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货运代理英语课文讲义 货运代理考试 考试重点 难点 真题.docx

1、货运代理英语课文讲义 货运代理考试 考试重点 难点 真题2010年国际货运代理货代英语第一章讲义国际贸易的定义及重要性英文原文:International trade is the exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories.注释:exchange: 交换,汇兑 (另外常用的一个短语:foreign exchange: 外汇)border: 边(界, 缘, 境); 界线 territory: 领土, 领地, 版图, 地区, 活动范围中文意思:国际贸易是指跨越各国国境或领

2、土的资本、货物和服务的交换活动。2、国际贸易重要性的表现英文原文:In most countries, it represents a significant share of gross domestic product (GDP).注释:represent: 表现, 表示, 描绘, 讲述, 代表, 象征 significant: 重要的, 重大的, 值得注意的 share: 份额 gross domestic product: 国内生产总值中文意思:在大多数国家,国际贸易占国内生产总值很大的比重。英文原文:While international trade has been present

3、 throughout much of history, its economic, social, and political importance has been on the rise in recent centuries.注释:throughout:遍及,贯穿economic: 经济(上)的,经济学的 social: 社会的,社会上的 political: 政治上的,政治的 importance: 重要(性),重要方面(意义)on the rise: 在上涨,在增长 recent: 近来的 century: 世纪中文意思:国际贸易在整个历史发展过程中也得到了体现,国际贸易在经济、社

4、会、政治等方面的重要性在近几个世纪的发展中不断增长。转自环 球 网 校英文原文:Industrialization, advanced transportation, globalization, multinational corporations, and outsourcing are all having a major impact on the international trade system.注释:industrialization: 工业化,产业化 advanced transportation: 先进的运输 globalization: 全球化 multinational

5、 corporation: 跨(多)国公司 (multinational: 多国的,跨国的)outsourcing: 商 外部采办,外购,外包 major: 较大的,主要的 impact on: 对冲击,碰撞;影响 international trade system: 国际贸易体系中文意思:工业化、先进的运输、全球化、跨国公司和外包服务等方面的发展对国际贸易体系都产生了较大的影响。英文原文:Increasing international trade is crucial to the continuance of globalization.注释:increasing(increase):

6、 使(体积, 数量, 强度, 程度, 力量等)增大或增长 be crucial to (sth): 对来说是至关重要的(crucial: 决定性的, 重要的, 严厉的)continuance:继续, 停留, 持续中文意思:国际贸易增长对全球化的持续发展是至关重要的。英文原文:International trade is a major source of economic revenue for any nation that is considered a world power. Without international trade, nations would be limited t

7、o the goods and services produced within their own borders.注释:source: 来源,根源 economic revenue: 经济收入(revenue: 收入,收益,税收)be considered: 被看作是,被认为是(consider: 认为,考虑)world power: 世界强国 be limited to: 局限于,被限制在上 produce: 生产,制造中文意思:对于任何一个称为世界强国的国家来说,国际贸易是其经济收入的主要来源。没有国际贸易,该国的经济将仅限于本国境内的货物和服务的生产制造。国际贸易和国内贸易的差异 1

8、、成本差异转自环 球 网 校 英文原文:International trade is typically more costly than domestic trade. The reason is that crossing a national border typically involves additional costs such as tariffs, time costs due to border delays, and costs associated with country differences such as language, the legal system,

9、or a different culture.注释:typically: (typical) 代表性地,典型地 costly: (cost) 昂贵的, 代价(费用)高的, 费用大的 domestic trade:国内贸易 national border: 国界 involve: 包括, 使陷于,卷入,涉及 additional: 附加的,另外的 tariff: 关税 due to: 由于 delay: 耽搁,延迟 associate with:与联系在一起,联合 difference: 差异 legal system: 法律制度,法律体系中文意思:国际贸易中的成本通常会明显高于国内贸易。原因是

10、国际贸易通过一个国境时通常会产生附加的成本,比如关税,边境延误产生的时间成本,以及由于国与国之间语言、法律体制或者文化等方面的差异所产生的成本。2、生产要素差异英文原文:Another difference between domestic and international trade is that factors of production such as capital and labor are typically more mobile within a country than across national borders.注释:factors of production: 生

11、产要素 capital and labor: 资本和劳动力 mobile: 移动的,流动的中文意思:国内贸易与国际贸易的另一个差异在于生产要素的流动,比如资本和劳动力在一国国内的流动比跨越国境的流动要容易得多。转自环 球 网 校英文原文:Thus, international trade is mostly restricted to trade in goods and services.注释:mostly: (most) 主要地 be restricted to: 仅限于,限制在 (restrict: 限制,约束)中文意思:如此一来,国际贸易主要限于货物和服务的交易。英文原文:Then,

12、trade in goods and services can serve as a substitute for trade in factors of production. Instead of importing the factor of production, a country can import goods that make intensive use of the factor of production and are thus embodying the respective factor.注释:serve as: 被用作., 充当., 起.的作用 substitut

13、e: 代替品,代替物 instead of: 代替,而不是 intensive: 密集的,精深的,加强的 embodying (embody): 体现,包括,包含 respective: 各自的,分别的中文意思:那么,货物与服务的贸易可替代生产要素的贸易。一国可进口生产要素密集型的货物,这一货物分别包含了各生产要素,而不用进口生产要素。英文原文:An example is the import of labor-intensive goods by the United States from China. Instead of importing labor, the United Stat

14、es is importing goods from China that were produced with Chinese labor.注释:an example: 举例,例子 labor-intensive: 劳动密集型的 United States: 美国中文意思:例如美国从中国进口劳动密集型的货物。美国从中国进口的是用中国劳动力生产的货物而不是进口劳动力。3、国际经济的命脉英文原文:International trade is also a branch of economics, which, together with international finance, forms

15、the larger branch of international economics.注释:branch: 分支,支系 together with: 和,加之;共同,一起 international finance: 国际金融 form: 构成,形成,组成中文意思:国际贸易是经济的一条命脉,它与国际金融共同构成了国际经济更大的命脉。国际贸易主要包括了两个方面的风险:经济风险和政治风险。 1、经济风险转自环 球 网 校英文原文:Economic risks include the risk of insolvency of the buyer; the risk of the failure of the buyer to pay the amount due within six months after the due date; the risk of non-acceptance; the risk of exchange rate, and so on.注释:include: 包括,包含 insolvency: 无力偿还,破产 failure: 失败,无支付能力 amount: 金额,款额 due: 到期的,应付的 non-acceptance: 不接受, 不兑现, 拒绝承兑 exch

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