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本文(第二学期浙江省温州市温州第二中学九年级英语开学考解析版 无听力部分.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

第二学期浙江省温州市温州第二中学九年级英语开学考解析版 无听力部分.docx

1、第二学期浙江省温州市温州第二中学九年级英语开学考解析版 无听力部分2018-2019学年第二学期浙江省温州市温州第二中学九年级英语开学考一、单项选择Cherry is only eight-year-old girl, but to my surprise, she has read many books.【A】a【B】an【C】the【D】/【答案】B【解答】考察冠词。这里的only是容易造成迷惑的点,一般我们会说the only,但是冠词题目首先应该要从意义上进行考虑,翻译为仅仅是一名八岁的小女孩才对。故答案选B。-What is the of your excellent spoken

2、English? -Practice makes perfect. 【A】secret 【B】result 【C】choice【D】decision【答案】A【解答】考查名词。-你的卓越的英文发音的秘诀是什么?-熟能生巧。B结果,C选择,D决定-My friend Jerry is really . He likes to attend different activities at school.-No wonder everyone likes him.【A】shy【B】quiet【C】honest【D】active【答案】D【解答】考查形容词。-我的朋友杰瑞是真的积极。他喜欢参加不同种类

3、的学校活动。-毫无疑问每一个人都喜欢他。A害羞的,B安静的,C诚实的Every year, a large amount of food all over the world. We need to do something to prevent it.【A】wastes【B】wasted【C】is wasted【D】has wasted 【答案】C【解答】考查被动语态。每年大量的食物在世界各地被浪费。我们需要做一些事情预防这些事情的发生。考察Be动词加动词过去分词表被动。Ma Yun is a successful businessman has lots of ideas to make

4、money.【A】who【B】whom【C】which【D】where【答案】A【解答】考查定语从句。马云是一名成功的商人,他有大量的赚钱的注意。从句部分缺少主语且先行词为人,所以选A。- _ do you read books on school nights?-Only 20 minutes. I have too much homework to do.【A】How many【B】How much【C】How often【D】How long 【答案】B【解答】考察特殊疑问句。-你在学校的晚上通常看多少书?-只有20分钟。我有太多的作业需要完成。A How many问的是有多少,后面接可

5、数名词;B How much 后面可以接不可数名词以及周想的概念;C How often 问的是频率,指多久看一次数;D How long问的是干什么事情多久了。-Bob has entered the high school that he always dreams of. Its a great success.-Actually, I dont think its so difficult to succeed, but most people just the half way.【A】put up【B】look up【C】give up【D】pick up【答案】C【解答】考查动词词

6、组。-鲍勃已经进入了他梦想中的高中。这是一个巨大的成功。-事实上我不觉得成功是困难的,只是大多数的人半途而废罢了。A张贴,B查阅,C放弃,D挑选Bike sharing is very useful and green in our daily life it has a lot to be improved.【A】or【B】if【C】because【D】although【答案】D【解答】考查连词。共享单车在我们的生活中是非常有用而且环保的,尽管它还有许多需要被改进的地方。A或者,B如果,C因为,D尽管-The light in Toms office is still on. I wonde

7、r . -Maybe he is busy with the coming meeting.【A】if he will stop working【B】who he is working with 【C】what he is working on 【D】when he will stop working【答案】C【解答】考查宾语从句。-汤姆的办公室的灯管依然亮着。我想知道他正在忙些什么。-也许他正在忙着下周的会议。A他是否将停止工作,B他正在和谁工作,C他正在忙什么,D他什么时候停止工作-I am so sorry. I broke your tea cup by accident.- . I

8、have planned to buy a new one.【A】My pleasure【B】Its too bad【C】Take it easy【D】Youd better not【答案】A【解答】考查情景交际。-非常抱歉,我无意间打碎了你的茶杯。-放轻松。我已经准备去买一个新的了。A我的荣幸,B这太糟糕了,C放轻松,D你最好不要这样二、完形填空I was a single mother of two daughters. I just moved to Chicago this year. Though I tried my best, I still didnt get enough m

9、oney. I was always 1 of the last days of a month, for during these days many bills were waiting for me to pay. Now the 2 month of the year was going to end. When I looked through the monthly bills, I knew I couldnt 3 what my girls wanted. I still remembered what I had 4 my daughters. For our first C

10、hristmas in a new state, far away from the rest of our family, I wanted to get my daughters something 5 .What do you want 6 Father Christmas this year? Bicycles! They replied at once. 7 ,they had dreamed of them for a long time. But after I got the monthly bills, I found the money left was not enoug

11、h for even one bike. I thought about the matter in my 8 several times,” would it be fair to my landlord “to be late with the rent this month? Just once? Over the next few 9 ,I always asked myself the same question when my daughters were deep in sleep. 10 ,the only voice I heard was my grandpas, “Dia

12、ne, 11 you do, always pay your rent on time. he used to say. I guessed I had my 12 .I carefully put the rent check under the landlords door and called the girls in. The phone rang when I was about to tell the girls about the Christmas gifts.“I wanted you to 13 something,” my landlord said. I heard s

13、ound of paper tearing. That was your December rent check, he said. It is being torn into a million pieces because you 14 pay your rent on time. Merry Christmas to you and the girls. Grandpas kind 15 , a kind-hearted landlord and some unknown reasons had brought a Christmas gift that my daughters and

14、 I would never forget.1. A. boredB. afraidC. proudD. careful2. A. firstB. secondC. thirdD. last来源科网ZXXK3. A. askB. decideC. affordD. remember4. A. taughtB. toldC. promisedD. given5. A. similarB. specialC. cheapD. traditional6. A. forB. ofC. givenD. from7. A. luckilyB. ClearlyC. StrangelyD. Gradually

15、8. A. eyeB. mindC. bodyD. hand9. A. nightsB. weeksC. monthsD. years10. A. InsteadB. HoweverC. BesidesD. Therefore11. A. whenever23. A. EverybodyB. whereverB. SomebodyC. whateverC. NobodyD. whoeverD. Anybody12. A. reason23. A. EverybodyB. answerB. SomebodyC. problemC. NobodyD. actionD. Anybody13. A.

