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最新职场英语教案unit 3资料.docx

1、最新职场英语教案unit 3资料大学英语教案课时数2教材名称实用职场英语综合教程1授课内容(标题)Unit3 New Environments, New starts : Listening and Speaking教学目标1. Master the basic language and useful expressions of invitations2. Understand the dialogues and the passages3. Practice the skills of Listening and Speaking4. Capable of making proper re

2、sponses to invitations 教学重点、难点1. Key words, expressions and some useful sentence patterns; 2. Work out dialogues based on situations in invitations教学方法、辅助手段等Problem Presentation; Task-based TeachingStudents-centered LearningEnglish On-line resourcesOxford Dictionary教学内容、教学设计:考勤 Step 1 Lead-in Give a

3、 brief lead-in talk on invitations.Step 2 Starter I. Sentence stress practice Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks. The teacher then ask the sutdents to retell the dialogue to their partner.FA: Do you want a /kns/?Passenger: A what?FA: Do you want a /kns/?Passenger: A cancer(癌症)?FA: _Passen

4、ger: Oh, no. Im fine. Thank youII. Working with WordsAcademic Studies1. Students read aloud the useful expressions after the recording. Then complete the word spider with the expressions. The teacher leads students to learn about the expressions and presents suggested answers. Attend a lecture brush

5、 upon concentrate onSchool timetable serminar political scienceTeaching assistant specialized course punctual Revise the note doze off computer programming2. Write down the words in the following sentences that are different from what you hear. Procedures: 1.Have the students listen to the material

6、(2 times) and fill in the blanks with the missing words2. Ask some students to write the correct spelling of the word3. Present more examples to illustrate the key words in the sentence to make sure that students know how to use them4. Give suggested answers1. My name is Helen Ware, W-A-R-E. Can I g

7、et a class permit for biology._2) Youre taking a course with Professor Johnson. Whats your impression so far?. _3) ) Do you want to go to the lecture this weekend? I heard that the guy who is going to delete the lecture spent a year living in the rainforest. _4) M: How are you getting on with your e

8、ssay, Mary? Im having a real hard time with mine.W: After two sleepless nights, Im finally throw with it. _5) W: Im having a lot of trouble with logic and it seems my professor cant explain it in a way that makes sense to me.M: You know, there is a touring service on campus. I was about to drop stat

9、istics before they helped me out. _3. Listen and fill in the blanks from the words you hear.Procedures:1.Have the students listen to the material (2-3 times) and fill in the blanks with the missing words2. Ask some students to read aloud the short passage to check the fillings3. Present more example

10、s to illustrate the key words in the passage to make sure that students know how to use them4. Give suggested answersStep 3 Getting to TalkThe New Environment Students practice to ask and answer questions in pairs, and then teacher asks some students to answer the questions. Then give the suggested

11、answers.1) What do you say to introduce yourself and the campus?2) What are the main function areas of the campus?3) Where are these areas located? 4) How are the surroudings of the campus? 5) When do all the new students pick up their student ID card?Step 4 Practice of Short ConversationsListen to

12、the conversations and decide whether the corresponding statements are true or False. Tick T for true and F for false.The teacher first briefly analyzes the key words before listening to the recording. Then check through the answers together while necessary._ 1) ) The Main Hall is near the Administra

13、tion Building_ 2) The woman will not follow the mans advice._ 3) The man forgot to hand in his term paper to the professor._ 4) A hotel management major is answering the questions at an interview._ 5) There were not enough computers to go around at.Step 5 Revealing Yourself1. In the pictures.Look at

14、 each of the following pictures and choose the sentences that best describes.Get the students to look at the pictures carefully and then guide them to finish the exercises with more supporting detail.(1) A The woman on the right has just written something on a flip chart.B The woman on the right is

15、holding a blue felt tip pen.C The woman on the left has both hands on the laptop keyboard.D Both women are wearing yellow tops.(2) A The two girls are both wearing the same coloured tops. B Both girls are leaning on their elbows.C The woman is wearing red earrings. D The woman is smiling.(3) A Most

16、of the students are smiling.B One of the students is raising her hand.C All of the students have long hair.D The students are sitting on school benches.2. In the conversationsConversations-1: Before the First lectureThe teacher first briefly analyzes the key words before listening to the recording.

