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1、英语语法填空训练题与答案解析(一)Dear Grace,I arrived in Shenzhen for (16) _ trip last week. (17)_ weather isfine now.I enjoy (18) _ (my) here. It is my (19)_ (one) time here, so everything (20)_ (look) fresh (新鲜的). I visited some tourist attractions. Most (21) _ the places were crowded. YesterdayI went shopping an

2、d bought something (22) _ (interest). I got lost on my way back to the hotel, (23) _ it didntmatter. I usually go out and have dinner in arestaurant and it takes me about (24) _ hourbecause the food there is fantastic. I took many(25) _ (photo), so you can see when I eback home.See you!Yours,Linda(二

3、)Hello, Im Bruce. I have three good (16) _(friend). We are different (17) _ eachother. Jack is thirteen years old. He is one year(18) _ (old) than me. And he is much tallerthan any one ofus. He is talented for sports. Andfootball is his favorite sport. Tom is as tall as me.He is very (19) _ (fun) an

4、d outgoing. Heoften (20) _ (make) us laugh. We both like(21) _ (read). Henry is one year younger thanme. And he is shorter than any of us. (22) _ he is as heavy as me. He is good at (23) _ (draw). He likes drawing pictures a lot. Im (24) _ (quiet) than them. But we areall friendly to each other (25)

5、 _ can shareeverything.(三)Last weeks talent show (16) _ reallysuccessful. (17) _ all the performers, LiPing and Li Hua were the (18) _ (winner).Li Ping is (19) _ outgoing and cool boy. Atthe talent show, he could (20) _ (play) sixballs at the same time very well. He (21) _ (win)the prize for the mos

6、t (22) _ (excited)performance. Li Hua is a girl with curly hair. She is a great magician. She could put knives (刀) into the body of a person. (23)_ the personwasnt hurt at all. We were so afraid that someof us shouted (24)_(loud). She was themost creative performer although (25)_ (she) show was the

7、most frightening (令人恐惧的).(四)Mr Hunt always gets up early in the morning anddoes morning (16) _ (exercise). He thinks(17)_(him) is healthy and never goes to see(18) _ doctor.(19) _ this week Mr Hunt looks(20) _ (worry). Because last Friday morningwhen (21) _ (walk) near the garden he(22) _ (sudden) f

8、ell to the ground. There(23)_ nobody around him. So he stoodup and went back slowly. He was afraid thatsomething was wrong with him. This morning Mr Hunt came to the hospital.He (24) _ (tell) the doctor what happenedto him. (25)_ young doctor looked him overcarefully and then said, “Im so sorry to t

9、ell you,Mr Hunt. You must give up coffee ifyou want tobe healthy.”(五)There was a little cat. He spent much time eatingand sleeping. He ate once (11) _ day, andthen went to bed and slept. When he slept, his snoring (鼾声) sound (12) _ very loud. He hardly took exercises, (13) _ he wasvery heavy. Other

10、(14) _ (animal) wereangry at the cat, (15) _ they couldnt sleepwell at night.One day, a big cat (16) _ (plan) toteach the little cat a lesson. He asked a few animalsto help (17) _ (he). They wanted to catch the little cat and beat (打) him. Because (18) _ cat never exercised, he was tooheavy to move.

11、 When other animals ran after him, he couldntrun (19) _ (quick). He knew its(20) _ (importance) to do exercises whenhe was caught.(六)Do you want to travel on your own? Being(16) _ exchange student is (17) _ good way. Exchange students can live in a foreigncountry and learn (18) _ (it) languageand cu

12、lture. Students go to a high school(19) _ live with a host family, often for six(20)_ (month) to a year. These programmes(21) _ (be) very good for students. Theycan learn a lot about a (22)_ (difference)culture. They can also learn to be more independentand (23)_ (feel) more confident (自信的). Being a

13、n exchange student helps you (24) _ (make) friends with different people.Besides, it can help improve your understandingof (25) _ world. Exchange students sharetheir own culture with people in the new countryas well.(七)Niu Lang was a cowboy.One day, 5._ cowtold him that he would meet a fairy girl (仙

14、女) and advised him to take 6. _ girlsclothes awaywhen she was swimming in the river. Niu Lang7._ (do) as the cow told him. In this way,Niu Lang 8._ (meet) the fairy girl, Zhi Nv. They fell in love and got 9. _ (marry).10._ (luck), Zhi Nvs grandmother Wang Mu learnt about it and was very angry. She 1

15、1. _ (take) her back and made a river in the sky to separate (分开) them. 12. _ (final) Wang Mu was deeply moved by their love 13. _ decided to let them meet 14._ July 7th every year.(八)My grandparents (16) _ (move) to the countryside six years ago. They (17) _ (live) there for six years. They like th

