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1、管制员十六种特殊情况简要处置程序及用语管制员十六种特殊情况简要处置程序及用语爆炸物威胁处置程序:1. 当管制员接到报告说飞机上有爆炸物时应立即通知机组;2. 当管制员接到机组或其他渠道报告说飞机上有爆炸物时应立即向主任管制员、管调、空管中心值班领导报告;3. 考虑机长可能采取的措施,迅速指挥其它航空器进行避让;4. 通知有关机场做好航空器就近着陆的准备;5. 利用雷达严密监视该航空器的飞行动态;6. 通知机场应急部门做好航空器着陆后的监护工作;7. 航空器着陆后,指挥航空器滑到远离候机楼、停机坪、油库及其它建筑物的位置。通话:关键词:anonymous call 匿名电话emergency e

2、vacuation 紧急撤离escape chute(emergency slides) 逃生滑梯the bomb disposal squad 拆弹人员通知机组情况并询问意图:We have just received an anonymous call saying theres a bomb on board and requirement your aircraft proceeding to Whats your intention?我们接到一个匿名电话说飞机上有一颗炸弹,要求你们的飞机飞往(某地)。你们打算怎么办?The emergency equipment is standin

3、g by.紧急救援设备已经准备好。机组意图:Well execute emergency evacuation after landing and please send the bomb disposal squad to get on board right away.我们将在落地后实施紧急撤离,请在落地后派炸弹拆除人员立即登机。操纵系统故障操纵系统故障航空器操纵系统故障的处置程序:1. 了解航空器操纵系统故障的情况;2. 利用雷达监控该航空器的飞行情况;3. 调配有关航空器进行避让;4. 通知有关保障单位做好航空器备降首都机场的准备工作;5. 向有关管制室通报该航空的故障情况;6. 安排

4、该航空器优先着陆;7. 及时向管调通报情况。通话:关键词:control system inoperative 操纵系统故障the full flaps position 全襟翼位置system jammed 系统卡住了retract the flaps 收襟翼crank 曲柄(摇把)brakes are unreliable 刹车不可靠thrust reverses 反喷装置boosted control 助力系统manual controls 人工操纵系统levers 杆handles 操纵手柄knobs 按钮或旋钮switchers 开关the control stand 操纵台stic

5、k 驾驶杆the rudder bar 方向舵连杆the elevator controls 升降舵操纵系统the flap controls 襟翼操纵系统the auto-pilot controls 自动驾驶操纵系统steering wheel 转弯方向盘(前轮)the control surfaces 操纵面ailerons 副翼flaps 襟翼slots 缝翼elevators 升降舵rudder 方向舵spoilers 扰流板airbrakes 减速板a flapless landing 无襟翼落地flap angle 襟翼角度flap setting 襟翼位置选定pitch tri

6、m 俯仰配平机组通报情况:Were having difficulties in maintaining straight course, plane tend to drift to the right. We dont have the steering problem anymore. There must be something wrong with the boosted control.我们保持航迹有困难,飞机有右偏的趋势。转向系统没有问题,可能是助力系统的问题。Flaps and slats are jammed. We cant extend beyond 15 degree

7、s.Flaps are jammed. They wont extend further down than 15.襟翼卡阻,不能放下超过15度。We can have full flaps now, may be a lubrication problem.现在我们可以放下全部襟翼了,也许是润滑的问题。Overheat lights on. The oil needs cooling down.过热灯亮了,滑油需要冷却。We have been struck by lightning, the rear fuselage damaged, right elevator lost.我们遭到雷击

8、,后机身被打坏,失去右升降舵。We have lost control of the left aileron.左侧副翼不工作了。We have got control problem, yaw damper inoperative.我们操作系统故障,偏航阻尼器不工作了。Weve lost control of the pitch trim.我的俯仰配平失效。机组要求:Wed like to hold over HUR to make further checks.我们希望到HUR等待,做进一步检查。Ill have to hold for a while to sort this out.我

9、要盘旋等待以便找出原因。询问机组:Report endurance.Report fuel remaining in time.剩余油量还能飞多长时间?Report your intentions.报告你的意图。How can I help you?你需要我们做什么?Do you require the emergency equipment?你需要紧急救援设备吗?Do you require any additional assistance?你需要其它帮助吗?The emergency equipment is standing by.紧急救援设备已经准备好。Request number