17、Then check through the answers together while necessary. Students work in pairs and give performance in front if possible.Glossary Suggested answers:Conversations-2: First time on a college campusRead and listen to the conversation. Fill in the blanks to complete it.Procedures:1.Go through the new w

18、ords and phrases for the conversation 2. Have the students listen to the conversation twice and fill in the blanks with missing words 3. Ask students to check through the answers together4. The teacher presents more background information about the tips in interview5. Next, students can role-play th

19、e conversationConversations-3: Advice on Selecting SubjectsStudents look at the following dialogue and arrange it in the correct order. Teacher presents the suggested answers and then asks students to work in pairs and read aloud the dialogue. Suggested answers: 1-10-8-11-9-6-4-5-7-2Conversation 4:

20、Joining the Campus ClubGuide the students to work out a dialogue based on the specific situation using the given expressions in the box. Give a sample dialogue and ask students to work in pairs.Step 6 Homework 1. Get familiar with the new words and expressions2. Preview the following text课后教师心得大学英语教

21、案课时数2教材名称实用职场英语综合教程1授课内容(标题)Unit 3 Intensive Learning: New Student Address教学目标1. Know the procedures and skills of invitations2. Grasp some keys words, expressions and some useful sentence patterns3. Understand the structure and the main idea of the text 4. Know how to make preparations for attendin

22、g an invitation5Practice reading skills教学重点、难点1. know how to write an invitation 2. master the key words, expressions and some useful sentence patterns教学方法、辅助手段等Problem Presentation; Task-based TeachingStudents-centered LearningOn-line resources: English on line教学内容、教学设计:考勤 Warming-upStep 1 Get fami

23、liar with some theme words.Look up the following words in a dictionary and pick out the words with the similar meaning of“适应”. Adapt orient resolve acclimate adjust habituate accommodate passionStep 2 Sentence WritingThe First Day in College Ask students to write at least three sentences for each pi

24、cture so that they form a complete story. Teacher presents more sample sentences for reference.Students practice to ask and answer the following questions in pairs, and then teacher asks some students to answer the questions orally.1) 1)What is the English name of the college where you are currently

25、 studying?_2) How many learning programs are there in your college?_3) What do you wish to learn at college?_Intensive Learning: New student AddressStep 1 Word LadderGuide the students to listen and read aloud the new words and expressions of the text; illustrate some key words with examples so as t

26、o get familiar with them.academic kdemIk a. 学术的,理论的optimism ptImIzm n. 乐观,乐观主义talented tlntId a. 有才能的positive pztIv a. 积极的concern knsn n. 关心的事resolve rIzlv v. 解决means minz n. 方法,手段counselor kansl(r) n. 辅导员pursue psju v. 追求intellectual Intlektjl n. 知识的passion pn n. 热情scholarship sklIp n. 奖学金creative

27、krIeItIv a. 创造性的,有创造力的semester sImest(r) n. 学期workshop wkp n. 工作坊,研讨会orientation rIenteIn n. 入学(职)介绍faculty fkltI n. 大学教员ethical eIkl n. 道德的conduct kndkt n. 行为准则bystander baIstnd(r) n. 旁观者behavior bIheIvj(r) n. 行为plagiarism pleIdrIzm n. 剽窃on top of 除之外on one􀆳s way to 正在take advantage of 利用S

28、tep 2 SkimmingAsk the students to read the text quickly and complete the spelling of the following words with the first letter given. Suggested answers: 1)academic 2)talented 3)means 4)counselor 5)purse6)scholarship 7)semester 8)orientation 9)ethical 10)plagiarismStep 3 Reading Comprehension (Scanni

29、ng)Get the students to read the text again as quickly as possible to find the answers of the following text-related questions. Ask some students to write down their answers on the blackboard and then check through together with suggested answers:1) Who probably made the speech?2) What are the studen

30、ts advised to do when they meet the speaker on campus?3) Why did the speaker ask the students to check out the Explore Series” workshops?4) What was said about the Guangzhou College faculty members? 5) What did the speaker mean by saying:“ You are not here to be made; you are here to make ourselves.”Step4 Analysis on the important language points of the textAnalyze the language points to get the main idea in each paragraph.1. journ

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