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1、中考词汇补充内容OPQO19他自己的房间(2)his own room/ a room of his own20. 独自,独立(2)on ones own/ by oneself21. 他独自完成了作业。(2)He finished his homework on his own/ by himself.22. 这个餐馆属于他。/他是这餐馆的主人。The restaurant belongs to him./ He is the owner of the restaurant.P1. 故宫 the Summer Palace2. 这条裤子(2)不适合我。The pair of pants/ t

2、rousers doesnt fit me.3. 停某人的车park ones car4. 对。起重要作用(2)play an important part/ role in5. 在过去的50年里(2)(时态)in the past/ last 50 years (现在完成时)6. 在过去(时态)in the past (过去时)7. 付钱买某物(3)pay money for sth./ buy sth. for money / spend money on sth.8. 某物花某人多少钱sth. cost sb. money9. 平安地,平静地in peace10. 每小时30公里 30

3、kilometres per hour11. 百分之七十的水被污染了。70 percent water was polluted.12. 百分之七十的苹果被卖了。70 percent apples were sold.13. 他的表演很吸引人。His performance was attractive.14. 在电话里/在电视上/在收音机里on the phone/ on TV/ on radio15. 三张照片(2)three photos/ photographs16. 物理的变化/物理实验室physical change/ physics lab17. 弹钢琴/拉小提琴play the

4、 piano/ violin18. 摘花/捡起它/接她/挑选出它pick flowers/ pick it up/ pick her up/pick it out19. 进行一次野餐go on a picnic20. 拍照片(2)take pictures/ photos21. 少先队员Young Pioneer22. 怜悯某人have a pity on sb.23. 多可惜呀!What a pity!24. 把这杯子放在桌子上place the cup on the table25. 制定一个计划make a plan26. 计划做某事(过去式、现在分词)plan to do sth. (

5、planned, planning)27. 生产塑料袋produce plastic bag28. 电视剧TV play29. 在操场上(2) in/ on the playground30. 是我的荣幸。Its my pleasure.31. 充足的+( / )plenty of +( 可数名词复数 / 不可数名词 )32. 3加2等于5./ 5减3等于2. Three plus two equals five./ Five minus three equals two.33. 零花钱/压岁钱 pocket/ lucky money34. 指向某人(近/远)point at/ to sb.3

6、5. 指出某人的错误point out ones mistakes36. 南极/北极 the South Pole/ North Pole37. 政治学是他的课程之一。Politics is one of his subjects.38. 不擅长/擅长做某事(2) be poor at/ be good at/ do well in doing sth.39. 受某人欢迎be popular with sb.40. 上海的人口是多少?Whats the population of Shanghai?41. 邮寄一张明信片post a postcard42. 知识就是力量.Knowledge i

7、s power.43. 发电站power station44. 做些练习(u.n.)/练习做某事do some practice/ practise doing sth.45. 为某事表扬某人praise sb. for sth.46. 珍贵的友谊precious friendship47. 与A相比更喜欢B(2) (过去式,现在分词)prefer B to A/ like B better than A (preferred, preferring)48. 为某人准备某物prepare sth. for sb.49. 现在,目前(3)at present/ now/ for the time

8、 being50. 出席会议be present at the meeting51. 按按钮press the button52. 假装是/假装做某事pretend to be/ pretend to do sth.53. 和。一样贵(2)as expensive as/ the same price as54. 小学(2)primary/ elementary school55. 坐牢in prison56. 私人信件(2) personal/ private letters57. 得(3)一等奖/第一名get/ win/ gain the first prize/ the first pl

9、ace58. 加工信息process information59. 电视节目TV programme60. 取得进步make progress61. 承诺(不)做某事promise (not) to do sth.62. 许下/遵守/不守承诺 make/ keep/ break a promise63. 恰当地处理这件事deal with the thing properly64. 保护。免受。protect from65. 对。感到骄傲be proud of66. 证明是,原来是(2)prove to be/turn out to be67. 他原来是个小偷。(2)He proved/ tu

10、rned out to be a thief.68. 为某人提供某物(2)provide sth. for sb./ provide sb. with sth.69. 当众/公众/公共图书馆 in public/ the public/ public library70. 推迟,延期/扑灭/ 穿上,上演/举起,张贴put off/ put out/ put on/ put upQ 1. 8点过一刻钟/三刻钟a quarter past eight/ three quarters2. 四分之一/四分之三 (2) a quarter= one-fourth / three quarters/ three- fourths

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