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1、学位英语考试模拟试题152011年广东省成人高等教育学士学位外语水平考试模拟试题(十五)英语试卷一Part I Dialogue Completion (15 points)Directions: There are 15 short incomplete dialogues in this part, each followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a singl

2、e line through the center.1. Mike: Hi, are you going to the football game tonight? John: Not to it. Im going to watch it on TV.Mike: _ There is always so much excitement, people cheering and shouting when you are there in person. A. You must. B. Why is that? C. How could that be? D. What a silly per

3、son you are!2. Tracy: Do you often chat with your son? Susan: I always try to, but the talk never lasts three minutes. Tracy: _ Weve all done this before when we were in that age. Maybe I can share some tips with you about dealing with them. A. Take it easy. B. Leave him alone. C. Dont quarrel with

4、him. D. Try not to chat with him for a few days. 3. Nicolas: I hear many people in China donate money to help poor children get good education. To whom shall I give my share? Li Ming: _ Ill ask about that and let you know. A. Really? B. Who knows? C. It all depends. D. Thats very kind of you.4. Evan

5、: Well, Im doing an interview on campus life. Would you mind if I asked you a couple of questions? Daniel: _. Go ahead. A. No, thats fine. B. No, if you insisted. C. Yes, its fine with me. D. Yes, it is a pleasure for me.5. Harry: Excuse me, Mr Brown. Ive got a terrible toothache. Would it be alrigh

6、t if I go to the dentists? Brown: _. Take the whole day off if you dont feel any better. A. Poor you. B. Oh, Im sorry. Take a break. C. Oh, Im sorry. Of course you can. D. Yes, please, but come back as soon as possible.6. Jennifer: Your car looks great! Jim: I just had it cleaned up. _ A. Therefore,

7、 I want to sell it. B. Indeed, it is dangerous to drive it. C. By the way, do you want to buy it? D. As a matter of fact, Im thinking of selling it. 7. Katherine: My husband was just found to have a lung disease. Susie: _. You must be very upset.Katherine: I am. A. Oh, thats unfair. B. Oh, thats a s

8、hame! C. Oh, thats disgusting! D. Oh, thats a disgrace!8. Prof. Smith: Come in. What can I do for you?Monica: Prof. Smith, are you giving your advanced mathematics course again next semester?Prof. Smith: _A. Yes. Im planning on it.B. Do you want to attend it?C. You are welcome to attend it.D. Yes. D

9、o you want me to offer it? 9. Steven: Phil, you look tired. Did you have a busy day? Phil: _ I could go to sleep right here in the office. A: Yes, it was. B. No, I didnt. C. Surely I was. D. I certainly did.10. Ed: How do you get along with your new music teacher? Maggie: Ms Davis? Fine. _ I like he

10、r a lot. Ed: I heard she was a good teacher. Shes really interested in music education. A. Shes nice to me. B. Shes a bit strange. C. Shes good at dance. D. Shes not good at teaching, though.11. Jackie: Is there much for a secretary to remember? Nicolas: Oh yes! Youll need a brain like a computer to

11、 store all the information. Jackie: _ Are you trying to discourage me before I even start? A. Thats just fine. B. Im really shocked. C. I hope youre joking. D. Im very disappointed.12. Ted: What are you doing with all those books? Pat: Trying to revise things for the exam tomorrow. Ted: The last-nig

12、ht rush, you mean? _ A. Its useful. B. Good luck! C. Work hard, then. D. Come on, it never works.13. Jeff: Whats on Television this evening? _ Tina: Why ask me that? You know I never watch it. A. Please tell me. B. I feel like relaxing. C. Lets have a cup of tea D. Just turn on the television. 14. K

13、ate: That was a good party! I really enjoyed myself. Sam: _. Now for a good nights sleep. Kate: Oh no, come on, Sam. Wont you give me a hand with the clearing-away? A. Yes, so did I! B. Enjoy yourself. C. Excuse me. Im leaving. D. No, lets forget it altogether.15. Daniel: You look so excited. _ Viol

14、a: Im thinking about the cake of my birthday tomorrow. A. Whats new? B. What happened? C. Whats so funny? D. Whats in your mind?Part II Reading Comprehension (40 points)Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each o

