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1、江苏专用高考英语提分模拟卷一(江苏专用)2020高考英语提分模拟卷(一)第一部分听力(略)第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21.Linda to her mother for so long that she figures out almost every gesture of her mothers.A.attended B.had attendedC.would attend D.has attended答案D解析考查现在完成时。句意为:琳达照顾她母亲太久

2、了,她几乎能领会母亲的每一个动作。分析句意可知,本句为现在完成时,表示过去所发生的动作或事情对现在的影响或产生的结果,着眼点在现在。故D选项正确。22.You say you are innocent,but we have good reasons to think .A.twice B.overC.aloud D.otherwise答案D解析考查副词的辨析。句意为:你说你是无辜的,但是我们也有充足的理由在其他方面作考虑。otherwise否则,另外,在其他方面。23.Finally,we didnt reach an agreement.Some agreed on the point w

3、hile I was one of opposed it.(2018南开区三模)A.those who B.thoseC.who D.that答案A解析句意为:最后,我们没有达成一致。一些人同意这个观点而我是反对者中的一员。此处考查定语从句,需要有先行词,those,指“那些人”,定语从句缺少主语,用that或who,先行词为those时往往使用who,故答案为those who。24.When will the bike-sharing schemes be introduced to the public?Not until a better understanding of them.A

4、.we have had B.will we have hadC.have we had D.we will have had答案A解析考查语序。句意为:共享单车计划将于何时推出?直到我们对它们有了更好的了解。根据第一句话可知这是将来时,但是until引导的是时间状语从句,从句中要用现在时代替将来时。not until位于句首时,主句要用部分倒装,not until所在的从句不用,故选A。25.Stephen Hawkings crowning achievement was his prediction in the 1970s black holes can emit energy,des

5、pite the classical view that nothing can escape their gravity.A.when B.what D.that答案D解析考查同位语从句。句意为:史蒂芬霍金最大的成就是在20世纪70年代预测宇宙黑洞能够发出能量,而传统观点认为任何事物都无法逃避重力。句中that引导同位语从句解释名词prediction的内容,that在句中不充当任何成分,只是一个引导词。故D项正确。26.Steve Jobs is a key figure in the computer world he has had a great influence on

6、 modern life and technology.A.on condition that that long as答案C解析考查状语从句。句意为:史蒂夫乔布斯是计算机世界的关键人物,因为他对现代生活和技术产生了巨大的影响。on condition that如果;in case万一;in that因为;as long as只要。故选C。27.Before real estate control policies were introduced,people hoped that their income would be increased the r

7、ise in housing touch with anticipation line with combination with答案C解析考查介词短语辨析。句意为:在出台房地产调控政策之前,人们希望他们的收入能随着房价的上涨而增加。in touch with和保持联系;in anticipation of期待着,预计到;in line with和一致;in combination with与联合/结合。结合常识可知,C选项符合语境。28.What do you think of the newly-released film Cape

8、rnaum?It touched my heart deeply.But for your recommendation I it.A.had missed B.would missC.would have missed D.must have missed答案C解析考查虚拟语气。句意为:你觉得新上映的电影何以为家怎么样?它深深地触动了我的心。要不是你的推荐,我就错过了。句中but for表示条件,意为“要不是”,表示与过去事实相反的假设,要用虚拟语气;对过去的虚拟,主句要用should/would/might/couldhave done来构成。故C选项正确。29.Why does he w

9、ear a raincoat on sunny days?Nor do I understand.He is .A.a wet blanket B.a lazy boneC.a black sheep odd fish答案D解析考查习语。句意为:为什么他大晴天还穿着雨衣? 我也不理解。他是一个古怪的人。a wet blanket令人扫兴的人;a lazy bone懒虫;a black sheep害群之马,败家子;an odd fish古怪的人。故选D。30.I must point out that trials of new medicine are expensive and y

10、ou can never success.But there is a very good chance in this case.A.admit B.guaranteeC.attain D.deserve答案B解析考查动词辨析。句意为:我必须指出新药的试验很昂贵,而且你不能保证它会成功。但是在这种情况下也会有很大的机会。admit承认;guarantee保证;attain获得;deserve值得。故B选项正确。31.What do you know made Sarah so upset? giving away state secrets.A.Charged withB.Being cha

