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1、春七年级英语下册Unit4Donteatinclass整体分析教案人教新目标版Unit 4 Dont eat in class单元整体分析重点词句梳理 Section A 单词卡片名词: rule, hallway, hall, fight, uniform,动词: arrive, listen, fight, wear, bring,形容词: sorry, outside, important, quiet副词: outside短语归纳名词短语: dining hall动词短语: listen to介词短语: on time句型再现1. Dont arrive late for class.

2、 2. We have to be quiet in the library. 3. Can we eat in the classroom?5. What do you have to do? 4. Does he have to wear a uniform at school? Section 单词卡片名词: practice, dish, kitchen, luck, hair动词: practice, relax, read, feel, remember,follow, keep, learn形容词:dirty, more, noisy, terrible, strict副词: o

3、ut, before 代词: more介词: before 连词: before短语归纳动词短语: go out, do the dishes, make (ones) bed, be strict (with sb.), follow the rules, keepshort介词短语: on weekdays句型再现1. There are too many rules. 2. After dinner, I cant relax either. 3. I have to keep my hair short. 4. You can watch TV after you read a boo

4、k.5. I must read a book before I can watch TV. 教材内容解读 本单元以“规章制度”为话题,用祈使句、情态动词can, must, have to谈论班规、校规及家规。Section A部分通过教室外墙壁张贴校规的形式呈现书面语的规章制度,然后通过听、读、说、写来学习规章制度的表达方法。Section B部分通过Molly Brown的烦恼,介绍有关“家规”的内容, 并引导学生正视“家规、校规”,使他们认识到:Teachers and parents make rules to help us. We have to follow them.功能话题

5、应用 Dont eat in the classroom!We cant arrive late for class.We must be on time.Can we wear a hat in class?Yes, we can./ No, we cant.We have to clean the classroom.We have to follow the rules.语法结构点击 1. 祈使句的否定句用法。 2. 情态动词can表示“许可”的用法及have to的句型结构。 背景知识链接 Some school rules in AmericaIfsomeonebumpsintoyo

6、u,sayexcuseme,evenifitwasnotyourfault.别人碰撞到你,不管你有没有错都要说对不起 Bepositiveandenjoylife. 要乐观,要享受人生超基本Livesothatyouwillneverhaveregrets.别让将来有遗憾 Nomatterthecircumstances,alwaysbehonest.不管如何,一定要诚实Bethebestpersonyoucanbe.在你的能力范围内,作最好最好的人Section A 新课备课素材 素材一 新课导入设计 导入一Lets chant:Rain! Rain! Go away! Come again

7、 another day!Little Johnny wants to play.Rain! Rain! Go away! Come again another day! Its mothers washing day. (见PPT)导入二图片导入: show some pictures and lead to the new words with the pictures; then lead to the new lesson. 导入三Free talk: Ss talk about the rules at school. Use the sentences:We cant. We ha

8、ve to. 素材二 新课活动案例活动 1 采用新教案P66活动设计活动 2 Role-play(分角色表演,强化巩固关于以校规或家规为话题的情景对话。)Step 1 Teacher shows some key words and phrases; Ss use them to make their own conversations with partners. Cant have to school/home rules be late for on time school uniforms/your own clothesStep 2学生自己提供有关人物、地点、规则,让其他小组进行现场

9、对话练习。 素材三 听说强化训练采用P66 、P67 听说训练。 素材四 语法突破建议: (一)【观察】Dont arrive late for class.【探究】arrive后面也可以跟到达的地点。但后面必须要跟介词in (大地方)或 at(小地方)。e.g. They arrived in Beijing at six. 他们六点钟到的北京。We usually arrive at the bus stop at 7:30 in the morning. 我们通常在早上7:30到那个汽车站。(二)【观察】We always have to wear the school uniform.

10、【探究】have to与must haveto着重于客观的需要,含有“不得不”的客观强制性;must着重于主观上自己认为有义务、有必要。e.g: She has to clean her bedroom every week. 她每周都得打扫卧室。 I must go now. 我现在必须走。(三)祈使句(详解和对应练习见PPT)新课教学典案Section A Period1 (1a-1c)Step1. Warming-up and revision 1. 教师进教室后,使用祈使句请学生们完成一系列动作:Please stand up/ sit down. Close the door, pl

11、ease. Look at me and listen to me.Dont open your books. Dont talk. Lets begin our class.(The teacher can also write down these sentences on the blackboard, and then let Ss find the characters of Imperative Sentences themselves.)2. show some pictures and lead to the new words with the pictures:hallwa

12、ys classroom dinning hall fight arrive listen toStep 2. PresentationShow the pictures in 1a, and ask the Ss:(Point to the running boy)T:Whats the boy doing? S: Hes running.T: Where is he running? S: Hes running in the hallways.T:Can you run in the hallways? S: No, we cant.T: So please dont run in th

13、e hallways. (= You cant run in the hallways.)(板书、教读)学生跟读数遍,明白祈使句和“can”的表达含意。 T:Why is he running in the hallways? S: Hes late. T: Oh, hes late for class.(板书、教读) You cant arrive late for class.(板书、教读) = Dont arrive late for class.Step 3. 1a 1. Look at the picture on your textbook. Each of the student

14、s is breaking one of these rules. Please finish 1a. 2. Check the answers.3. Read the sentences together. Make sure all the Ss understand them.Step 4. Listening 1. What rules are these students breaking? Write the numbers after names?2. Listen to the recorder and finish 1b.3. Check the answers: Step