15、f them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. Passage OneWhy dont birds get lost on their long migratory flights? Scientists have puzzled over this question for many years. Now theyre beginning to

16、fill in the blanks.Not long ago, experiments showed that birds rely on the sun to guide them during daylight hours. But what about birds that fly mainly by night? Tests with artificial stars have proved conclusively that certain night-flying birds are able to follow the stars in their long-distance

17、flights.One such birda warbler (鸣禽)had spent its lifetime in a cage and had never flown under a natural sky. Yet it showed an inborn ability to use the stars for guidance. The birds cage was placed under an artificial star-filled sky at migration time. The bird tried to fly in the same direction as

18、that taken by his outdoor cousins. Any change in the position of the make-believe stars caused a change in the direction of his flight,Scientists think that warblers, when flying in dayflight, use the sun for guidance. But the stars are apparently their chief means of direction-finding. What do they

19、 do when the stars are hidden by clouds? Apparently they find their way by such landmarks as mountain ranges, coast line, and river courses. But when its too dark to see these, the warblers circle helplessly, unable to get their directions.16. The reasons why birds dont get lost on migratory flights

20、 _.A. are known to everyoneB. will probably remain unknownC. have been discovered only recently D. have been known to scientists for years 17. Birds that fly mainly at night follow _.A. the starsB. the moonC. artificial stars D. the natural sky18. The experiment with the warbler indicated that _.A.

21、some birds cannot fly at nightB. birds have to be taught to find directionsC. a bird that has been caged will not migrateD. some birds can follow the stars when flying at night19. Warblers migrate _.A. only once during their lifetimeB. when they are freed from their cagesC. using what is apparently

22、an inborn abilityD. only with the guidance of his outdoor cousins 20. When the stars are hidden by clouds, _. A. warblers circle helplessly B. warblers rely on landmarks C. warblers cant see mountain ranges D. warblers are unable to get their directionsPassage TwoThe three biggest lies in America ar

23、e: (1) “The check is in the mail.” (2) “Of course Ill respect you in the morning.” (3) “It was a computer error.”Of these three little white lies, the worst is by far the third. Its the only one that can never be true. Today, if a bank statement cheats you out of $900 that way, you know what the cle

24、rk is sure to say: “It was a computer error.” Nonsense. The computer is reporting nothing more than what the clerk typed into it.The most annoying case of all is when the computerized cash register in the grocery store shows that an item costs more than it actually does. If the innocent buyer points

25、 out the mistake, the checker, bagger, and manager all come together and offer the familiar explanation: “It was a computer error.”It wasnt, of course. That high-tech cash register is really nothing more than an electric eye. The eye reads the Universal Product Code that bar of black and white lines

26、 in a corner of the package and then checks the code against a price list stored in memory. If the price list is right, youll be charged accurately.Grocery stores update the price list each day that is, somebody sits at a keyboard and types in the prices. If the price they type in is too high, there

27、 are only two explanations: carelessness or dishonesty. But somehow “a computer error” is supposed to excuse everything.One reason we let people hide behind a computer is the common misperception that huge, modern computers are “electric brains” with “artificial intelligence.” At some point there mi

28、ght be a machine with intelligence, but none exists today. The smartest computer on Earth right now is no more “intelligent” than your average pen. At this point in the development of computers, the only thing any machine can do is what a human has instructed it to do.21. Of the three errors, the co

29、mputer error is the worst because _. A. the computer says nonsense B. the computer cheats customers C. the computer does not admit its error D. the computer does not make the error 22. We are told that a high-tech cash register is really just _.A. a simple adding machine B. a machine to receive mone

30、y C. an electric instrument of sightD. an instrument for printing codes 23. Grocery store price lists are updated by _.A. a computerB. a keyboardC. an employeeD. an electric brain 24. The computer can do many things because _. A. it is very clever B. it has men behind it C. it has a good memory D. i

31、t will never make mistakes 25. Which of the following describes the main idea of the passage?A. Computers are stupid and inefficientB. Computers help stores update the price listC. Computer errors are basically human errorsD. Supermarket price errors are due to dishonestyPassage ThreeI came across an old country guide the other day. It listed all the tradesmen in each village in many parts of the country, and it was impressive to see the gr

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