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1、写冬天下雪的英语作文写冬天下雪的英语作文篇一:冬至前的雪作文Winter, cold, without a trace of interest; on that afternoon, we were still in math class, interesting, and came quietly.This kind of taste is very cold, but it is enough to exhilarate its name - snow.That day afternoon, the rain, rain on the stairs out the door, I was

2、in the classroom, with clothes. Although there was a math class, I had no idea to listen to it again. Cold! After a while, the rain was a little bigger, and the rain had white particles in the rain. At first, nobody noticed, who did not know, and the observation was so careful that it snowed!So, I p

3、ut my eyes out of the window, really, it snowed! The snow in the rain, the snowflakes fluttered and falling, how beautiful! Everyone exclamations uncontrollably! Class, the students all run out of the classroom, enjoy the beautiful scenery, snow fell to the ground quickly into the rain. The snowflak

4、es falling in my hands were quick.The white snow fell on the trees at the door of the classroom and soon changed them to new clothes. Snow white, also make the heart lung wash Fei people cheerful heart, everyone became excited!Snow, come in a hurry, go also in a hurry, the two lessons are more, the

5、snow has stopped, I think it can be snow for the next night! Second days of beauty, but the snow in Wuhan is like this, or the next day or night, or not for a moment, too short. However, the snow time can not be counted, every time after the snow on the ground, the roof of the building will feel a l

6、ot of clean.This is all the credit of the snow.This time, the snow seemed to come and go quickly without leaving traces of silk. Actually, they left many, though there was no snow, but the snow on the ground still cleaned many dirty things. Every time you walk through the grass in the District, its

7、dirty water and mud on the ground, but after the snow, the grass is like a turf on the grass, and its clean as clean as it is!What is the snow? It is the gift that nature gives us; what is the snow? It is the beautifying engineer of the earth.It is different, not only clean the ground, sometimes it

8、can also wash Fei peoples hearts.篇二:我爱冬天的雪作文我喜欢万物复苏的春天,喜欢绚丽多彩的夏天,喜欢五谷丰登的秋天,不过最喜欢的是白雪皑皑的冬天。深秋带着苍凉,带着哀叹,带着无奈匆匆地走了,冬爷爷乘着呼呼的西北风飞速而来,他像一个神奇的魔术师,将手轻轻向上一挥,看,天空变成灰蒙蒙的,一片片洁白的雪花纷纷扬扬,飘飘洒洒地落下来,晶莹的雪花时而一团团地随风旋转,像一只只白色的蝴蝶在天空中翩翩起舞,像一朵朵白色的梨花从天空中洒落下来,像白天鹅抖落的片片羽毛雪越下越大,四周像拉起了白色的帐篷,大地立刻变得银装素裹。我不禁想起一句诗“忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开”真美


10、成了个儿童乐园,欢声笑语在校园上空回旋、飘荡。我爱冬天的雪,它不但美化了我们的城市;还给我们带来了无穷的快乐!篇三:冰雪之爱作文OneCall - a wind mixed with large snowflakes, little penguin ice can not stand. She got into her fathers arms. Ah, its warm!Asked binger suddenly: Dad, mother what to go?The father of ice said: my dear daughter, mother trying to find fo

11、od for us, over a period of time will be able to see the mother.TwoAfter half a month, a cold morning, several shadow suddenly appeared on the sea level, gradually turned into a piece of ice, asked: Dad, what is it?Moms are coming back! I hope her home. Dad said.Call - Call - the cold wind is cold.

12、One morning, my mother did not come, father anxious, ice is also very anxious. They waited for another afternoon, and her mother still didnt come.ThreeMy father took the ice to find them from the direction of. Finally, hard work pays off, the mother lying on an ice floe, mouth closed, motionless. Da

13、d understood that she was really out.Dad fell in tears and tears on her body, but no matter how sad the penguin father was, she would never wake up again.FourIce suddenly cried father said: Daddy, this piece of ice. How many. A few strange. Sign, this is mom. Did Mommy leave it? Dad ran, at a glance

14、, this is they used to communicate symbols. He read, dear, I know you will come to me. I have eaten the food in my belly and cut my stomach open, and you and your daughter have food. Remember to take good care of ice.Dad cant read it, hes already tearful.PostscriptThe father of the penguin took care

15、 of her daughter in accordance with his wifes words, but he had no heart to open her belly. He buried her on the iceberg. She never stopped at an iceberg, fixed in the father and the heart of ice.篇四:新年迎新雪作文This morning, I was not willing to wake Grandpa, opened his dim eyes, inadvertently glanced ou

