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1、高中英语高三模拟湖北省黄冈市黄州区一中高考模拟英语湖北省黄冈市黄州区一中2009年高考模拟试卷英语 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)从A,B,C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. What about some more tea? Its very kind of you. . A. It tastes bitter B. Thats all rightC. I like it very much D. Just a little, please 21. D. A、B、C项是

2、答非所问。22. It was the people at school that they spent hours and hours, staying up late into the night. A. talk about B. talking aboutC. to talk about D. being talked about 22. B. 考查spend time (in) doing的基本句式,通过强调doing部分而改变了句型结构。23. The couple bought a villa (别墅) with a garden behind it near the sea t

3、heir parents health.A. in line with B. in case ofC. for the sake of D. at the risk of 23. C. for the sake of由于原因;in line with与一致;in case of以防万一;at the risk of冒的风险。 24. We were disappointed that the sports meeting had been put off because of the bad weather.A. to have been told B. to be toldC. having

4、 been told D. being told 24. A. be disappointed后可接动词不定式,并且动词不定式的动作发生在谓语动词的动作之前,所以用动词不定式的完成式。25. I will congratulate you your passing the college entrance examination. A. for B. to C. on D. at 25. C. 考查congratulate sb on sth句型。26. So the missing money must still be in the other jacket, you were weari

5、ng yesterday. A. the one B. one C. what D. this 26. A. the one是the other jacket的同位语。27. I the written papers, but failed in the oral examination. A. got over B. went by C. pulled through D. got through 27. D. get through通过考试。 28. What is Mary doing over there? She is removing dust from the carpet by

6、 it.A. beating B. striking C. knocking D. hitting 28. A. beat在此的意思为“(连续) 敲打”。29. Where is the telephone book? I it for you. A. get B. will get C. am to get D. am going to get 29. B. 在说话时临时决定去做某事,通常用will。30. When the nurse took the patients temperature, it was three degrees above .A. ordinary B. regu

7、lar C. normal D. average 30. C. above normal在通常标准之上。31. People have been stocking up on water, food and candles in for the terrible day. A. preparation B. control C. need D. action31. A. in preparation for为作准备。32. Are you going to the park with me tomorrow? If Tom goes, .A. so do I B. so I will C. s

8、o will I D. so I do 32. C. if从句用现在时表将来,主句应用将来时,表示后者情况和前者相同,应用倒装结构。 33. The plane is due to take off at 8:00 from the airport. we cant get there in time.Try to take another flight then. A. As if B. Even if C. Only if D. What if33. D. what if常用来引导表示建议或担心的句子,用于疑问句,可译为“要是(如果,万一)怎么办?、倘若将会怎样?”;only if可引导条

9、件状语从句,可译为“如果,只有”;even if用来引导让步状语从句,可译为“尽管、即使、纵然”。 34. Which of the speakers did you like better? , they were old.A. None; all B. Neither; both C. Either; both D. All; none34. B. 由“better”判断得知。 35. Would you like me to help you with the English problem? . Its a very difficult one.A. Never mind B. Wit

10、h pleasure C. Why not D. Its a pleasure 35 C. 说话者是主动向对方提供帮助,那么对方的答语只能是A项。第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握大意, 然后从36-55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I had arrived at the airport about 30 minutes before the check in. It had been a very busy three days for me with lots of 36 . So I was glad t

11、o have the 37 time to make my notes on 38 I needed to do the following day. But then came the 39 that my flight had to be 40 because there was a problem with the plane.As I sat waiting for my flight to be 41 I reflected on my last meeting of the day. It was not a business meeting 42 a very enjoyable

12、 lunch with a(n) 43 business friend I had not seen for over 12 years. Our lunch was spent 44 times gone by as well as filling each other in on what had happened in our 45 over the last 12 years. We both laughed and smiled as we recalled the 46 times and the great experiences we had 47 together. At t

13、he end of our time together, we both said 48 we had enjoyed it and that we must do it 49 .It was great to have this additional time to replay in my mind all that we had talked about. I 50 just how important it is to have 51 reminders of the good times in your life. I was 52 enough to have had the ch

14、ance to take a short break and reflect on the good things that had happened in my life over 12 years.It was somewhat like looking at an old photo album 53 in a cupboard in your house. There before your eyes are lots of wonderful 54 that take you back to times and places, and 55 to those people who a

15、re in the photos.My flight home was finally called three hours later. 36. A. classes B. lectures C. meetings D. greetings37. A. extra B. easy C. hard D. enough38. A. that B. how C. this D. what39. A. conductor B. announcement C. discussion D. explanation40. A. replaced B. canceled C. delayed D. destroyed41. A. arranged B. followed C. introduced D. called42. A. and B. but C

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