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1、化学专业英语复习资料Naming Inorganic CompoundsIntroduction:1.10 million known chemical substances.Need to establish a set of rules leading to informative, systematic name for each substance.2.Nomenclature: basic rules for naming simple compounds (organic compounds,inorganic compounds)Contents of current secti

2、on:1.Preparatory materials(names of common elements in the periodic table);2.Ionic compounds (cations, anions,compounds);3.Acids;4.Molecular compoundsCommon Elements:Ac-Actinium锕, Ag-Silver, Al-Aluminum, Ar-Argon, As-Arsenic, Au-Gold, B-Boron, Ba-Barium, Be-Beryllium, Bi-Bismuth, Br-Bromine, C-Carbo

3、n, Ca-Calcium, Cd-Cadmium, Ce-Cerium铈, Cl-Chlorine, Co-Cobalt, Cr-Chromium, Cs-Cesium铯, Cu-Copper, F-Fluorine, Fe-Iron,Ga-Gallium镓, Ge-Germanium锗, H-Hydrogen, He-Helium, Hg-Mercury, I-Iodine, In-Indium, Ir-Iridium铱, K-Potassium, Kr-Krypton, La-Lanthanum镧, Li-Lithium, Mg-Magnesium, Mn-Manganese, Mo-M

4、olybdenum钼, N-Nitrogen, Na-Sodium, Nb-Niobium铌, Nd-Neodymium钕, Ne-Neon, Ni-Nickel, O-Oxygen, Os-Osmium锇, P-Phosphorus, Pb- Lead, Pd-Palladium钯, Po-Polonium钋,Pt-Platinum, Pu-Plutonium钚, Ra-Radium, Rb-Rubidium铷, Re-Rhenium铼, Rn-Radon氡, Ru-Ruthenium钌, S-Sulfur, Sb-Antimony锑, Sc-Scandium钪, Se-Selenium硒,

5、 Si-Silicon, Sm-Samarium钐, Sn-Tin,Sr-Strontium锶, Ta-Tantalum钽, Te-Tellurium, Ti-Titanium, Tl-Thallium, U-Uranium, V-Vanadium钒,W-Tungsten, Xe-Xenon, Y-Yttrium钇, Zn-Zinc, Zr-Zirconium锆Ionic compoundsGeneral rule :The names of ionic compounds are based on the names of the ions of which they are compose

6、d. The positive ion (cation) is always named first and listed first in writing the formula for the compound. The negative ion (anion) is named and written last.Eg.:NaCl (sodium chloride)Naming cationsMonatomic ions (take the name of the element itself)Zn2+ (zinc ion), Al3+ (aluminum ion)Note: for an

7、 element (especially transition metals) with more than 1 positive ion, the positive charge of the ion is indicated by a Roman numeral in parentheses following the name of the metal:Fe2+ - iron (II) ion, Cu+ -copper (I) ionIf unsure, use the Roman numeral designation of charges as part of the name.Na

8、ming cationsNote: A widely used older method to distinguish between two differently charged ions of a metal is to apply the ending ous for the lower charged ions or -ic for the higher charged ions, respectively. They are added to the root of the Latin name of the element.Eg.:Fe2+ (ferrous ion), Cu+

9、(cuprous ion) Fe3+ (ferric ions), Cu2+ (cupric ion)Naming cationsPolyatomic cations: Groups of atoms with a positive charge.NH4+ - ammonium ion Hg22+ -mercury (I) ion or mercurous ionNote: Hg2+ -mercury (II) ion, or mercuric ionCommon ions:Cations: ammonium, cesium, copper(I) or cuprous, hydrogen, l

10、ithium, potassium, silver,sodium.(+1 ions); barium, cadmium, calcium, cobalt(II) or cobaltous, copper(II) or cupric,iron(II) or ferrous, lead(II) or plumbous,magnesium, manganese(II) or manganous,mercury(I) or mercurous, mercury(II) or mercuric, nickel, strontium, tin(II) or stannous, zinc.(2+ ions)

