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八年级英语Unit 4Inventions 教学设计.docx

1、八年级英语 Unit 4 Inventions 教学设计教学设计Period 1教学内容Getting ready (p. 49), Reading (pp.5 0-51), Vocabulary C1, C2 (p. 52), 教学目标语言知识认读和理解单词telephone, wheel, comfortable, carriage, century, passenger, invent, practical, since, distance, mobile phone, anytime, develop, lamp, candle, daytime和短语since then, keep

2、in touch with, in the daytime等。语言技能1.根据上下文语境猜测词义。2.运用略读策略了解文章大意。文化意识了解历史上的伟大发明。教学重点根据主阅读篇章的标题、引言和插图获得关键信息。教学难点根据上下文语境猜测词义。教学过程教学过程教学过程Step 1 阅读Getting ready 板块的图文,了解单元话题。学生观察教材第49页的卡通图,阅读Hi和Lo的对话,回答下列问题。 What is Hi doing? (He is reading a book.) What is the book about? (It is about great inventions.

3、) What does Hi ask Lo? (What is the most important invention in the world?) Why is Lo so proud of himself? (Because Lo thinks the robot is the most important invention in the world and he himself is a robot.)Step 2 通过回答问题,激活与单元话题有关的背景知识。1.学生浏览一组与我们的生活息息相关的重要发明的图片,并回答问题:Which is the most important in

4、vention to you? Why?。教师帮助学生总结:These inventions have all changed our way of life and made our lives more comfortable.。学生认读和理解单词comfortable。2.教师展示教材第50页六幅发明的图片,要求学生回答:What have these inventions done for us? (They have greatly changed our way of life.)。学生完成练习A1,同时认读和理解单词telephone, mobile phone和wheel。3.

5、学生小组讨论练习A2的问题:How do these inventions help us in our daily lives?。教师帮助学生总结:These inventions help us in many ways in our daily lives. We may use them anytime, anywhere. They are very practical.。学生认读和理解单词anytime和practical。4.学生阅读主阅读篇章中的图片、标题、引言和小标题,回答Before you read部分的两个问题。5.教师告诉学生:通过阅读文章图片、标题、引言等信息来了解

6、文章大意的阅读策略叫做略读(skimming)。学生学习教材第53页Strategy部分的内容,了解略读的概念和作用。6.学生再次略读全文,尤其关注每一段的首、末句,并回答下列问题。 How do great inventions help people? (They help people live a better life.) Which invention is probably the greatest in history according to the article? (The wheel.) What did Alexander Graham Bell invent? (H

7、e invented one of the first practical telephones.) When was the first practical light bulb invented? (In 1879.)Step 3 通过Vocabulary部分的练习和补充的词汇练习,加深和巩固核心词汇的理解和运用。1.学生阅读全文,划出生词。教师可要求学生通过上下文猜测部分生词的含义或通过Vocabulary C1中的句子理解其含义。2.学生完成Vocabulary C2的练习。3.学生运用本课所学词汇的正确形式,完成补充的词汇练习。 Da Vinci is the most famous

8、 15th century painter. He opened the door and a strong wind blew out the candle / candles. Will people invent / develop new types of transportation in the future? Passengers can get free water at the airport. A good reporter must keep in touch with what is happening in the world. Could you help me a

9、nd change the left wheel of my car? The tyre is flat. Mr Greens plan was quite practical, so everyone agreed with him. How can I keep in touch with you if your mobile phone is off all the time? A straight line is the shortest distance between two points.回家作业1. 抄写单词和短语: telephone, wheel, comfortable,

10、 carriage, century, passenger, invent, practical, since, distance, mobile phone, anytime, develop, lamp, candle, daytime, since then, keep in touch with, in the daytime等。2. 思考:How do the wheel, the telephone and the light bulb help people live a better life?。 3. 完成 练习册第50页Vocabulary和第57页Reading A的练习

11、。Period 2教学内容Reading (p. 51), Comprehension D1, D2, D3 (p. 53)教学目标语言知识理解和运用短语in the early 19th century, be able to, across the world, allowto do, keep in touch with等。语言技能1.能利用所给提示(如图片、关键词等)描述一件发明。2.能通过图表理清文章结构,归纳文章大意。文化意识深入了解伟大发明如何改变人类的活动。教学重点掌握主阅读篇章的事实信息,巩固核心单词和短语。教学难点运用图表理清文章的结构和主要内容。教学过程Step 1 了解