16、t of the window, and so on, I am not confused? How can it be white? I rubbed my eyes and confirmed that I didnt see it wrong. It was snow! I jumped three feet high: Yeah! Its snowing! Walk on the way to school, looked at a piece of white crystal snow, they feel like a life, a bit like a beautiful an

17、d pure spirit, and beautiful dance, dropping from the sky, the earth covered with a layer of white quilt, which drops of dew moistens not sprouting new talent.The bigger the snow went down, I had to go out with an umbrella. But this still cant stop the footsteps of the elves. They blows to my face t

18、o buy my warm cheeks and instantly into a small drop of water. I watched carefully the snowflakes that had not yet been completely melted. As I saw, I was stunned: every snowflake is crystal clear, and the edges and corners are clear, which is the greatest gift of God to mankind.The snow on the grou

19、nd has accumulated a thin layer, Snow gleams white., step up the soft. Although not a snowman, but can be twisted into a ball, which is a snowball fight. This is the morning, there is no companion on the road, or I must have a good time with him.The snow, originally snow white, was trampled by messy

20、 footsteps. I didnt know when it had stopped. I looked at the snow, and I felt very sorry.201xs snow is not understood. This has the expectation and blessing of the people!篇五:冬至之雪作文Zherong is a small town on the map wandering between the equator and the Tropic of cancer. There is no real winter here

21、, there is no snow, only cold.However, in that vague year, there was a snow, a bright snow.It was like the sound of the heavenly drum, but it just dropped down to the little gift from the world. A snow fell and accumulated. Finally, it was covered with layers of layers, and covered the footprints on

22、 your feet.The September osmanthus bloom over the land was buried, the star point snow like heaven held fireworks exploding celebration, with a month of pure light, scattered in the world, covered with a roof, the trees, even the nest.In the dim light in winter, I saw a dim figure, hand, snowflake f

23、alls gently into the micro warm hands. The long, melted, and melted.I quietly walked up and learn the way you feel the hand palm from a cold, and a drop of sweat palm gradually combined into a pool of water, look in your eyes and smile.The buddies are excited to celebrate, snowball fights, did not p

24、ay attention to this side of the snow we lick. The beauty of the ice melts on the tongue, the cold feeling out of the warm air, with a hint of sweet in taste buds in.The night is deep, and the people are scattered. After leaving, your shadow that is blurred by the heavy snow is small and light. Fina

25、lly, it becomes a small black spot and vanishes in my sight.A cold wind blows me into the bed, looking forward to the snow of tomorrow.On the second day, the snow stopped, and there was a vast expanse of white, and the white stretched out on the ground. My eyes can touch the horizon, but no longer y

26、our shadow, a little loss of the heart.As time goes by, I gradually forget that there is a figure that you only remember in the heavy snow, which is like a vine wrapped around the heart in circles.This year, it is a late autumn, a flock of birds flying overhead, they flew over there is no snow in th

27、e winter solstice, not from the twilight seasons and repeated.The sky cleared up suddenly.Now, Im lying at the head of the bed, you know?I dreamed of the winter solstice that year, only me alone, even your back of the silhouette dissipated.Waking up, blankly, did I see you in the winter solstice?For

28、get, do not remember, maybe without you, maybe only the winter solstice.Want to see snow, can not find on the map in the small town.篇六:校园雪景作文Today is an exciting day.The snow like an angel come to earth, to bring auspicious and peaceful world. If I can, I want to turn to the snow in this winter, to

29、use my beauty to decorate the world, to enjoy the moment of excitement and thriller. I love snow, the durian snow will fall into my pure heart; the snow drifting profusely and disorderly painted, put to my heart.All the students went downstairs to snowball fights, I am prepared to stand downstairs i

30、n the sidelines. But a snowball messed up my plan.Chen Qiangqiang pretends to look seriously pose as a person of high morals, shouted my name, I look back, a snowball flew over, I smashed it. All right. You. Youre a dead man! The most poisonous and strong heart! I couldnt take care of my ladys plan.

31、 I squatted down and rubbed a snowball, looking for Chen Qiangqiangs back. Look, thats not? Back, like! Height, like! OK, smash. Ah, came Li Weidongs piercing wail like ghosts and howl like wolves, ah. He look back: what a wicked, actually hit me! Yes, you are a dead quietly waiting for you! A minut

32、e later, I was unrecognizable, gosh, Chen Qiangqiang, I hate you, I do not say it, so I hit the wrong man, Li Weidong take revenge!Ah - you Li Weidong, I - wrong!Come back to the classroom with a piece of snow. The hair is still dripping. After class, my hair was almost dry. I stood in the corridor. It was cold and cold. I sneezed and looked like I caught a cold

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