11、; aluminum, chromium(III) or chromic, iron(III) or ferric.(3+ ions)Naming anions Monatomic anions (named by dropping the ending of the name of the element and adding the ending -ide ):Naming anionsPolyatomic anionsNote: only a few polyatomic anions end in -ide:OH- hydroxide ion, CN- cyanide ion O22-

12、 peroxide ion, N3- azide ionNaming anionsOxyanions (polyatomic and oxygen-containing):when an element forms two oxyanions, the name of the one containing more oxygen ends in-ate; the name of the one with less oxygen ends in -ite:Eg.:NO2- nitrite ion, SO32- sulfite ion ,NO3- nitrate ion, SO42- sulfat

13、e ionNaming anionsNote: when the series of anions of a given element extends to three or four members,prefixes are also employed. The prefix hypo-indicates less oxygen, and per- more oxygen:Eg: ClO- hypochlorite ion, ClO2- chlorite ion ClO3- chlorate ion, ClO4- perchlorate ion chlor-root of chlorine

14、Naming anionsPractice: selenate ion (?); selenite ion (?) perbromate (?) , hypobromite (?)Note: exceptions to rules: permanganate ion is MnO4-, manganate ion is MnO42-. ferrate-(or perferrate) FeO4-,chromate CrO42-, dichromate Cr2O72-Naming anionsPolyatomic anions with hydrogen ionsThese ions are na

15、med by prefixing the word hydrogen or dihydrogen, as appropriate,to the name of the hydrogen-free anion.Alternative way is to use the prefix bi-:Eg.:HCO3- hydrogen carbonate (or bicarbonate ) ion; HSO4- hydrogen sulfate ( or bisulfate) ion; H2PO4- dihydrogen phosphate ionCommon ionsAnions: acetate,

16、azide, bromide, chlorate,chloride, cyanide, dihydrogen phosphate,fluoride, hydride, hydrogen carbonate or bicarbonate, hydrogen sulfate or bisulfate, hydroxide, iodide, nitrate, nitrite, perchlorate, permanganate, thiocyanate, cyanate. (1- ions);carbonate, chromate, dichromate, ferrate,hydrogen phos

17、phate, oxide, peroxide, sulfate,sulfide, sulfite, thiosulfate.(2- ions); nitride,phosphate, phosphide. (3- ions).Naming ionic compounds Write the formulas for ionic compounds by combining the names of cations and anions: barium bromide- BaBr2 copper(II) nitrate or cupric nitrate- Cu(NO3)2aluminum ox

18、ide-Al2O3mercury(I) chloride or mercurous chlorideHg2Cl2ferric oxide, Fe2O3Practice : Name the following compounds: (a) K2SO4; (b) Ba(OH)2; (c) FeCl3 (d) NH4Cl; (e) Cr2O3 ;(f)Co(NO3)2 Write the chemical formulas for the following compounds: (a) calcium carbonate; (b)sodium fluoride; (c) iron(II) per

19、chlorate; (d)magnesium sulfate; (e) silver sulfide; (f) lead nitrate. Naming AcidsAn acid here is defined as a substance whose molecules yield hydrogen ions (H+) when dissolved in water.Rule : The name of an non-oxyacid is related to the name of the anion. Anions with the ending -ide associate with

20、acids having hydro- prefix and an -ic ending:Eg:Chloride (Cl-) to hydrochloric acid (HCl) sulfide (S2- ) to hydrosulfuric acid (H2S) Note: only water solution of HCl is called hydrochloric acid, the pure compound is called hydrogen chloride.Naming the acidsFor acids derived from oxyanions (oxyacids)

21、 Rule: If the anion has an ate (-ite) ending,the corresponding acid is given an ic (-ous) ending. Prefixes are retained:Naming the acidsExercisesName the following acids:(a) HCN, HSCN; (b) HNO3, HNO2 (c) H2SO4 (d) H2SO3Give the chemical formulas for(a) hydrobromic acid; (b) phosphoric acid.Naming mo