11、rged withC.Accusing ofD.To be accused of答案B解析考查非谓语动词。句意为:你知道是什么让莎拉这么不高兴吗?她被指控泄露国家机密。 charged with“某人因而被控告”。第二句的主语为动名词短语Being charged with.,后面省略了made Sarah so upset。还可以用being accused of。故B选项正确。32.The collection,sorting and of historical materials and cultural relics of the May Fourth Movement sh

12、ould be strengthened,President Xi said.A.consideration B.conservationC.constitution D.construction答案B解析考查名词辨析。句意为:习主席说,要加强对五四运动历史资料和文物的收集、整理和保护。consideration考虑;conservation保护;constitution宪法;construction建设。故选B。33.US slang is hugely thanks to the many different ethnic groups that have settled in the c

13、ountry.A.delicate B.dynamicC.diverse D.desperate答案C解析考查形容词辨析。句意为:由于许多不同的民族在美国定居,美国俚语非常多样化。delicate微妙的;dynamic有活力的;diverse不同的,多样的;desperate不顾一切的。故选C。34.The style of the campus is quite different from of most Chinese universities where visitors were amazed by the complex architectural space and abunda

14、nt building types.A.that B.oneC.the one D.those答案A解析考查代词的辨析。句意为:该校园的风格与大多数中国大学(的风格)大不相同,参观者对那里复杂的建筑空间和丰富的建筑类型感到惊奇。分析句子可知,本空特指前面的“风格”,但同类不同物,相当于the style。分析选项可知,that指代前面提到的the可数名词单数或the不可数名词,常与前面所指代的是同类但不同物,故选A。35.A young researcher is reported to have died of heart attack,aged only 30. I wonder how

15、his family could stand the thought of losing him.A.How so? B.Forget it.C.Take it easy. D.Really a pity.答案D解析考查情景交际。How so? 怎么会这样?为何如此?Forget it.没关系;Take it easy.别着急;Really a pity.真遗憾啊。句意为:据报道,一位年轻的研究人员死于心脏病,年仅30岁。真遗憾啊!我想知道他的家人怎么能够承受失去他的痛苦啊!故D项正确。第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个

16、选项中,选出最佳选项。My mom only had one eye.I hated her.She was such a(n) 36 .Once during elementary school,my mom came and I was so embarrassed that I 37 her a hateful look and my schoolmates 38 me.I wished she would 39 from this world.So I shouted,“Why dont you have the other eye?!” My mom did not 40 .She

17、hadnt 41 me,but there was something pinching at me in my 42 .Even so,I hated my one-eyed mom and our desperate 43 .I told myself that I would become successful,so I studied hard.Later I came to Seoul to study.Then I got married there.Now I enjoy the life in Seoul because it doesnt remind me of my 44

18、 ,until someone knocked at my door.It was my mom!It felt as if the whole sky was 45 on me.My little girl ran away,scared of my moms eye.And I asked her,“Who are you?I dont know you!” as if I tried to make that real.I screamed at her,“How 46 you come to my house!Get out of here now!”To this,my mom 47

19、 answered,“Im sorry.I may have got the wrong address,” and disappeared.One day,a letter 48 a school reunion came to me. 49 to my wife that I was going on a business trip,I participated in the reunion,after which,I went down to the old shack that I used to call a house,just out of 50 .There I found m

20、y mom on the cold ground.I did not 51 tears.She had a piece of paper in her was a letter to me.My son,I think my life has been 52 enough now,and I wont visit Seoul anymore.But would it be too much to ask if I wanted you to come to visit me once in a while?I miss you so much.And I was so glad

21、 when I heard you were coming for the reunion.But I decided not to go to the school.for you.Im so sorry that I only have one eye,and I was an embarrassment for you.You see,when you were very little,you got into an accident and lost your eye.As a mom,I couldnt stand 53 you having to grow up with only

22、 one eye.So I gave you mine.I was so 54 of my son to see a whole new world for me with that eye.I was never upset at you for 55 you did.During the couple of times that you were angry with me,I thought to myself,its because he loves me.My son.oh,my son.Dont cry for me because of my death.I love you s

23、o much.语篇解读本文讲述了作者因为妈妈只有一只眼睛而不断地伤害她,结果却在许多年后发现妈妈是将眼睛给了小时候失去一只眼睛的自己。36.A.honor B.uglinessC.evil D.embarrassment答案D解析由下文中的“I was so embarrassed”和倒数第四段中的“an embarrassment for you”可知,妈妈令我感到尴尬。embarrassment令人尴尬的人或事物。37.A.gave B.threwC.cast D.passed答案B解析由该空后的“a hateful look”可知,我恨恨地看了妈妈一眼。throw a look扫了一眼。