15、5. Pair work 1. Student A is a new student. Student B tells Student A about the rules above.2. 请两位学生朗读1c部分的句型;要求学生两人一组对话表演,SA扮演外校转来新生,SB告知本校校规。(学生可经过讨论,多说出他们想到的校规,不必只限于书上.)Step 6: Homework. Remember the sentences in 1a.Section A Period 2 (2a-2d)Step 1. Warming-up and revision 1. Free talk: Ss talk a

16、bout the rules at school. Use the sentences:We cant. We have to.2. Check the homework: Review the sentences in 1a.Step 2. Listening Work on 2a: 1. First, lets read the sentences in 2a together. 2. Listen to the recording. Check the activities Alan and Cindy talk about. 3. Ss listen to the recording

17、and check the activities they hear. Play the recording again for the Ss to check the answers. Work on 2b: 1. Make Sure Ss know what they should do: Ask a student to read 2b and tell others what they should do.2. Listen to the recording again. 3. Check the answers: Step 3. Pair work Work on 2c1. Supp

18、ose you are Alan and your partner is Cindy. Talk about the rules in 2a. 2. Let some students come to the front and act out the conversations. Step 4. Role-play 1. Read the conversation and find some rules in this school? 2. Ss read the conversations and find the answers to this question. 3. Check th

19、e answers: ( Dont be late for school. Dont bring music players to school. You always have to wear the school uniform. You have to be quiet in the library. ) Step 5. Language points and exercise. (详见PPT)Step 6: Homework: Remember the new words and expressions. Section A Period 3 (Grammar Focus-3c)Ste

20、p 1. Warming- up and revision 1. Lets chant:Rain! Rain! Go away! Come again another day!Little Johnny wants to play.Rain! Rain! Go away! Come again another day! Its mothers washing day. (见PPT)2. Have a dictation about the words and expressions learned yesterday.Step 2. Grammar Focus. 1. Read Grammar

21、 Focus and understand the meanings of the sentences.2. Reading tasks: 学生们合作学习讨论并总结祈使句的结构和用法。The teacher explain the characters of Imperative Sentences clearly. (见PPT)3. Give eight more minutes for the Ss to remember the sentences.Step 3. Writing 1. Write the rules for the school library.2. Ss discus

22、s the pictures and make some rules.3. Let some Ss read their rules aloud. 4. Check the answers with the class. Dont listen to music in the library. Dont eat or drink in the library. Dont take photos in the library. Step 4. Practice Work on 3b:1. Use the words to make questions about the rules. Then

23、write answers according to your school. For example:Be quiet? (she/have to/ in the library)Does she have to be quiet in the library?Yes, she does. (注意: have to虽是情态动词,但其在句子中与谓语动词共同构成句子时,其一般疑问句应用助动词do或does来帮助构成;而情态动词can则直接提前构成一般疑问句式。)2. Ss work by themselves and try to write the sentences on the workb

24、ook. 3. Ss work in pairs. Ask and answer the sentences. Step 5. Game 1. Everybody has a dream school. Suppose youre the headmaster of the Coolest School. You can make rules for your school. Make up five cool rules for your dream school. 2. Ss work in groups and discuss what rules are in their school

25、.3. Write down their rules on the work. 4. Let some Ss read their rules aloud. 5. See whose school is the coolest? Step 6. Exercises Step 7. Homework Read the sentences in Grammar Focus. Section B 新课备课素材 素材一 新课导入方式参考 导入一 图片导入: Show some pictures about rules. Let Ss guess what rules it is, and lead t

26、o the new then lead to the new lesson. (见PPT) 导入二 复习导入:Groupwork,强化巩固关于各种规章制度的句型。 导入三 Share your stories about what rules you broke at school, and then lead to the new lesson.导入四 Show some rules , Ss talk about the rules with each other. 素材二 新课活动设计参考 采用新教案P72 活动设计 素材三 听说强化训练资料采用P72 听说训练。 素材四 阅读突破建议突

27、破一任务教学 New words and expressions.突破二任务教学 2b Read the letters. Underline the rules for Molly.突破三任务教学2c Read the letters again and complete the sentences with have to/must, can or cant.突破四任务教学 1. Which rules do you think are fair?2. Which rules do you think are unfair?3. If you were Dr. Know, what wou

28、ld you say to Molly? 素材五 语法突破建议: (一)【观察】 After dinner, I cant relax either. 【探究】副词either表示“也”,用于否定句句末,用法与表示肯定或陈述的副词too相似,可用逗号与语句的主题隔开。e.g. She likes English very much. I like it, too. 她非常喜欢英语,我也喜欢。 She cant speak English well. I cant either. 她讲英语讲不好,我也是。 (二)【观察】 Parents and schools are sometimes str

29、ict.【探究】be strict (with sb.) (对某人)严格的e.g. My parents are strict with me.(三) 【观察】 Parents and schools make rules to help students.【探究】help sb. (to) do sth=help sb with sth 帮某人做某事 不定式短语 to help students作目的壮语 Section B Period 1 (1a-1d) Step 1. Warming- up and revisionShow some pictures about rules. Let

30、 Ss guess what rules it is, and lead to the new then lead to the new lesson. (见PPT)Step 2. Presentation Look at the pictures in 1a.Picture aT: What day is it today? Ss: Its Tuesday. T: The boy is going out with friends on school nights. (板书,教读)(Explain “school nights”.)Can you go out on school night

31、s?Ss: No, we cant.T: Yes, in China, students cant go out on school nights without parents permission. So please dont go out on school nights. 3. Read the rules in the chart in 1b. Then make the picturesa-h with the rules.4. Check the answers with the class. Step 3. ListeningWork on 1b1. Tell Ss theyll lis

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