22、lecular compounds Rule:The procedures for naming binary (two-element) molecular compounds are similar to those for naming ionic compounds. The element with the positive nature is named first and also appears first in the chemical formula. The second element is named with anide ending. Eg.:HCl hydrog

23、en chlorideNaming molecular compoundsPrefixes are used in differentiating several binary compounds formed between nonmetals.Eg:CO -carbon monoxide CO2-carbon dioxideMeaning of the Greek prefixes:mono- (1); di- (2); tri-(3); tetra-(4); penta-(5);hexa-(6); hepta-(7); octa-(8); nona-(9); deca-(10)Namin

24、g molecular compoundsNote: when the prefix ends in a or o and the name of the anion begins with a vowel (such as oxide), the a or o is often dropped. The prefix mono- is usually omitted for the first-named element.Eg.:Cl2O - dichlorine monoxide; NF3 - nitrogen trifluoride; N2O4- dinitrogen tetroxide

25、; P4S10- tetraphosphorus decasulfide;ExercisesName the following compounds:(a) SO2; (b)PCl5; (c)N2O3Give the chemical formula for(a) silicon tetrabromide (b) disulfur dichlorideExercises for ReviewSodium fluoride, magnesium bromide,hydrogen iodide, sodium azide , calcium phosphide,copper(I) chloride

26、, potassium azide,manganese (IV) oxideK2SO3, Ca(MnO4)2 , Ba3(PO4)2, H3PO4 ,H2SO4 ,HNO3 , ZnO , BaO2 ,FeO ,CuSO45H2O , Mn3(PO4)2Metaphosphoric acid, phosphoric acid,hypophosphorous acid, phosphorous acid,(hypo)phosphite, (meta)phosphateammonium acetate, perbromic acid , potassium nitrite, sodium pero

27、xide , ammonium dichromate ,sodium carbonate , silver nitrate , aluminum acetate, hydrosulfuric acid, sulfurous acid, perferric acid, perferrate ion, hypoiodite ion,iodic acid , chlorous acid, hydrochloric acidB2O3, SiO2, PCl3,SiCl4, BrF3, IBr,N2S5, PCl3, SiS, S4N2Exercise: learning for useWhen ammo

28、nium thiocyanate and barium hydroxide octahydrate are mixed at room temperature,an endothermic reaction occurs.(write the chemical equation). As a result of this reaction, the temperature of the system drops from about 20C to -9 C.The reaction of powdered aluminum with ferric oxide (known as the the

29、rmite reaction) is highly exothermic. Once started, the reaction proceeds vigorously to form aluminum oxide and molten iron. (write the chemical equation)Nomenclature for Organic Compounds and GroupsWhy Do We Need a Separate Set of Rules?Examine some typical organic compounds (Name these using typic

30、al covalent rules)CH4:Carbon tetrahydride C2H6:Dicarbon hexahydrideThat wasnt so bad, right?How about these:C4H10:Tetracarbon decahydride C5H12:Pentacarbon hydride See my point?Memorizing too many prefixes for large numbersIsomers:If thats not enough, how about this one:Rules Identify the longest un

31、branched chain of carbons Name it as normal Identify the branch Name it but give it a “yl” suffix Put the names of all branches first, then put name of longest chain Put the number of the carbon the branch is on (start numbering from the closest single end)Nomenclature for saturated hydrocarbonsa. A

32、lkanes(CnH2n+2烷烃)-+ anefor n4 , for normal alkanesA Greek prefix + ane suffix (if “-aa-”, drop one “a”)5 pent(a)-, 6 hex(a)-, 7 hept(a)-, 8 oct(a)-, 9 non(a)-,10 dec(a)-, 11 undec(a)-, 12 dodec(a)-, 13 tridec(a)-,14 tetradec(a)-, 15 pentadec(a)- 16 hexadec(a)-,17 heptadec(a), 18 octadec(a)-, 19 nonadec(a)-,20 eicos(a)-, 22 docos(a)-, 24 tetracos(a)-, 30triac

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