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1、弗瑞诺的七首诗全 Philip Freneau(菲利浦弗瑞诺)On the Religion of NatureThe power, that gives with liberal handThe blessings man enjoys, while here,And scatters through a smiling landAbundant products of the year;That power of nature, ever blessed,Bestowed religion with the rest.Born with ourselves, her early swayI

2、nclines the tender mind to takeThe path of right, fair virtues way ts own felicity to make. This universally extends And leads to no mysterious ends.Religion, such as nature taught,With all divine perfection suits;Had all mankind this system soughtSophists would cease their vain disputes,And from th

3、is source would nations knowAll that can make their heaven below.This deals not curses on mankind,Or dooms them to perpetual grief,If from its aid-no joys they find,It damns them not for unbelief;Upon a more exalted planCreatress nature dealt with man-Joy to the day, when all agreeon such grand syst

4、ems to proceed,From fraud, design, and error free,And which to truth and goodness lead:Then persecution will retreatAnd mans religion be complete.On the Emigration to America and Peopling the Western CountryTo western woods, and lonely plains,Palemon from the crowd departs,Where Natures wildest geni

5、us reigns,To tame the soil, and plant the arts-What wonders there shall freedom show,What might states successive grow!From Europes proud, despotic shoresHither the stranger takes his way,And in our new found world exploresA happier soil, a milder sway,Where no proud despot holds him down,No slaves

6、insult him with a crown.What charming scenes attract the eye,On wild Ohios savage stream!There Nature reigns, whose works outvieThe boldest pattern art can frame;There ages past have rolled away,And forests bloomed but to decay.From these fair plains, these rural seats,So long concealed, so lately k

7、nown,The unsocial Indian far retreats,To make some other clime his own,When other streams, less pleasing flow,And darker forests round him grow.Great Sire of floods! whose varied waveThrough climes and countries take its way,To whom creating Nature gaveTen thousand streams to swell thy sway!No longe

8、r shall they useless prove,Nor idly through the forests rove;Nor longer shall your princely floodFrom distant lakes be swelled in vain,Nor longer through a darksome woodAdvance, unnoticed to the main,Far other ends, the heavens decree-And commerce plans new freights for thee.While virtue warms the g

9、enerous breast,There heaven-born freedom shall reside,Nor shall the voice of war molest,Nor Europes all-aspiring pride-There Reason shall new laws devise,And order from confusion rise.Forsaking kings and regal state,With all their pomp and fancied bliss,The traveller owns, convinced though late,No r

10、ealm so free, so blest as this-The east is half to slaves consigned,Where kings and priests enchain the mind.O come the time, and haste the day,When man shall man to longer crush,When Reason shall enforce her sway,Nor these fair regions raise our blush,Where still the African complains,And mourns hi

11、s yet unbroken chains.Far brighter scenes a future age,The muse predicts, these States will hail,Whose genius may the world engage,Whose deeds may over death prevail,And happier systems bring to viewThan all the eastern sages knew. To Sir Toby,If there exists a hell the case is clear Sir Tobys slave

12、s enjoy that portion here:Here are no blazing brimstone lakes tis true;But kindled Rum too often burns as blue;In which some fiend, whom nature must detest,Steeps Tobys brand, and marks poor Cudjoes breast.Here whips on whips excite perpetual fears,And mingles howlings vibrate on my ears:Here nature

13、s plagues abound, to fret and teaze,Snakes, scorpions, despots, lizards, centipees No art, no care escapes the busy lash; All have their dues - and all are paid in cash -The eternal driver keeps a steady eyeOn a black herd, who would his vengeance fly,But chained, imprisoned, on a burning soil,For t

14、he mean avarice of a tyrant, toil!The lengthy cart-whip guards this monsters reign And cracks, like pistols, from the fields of cane.Ye powers! who formed these wretched tribes, relate,What had they done, to merit such a fate!Why were they brought from Eboes sultry waste,To see that plenty which the

15、y must not taste Food, which they cannot buy, and dare not steal;Yams and potatoes many a scanty meal! One, with a gibbet wakes his negros fears,One to the windmill nails him by the ears;One keeps his slave in darkened dens, unfed,One puts the wretch in pickle ere hes dead:This, from a tree suspends him by the thumbs,That, from his table grudges even the crumbs!Oer yond rough hills a tribe of females go,Each with her gourd, her infant, and her hoe;Scorched by a sun that has no mercy here,Driven by a dev

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