24、38.A.taunted B.comfortedC.sympathized D.beat答案A解析由上文中的“I was so embarrassed”以及下文中的“I wished she would from this world.”可知,同学们都因为妈妈而嘲笑我,taunt嘲笑,奚落,符合语境。comfort安慰;sympathize同情;beat打败。39.A.benefit B.sufferC.disappear D.die答案C解析由下一句“So I shouted,Why dont you have the other eye?!”可知,我责问妈妈为什么没有另一只眼睛,我甚至希望

25、她能从这个世界上消失。40.A.respond B.explainC.cry D.speak答案A解析由该空前的“So I shouted,Why dont you have the other eye?!”可知,我责问妈妈为什么没有另一只眼睛,而她没有任何反应。respond反应,回应,符合语境,所以选A。41.A.forgiven B.punishedC.taught D.yelled at答案B解析结合上题解析可知,妈妈也没有惩罚我。punish惩罚,符合语境。42.A.heart B.mindC.feelings D.emotions答案A解析她没有惩罚我,然而却有样东西在刺痛着我的内

26、心。根据句意可知heart符合题意。43.A.disability B.relationshipC.dilemma D.poverty答案D解析由该空前的“I hated my one-eyed mom and our desperate”以及该空后的“I told myself that I would become successful”可知我憎恨只有一只眼睛的母亲和令人绝望的贫穷,所以选D。poverty贫困。44.A.failure B.pastC.future D.hatred答案B解析根据“Now I enjoy the life in Seoul because it doesn

27、t remind me of my ,until someone knocked at my door.It was my mom!”可知,我很喜欢在首尔的生活,因为它不会使我想起我的过去,直到有一天妈妈来了,所以选B。45.A.turning dark B.breaking downC.falling apart D.clearing up答案C解析由下文中的“I screamed at her,How you come to my house!”可知,我恨妈妈找到我,让我想起了过去甚至担心现在的幸福会被毁掉,可以推测出看到妈妈我感觉天都塌了。fall apart崩溃,破碎,符合语境。tur

28、n dark变黑;break down失败,损坏;clear up放晴。46.A.could B.mustC.dare D.will答案C解析由上文中的“I screamed at her,How you come to my house!”可知,作者假装不认识妈妈并责问妈妈怎么敢到自己家,所以选C。47.A.awkwardly B.angrilyC.sadly D.quietly答案D解析妈妈听完我的话安静地回答道“很抱歉,我可能搞错地址了”,然后就消失了,所以选D。48.A.recommending B.demandingC.inviting D.regarding答案D解析一天,我收到一

29、封关于学校聚会的信。结合句意可知答案为D。recommend推荐;demand要求;invite邀请,后接被邀请的对象,所以排除;regard关于。49.A.Lying B.PretendingC.Informing D.Writing答案A解析结合语境“我受邀参加同学聚会,却告诉妻子我是去出差”可知,我向妻子撒谎了,所以选A。50.A.homesickness D.regret答案B解析我参加同学聚会后去老房子只是出于好奇,所以选B。51.A.burst out B.wipe upC.hold back D.burst into答案D解析我看到妈妈躺在冰冷

30、的地上,因为不能原谅妈妈只有一只眼睛,所以我没有放声大哭,因此选D。wipe up擦净;hold back阻碍,隐瞒;burst into突然开始(某事),突然进入(某种状态)。burst out迸发,突然发生,但其后常接v.-ing形式,故排除。52.A.full B.miserableC.long D.happy答案C解析妈妈虽然因为作者而痛苦,但因为对作者深深的爱,不会对他说“我的人生很痛苦”,所以排除干扰项miserable(痛苦的),答案选C。53.A.keeping B.imaginingC.watching D.leaving答案C解析由于作者小时候失去一只眼睛,妈妈无法忍受看着

31、他只有一只眼睛,可知答案选C。54.A.grateful B.proudC.jealous D.glad答案B解析妈妈为自己的眼睛可以让作者看到全新的世界而感到自豪,所以选B。55.A.something B.everythingC.nothing D.anything答案D解析妈妈从不曾因为作者做的任何事情而难过,因为她总是告诉自己“他很爱我”,所以选D。第三部分阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AHalloween is almost upon us and pumpkins are being carved.Heres the etiquet

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