12、更多的发明,同时复习第一课时所学的词汇。学生根据提示信息,说出各项发明的名称。 We can use it to communicate with people over long distance. (telephone / mobile phone) We can make phone calls with it anytime, anywhere. (mobile phone) It is perhaps one of the most practical inventions in the 20th century. Now people use it for both work an

13、d play. (computer) After its invention, we no longer needed to use the stairs. (lift) It cools or warms rooms to make them more comfortable for people to stay in. (air conditioner) Passengers who use this for transportation no longer need to worry about traffic jams. (the underground) The Wright bro

14、thers invented the first machine-powered model of it. (airplane / aircraft)Step 2 通过图表理清主阅读篇章结构,归纳文章主要内容。1. 学生阅读主阅读篇章的第一部分,并填写下表。The wheelInventorDont know.Time of inventionA few thousand years ago.Life after its inventionTravelling became faster and more comfortable.Examples: carriages trains cars2

15、. 学生阅读主阅读篇章的第二部分,并填写下表。The telephoneInventorAlexander Graham Bell.Time of inventionIn 1876.Life after its invention People can speak to each other over long distances. People can keep in touch with each other anytime, anywhere with mobile phones.3. 学生阅读主阅读篇章的第三部分,回答下列问题。 What did people use to see a

16、t night before the invention of the light bulb? (People used oil lamps, gas lamps or candles.) What has the life been like after the invention of the light bulb? (People can do as many things in the evenings as they can in the daytime.)4. 教师播放课文录音,学生跟读课文。教师根据学生的实际情况和教学需要,讲解课文中的知识点。学生认读和理解短语in the ea

17、rly 19th century, be able to, across the world, allowto do, keep in touch with;认识专有名词Alexander Graham Bell和Thomas Edison。Step 3 根据主阅读篇章的内容,运用所学词汇描述电脑这项伟大发明。1. 学生完成Comprehension D1, D2的练习,加深对主阅读篇章细节信息的理解。2. 学生模仿主阅读篇章内容,谈论电脑这项伟大发明。教师可提供一些关于电脑的信息、开头和结尾句型以及描述中可能会用到的词汇。Step 4 讨论和回答问题,进一步理解“发明改变生活”的话题。学生分

18、组讨论和回答Comprehension D3中的问题,并陈述自己的观点。回家作业1. 模仿录音的语音、语调,朗读课文。2. 复习主阅读篇章中的词汇。3. 从以下话题中任选一个进行思考并作口头准备,然后在下一课时 口头汇报。 Imagine life without wheels Imagine life without telephones Imagine life without light bulbs4. 完成练习册第58至59页Reading B, C的练习。Period 3教学内容Grammar (pp. 55-57)教学目标语言知识1.学习形容词good, bad和far的不规则比较

19、级和最高级的形式及用法。2.学习asas结构及其用法。语言技能能根据所给的图表信息,运用所学语法知识,比较事物。学习策略自主归纳语法规则的能力和交流过程中的合作精神。教学重点运用形容词good, bad和far的不规则比较级和最高级以及(not) asas结构比较事物。教学难点运用(not) asas结构比较事物。教学过程教学过程教学过程 教学过程Step 1 检查回家作业的落实情况。学生口头汇报一下内容。 Imagine life without wheels Imagine life without telephones Imagine life without light bulbsSt

20、ep 2 学习形容词good, bad和far的不规则比较级和最高级形式,并初步运用。1.教师告诉学生:We should be thankful to the inventors for their great inventions. We can learn a lot from them.。学生读以下这段名言,体会发明家不断追求完美、永不放弃的精神。Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Until your good is better and your better is best.2.教师由这段名言引出教材第55页常用的三个形容词good, b

21、ad和far的不规则比较级和最高级的形式。3.学生观察练习A1中的成绩表。为了确保学生理解表格中的数字。教师可以提问:What does the number “83” mean? (Daisy got an 83 in Art. / Daisys mark in Art.)4.学生观察练习A1的示例,教师可以通过以下问题确认学生理解示例中分别使用比较级和最高级的原因。Why do we use “better” in the first example but “best” in the second? (In the first example, we compare two studen