10、of people on board.请报告机上人数。除/防冰系统故障除/防冰系统故障处置程序:1. 了解故障的情况;2. 指挥航空器上升或下降高度脱离结冰区;3. 利用雷达监控该航空器的飞行情况;4. 调配有关航空器进行避让;5. 根据机组决定,选择返航或者继续飞行;6. 向有关管制室通报该航空的故障情况;7. 及时向管调通报情况。通话:关键词:anti-icing system inoperative 防冰系统故障de-icing system inoperative 除冰系统故障the freezing level 结冰层(指下限)icing 结冰freezing rain 冻雨机组通报

11、情况:Our anti-icing system is inoperative (failure) request descent.我们的防冰系统故障请求下降。询问机组:Report your intentions.报告你的意图。How can I help you?你需要我们做什么?Do you require any additional assistance?你需要其它帮助吗?电力系统故障电力系统故障航空器电力系统故障的处置程序:1. 当机载电力系统部分故障时,指示机组利用可以使用的仪表设备返航或在首都机场着陆;2. 当机载电力系统全部故障时,指挥航空器由仪表飞行转为目视飞行,并建议其在

12、首都机场备降;3. 开放可利用的导航设备;4. 利用雷达监控航空器的飞行,提供雷达引导服务,指挥有关航空器避让;5. 通知有关保障单位做好航空器备降首都机场的准备工作;6. 向管调报告。通话:关键词:electric failure 供电失效power failure shortly 瞬时断电DC generator 直流发电机AC generator 交流发电机the APU 辅助电源装置fuse 保险丝 wire 电线blown out fuse 触断保险丝circuit breaker 跳开关lead 连线、引线tripped circuit breaker 自动跳开关the bus b

13、ar 汇流条loose connection 接触不良warning flags/ light 警告信号/ 灯blown out fuse 触断保险丝disconnect 断开the battery is down/flat 电瓶电力不足short circuit 短路机组通报情况:No.2 engine shout down due to generator failure.因为发电机故障,二发熄火。机组要求:Request priority landing at runway 36R.请求用36R跑道优先着陆。Request radar vector.请求雷达引导。询问机组:Report

14、your intentions.报告你的意图。How can I help you?你需要我们做什么?Do you require any additional assistance?你需要其它帮助吗?发动机故障发动机故障发动机失效处置程序:1. 航空器平飞有困难时:a) 立即指挥该航空器前方低高度的其它航空器上升高度或在安全高度范围内改变航迹避让。b) 及时通报该航空器所在区域内的最低安全高度。c) 建议航空器就近备降。d) 通报相邻管制单位及有关机场做好紧急备降准备。2. 航空器能保持平飞时,按照优先着陆程序对航空器提供服务。3. 引导航空器尽量向好发动机一方转弯,适当延长航空器的五边。4

15、. 提醒飞行员核对最大着陆重量,是否超重着陆由机长决定。5. 通知消防、救护、应急指挥室及值班领导。6. 通报内容包括:所属公司、航班号、机型、航空器注册号、第几发失效、机组及旅客人数、预计着陆时间及使用跑道。通话:关键词:engine failure 发动机失效engines low on power 发动机马力低engineering trouble 发动机故障loud thump 很大的响声engine flame out 发动机熄火vibrations 振动engine shut down 发动机停车low rumble 发动机发出低沉的响声engine feathered 发动机顺浆

16、loud bangs 发动机放炮engine surge 发动机喘振priority landing 优先着陆engine runs rough 发动机工作不平稳bird ingestion 鸟击engine runs smoothly 发动机工作平稳warning light flashing on 告警灯闪烁overheat 超温discharging 正在灭火engine on fire 发动机起火fire service assistance 消防救援engine partially disintegrated 部分爆炸nacelle (cowl) 整流罩pod 吊舱air inlet

17、 进气道fan 风扇fan blades 风扇叶片LP and HP compressor 低压和高压压缩机compressor blades 压缩机叶片nozzles 喷嘴exhaust section 排气部分engine setting 发动机配置the RPM 发动机转数set the engine to idle 将发动机置于慢车throttle up/down 加/减油门机组通报情况:Engine No.1 is overheating, probably due to bird ingestion on take-off, request priority landing at

18、runway 36R.一发超温,可能是在起飞时鸟吸入发动机,请求用36R跑道优先着陆。No.3 engine feathered unable to continue climb, leveling at ffice: smarttags /3600m.三发顺桨,不能继续爬高,3600米保持。Request precautionary landing at Beijing due to engine failure.请求在北京降落,因发动机故障。The fire warning lights just flashed on, engine on fire, now discharging.火警

19、灯刚才亮了,发动机着火,正在灭火。Fire is out now, but we request fire service assistance on landing.现在火灭了,但请求着陆时消防援助。No2 engine intensive vibration (severe vibration), reason unknown, we might shut down engine anytime.第二发强烈抖动(严重抖动),原因不明,我们随时可能关闭发动机。Starboard engine flamed out, we are trouble-shooting.右发熄火(停车),正在排除故