16、e life therebecause there is fresh air. They loved travellingwhen they (18) _ (be) young. So far, they(19) _ (visit) many countries, such asJapan, France, America and Thailand. In the past, my parents and I often (20) _ (go) back to the countryside to visit them. Butwe (21) _ (not see) them since la

17、st year because my parents (22) _ (busy) with theirwork and I (23) _ (work) hard on mystudies. My grandmother once (24) _ (call) us. They have missed us so much. In fact,we have also missed them. So we (25) _ (decide) to go back this Spring Festival since wereceived that call. Im sure well have a ha

18、ppy new year.(九)“Youll think twice about plucking your eyebrows (拔眉毛) 16. _ you find their important role,” says Greg Foot. They are one of17. _ most expressive(有表现力的) parts of our bodies. 18. _ your eyebrows, you can tell yourfeelings to other people. 19._ is that their only purpose (目的)?Over sever

19、al thousand 20. _ (year), wehave lost lots of body hair, so its strange thathair still 21. _ (remain) on our brows.Some scientists say that eyebrows mainly workas 22. _special form ofprotection forthe eyes. In fact, theirjob is so 23._ (importance) that some researchers are sure that ifwe didnt have

20、 24. _ (they), wed have evolved (进化) some other facial features to 25. _ (do) the same task.(十)My names Jim Brown. Ive taught in China(16)_ 5 years. I dont like to write letters,(17)_ I enjoy (18)_ (get) letters frommy family and other people. They always say youhave to write letters if you expect t

21、o (19)_ (get) some. But that isnt (20)_ (truly). I hardlyever write to anybody. However, I always get lotsofmails. I hear from my brother in Germany twoor three (21)_ (time) a month, and I get letters regular (定期地) from my sister in Paris and from (22)_ (friend) in Britain andCanada. My cousin Harry

22、 (23)_ (work) in anairline pany and travels all around (24)_ world. He writes to me very often too. A friend of Harrys writes to me simply (仅仅) (25) _ he learns that I collect stamps.(十一)It is widely agreed that the brain is one of(6)_ most important parts of the body. Its main function (功能) is to s

23、tore (储存) information. This ability is called memory.(7)_ good memory means a lot,(8)_ how do people have a goodmemory? First, enough sleep would be very(9) _ (help). The scientists find out ifyou are lacking in sleep for a long time, yourmemory will slow down (10)_ (quick). Second, try to relax (11

24、)_ (you) regularly (定期地). Think about the happy things, (12)_ this will keep youaway from all the terrible (13)_ (memory). If they are all gone, you can easily payattention to your study. At last, the memorizingmethods also play (14) _ importantrole in memorizing (15)_ (thing). Ifyou often see a thi

25、ng, you can keep it in yourlong-term memory.(十二)Therere many methods to have (6) _good memory,such as associating,creating images, developing (7)_ interest in the subject (8)_ having a break or rest.Some people have (9) _ (good)memory than others (10) _ theyare better at (11) _ (create) images.When

26、things e to their brain, they will recall swiftly (敏捷地). (12) _ addition, building aconnection helps people connect onething with another. A study shows thatpractice can improve (13) _ (we)memory. For example, we develop ourabilities to solve Maths (14) _ (problem) by doing a lot of exercises.More i

27、mportantly, we should (15) _ (have) a break or rest after learning for along time because having a rest helpsour brains to make new connections.(十三)A magician (魔术师) was working on a ship. The audience (观众) would be (16) _ (difference) every week, (17) _ the magiciandid the same tricks over and over

28、again. Therewas only one problem: (18) _ parrot sawthe shows each week and began to (19) _ (understand) how the magician did every trick.Once he understood, he started shouting, “Look,its not the same hat”, “Look, he is (20) _ (put) the flowers under the table.” The magicianwas (21) _ (anger) but co

29、uldnt do anything.It was, after all, the captains parrot. One day theship had (22)_ accident and sank. Themagician found (23) _ (he) on a piece ofwood in the ocean (24) _ the parrot. Theystared at each other with hate, but did not say aword. This went on for some (25) _ (day).After a week the parrot

30、 said, “OK, I give up.Wheres the boat?”(十四)You may have trouble (6)_(learn)a language. Here are a few (7) _ (idea) to help you learn a language well.Learning the pronunciation of a language is(8) _ important part of your languagelearning. You can learn this(9) _ listening to the language as much as possible over the radio or on TV.Building up your vocabulary in a foreign language can take many (10) _ (year). Learning words from the context (上下文) in writing and speaking materials is probabl

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