16、try onB. look atC. listen toD. tidy up14. A. neverB. hardlyC. sometimesD. always15. A. activeB. memoryC. smileD. face【答案】1-5BDCCB 6-10 ABBAB 11-15CBCDA【解答】作者独自抚养两个女儿,生活苦难,她想给女儿们准备特别的圣诞礼物,可是还要交房租。最终问题是怎么解决的呢?解答:1.考查形容词。前面说到了didnt get enough money可知作者没有足够的钱,然而接下来的日子还有许多账单需要还。A感到无聊的,B害怕的,C自豪的,D细心地。 故选B


18、的圣诞节你想要什么。考点:我们通常说今天的甜点想吃冰淇淋会说I want to eat ice-cream for desert,所以选用介词for表示作为。故选A7.考查副词。女孩们异口同声地说出了自行车说明她们一直想要自行车很久了。A幸运地,B清楚地,C奇怪地,D逐渐地。故选B8.考查名词。问题只有在心里想。A眼睛,B心,C身体,D手。故选B9.考查序数词。关键词在后面的sleep,从这里可以知道作者在女儿们都睡觉之后任然在思考钱的问题。A夜晚,B周,C月,D年。故选A10.考查副词。在过去许多个考虑问题的夜晚,作者的心中只有一个声音浮现,所以表示一种转折。A替代,而不是,B然而,C除了.


20、礼物。A建议,B记忆,C笑容,D脸。故选A 三、阅读理解AName: Cutting for StonePublisher: Vintage, Reprint editionAuthor: Abraham VerghesePrice: S8.00Main idea:Its a long story of twin brothers. Their mother died at their births and they are raised by their father.Name: The Investment AnswerPublisher: Business PlusAuthor: Gor

21、don Murray & Daniel GoldiePrice: S10.00Main idea:It is a general guide to investment and teach people how to manage theirmoney.Name: Battle Hymn of the Tiger MotherPublisher: Penguin GroupAuthor: Amy ChuaPrice: S10.13Main idea: This is a story about a mother, two daughters, and two dogsIt is a story

22、 of how Chinese parents are better raising kids thanWestern ones. Its about different culturesName: One Thousand Gifts.Publisher: ZondervanAuthor: Ann VoskampPrice: S11.06Main Idea:Its about drawing beauty out of the simplest things. And it invites youinto Anns life of farming, parenting, and writin

23、g1.Which book teaches you to spend money wisely in your daily life?A. Cutting for Stone. B. The Investment Answer. C. Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. D. One Thousand gift.2.Abrahams book was published by .A. Vintage B. Business Plus C. Penguin Group D. Zondervan 3. The book Battle Hymn of the tiger

24、 mother is mainly about .A. managing money B. different cultures B. twin brothers and their father D. learning the beauty in our life【答案】1-3 BAB【解答】该文章主要是简单介绍了四本书。1. 细节理解题。关键词money。很明显是第二本书。The Investment Answer2. 细节理解题。Abraham, publisher。是第一本书的publisher。3. 细节理解题。找到第三本书。里面的cultural difference是关键。BFl

25、orence Nightingale was born in 1820 into a very rich family. As a child, she was home-schooled by her father. As Florence grew up and became a young woman, she decided to train to become a nurse. In 1853, the Crimean War started, and soon many wounded. British soldiers were suffering in terrible con

26、ditions. Florence, now a trained nurse, was asked to go to Crimea to help. She agreed and was sent to Barrack Hospital. Once there, Florence saw thousands of sick and wounded men, and there were not even enough beds for all of them. The hospital was dirty, smelly and full of mice. A lot of the men w

27、ere dying of diseases the had caught in the hospital. At first, all Florence and the other nurses were allowed to do was to clean. They were not allowed to nurse the sick men. But as more and more sick and wounded soldiers started to arrive, the doctors had to ask Florence for help. Florence and her

28、 team were very serious about their work and they all wore the same uniforms. Thanks to their efforts, the hospital was cleaner and healthier for the sick soldiers, who thought Florence was a very special lady for what she had done for them.When Florence arrived home, she became very famous and peop

29、le loved her very much. Songs were written about her and she received lots of awards*, even from the Queen herself. But Florence didnt like being famous and was only interested in improving more and more hospital. She wrote letters to hospital managers all around England to put pressure on them to c

30、hange their hospital for the better. Florence even set up her own training school for nurses, at Saint Thomas Hospital in London. Florence will always be remembered for changing the health system forever.1.What happened to Florence when she was a child? A. She was taught at home B. She lived an unha

31、ppy if C. She was taught to be a doctor. D. She suffered from a terrible illness 2.Why did Florence go to Crimea?A She had to work there. B. She wanted to be a soldier. C. She needed to see a doctor. D. She was sent there to train soldiers 3. What did Florence do at Barrack Hospital when she first got there? A She learned to be a doctor. B. She nursed sick people C. She helped doctors do treatment. D. She did some cleaning 4. What did Florence do at Saint Thomas Hospital? A.

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