20、障。We have a fuel leak in No. 4 engine.第四发漏油。We have cut off (shut off) No.4 engine, due to a fuel line leak.已关掉第四号发动机,因油管漏油。Serious fuel leak.严重漏油。Fuel boost pump in right main tank inoperative.右主油箱燃油增压泵失效。Fuel flow indicator of No.3 engine out of operation (fluctuating) but we found No.3 engine wor

21、king normally.第三发燃油油量失效(摆动),但发动机工作正常。Fire broke out in the right engine after aircraft became airborne.飞机起飞后右发失火。Dense smoke coming out of No.4 engine cowling (engine nacelle), fire suspected.第四号发动机整流罩冒浓烟,可能着火。机组要求:Request priority landing at runway 36R.请求用36R跑道优先着陆。We request fire service assistanc

22、e on landing.我们请求着陆时消防援助。Request emergency descend.请求紧急下降。询问机组:Report your intentions.报告你的意图。How can I help you?你需要我们做什么?Do you intend to dump fuel before landing?你需要在落地前放油吗?Do you require the emergency equipment?你需要紧急救援设备吗?Do you require any additional assistance?你需要其它帮助吗?The emergency equipment is

23、 standing by.紧急救援设备已经准备好。Request number of people on board.请报告机上人数。紧急下降:All station, emergency descent between WF and VM, all aircraft below 3900m between WF and VM leave corridor to the east immediately.各台注意,WF和VM之间油紧急下降的航空器。WF和VM之间所有低于3900米的航空器立即向东离开走廊。The MVA (Minimum Vectoring Altitude)/MSA (Min

24、imum Sector Altitude) is 1200m.最低引导高度/最低扇区高度1200米。The MVA/MSA in your area is 1200m.在你区域,最低引导高度/最低扇区高度是1200米。风挡问题风挡问题处置程序:1. 了解航空器故障的情况;2. 利用雷达监控该航空器的飞行情况;3. 调配有关航空器进行避让;4. 向有关管制室通报该航空器的故障情况;5. 安排该航空器优先着陆;6. 及时向管调通报情况。通话:关键词:the windscreen(windshield) 风挡windshield problem 风挡问题windshield is iced over

25、 风挡完全结冰outer windshield crazed 外层风挡破碎bird strike 鸟击decompression 失压oxygen masks 氧气面罩机组通报情况:It look like our windshields iced over. Does the met confirm severe icing in the area?我们的风挡被冰覆盖了。这个区域是否有严重积冰?Outer windshield panel appears to be crazed by hailstones or lightning, because we heard a thump.我们的

26、风挡好像被冰雹或闪电击碎, 因为我们听到重击声。First officer windshield was smashed due unknown foreign object strike.副驾驶的风挡玻璃被不明外来物击碎。机组要求:Request priority landing at runway 36R.请求用36R跑道优先着陆。Request emergency descend.请求紧急下降。Request oxygen supply on land for about 15 passengers, because several oxygen masks didnt drop out

27、 at decompression.我们落地后需要能提供大约15人的氧气设备。因为失压时部分氧气面罩没有落下来。询问机组:Report your intentions.报告你的意图。Do you have a decompression problem?是否有失压问题?How can I help you?你需要我们做什么?Do you intend to dump fuel or hold to waste (consume) fuel before landing?你准备在落地前放油或盘旋耗油吗?Do you require any additional assistance?你需要其它帮

28、助吗?紧急下降:All station, emergency descent between WF and VM, all aircraft below ffice:smarttags /3900m between WF and VM leave corridor to the east immediately.各台注意,WF和VM之间油紧急下降的航空器。WF和VM之间所有低于3900米的航空器立即向东离开走廊。The MVA (Minimum Vectoring Altitude)/MSA (Minimum Sector Altitude) is 1200m.最低引导高度/最低扇区高度1200米。The MVA/MSA in your area is 1200m.在你区域,最低引导高度/最低扇区高度是1200米。劫持劫持航空器被劫持后的处置程序:1. 当管制员雷达显示器上出现A7500应答机编码或收到机组报告被劫持时,立即向主任管制员、管调、空管中心值班领导报告;2. 尽可能核实和了解航空器被劫持的情况(劫持者人数、有何武器、劫持者的企图、机载剩余油量、 机长的意图等),并将了解到的情况及时向管调报告;3. 当管制员向机组证实应答机编码是否为A7500时,如机组回答为“是”或没有回答,此时不要再向机组询问进一

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