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1、四川省棠湖中学学年高二上学期开学考试英语试题四川省棠湖中学2020-2021学年高二上学期开学考试英语试题一、阅读选择1. One of the latest trends in American childcare is Chinese au pairs. Au Pair is Stamford, Conn., for example, has got increasing numbers of requests for Chinese au pairs from zero to around 4,000 since 2004. And thats true all across the c

2、ountry.I thought it would be very useful for him to learn Chinese at an early age, Joseph Stocke, the managing director of a company, says of his 2-year-old son. I would at least like to give him the chance to use the language in the future. After only six months of being cared for by a 25-year-old

3、woman from China, the boy can already understand basic Chinese daily expressions, his dad says.Li Drake, a Chinese native raising two children in Minnesota with an American husband, had another reason for looking for an au pair from China: She didnt want her children to miss out on their roots. Beca

4、use I am Chinese, my husband and I wanted the children to keep exposed to the language and culture, she says.Staying with a native speaker is better for children than simply sitting in a classroom, says Suzanne Flynn, a professor in language education of children. But parents must understand that ju

5、st one year with an au pair is unlikely to produce wonders. Complete mastery demands continued learning until the age of 10 or 12.The popularity of au pairs from China has been strengthened by the increasing numbers of American parents who want their children to learn Chinese. It is expected that Am

6、erican demand for au pairs will continue to rise in the next few years. (1)What does the term au pair in the text mean?A.A mother raising her children on her own.B.A child learning a foreign language at home.C.A professor in language education of children.D.A young foreign woman taking care of child

7、ren. (2)Li Drake has her children study Chinese because she wants them live in China some speak the language at catch up with other learn about the Chinese culture (3)What can we infer from the text?A.Learning Chinese is becoming popular in America.B.Educated wom

8、en do better in looking after children.C.Chinese au pairs need to improve their English skills.D.Children can learn a foreign language well in six months.2. l became a magician by accident. When I was nine years old, I learned how to make a coin disappear. Id read The Lord of the Rings and ventured

9、into the adult section of the library to search for a book of spellsnine being that curious age at which youre old enough to work through more than 1,200 pages of fantasy literature but young enough to still hold out hope that you might find a book of real, actual magic in the library. The book I fo

10、und instead taught basic sleight-of-hand technique, and I dedicated the next months to practice.At first the magic wasnt any good. At first it wasnt even magic; it was just a tricka bad trick. I spent hours each day in the bathroom running through the secret moves in front of the mirror. I dropped t

11、he coin over and over, a thousand times in a day, and after two weeks of this my mom got a carpet from the hardware store and placed it under the mirror to muffle the sound of the coin falling again and again.I had heard my dad work through passages of new music on the piano, so I knew how to practi

12、ceslowly, deliberately, going for precision rather than speed. One day I tried the illusion in the mirror and the coin vanished. It did not look like a magic trick. It looked like a miracle.One of the lessons you learn very early on as a magician is that the most amazing part of a trick has nothing

13、to do with the secret. The secret is simple and often dull: a hidden piece of tape, a small mirror, a duplicate playing card, diversion of the audiences attention. In this case, the secret was a series of covert(暗中的)technique to hide the coin behind my hand in the act of opening it, a dance of the f

14、ingers that I learned so completely I didnt even have to think. I would close my hand, then open it, and the coin would vanish not by skill but by real magic. (1)What book did the author intend to find in the library when he was nine years old?A.A book teaching people how to make a coin disappear.B.

15、A book of real magic.C.A book on how to become a magician.D.The second book of The Lord of the Rings. (2)The underlined word muffle probably means _.A.clean B.punish C.kill D.lower (3)What did the author learn from his dad playing the piano?A.Practice makes perfect.B.Without music, life is of no val

16、ue.C.Great liars are also great magicians.D.No pains, no gains. (4)Which of the following is not mentioned as a magician trick?A.Carrying out skillful hand moves.B.Hiding some stage tools inside the coat.C.Using real magic to create miracles.D.Guiding the audience to focus on something unimportant.3

17、. Youllsoonbe84 yearsold,Dad,andyouandIwillhavehad55FathersDaystogetherYouknow,therewasatimewhenwewerenotonlyseparatedbythegenerationgapbutcompletelypolarized(对立)byitSplitby:ageandexperience,opinions,hairstyles,cosmetics,clothingandboysTheFather-DaughterDuel(冲突)of 54shiftedintohighgear(白热化)whenyouta

18、ughtmetodrivetheoldDodgeandIdecidedIwoulddrivethe 54ChevywhetheryoulikeditornotThepoliceofficerwhoaccompaniedmehomeafteryoureportedtheChevystolenlateoneeveningwastooyoungtounderstandfather-daughterpoliticsandtoooldtohavemuchtolerancefora16-year-oldYouweresodecentaboutit,Dad,andIthinkthatwasprobablyw




22、dattendsschoolgraduationandweddingsItsmoreaboutunconditionallylovingchildrenwhoarestubborn,whoknoweverythingandwontlistentoanyoneItsaboutlovingsomeonemorethanwordscansay,andwishingthatitneverhadtoendIloveyou,Dad (1)Whatisthepurposeofthethirdparagraph?_A.ToprovethatthefatherisverystrictB.Todescribeth

23、efather-daughterpoliticsC.ToshowtheconflictbetweentheauthorandherfatherD.Tocondemnthepolicemanforlackofunderstanding (2)Whatdoestheauthormeanbysaying aslapintheface inthefifthparagraph?_A.SheregrettedthefightsshehadwithherfatherB.ShesuddenlyrealizedthatherfatherwassooldandcouldbegoneonedayC.Shewasas

24、hamedofherselfthatshehadnttakengoodcareofherfatherD.Shesuddenlyrealizedthatshehadcausedalotoftroubleforherfather (3)Whichofthefollowingwordscandescribetheauthorsfather?_a. Unreasonable b. Caring c. Tolerant d.StubbornA.bc C.acd D.bcd (4)Theauthorwrotehisfatherthisletterto_A.tellhimabouttheircon

25、flicts B.saysorryforherbeingstubbornC.expresshergratitudetohim D.remindhimoftheearlyincident4. panic BuyingShoppers around the world are crazy buying because of fears over the coronavirus(新型冠状病毒), which caused a critical plague in China and even other countries at the beginning of 2020 People in cou

26、ntries such as England, Japan, Singapore and Australia have been emptying supermarket shelves of toilet paper, face masks, hand wash products and dried and canned food Photos and videos of shoppers in Australia quarreling over the last pack of toilet roll in a supermarket have spread across social m

27、edia swiftlyHowever, governments have advised their citizens that there is no need to panic buy They added that panic buying would only reduce the supply of products needed by patients and medical staff, which could _ the problems the COVID19 virus is causing Singapores prime minister comforted Sing

28、aporeans that: We have enough supplies Theres no need to stock up A week after the panic buying fever, things have calmed down and shoppers have gone back to purchasing items in normal quantitiesPsychologists say panic buying is an unwise behaviour that is part of a condition called FOMO the fear of

29、 missing out Dr Katharina Wittgens said a herd mentality(从众心理)sets in during disasters that causes people to copy the actions of others People watch the news of items being bought in quantity and immediately rush out to the stores to do the same She said people were taking on too much the risks of d

30、ying from the coronavirus She said: Far more people die in car accidents or household accidents per year but we dont panic about these things in the morning before we go to work (1)What made shoppers in different countries crazy buying?_A.The approach of 2020 New Years DayB.The shortage of resources and supplies in their nationsC.Their concern about the virusD.The discount from supermarkets (2)What does the underl

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