22、ts marks. In the second example, we compare more than two students marks.)5.学生完成练习A1,通过对子活动核对答案,并朗读对话。6.学生完成练习A2。 然后,教师可要求学生改变参照地点编制对话,进一步巩固far的比较级和最高级的用法。如: S1: Whose home is farther / further from Alices, Daisys or Pauls? S2: Pauls home is farther / further from Alices. S1: Whose home is the farth

23、est / furthest from Alices, Daisys, Pauls or Erics? S2: Erics home is the farthest / furthest from Alices.7.教师要求学生说出他们所知道的其他常见的比较级和最高级是不规则变化的形容词,并帮助学生总结出以下三个表示数量的形容词。同时提醒学生few是规则变化。学生用这些词的比较级完成句子。many-more-the most much- more-the mostlittle-less-the least few-fewer-the fewest With light bulbs, peopl

24、e can do more things than before at night. Light bulbs produce more light than oil lamps. Oil lamps produce less light than light bulbs. Carriages carry fewer passengers than trains.8. 学生根据下表,用many, much, little和few的比较级和最高级形 式完成句子。 教师应提醒学生注意表中的可数名词与不可数名词。StudentThings the student hasAlice30 storyboo

25、ks, 7 notebooks3 packets of paper, 5 bottles of inkBen27 storybooks, 8 notebooks2 packets of paper, 8 bottles of inkJudy21 storybooks, 12 notebooks1 packets of paper, 6 bottles of inkExample: Ben has more paper than Judy but fewer storybooks than Alice. Judy has fewer storybooks than Alice but more

26、notebooks than Ben. Ben has more ink than Judy but less paper than Alice. Alice has the most storybooks among / of the three students. Judy has the least paper among / of the three students. Alice has the fewest notebooks among / of the three students. Ben has the most ink among / of the three stude

27、nts.Step 3 学习同级比较结构asas及其用法。1.教师提问:How big was the first computer in the world? (It was bigger than a car.)。然后向学生展示第一台计算机的图片,告诉学生:The first computer was as big as room.。学生找出主阅读篇章中含有asas结构的句子。如:With light bulbs, people can do as many things in the evenings as they can in the daytime.。2.学生观察教材第56页的例句,

28、完成Work out the rule部分的内容。 3.学生完成练习B1。教师注意让学生理解产品说明中H, W, D分别代表高(Height)、长(Width)和宽(Depth)。4.学生完成练习B2。教师提醒学生注意表中的可数名词与不可数名词。5.学生根据下表与示例,用(not) asas结构完成句子。StudentThings the student hasLucy25 storybooks, 2 notebooks5 packets of paper, 1 bottle of inkMary25 storybooks, 2 notebooks5 packets of paper, 1 b

29、ottle of inkSandy32 storybooks, 4 notebooks2 packets of paper, 5 bottles of inkExample:Lucy has as many storybooks as Mary.Mary doesnt have as many storybooks as Sandy. Lucy has as much paper as Mary. Lucy has as much ink as Mary. Mary / Lucy doesnt have as many notebooks as Sandy. Sandy doesnt have

30、 as much paper as Mary / Lucy. Mary / Lucy doesnt have as much ink as Sandy. Mary has as little ink as Lucy. Lucy has as few notebooks as Mary.回家作业1.调查并比较班级同学的不同方面,如身高、体重等。要求在比较中运用形容词good, bad, far, many, much和little等的比较级和最高级以及(not) asas结构。2. 完成练习册第51至53页Grammar的练习。Period 4教学内容Speaking (pp. 58-59),

31、Project (pp. 63-64)教学目标语言知识1.掌握朗读一般疑问句时的语调。2.了解发明在日常生活中的应用和中国古代四大发明。语言技能1.在一般疑问句的句尾使用升调。2.根据提纲和范文,合作撰写关于中国古代四大发明之一的短文。情感态度在对话和完成课题的过程中积极与他人合作,互相帮助,共同完成任务。教学重点运用问答形式谈论生活中常用的发明。教学难点小组合作查找资料,并撰写一篇关于中国古代四大发明之一的短文。教学过程教学过程 Step 1 学习Talk time部分朗读一般疑问句时的语调。 1. 教师通过提问方式和学生进行交流。如:Can I ask you some questions?Do you re

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