts,(2)greeting behavior,and(3)gift giving.2.1Initial ContactsThe ways in which you make initial contact and an appointment to conduct business can ra

10、nge from a brief telephone call to writing a formal letter of request or the use of a”go-between”or emissary.The manner in which the initial business contact is made and the amount of advance notice between the contact and appointment are key factors you must consider when doing business in another

11、culture.If you want an appointment in Egypt,you must send a letter of introduction to an Egyptian contact who can facilitate obtaining an appointment.Weinbaum points out that a significant majority of Egyptians have ambivalent or negative perceptions of Americans and the Western world. 3Consequently

12、, the use of an intermediary who is willing to set up appointments with all the right people is essential in the Egyptian business world.Endicott suggests that”Business by who you knowhas always been an influential force in doing business in Egypt. 4In Africa, the use of an intermediary is also esse

13、ntial.There is a Congolese proverb that states:”The friend of our friends are friends.”Richmond and Gestrin relate that intermediaries can open doors,ensure a warm reception for your upcoming visit,and assess the prospects for the proposal you plan to present.An intermediary is an absolute must in A

14、frica when approaching someone of a higher status. 5When doing business in China,it is important to establish contacts before you invest in a trip.”The United States Department of Commerce/East Asia and Pacific Office can assist in arranging appointments with local Chinese businesses and government

15、officials,and can identify importers,buyers,agents,distributors,and joint venture partners.”The date you plan your business trip is also of major importance when dealing whith another culture.For example,in China,many businesses close the week before and the week after the Chinese New Year.2.2 Greet

16、ing Behaviors Once a meeting has been arranged,it is important that the greeting practices of the host culture be observed.Americans tend to be informal and friendly.Both men and women shake hands on meeting and leaving.A small kiss on the cheek or a hug is appropriate between women or between men a

17、nd women who have known each other for a sufficient time.First names generally are used with the exception of senior persons or formal situations.Business cards are exchanged in business settings but not in social settings.China offers a contrasting example.Communicating a good impression to the Chi

18、nese businessperson starts with punctuality.The Chinese have a low tolerance for ambiguity,and they do not like surprises.To conduct business successfully,Bucknall believes you should communicate the details of a meeting agenda as well as any other issues to the Chinese prior to a meeting. 6Also,the

19、 Chinese do not like to be touched.You should,therefore,avoid Western touching behaviors such as a slap on the back or an arm around the shoulder.During introductions you should stand and remain standing for the duration of the introductions.Seating arrangements and order of enreance into the meetin

20、g rooms are important because they reflect seniority and status.You should allow others to seat you and walk ahead of you to ensure that you are seated in the right position for the meeting.Business cards are routinely exchanged.They should be translated into standard Chinese and include the name of

21、 your company,your position plus titles.In Finland,firm handshakes are the normal greeting for men and women.Among the Finns,it is customary for women to be greeted first.So important is a firm handshake to the Finnish that even childern are encouraged to shake hands.However,hugs and kisses are rese

22、rved for greetings with close friends and family.Introductions include first and last names or a title and a last name.2.3 Gift GivingAn old adage in the United States says”Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.”Most Americans view gift giving in the business setting akin to bribery,but in many cultures,gi

23、ft giving is a standard part of business protocol.As such,it is important to know not only the views concerning gift giving but also what gifts are appropriate for men women in the culture where you will be doing business.Examples of gift giving in China illustrate this point effectively.Gifts are v

24、ery common among the Chinese.Morrison,Conaway,and Borden underscore the importance of gift giving in China:”Business gifts absolutely must be given at midyear(July 15) and at year end (January 1).They are often given at first business meetings.”It is also a standard practice to bring flowers,cakes,o

25、r candy when invited to a Chinese home.The ceremony of gift giving is more important to the Chinese than the gift itself,although both modest and elaborate gifts are prevalent.It is appropriate to allow your Chinese business colleagues to present gifts first,and then match your gift with the same qu

26、ality as theirs.Do not expect gifts to be opened directly in front of you because this may be construed as a sign of greed.In the rare instances where gifts are opened in front of you,expect reatrained appreciation regardless of what they think of the gift.You should not open gifts in front of your

27、Chinese business colleagues but instead open them when you are alone and thank them later.The paper the gift is wrapped in is also very important to the Chinese.Rice paper is ideal.Although items made by well-known manufacturers are usually good gifts,you should avoid giving knives and scissors,beca

28、use these items symbolize the severance of the relationship.A clock also is an inappropriate gift because it reminds the recipient that time is running out.As Dresser points out,”To give a clock as a gift is equivalent to saying,I wish you were dead.” 7 Gifts with even numbers of components are also

29、 highly inappropriate in China,particularly in number of four,which could be considered the equivalent of the inauspicious number 13 in the United States.As the preceding example indicates,the rules for gift giving in China are very different from the rules for gift giving in the United States.If gi

30、fts are given at all,they usually conform to the $25 tax-deductible gift allowed by law.Even when visiting a home in the United States,it is not customary to bring a gift,although a small token such as flowers,a plant,or a bottle of wine is appreciated.We have covered only a few elements of business

31、 protocol to make the point that business practices differ from culture to culture.This introduction to variations in protocol should amplify the inportance of knowing and utilizing the business practices that are acceptable in the culture in which you will be doing business.As with protocol,there i

32、s cultural diversity in negotiation strategies and the communication surrounding negotiation.We now turn our attention to this important matter.3 The Strategy to Deal with International Business Negotiations between Chinese and WesternThird, if you want to do futures trading, the only thing needed t

33、o be done beforehand is to deposit a certain sum of money in your account, this is what we call guaranty money. In general, the guaranty money is five to eighteen percent of the contract value, most of the time under ten percent, then you can buy the goods, whose value is ten times of the guaranty money. Here comes one importan

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